版本 115 和 Downloads 的 版本 116 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2008-2-6 下午01:52:33 (17 年 前)
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v115 v116 21 21 '''Warning: saved states and snapshots are not compatible between different versions of !VirtualBox. Merge all snapshots, restore all saved states and shutdown all VMs properly before attempting to upgrade.''' 22 22 23 * !VirtualBox 1.5.4 for Windows hosts[/download/1.5.4/VirtualBox_1.5.4_Win_x86.msi x86] | [/download/1.5.4/VirtualBox_1.5.4_Win_amd64.msi AMD64] ''(only on Windows x64!)''23 * '''!VirtualBox 1.5.4 for Windows hosts''' [/download/1.5.4/VirtualBox_1.5.4_Win_x86.msi x86] | [/download/1.5.4/VirtualBox_1.5.4_Win_amd64.msi AMD64] ''(only on Windows x64!)'' 24 24 25 * [/download/testcase/VirtualBox-osx-1.5.51-r27946-beta3.dmg VirtualBox for OS X Hosts](Beta 3; Intel Macs only)25 * '''[/download/testcase/VirtualBox-osx-1.5.51-r27946-beta3.dmg VirtualBox for OS X Hosts]''' (Beta 3; Intel Macs only) 26 26 27 * !VirtualBox 1.5.4 for Linux Hosts:27 * '''!VirtualBox 1.5.4 for Linux Hosts''': 28 28 * Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") [/download/1.5.4/virtualbox_1.5.4-27034_Ubuntu_gutsy_i386.deb i386] | [/download/1.5.4/virtualbox_1.5.4-27034_Ubuntu_gutsy_amd64.deb AMD64] 29 29 * Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn") [/download/1.5.4/virtualbox_1.5.4-27034_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb i386] | [/download/1.5.4/virtualbox_1.5.4-27034_Ubuntu_feisty_amd64.deb AMD64]