版本 254 和 Downloads 的 版本 255 之間的變動
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- 2010-8-12 上午08:08:48 (15 年 前)
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v254 v255 23 23 '''Note:''' After upgrading !VirtualBox it is recommended to upgrade the guest additions as well. 24 24 25 == User manual== #manual25 == Documentation == #manual 26 26 27 27 The !VirtualBox User Manual is included in the !VirtualBox binaries above. If, however, you would like to take a look at it without having to install the whole thing, you can download it in PDF format here: … … 30 30 31 31 You will need a PDF reader such as [http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Adobe Reader] to view this file. Most Linux systems will have a PDF reader installed by default. 32 33 The Software Developers Kit programming guide is included in the SDK above. You can also have a look without downloading the whole package: 34 35 * [http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.2.8/SDKRef.pdf SDK Programming Guide] 32 36 33 37 [/manual/UserManual.html Here] you can read the User Manual online.