版本 370 和 Downloads 的 版本 371 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2014-3-26 下午04:54:54 (11 年 前)
- 未更動
- 新增
- 刪除
- 修改
v370 v371 6 6 By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of the respective license. 7 7 8 [[span(style=color: #FF4444, Please note that the original 4.3.10 packages (revision number 92957) were replaced (revision number92995) due to a last-minute regression (#12868)!)]]8 [[span(style=color: #FF4444, Please note that the original 4.3.10 packages (revision 92957) were replaced (revision 92995) due to a last-minute regression (#12868)!)]] 9 9 10 10 * '''!VirtualBox platform packages'''. The binaries are released under the terms of the GPL version 2.