版本 7 和 Licensing_FAQ 的 版本 8 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2010-5-19 上午08:52:09 (15 年 前)
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v7 v8 41 41 8. '''Which guidelines apply to the use of the name ''!VirtualBox''?''' 42 42 43 The term ''!VirtualBox'' has been registered by Oracle as a trademark in various countries. It may be freely used together with the products available from this web site. However, if you choose to ship custom binaries and/or source code revisions of the product, Sunreserves the right to deny use of the trademark ''!VirtualBox''. This might seem rather strict but we believe that it is important to avoid any kind of confusion arising from multiple versions of the same product coming from different sources.43 The term ''!VirtualBox'' has been registered by Oracle as a trademark in various countries. It may be freely used together with the products available from this web site. However, if you choose to ship custom binaries and/or source code revisions of the product, Oracle reserves the right to deny use of the trademark ''!VirtualBox''. This might seem rather strict but we believe that it is important to avoid any kind of confusion arising from multiple versions of the same product coming from different sources.