版本 20 和 Licensing_FAQ 的 版本 21 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2024-5-17 上午10:06:25 (10 月 前)
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v20 v21 5 5 1. '''How is !VirtualBox licensed?''' 6 6 7 The !VirtualBox base package contains the full !VirtualBox source code and platform binaries and is licensed under the [wiki:"GPLv3" GNU General Public License, version 3] (older versions of !VirtualBox before version 7.0 were licensed under [wiki:"GPL" GPLv2] . You can distribute and modify the base package, provided that you distribute all modifications under the applicable GPL version as well.7 The !VirtualBox base package contains the full !VirtualBox source code and platform binaries and is licensed under the [wiki:"GPLv3" GNU General Public License, version 3] (older versions of !VirtualBox before version 7.0 were licensed under [wiki:"GPL" GPLv2]). You can distribute and modify the base package, provided that you distribute all modifications under the applicable GPL version as well. 8 8 9 9 The !VirtualBox Extension Pack is available under the [wiki:"VirtualBox_PUEL" VirtualBox Extension Pack Personal Use and Evaluation License], which is a free license for personal, educational or evaluation use, or an Enterprise License, which is a for-fee license that allows most commercial, non-distribution uses restricted by the PUEL.