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#9897 closed defect (fixed)

Frequent panics on Mac OS X when shutting down/starting VMs.

回報者: jglogan 負責人:
元件: VM control 版本: VirtualBox 4.1.6
關鍵字: panic 副本:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Mac OS X

描述 (由 Frank Mehnert 作最後更新)

After the 4.1.4 upgrade, I've seen frequent system panics around VM startup/shutdown time. I'm running

Details, including multiple crash dump summaries, are in Others in the thread have reported the issue on OS X 10.7 also.

更動歷史 (94)

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Latest crash report file.

comment:1 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

So your problems started after the upgrade to VBox 4.1.4 (not 4.1.6), is that correct?

comment:2 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Yes, that is true. The problem became noticeably frequent after my 4.1.4 upgrade, and upgrading to 4.1.6 did not seem to impact the frequency one way or the other.

comment:3 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Occurred again just after shutdown of 10.04LTS VM, attaching another panic file.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Panic occurred about 5-10 sec after VM transitioned to stopped state in VirtualBox Manager.

comment:4 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

One thing I'm noticing is that I'm not seeing the panic if I only have one virtual machine running and I shut it down, start it up, shut it down, and so on. It only seems to occur if I have two or more VMs running and I shut one down.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Another post-shutdown panic.

comment:5 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Additional comments on the forum thread indicate that the issue might present itself only when installed RAM > 4GB.

comment:6 13 年 前Scott Heffner 編輯

I am having the same issue with 4.1.4, running on an Xserve with 12 GB of RAM, 10.6.8. I have two VMs, one Linux and the other Windows Server 2003. The kernel panic occurs when I shut one of the VMs down while the other is running. The problem does not occur when I restart a VM.

13 年 前Scott Heffner 編輯

Kernel Panic after shutting down Windows 2003 VM

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Panic on 12/12.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Hooray...two panics in one hour!

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Switched to Ubuntu 11.10 guest, panic still happening.

comment:7 13 年 前roamdad 編輯

Mac OS X V10.7.2, 8GB 1333 Mhz Core I7. Original VBox 4.1.6 install and migrating from vmware. After 6 panics while migrating 32 and 64 bit guest VMs, downgraded to 4.0.14 r74382 suggested in other kernel panic threads. Rock steady in 4.0.14. Tried eliminating dual guest cpu and IO APIC, but still kernel panics. Last 3 panics were definitely on shutdown of guest machines.

13 年 前roamdad 編輯

Panic dump with VirtualBox as last thread

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Crash occurred with 4.1.8.

comment:8 13 年 前Hank Roberts 編輯

See also: (same issue) and: System instability - OS X kernel panics - with 4.1.4?

Seems pretty clear the problem started after 4.0.14 and persists for some of us. VBox 4.1.x through the current one More than one VM open Panic when one closes Not reproducible or consistent from what's in the blog post reports.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Another 4.1.8 crash

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

4.1.8 crash

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Another 4.1.8 crash :|

13 年 前skoczko 編輯

Kernel panic log

comment:9 13 年 前skoczko 編輯

Same situation here - kernel panic when shutting down debian6 or centos5 VMs. Kernel panic log attached.

virtualbox 4.1.8 OS X 10.6.8

comment:10 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

One thing that I have noticed is that if I run two Ubuntu 11.10 VMs concurrently, one 1GB and one 512MB, I have yet to see the problem.

When I have seen the problem in the past, it is when I am running my dev VM (Ubuntu 11.10, 3GB base memory) and a 1GB Ubuntu 11.10 test VM.

This smells like a page table issue; wonder if there's a 32bit-ism somewhere that's causing this.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

4.1.8 crash, shutting down 512MB VM while running 1GB VM

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Another crash.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Crash on shutdown of VM with no other VMs running.

comment:11 13 年 前Tino Wu 編輯

Same here for VirtualBox 4.1.10 on OS X 10.7.3.

comment:12 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Still no clue. It could be also related to 3D acceleration so it would be interesting if this host panics occur with disabled 3D (in VM settings) as well. And we are also interested in getting more crash logs, if possible for VirtualBox 4.1.10.

comment:13 13 年 前Dara 編輯

I experienced an OS X crash as well when shutting down a IE8 VM ( I'm running macbook pro 10.7.3 and Virtual Box 4.1.10 r76795.


13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Just hit my first 4.1.10 crash.

comment:14 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

I'm generally not running 3D acceleration on my guests (according to my VM settings anyway) and I still see crashes.

comment:15 13 年 前cgallery 編輯

Found wide-spread complaints of Lion kernel panics (not VirtualBox-related) that seem to indicate that wifi (Airport) was the culprit. So I disabled my Airport connection on the MB Air I'm running and low and behold, I'm able to run without any crashes. Ten restarts of Win7 64-bit w/ Airport disabled, no errors. Enable Airport, and I get crashes two on ten reboots.

I wish the MB Air had an actual Ethernet port so I could determine whether that worked. That is, if it is a larger networking issue, or just the Airport. Here is an Apple thread on the issue:

comment:16 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Thanks for all the crash reports. cgallery, interesting observation. Which VBox networking modes are you (all reporters in this ticket) using? NAT or 'Bridged Networking'?

comment:17 13 年 前Hank Roberts 編輯

Bridged, always (my crash reports are in one of the other threads, same issue tho')

最後由 Hank Roberts 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:18 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

I use both. My dev machine uses NAT, while my test systems are bridged. The common failure case for me I have a dev and test system running, and I wrap up using a test system and power it down.

As indicated by others (and I've uploaded at least one panic dump for this case also) it is possible to hit this when shutting down the only running VM also.

@cgallery: The bit about wifi is interesting in my case, also. The one panic I've encountered since the 4.1.10 update occurred while I was on the road using wifi; at home, I hadn't hit a panic since the update. I'll keep an eye on this. However, prior to the 4.1.10 update I'm fairly sure I hit this problem with wifi disabled, since my default home setup is to run wired and turn wifi off.

回覆:  16 comment:19 13 年 前roamdad 編輯

Replying to frank:

Thanks for all the crash reports. cgallery, interesting observation. Which VBox networking modes are you (all reporters in this ticket) using? NAT or 'Bridged Networking'?

Wireless turned off and only using wired ethernet. Using bridged and host-only.

comment:20 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

We posted a 4.1.15 test build at the Downloads page. Could you test if this build fixes the problems you observe?

comment:21 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Hi Frank,

It might be a little late for me to be able to test this meaningfully. I just posted my current state on the forum:

I've been running trouble-free with a mix of Ubuntu 11.10 and Windows 8 guests after my Lion upgrade. I believe I went from 10.6.8 to 10.7.3.

I see the final state of my VM as "Aborted" often after system shutdown completed, and I'm pretty sure there's a localhost crash dump associated with each of these. AFAICT these don't affect the system at all, though - they've never occurred while my system is still running.

So, for me this particular issue seemed to be specific to 10.6.x. I never ran 10.7 before 10.7.3, so I can't comment on whether the panic-on-shutdown problem is an issue there.

最後由 jglogan 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:22 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

I went ahead and downloaded and installed 4.1.15, and tomorrow I'll spend an hour stress-testing it to see if I can get a panic to happen. Thanks!

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

Crash during 4.1.15 stress test - not directly following shutdown.

comment:23 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

I got through about 20 minutes of stress testing, starting and shutting down 1GB Linux VMs around 10 times while my 4GB dev system was doing a large build.

The system paniced on me (see attached file), but not immediately after a shutdown. Running 6GB of VMs on an 8GB system along with host apps is much more than I'd typically ask of my system, though.

回覆:  23 comment:24 13 年 前vasily Levchenko 編輯

Replying to jglogan:

I got through about 20 minutes of stress testing, starting and shutting down 1GB Linux VMs around 10 times while my 4GB dev system was doing a large build.

The system paniced on me (see attached file), but not immediately after a shutdown. Running 6GB of VMs on an 8GB system along with host apps is much more than I'd typically ask of my system, though.

Could you please, repeat your test with following prerequisites:

# kextstat > kext.txt

And then attach the kext.txt with VBox.log of failed session and panic report, that information will give us a chance to restore the trace from Apple panic format.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

附檔: 新增

Panic file with kextstat output, OS X 10.7.4.

13 年 前jglogan 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBox.log

VBox.log file to go with preceding panic log and kext.txt.

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

comment:25 13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

I've got the same problem; a crashing OS X after frequent startup/shutdown of VM's. Some of my observations:

  • it can take up to a couple of minutes after VM shutdown for OS X to crash.
  • inpendent of the guest OS. (debian/freebsd/win7/winxp)
  • independent of 32/64 bit guest os. (Initially I used 32, and now 64, but there's no difference in frequency of crashes)
  • Independent of virtual harddisk (vdi/vmdk)
  • I'm pretty sure that the problem started on Virtualbox 4.0.x on SL. Now running Lion with recent 4.1.x.
  • can reproduce the problem on two mac mini's. One with core2duo and 6GB, and an i5 with 8GB. I have run a thorough hardware check on one of the machines.

All my guest os'es have a bridged and vboxnet interface. Attached are some of my crash reports. I don't have a kextstat output available at the moment.

Hope this helps.

comment:26 13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

Today I've done more than 100 stop/starts of VM's, and I've found an easy way to reproduce the problem. This problem is definitely network related. Basically, you have to generate traffic thru a vm, and reboot another vm. In my case, I use the Iron browser to download something from the internet, with a proxy (privoxy) on one of the VM's. I then reboot two other VM's. I can now reproduce the problem in less than about 5 reboots.

So this is the setup (see also vm-crash-note.txt in the attachment. The web frontend breaks my ascii art...)

Lion VM1 (debian/64)

(Iron browser) --vboxnet0---> (privoxy) -----bridged (en0)-----> internet

Then start/stop VM2 and VM3 a couple of times (also Debian6/64)

(Probably unrelated: I use Little Snitch (2.4.4), and PF, but disabling the filter does not make a difference)

最後由 Shebang42 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

13 年 前Shebang42 編輯

comment:27 13 年 前Antoine 編輯

I'm seeing the same crashing behaviour, only when stopping a VM. I'm on OSX 10.7.4 and running the new VBox 4.1.16, I've seen those crashes with previous versions of the 4.1.x series (not sure exactly from which it started). The guests I run are Debian 6 or CentOS 5 and 6. I'm not using the wifi connection from my mac-mini.

Here I upload the last crash I've seen when shutting down 3 VM at about the same time and having a 4th VM still running.

13 年 前Antoine 編輯

附檔: 新增

Crash with 3 shuting down guests and a 4th one still running.

comment:28 13 年 前Antoine 編輯

Included in the previous zip file: 4 VBox.log, the kernel panic output and the kextstat output.

comment:29 13 年 前orval 編輯

I am seeing these panics also. As is my colleague. I have a panic log, kext.txt and VBox.log that I'll attach now.

I'd suggest this is more than a major. We are currently in the process of porting to libvirt so that we can move off VirtualBox. It's just too flakey.

13 年 前orval 編輯

附檔: 新增 kext.txt

References comment 29

13 年 前orval 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBox.2.log

References comment 29

13 年 前orval 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBox.3.log

13 年 前orval 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBcrash.log

References comment 29

comment:30 13 年 前phocean 編輯

Same issue with VirtualBox 4.1.16 and Lion 10.7.4... I downgraded to version 4.0.16 and so far so good. I will update here if it happened again.

最後由 phocean 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:31 13 年 前Antoine 編輯

I also had to downgrade to 4.0.16. And the new 4.1.18 doesn't seem to solve anything related to our issue.

comment:32 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Right, VBox 4.1.18 does not contain fixes for this issue as we still don't know the reason but it's at least a valid information if 4.0.16 works for you without any problems.

comment:33 13 年 前JessePeterson 編輯

I might ask what specific Mac hardware individuals are using who are seeing this issue? Ticket #3783 had NIC-specific networking changes which only applied to Mac Pro and Xserve hardware (at least I think those are the only models that had the specific controller). Just thought I'd bring it up as networking issues may be a possible link--not necessarily a regression here but perhaps just something hardware related.

For my part I've seen what seems to be this issue using an Xserve2,1 running Mac OS X Server 10.6.8 when starting and stopping a Win 2008 Server VM multiple times.

Thanks everyone!

comment:34 13 年 前Hank Roberts 編輯

Mini, mid-2011, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 12GB 1333mHz DDR3 OS X 10.7.4

comment:35 13 年 前Tino Wu 編輯

Macbook Pro 8,1, early 2011, 2.3G Core i5, 8GB DDR3, running OS X 10.7.4.

comment:36 13 年 前roamdad 編輯

Mac mini, 2 GHz Intel Core i7, 4 Cores, 8GB 1333mHz DDR3, OS X Server 10.7.4, Wi-Fi Turned off. Reverted to 4.0.14 r74382 for stability. Haven't tried 4.0.16.

comment:37 13 年 前Antoine 編輯

Mac mini late 2009 (Macmini3,1), 2.53 GHz Core2Duo, 8GB DDR3, OSX 10.7.4, wifi off.

comment:39 13 年 前berto 編輯

This is killing me on a Retina Macbook Pro. I experience this crash multiple times a day.

I agree with the problem being network related when more than one VM is involved. My setup includes multiple VMs where one acts as a router for all other systems. It runs DNSmasq and has IPtables configured to route traffic from the internal interface eth1 and out to the internet via eth0. In addition to the router VM I also have two additional "permanent" VMs: one that is running a Puppet server and another that is running APT-cacher.

The router VM has the following network interfaces:

  • Adapter 1: NAT, Adapter Type: PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)
    • eth0 setup with dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces
    • single port forward: host port 10022 to the VM's port 22
  • Adapter 2: Internal Network, Adapter Type: PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)
    • eth1 setup with a static IP:

All other VMs in this setup only have an Internal Network adapter:

  • Internal Network, Adapter Type: PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)
    • eth0 setup with dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces; IP comes from DNSmasq running on router VM

I am using the PCnet-PCI II adapter because the default Intel PRO / 1000 MT Desktop adapter would choke when using this router setup. Basically there would be large timeout periods per request for data over the network, e.g. each .deb would take forever when running apt-get upgrade through the router VM.

When a new VM is brought up, its /etc/apt/sources.list file is updated to point to the apt-cacher server instead of directly out to APT servers on the internet.

I can't confirm exactly when the problem happens, but it feels it happens most when the router VM is shut down than anything else.

Hope this helps fix the problem, it SUCKS!


comment:40 13 年 前Jelmer 編輯

It's completely unworkable right now..

Had the issue under osx lion 4.1.16.

I tried disabling wifi, same problem I tried upgrading to 4.1.20, same problem. I tried downgrading to 4.0.16, same problem

I tried upgrading to osx mountain lion, same problem

It's pretty consistently reproducible when :

  • i use vagrant to start 3 linux boxes. (1 ubuntu, 2 sles 11)
  • i enable sandboxing on the 2 sles machines (sahara plugin for vagrant)
  • interact with 1 of the sles machines over the network (browser based testing using selenium webdriver)
  • rollback my 2 sandboxes to a previous state

about 70% of the time I get a kernel panic

My machine is a 15 inch 2011 macbook pro (the first one with thunderbolt) which has a core 2,2 ghz core i7 processor and 8gb 1333hmz ddr3 memory

最後由 Jelmer 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:41 13 年 前jtimberman 編輯

Another Vagrant power user here.

I regularly experience VirtualBox (VBoxManage, usually) crashing my OS X systems.

Operating system: Mountain Lion 10.8.1. I also experienced this on various releases of Lion and Mountain Lion 10.8.0.

VirtualBox Version: 4.1.18, 4.1.20. Probably earlier versions.

The crashes *always* occur when shutting down guest machines, either directly through VirtualBox, or through "vagrant destroy".

Several members of our team have this issue, too.

Fortunately the author of Vagrant is decoupling it from VirtualBox, so another hypervisor will be usable for Vagrant, since VirtualBox has proved largely instable and unreliable.

comment:42 13 年 前OlegL 編輯

dear all,

I have Mac OS 10.8.2, VirtualBox 4.1.20 r80170.

My guests are Scientific Linux 5 and 6 and Ubuntu 11

I have posted a script to install, start, stop and uninstall VM:

Everything works well under Mac OS 10.6 and 10.7

Under Mac OS 10.8, the script can cleanly install and start VM, even with other running VM.
But if there are running VM, uninstalling procedure crashes my Mac (I can not provide log, since crash looses logs...)

So I guess the problem comes from one of the following:

$> VBoxManage storageattach ... --medium none
$> VBoxManage closemedium ...
$> VBoxManage unregistervm ...

I have also tried with VB < 4.1.20 and even VB 4.2 RC3.
Still the same problems.

hope this helps,


最後由 OlegL 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:43 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Hey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We actually found and fixed a bug which is most likely responsible for all these host panics. It affects only 32-bit hosts and Mac OS X hosts. We are doing some more tests. You can expect a 4.1.22 bugfix release soon.

comment:44 13 年 前jglogan 編輯

That's great news, Frank. Just out of professional curiosity, what was the root cause for the bug you fixed? I noticed in another bug report that the problem on 32-bit hosts might have been correlated with nested paging being enabled.

Also, has the bugfix been ported forward to the 4.2 branch, or will it be soon?

Also, I think bug 9359 is a duplicate and has a lot of folks following it; I'm going to copy/paste your comment there.

comment:45 13 年 前michaln 編輯

The root cause was kernel memory corruption when shutting down a VM while at least one other VM was running. This only affected 32-bit hosts plus 64-bit OS X (but not 64-bit Windows/Linux/Solaris). Since the memory corruption was unpredictable, it might do nothing bad at all or it might crash the host. Especially on systems with relatively large amount of free memory, this bug tended to remain hidden. On the other hand, it could also crash the system after the last VM had been shut down.

This had absolutely nothing to do with nested paging BTW. If someone thought nested paging, networking, 3D or anything like that had any effect on this bug, they simply drew incorrect conclusions from essentially random data (which is very tempting).

And yes, the 4.2 release will of course include the fix :)

comment:46 13 年 前Hank Roberts 編輯

aside -- Any chance whatever this bug did to memory could be blamed for random crashes of other applications at later times? A Mac store 'genius' guy some months ago couldn't explain the high number of panics I get, but said since I'd been running VBox, it might have made other apps unpredictably unstable. Other software developers, looking at crash logs, see random stuff, 'all over the place', that they can't explain, involved in crashes. (Yes, Apple took the Mini and did the hardware stress test. All ok).

comment:47 13 年 前michaln 編輯

Depends on what you mean by "random crashes of other application". Kernel panics, yes. Application crashes ("app quit unexpectedly"), probably not. But the actual application which was active during the kernel panic was often not VirtualBox. Which made all the panic logs that people submitted kind of useless, unfortunately - there kernel panics were not pointing in any particular direction, just random crashes (seemingly always page faults).

Also note that only closing of VMs while other VMs were running triggered this, not running a VM (or VMs).

comment:48 13 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

狀態: newclosed
處理結果: fixed

Fix is in 4.1.22.

comment:49 13 年 前B.Sam 編輯

I can't believe this bug has been finally fixed. thank you guys :)

comment:50 13 年 前Ramshankar Venkataraman 編輯

This was actually an early 4.0.16 - 4.1 regression and reproducing it easily helped. Triggering shutdown of parallel VMs.

最後由 Ramshankar Venkataraman 編輯於 13 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:51 13 年 前OlegL 編輯


I'm testing 4.1.22 ASAP and report test results :)


comment:52 13 年 前OlegL 編輯

Seems better: uninstall does not crash my Mac OS 10.8 :)

thanks for that great job, Oleg

10 年 前Fane 編輯

附檔: 新增 VB Panic

Crash report

comment:53 10 年 前Fane 編輯

I Still have this problem. I think.

VB = 4.3.26

I added the crash report: VB Panic

comment:54 10 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Fane, please open a separate ticket. Your crash is completely different from the one described here. Your crash is related to SMAP on Mac OS X. I guess your Mac is very new (Intel Broadwell or newer).

comment:55 10 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Oh, and could you also provide the output of 'sudo dmesg' and attach it to this ticket? There is no need to start a VM, just make sure that VirtualBox 4.3.26 is installed on your system.

comment:56 10 年 前Fane 編輯

I got not much in the dmesg output.

I'll create another ticket. Thanks :)

Cloud You give me a hint with the ticket name, so it makes sense ?

VirtualBox version is 4.3.26.

最後由 Fane 編輯於 10 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

回覆:  56 comment:57 10 年 前Frank Mehnert 編輯

Replying to Fane:

Cloud You give me a hint with the ticket name, so it makes sense ?

Use "Panic on OSX on recent Intel CPUs (SMAP)".

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