版本 20 和 Contributor_information 的 版本 21 之間的變動
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v20 v21 15 15 1. Fill out the [wiki:ICA "Contributor's Agreement"] (CA) and send it to Oracle. With the CA, you give Oracle permission to use your contribution under licenses other than the main !VirtualBox license. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event: once we have your CA, we will never again ask you to undergo any bureaucratic procedures, and all future contributions are covered. 16 16 17 2. If you don't want to sign such an agreement, you can alternatively submit your contribution under the [wiki:" MIT license"]. This is a liberal, wide-spread Open Source licensethat allows Oracle (and anyone else) to use your contribution in both open-source and closed-source projects.17 2. If you don't want to sign such an agreement, you can alternatively submit your contribution under the [wiki:"UPL license"] or if there is no other option under the [wiki:"MIT license"]. Both are liberal, wide-spread Open Source licenses that allows Oracle (and anyone else) to use your contribution in both open-source and closed-source projects. 18 18 19 Basically, the main difference between the two options is this: With the CA, a written statement is necessary, but then ''only'' Oracle is allowed to relicense your code (unless you give other people the same permission). With the MIT license, you save the paperwork, but everyone else can use your code as well. It's your choice.19 Basically, the main difference between the two options is this: With the CA, a written statement is necessary, but then ''only'' Oracle is allowed to relicense your code (unless you give other people the same permission). With the UPL or MIT license, you save the paperwork, but everyone else can use your code as well. It's your choice. 20 20 21 21 == The !VirtualBox development model ==