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- 2007-6-6 上午07:32:51 (18 年 前)
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v67 v68 9 9 The !VirtualBox User Manual is included in the !VirtualBox release below. If, however, you would like to take a look at it without having to install the whole thing, you can download it in PDF format here: 10 10 11 * [/download/UserManual.pdf User Manual] (current development snapshot, updated 2007-0 3-14)11 * [/download/UserManual.pdf User Manual] (current development snapshot, updated 2007-06-06) 12 12 13 13 You will need a PDF reader such as [http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Adobe Reader] to view this file. Most Linux systems will have a PDF reader installed by default. … … 17 17 The '''!VirtualBox''' binaries are available free of charge for personal and evaluation use. By downloading from the below links, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the [wiki:"VirtualBox_PUEL" VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL)]. 18 18 19 * [/download/1. 3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Win_x86.msi VirtualBox 1.3.8for Windows Hosts]19 * [/download/1.4.0/VirtualBox_1.4.0_Win_x86.msi VirtualBox 1.4.0 for Windows Hosts] 20 20 21 21 * [/download/testcase/VirtualBox_Beta1.dmg VirtualBox for OS X Hosts] (Beta 1; Intel Macs only) 22 22 23 * !VirtualBox 1.3.8 for Linux Hosts: 24 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn")] 25 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_edgy_i386.deb Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft")] 26 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_dapper_i386.deb Ubuntu 6.06 LTS ("Dapper Drake")] 27 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Debian_sarge_i386.deb Debian 3.1 ("Sarge")] 28 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Debian_etch_i386.deb Debian 4.0 ("Etch")] 29 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox-1.3.8_openSUSE102-2.i586.rpm.run openSUSE 10.2] 30 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox-1.3.8_mdv2007.1-1.i586.rpm.run Mandriva Linux 2007.1] 31 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox-1.3.8_rhel4-1.i586.rpm.run Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4] 32 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Linux_x86.run Univention Corporate Server 1.3-2] 33 * [/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Linux_x86.run All distributions] 23 * !VirtualBox 1.4.0 for Linux Hosts: 24 * Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn) [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb i386] | [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_amd64.deb AMD64] 25 * Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft") [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_edgy_i386.deb i386] 26 * Ubuntu 6.06 LTS ("Dapper Drake") [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_dapper_i386.deb i386] 27 * Debian 4.0 ("Etch") [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Debian_etch_i386.deb i386] | [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Debian_etch_amd64.deb AMD64] 28 * Debian 3.1 ("Sarge") [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Debian_sarge_i386.deb i386] 29 * openSUSE 10.2 [/download/1.4.0/ i386] | [/download/1.4.0/ AMD64] 30 * Mandriva 2007.1 [/download/1.4.0/ i386] 31 * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ("RHEL4") [/download/1.4.0/ i386] 32 * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ("RHEL5") [/download/1.4.0/ i386] 33 * Xandros Desktop 4.1 [/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_xandros4.1_i386.deb i386] 34 * All distributions [/download/1.4.0/VirtualBox_1.4.0_Linux_x86.run i386] 34 35 35 36 You will need to install some additional libraries on your Linux system in order to run !VirtualBox - in particular, you will need libxalan-c, libxerces-c and version 5 of libstdc++. How to install these will depend on the Linux distribution you are using. … … 41 42 The '''!VirtualBox OSE''' sources are available free of charge under the terms and conditions of the [wiki:"GPL" GNU General Public License, Version 2]. By downloading from the below links, you agree to these terms and conditions. 42 43 43 * [/download/1. 3.8/VirtualBox-OSE-1.3.8.tar.bz2 VirtualBox 1.3.8OSE tarball]44 * [/download/1.4.0/VirtualBox-OSE-1.4.0.tar.bz2 VirtualBox 1.4.0 OSE tarball] 44 45 45 46 * '''[/browser/trunk Browse the source code repository]'''