版本 154 和 WikiStart 的 版本 155 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2009-4-29 上午08:16:38 (16 年 前)
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v154 v155 17 17 Apr 8, 2009<br>VirtualBox 2.2.0 released!</b><br> 18 18 Sun today released VirtualBox 2.2.0 which marks another major milestone for the world's most popular free and open source hypervisor. Among the many improvements are support for OVF appliances, 3D acceleration for Linux/Solaris guests and support for up to 16GB of RAM per virtual machine. See the <a href="/wiki/Changelog"> ChangeLog</a> for a list of changes since VirtualBox 2.1. 19 </li>20 21 <li>22 <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px;">New</span>23 Mar 3, 2009<br>VirtualBox forums updated!</b><br>24 The VirtualBox <a href="http://forums.virtualbox.org">user forum</a> was updated to the latest phpBB3 forum software which greatly improves the usability of the forum.25 19 </li> 26 20