版本 92 和 News 的 版本 93 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2012-11-26 上午11:38:26 (12 年 前)
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v92 v93 1 1 = News = 2 3 '''October 18th, 2012.''' !VirtualBox 4.2.2 released! Oracle today released !VirtualBox 4.2.2, a maintenance release of !VirtualBox 4.2 which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the [wiki:Changelog ChangeLog] for details. 2 4 3 5 '''September 13th, 2012.''' !VirtualBox 4.2 released! Read the official [http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/1842885 press release] for more details. There is also a nice [https://blogs.oracle.com/fatbloke/entry/what_s_new_in_oracle blog] with some more explanations. And read the [wiki:Changelog ChangeLog] for a detailed list of fixes since !VirtualBox 4.1.