版本 36 (由 9 年 前) ( 差異 ) | 修改,於
We want our users and developers to stay in touch and work together to make VirtualBox the virtualization solution of choice. To support these goals, we have the following tools in place:
- Forums. The VirtualBox forums are where the community can come together to help each other and to discuss VirtualBox. The forums should be your first port of call if you have problems using VirtualBox (or if you wish to help others solve problems!), since this frees up the developers' time for making VirtualBox even better. However, bear in mind that the developers can not read everything written in the forums, so if an issue does appear to be a problem in VirtualBox, please do not hesitate to report it on the mailing lists or the bugtracker.
For contributions, you can either use the vbox-dev mailing list (see next item) or use the Developers Corner forum. This forum is only accessible by forum users in the group Volunteers to keep the noise level down, so feel free to ask a friendly forum admin to be included.
- Mailing lists. You can subscribe to the user and developer mailing lists to discuss issues by e-mail.
- Security inquiries. If you want to discuss security related issues in VirtualBox, please contact the development team directly by E-mail. All off-topic emails will be ignored.
- Public bugtracker. Use this to report problems in VirtualBox and make suggestions for improvements; all you need is a user account with this site. If you are unsure whether your issue is a problem in VirtualBox, we suggest that you discuss it in the forums or on the mailing lists first.
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Use one of our live chat channels to talk to other users and developers.
- Test builds. If you want advance peeks at what has changed since the last stable release, or to help us catch little problems which may have sneaked in and which we failed to spot, we encourage you to regularly try out test builds. Doing this greatly helps our testing effort. We only add features and fixes to these builds that we think are ready for release, so the stability of these builds should be similar to that of official releases.
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