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#21563 closed defect (fixed)

Guru Meditation with macOS Ventura 13.3 host

回報者: granada29 負責人:
元件: other 版本: VirtualBox-7.0.6
關鍵字: 副本:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Mac OS X


Apple released Ventura 13.3 today (28/3/23 NZDT) and all my VMs refuse to start, halting with a Guru Meditation error.

There was no problem with Ventura 13.2

附加檔案 (17) (62.4 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 granada29 新增
LinuxMint20.3_VBox.log (449.3 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 LesAZ 新增 (70.6 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 LesAZ 新增 (65.4 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 LesAZ 新增 (59.5 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 radim 新增 (62.2 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 Kevin Lieser 新增
VM EFI Ubuntu (38.2 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 granada29 新增
macOS Ventura 13.4 (beta)
Windows 11-2023-04-07-15-06-04.log (346.3 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 h00die 新增
windows 11 guru meditation ventura 13.3.1
Windows 11-2023-04-07-00-49-04.log (126.9 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 trnelson 新增
VM Freeze on Windows 11 (36.9 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 granada29 新增
macOS 13.2.1, VirtualBox 7.0.97 r156683 (41.2 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 myshell 新增
Debian Guest on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 Host
VBox.log (107.2 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 westin 新增
Error log from testbuild
Windows 11-2023-04-18-19-04-22.log (117.9 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 trnelson 新增
Windows 11-2023-04-18-19-11-27.log (189.8 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 trnelson 新增
Seem to be having graphics issues (36.1 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 myshell 新增
Bildschirmfoto-2023-04-20-um-12.03.36.jpg (160.5 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 Kevin Lieser 新增
Ubuntu – Boot loop problem
VBox.2.log (186.5 KB ) - 2 年 前, 由 Kevin Lieser 新增
Ubuntu - Boot loop problem – VM log

更動歷史 (71)

2 年 前granada29 編輯

附檔: 新增

comment:1 2 年 前granada29 編輯

The attached log is for a Debian VM but this error also occurs with Windows VMs that also run successfully with macOS 13.2

最後由 granada29 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

2 年 前LesAZ 編輯

附檔: 新增 LinuxMint20.3_VBox.log

comment:2 2 年 前LesAZ 編輯

Updated my 2020 5K iMac (intel) to MacOS 13.3 and three of my five clients will not start up. My Windows 10 and Xubuntu 20.04.02 still work but Xubuntu 22.04.2, Linux Mint 20.3 ans 21.1 all fail. I did try downloading a new Linux Mint 20.3 iso and started to creat a new vBox client but it failed to boot of the iso in a very similar fashion (no logs).

2 年 前LesAZ 編輯

2 年 前LesAZ 編輯

回覆:  2 comment:3 2 年 前fth0 編輯

I've analyzed the crash(es) to some extent in the corresponding forum thread (Guru meditation with macOS Ventura 13.3). They were all identical and happened during the (U)EFI BIOS startup.

@LesAZ: Do your working VMs all use the legacy BIOS?

comment:4 2 年 前LesAZ 編輯

Great catch since that is exactly the difference. All the newer Linux clients I setup with (U)EFI BIOS.

comment:5 2 年 前Smmehta 編輯

any fix or workaround ?

comment:6 2 年 前PaulWas 編輯

I have the same issue. Any word?

comment:7 2 年 前JohnnyBravo 編輯

Hi All, Given this affects wide group VirtualBox users, could you please let us know on ETA for the fix? Many of us will be happy to give a test ride to test / development builds so please do not hesitate to drop us a link. If there is know workaround, it would be much appreciated if it was shared here. Best regards, JB.

comment:8 2 年 前Qing 編輯

same here. need a fix.

comment:9 2 年 前wardenclyffe 編輯

It would be very cool to have a fix in the next couple of days.

2 年 前radim 編輯

附檔: 新增

comment:10 2 年 前radim 編輯

The attached file is for Windows10 guest with enabled EFI and secure boot.

comment:11 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Same here. Ubuntu VM with EFI.

2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

附檔: 新增

VM EFI Ubuntu

comment:12 2 年 前fth0 編輯

FWIW, all VBox.log files show the exact same behavior IMHO.

comment:13 2 年 前aeichner 編輯

We reproduced the issue, Apple changed something their hypervisor without telling anyone (again). I won't give any ETA for a fix here.

comment:14 2 年 前Klaus Espenlaub 編輯

You can try the latest 7.0 Testbuild - it should improve the situation but it may be an incomplete fix. Feedback is appreciated.

comment:15 2 年 前JohnnyBravo 編輯

I tried Version 7.0.97 r156683 (Qt5.15.2) with matching Extension Pack and for me it works! Much appreciated, thank you!

comment:16 2 年 前radim 編輯

The version 7.0.7 r156678 works for me :)

comment:17 2 年 前PaulWas 編輯

Version 7.0.7 r156678 works! THANK YOU!

最後由 PaulWas 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:18 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Works for me, too! Thanks!

Edit: No, do not work really well. The output at boot (Ubuntu command line VM) just refreshes all 3 seconds or something and just prints a single line. So a boot that takes regularely 20 seconds now takes forever – I don't know how long. Any idea what's missing here?

最後由 Kevin Lieser 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:19 2 年 前wardenclyffe 編輯

version 7.0.7 r156678 allowed me to correctly boot my windows 11 virtual machine. logged into it, Installed last guest additions, rebooted and until now no problem. Thank you !

comment:20 2 年 前granada29 編輯

I have had mixed results with both r156683 and r156678.

Windows 11 will boot to the desktop now, but is definitely slower. Debian 11 is unusable, with extremly slow console output at the grub screen, followed by a kernel panic as it times out waiting for some event.

However, on the bright side, there is no more Guru Meditation.

回覆:  20 comment:21 2 年 前fth0 編輯

Replying to granada29:

I have had mixed results with both r156683 and r156678.

Please provide a VBox.log file.

2 年 前granada29 編輯

附檔: 新增

macOS Ventura 13.4 (beta)

comment:22 2 年 前granada29 編輯

Unfortunately I don't have a Ventura 13.3 system at the moment. Attached log is from Ventura 13.4 (beta) but I hope this does not include any new updates to the hypervisor.

comment:23 2 年 前fth0 編輯

Ok, I don't recognize a problem in this 14 seconds VM run, except for the NEMHCNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister error during shutdown. This type of error also happened multiple times to a forum user trying one of the test builds, so I think the issue is not fully solved.

回覆:  23 comment:24 2 年 前granada29 編輯

Replying to fth0:

Ok, I don't recognize a problem in this 14 seconds VM run ...

I powered off the VM as soon as I saw the extremely slow grub screen being drawn on the console - i.e. what ever the problem is, it is occurring before the termination.

2 年 前h00die 編輯

windows 11 guru meditation ventura 13.3.1

comment:25 2 年 前h00die 編輯

Note that Ventura 13.3.1 (22E261), released today Apr 7, does not resolve the issue for me using VBox 7.0.6 r155176 (Qt5.15.2). Guru meditation still occurs. "Windows 11-2023-04-07-15-06-04.log" attached for posterity.

comment:26 2 年 前fth0 編輯


Could you perhaps try one of the VirtualBox test builds on macOS Ventura 13.2.1?

In the case that this issue cannot be fully fixed in time for VirtualBox 7.0.8, it would be good to know that the current fix doesn't introduce a regression for users staying on 13.2.1.

2 年 前trnelson 編輯

VM Freeze on Windows 11

comment:27 2 年 前fth0 編輯

AFAICS, all VBox.log files created by the test builds contain the following error message, in some cases multiple times:

NEMHCNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister: nemR3DarwinMap(,00007fbafff00000,00000000e0000000,0000000010000000,) -> VERR_INVALID_STATE

Key is the second address (GCPhys), which is always the same. I'll make an educated guess that it is the base address of the EFI VRAM LFB.

最後由 fth0 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:28 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

I am going to attach a zip file with 10 minute (approx) boot VM log. And as an example a short video capture of the boot screen where you can see that the system runs so slow, that it only prints one line after another.

7.0.7 on macOS 13.3

版本 0, 於 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯 (下一筆)

回覆:  26 comment:29 2 年 前h00die 編輯

Replying to fth0:


Could you perhaps try one of the VirtualBox test builds on macOS Ventura 13.2.1?

Not sure if this was directed at my update/log on Ventura 13.3.1. I can happily report that test build 7.0.7 r156678 (Qt5.15.2) boots Windows 11 successfully on my Intel Macbook Pro running Ventura 13.3.1.

最後由 h00die 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:30 2 年 前fth0 編輯


No, it was not directed at you (the "@" is meant to indicate the addressee of the post), and I tried to explain my request with the sentence that you didn't quote. But thanks for your feedback nonetheless.

最後由 fth0 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:31 2 年 前granada29 編輯


Currently running Debian bullseye on VirtualBox 7.0.97 r156683 under macOS 13.2.1

It seems to be working well, with similar performance to VirtualBox 7.0.6

Log attached

最後由 granada29 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

2 年 前granada29 編輯

附檔: 新增

macOS 13.2.1, VirtualBox 7.0.97 r156683

comment:32 2 年 前fth0 編輯


Thanks for testing, the log looks clean to me! :)

comment:33 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Where do I find 7.0.97 r156683? On the Testbuild page there is on 7.0.7 r156678 available.

comment:34 2 年 前fth0 編輯

@caomhan: Look again on VirtualBox test builds, this time under "Development snapshots". ;)

comment:35 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Thanks @fth0

Read right now that I need to disable SIP for use these builds. So going to do that and will report.

comment:36 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Same bad performance as 7.0.7. :-( Not able to boot Ubuntu.

comment:37 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Any news on this? Updated to 13.3.1 with same behavior.

2 年 前myshell 編輯

附檔: 新增

Debian Guest on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 Host

comment:38 2 年 前myshell 編輯

All my VMs (VirtualBox 7.0.6) are running successfully with host OS macOS Ventura 13.2 but failing with macOS Ventura 13.3. They become extremely slow.

2 年 前westin 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBox.log

Error log from testbuild

comment:39 2 年 前westin 編輯

Tried 7.0 build 156678; loading a VM just leads to endless text scrolling on a black screen, never loading the VM successfully, at least in the few minutes I waited. 156683 does the same. Log attached.

comment:40 2 年 前galitsyn 編輯

狀態: newclosed
處理結果: fixed

Hi guys,

VirtualBox 7.0.8 was just released and available at This issue should be fixed there. Could you please give it a try?

If still reproducible, please leave a comment and ticket will be reopened. Closing for now.

2 年 前trnelson 編輯

2 年 前trnelson 編輯

Seem to be having graphics issues

comment:41 2 年 前trnelson 編輯

Windows 11 installed in 7.0.8 fresh load seems to have graphics issues resizing the screen causes freezes. I attached two logs above.

comment:42 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Still the same problems running Ubuntu. Line by line terminal boot (1 line per second) – super slow. Like the files above (video was attached - comment 28).

最後由 Kevin Lieser 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:43 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Okay, now I waited until the machine booted. After boot the performance seems like normal. Webservers are reachable at regular speeds.

最後由 Kevin Lieser 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

2 年 前myshell 編輯

comment:44 2 年 前myshell 編輯

Idem, still the same problem runnning Debian: super slow to boot. Do not close the ticket, it is not resolved.

comment:45 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Now I am not able to boot again – waited for so long but read often "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for XXXs!"

comment:46 2 年 前galitsyn 編輯

狀態: closedreopened
處理結果: fixed

comment:47 2 年 前dellgreen 編輯

Same identical problem for us with Ubuntu guest OS 22.04, takes hours to boot a VM that should take 20 seconds. Repeated CPU stuck messages. Identical to videos posted here already. Mac OS X 13.2.1 was fine, as is 12.x for our other developers.

watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 548s!

comment:48 2 年 前fth0 編輯


The log message described in comment:27 is not limited to guests with (U)EFI BIOS. I've seen a log file of a guest with legacy BIOS that allegedly aborted after the first call to NEMHCNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister().

2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

Ubuntu – Boot loop problem

comment:49 2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

I attached a screenshot from the Ubuntu boot. This part loops and loops an the VM never boots. Yesterday it booted after 20 minutes or something for two times. Now I cannot boot it again. Will also attach the VMLog file.

最後由 Kevin Lieser 編輯於 2 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

2 年 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

附檔: 新增 VBox.2.log

Ubuntu - Boot loop problem – VM log

comment:50 23 月 前aeichner 編輯

Please try the latest testbuild (7.0 revision >= r157071, trunk >= r157070) from here, it should fix the slow screen updates.

comment:51 23 月 前Kevin Lieser 編輯

It works! Thanks!

comment:52 23 月 前dellgreen 編輯

Yep, 7.0.9-157071 is working for us now also, thank you.

comment:53 21 月 前Colin Ng 編輯

Test Build 7.0.9 r157775 (Qt5.15.2) for AMD64 also fixed the issue for me, on macOS Ventura 13.4 (22F66). Thanks!

最後由 Colin Ng 編輯於 21 月 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:54 20 月 前galitsyn 編輯

狀態: reopenedclosed
處理結果: fixed


We just released VirtualBox 7.0.10. This issue should be fixed in this release. Culd you please give it a try? Packages are available on our downloads page.

最後由 galitsyn 編輯於 20 月 前 (上一筆) (差異)
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