版本 13 和 Licensing_FAQ 的 版本 14 之間的變動
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- 2018-3-14 上午10:54:41 (7 年 前)
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v13 v14 11 11 More information about the Oracle VM !VirtualBox Enterprise License for the !VirtualBox Extension Pack can be found on the [http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/virtualization/virtualbox/overview/index.html Oracle VM VirtualBox] pages, which also contains a link to the [https://shop.oracle.com/apex/f?p=dstore:product:25714122115624::NO:RP,6:P6_LPI,P6_PPI:114347640102492137513432 Oracle Store] where you can directly buy licenses. Please contact Oracle for additional information. 12 12 13 For information about a license to distribute the !VirtualBox Extension Pack, please contact [mailto:[email protected] ].13 For information about a license to distribute the !VirtualBox Extension Pack, please contact [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]. 14 14 15 15 2. '''Will the licensing terms of the !VirtualBox base package be changed in the future?''' … … 49 49 9. '''Can I redistribute the !VirtualBox Extension Pack?''' 50 50 51 Not without a special license from Oracle. Neither the [wiki:"VirtualBox_PUEL" Personal Use and Evaluation License] nor the Oracle VM !VirtualBox Extension Pack Enterprise license allows you to distribute the !VirtualBox Extension Pack binaries. Unless you obtain a separate license from Oracle, you may not make them available on your own websites or other mirrors or distribute them in any other way. If you are interested in obtaining a distribution license, please contact [mailto:[email protected] ].51 Not without a special license from Oracle. Neither the [wiki:"VirtualBox_PUEL" Personal Use and Evaluation License] nor the Oracle VM !VirtualBox Extension Pack Enterprise license allows you to distribute the !VirtualBox Extension Pack binaries. Unless you obtain a separate license from Oracle, you may not make them available on your own websites or other mirrors or distribute them in any other way. If you are interested in obtaining a distribution license, please contact [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]. 52 52 53 53 10. '''Which guidelines apply to the use of the name ''!VirtualBox''?'''