版本 31 和 Downloads 的 版本 32 之間的變動
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- 2007-1-14 下午03:17:24 (18 年 前)
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v31 v32 13 13 The '''!VirtualBox''' binaries are available free of charge for personal and evaluation use. By downloading from the below links, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the [wiki:"VirtualBox PUEL" VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License]. 14 14 15 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_ Win32_1_3_2.msi VirtualBox 1.3.2 for Windows Hosts]15 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Win_x86.msi VirtualBox 1.3.2 for Windows Hosts] 16 16 17 17 * !VirtualBox 1.3.2 for Linux Hosts: 18 * [/download/1.3.2/ ubuntuUbuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft")]19 * [/download/1.3.2/ ubuntuUbuntu 6.06 LTS ("Dapper Drake")]20 * [/download/1.3.2/ debianDebian 4.0 ("Etch")]21 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_ Linux_1_3_2.run All distributions]18 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Ubuntu_Edgy_x86.deb Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft")] 19 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Ubuntu_Dapper_x86.deb Ubuntu 6.06 LTS ("Dapper Drake")] 20 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Debian_Etch_x86.deb Debian 4.0 ("Etch")] 21 * [/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Linux_x86.run All distributions] 22 22 23 23 Older versions can be found on [wiki:"Downloading VirtualBox (Old Builds)" this separate page].