版本 160 和 Downloads 的 版本 161 之間的變動
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- 2008-9-2 下午06:15:01 (17 年 前)
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v160 v161 3 3 Here, you will find links to !VirtualBox binaries and its source code. 4 4 5 == VirtualBox Binaries == 5 == VirtualBox binaries == 6 7 The binaries in this section are all released under the [wiki:"VirtualBox_PUEL" VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL)]. By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of that license. 8 6 9 * '''!VirtualBox 1.6.6 for Windows hosts''' [http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/1.6.6/VirtualBox-1.6.6-Win_x86.msi x86] | [http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/1.6.6/VirtualBox-1.6.6-Win_amd64.msi AMD64] ''(only on Windows x64!)'' 7 10