版本 234 和 Downloads 的 版本 235 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2010-3-26 上午10:00:01 (15 年 前)
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v234 v235 9 9 10 10 * '''!VirtualBox 3.1.6 for OS X hosts''' [http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.1.6/VirtualBox-3.1.6-59351-OSX.dmg Intel Macs][[BR]] 11 ''Due to an accident the original 3.1.6 Mac OS X package (build 59338) was broken. Please install the fixed package if you installed the broken package. Sorry for the inconveniences! ''11 ''Due to an accident the original 3.1.6 Mac OS X package (build 59338) was broken. Please install the fixed package if you installed the broken package. Sorry for the inconveniences! '' 12 12 13 13 * '''[wiki:Linux_Downloads VirtualBox 3.1.6 for Linux hosts]'''