
10 年 前 建立

7 年 前 結束

#14091 closed defect (fixed)

I18N progress 3.0 -> closed, please use ticket #17708 instead

回報者: Michael Thayer 負責人: Michael Thayer
元件: GUI 版本:
關鍵字: I18N NLS translation 副本: 6c6c6
Guest type: other Host type: other

描述 (由 Michael Thayer 作最後更新)

This is a continuation of ticket:2018 which is intended for two purposes:

  1. Submit new translation source files by attaching them to this ticket.
  2. Report about performing synchronization of existing translation source files in the SVN repository.

Step 1 is done by contributors willing to add support for a new language to the VirtualBox product. An accepted translation file appears in the SVN repository and becomes available in the binary builds. Even after that, contributors remain responsible for updating translation files to keep them in sync with updates to the VirtualBox UI.

Step 2 is performed by the translations maintainer at Oracle before a new release (or after a major UI change) to inform contributors that translation files need to be updated.

Please read the document describing the translation process in detail here.

A separate ticket for NLS mistakes/suggestion has also been created (#4503). Please subscribe to the ticket to monitor new reports (add a comment to do so).

The current list of translators:

languageidmaintainerlegal status
English (built-in)built_inOracle CorporationOK (internal)
GermandeOracle CorporationOK (internal)
RussianruOracle Corporation(comment:ticket:234:52, comment:ticket:234:47)
BulgarianbgStoyan Marinov (neter_bg)OK (comment:ticket:2018:83)
CatalancaPau Iranzo (PauGNU)OK (comment:ticket:2018:448)
CzechcsRadek VybiralOK (comment:ticket:234:183)
DanishdaLars Sarauw Hansen (sarauw)OK (comment:ticket:2018:186), OK (comment:ticket:2018:130)
GreekelSocratis Kalogrianitis (socratis), Anastasios Kazakis (tassos)OK (comment:97, comment:107)
SpanishesDavid Gonzalez ( (comment:ticket:234:28, comment:ticket:2018:142)
BasqueeuXabier Aramendi (Azpidatziak)OK (comment:ticket:2018:534)
FarsifaHessam Mohamadi (co22)OK (attachment before comment:ticket:2018:411)
FrenchfrBenjamin MasseOK (comment:ticket:234:33, comment:ticket:2018:168, comment:ticket:2018:243, comment:ticket:2018:440)
CroatianhrLovro Makovec (LockyGamer)OK (comment:276)
HungarianhuTom Evin (evin)OK (comment:ticket:2018:106)
IndonesianidAndika Triwidada (Andika)OK (ICA by mail, attachment text above comment:ticket:2018:333)
ItalianitVincenzo Reale (smart2128)OK (comment:ticket:2018:50)
JapanesejaIkuya Awashiro (ikuya)OK (comment:ticket:234:75, comment:ticket:2018:387)
KoreankoShinjo Park (peremen)OK (comment:ticket:234:224)
DutchnlRichard E van der Luit (nippur)OK (comment:ticket:2018:142 + 7, comment:ticket:234:163, comment:ticket:2018:270)
PolishplBartosz (hawkeye116477)OK (comment:ticket:234:78, comment:ticket:234:80, comment:ticket:234:174, comment:ticket:2018:64, comment:143)
Portuguese (Brazil)pt_BRErico Mendonca (docca)OK (comment:ticket:234:98)
SlovenianslPeter Klofutar (Peter Klofutar)OK (comment:82)
ThaithSurasak Srisawan (sak)OK (comment:185)
TurkishtrBurak Yavuz (BouRock)OK (comment:ticket:234:254, comment:ticket:234:256, comment:ticket:2018:400)
UkranianukDaniel Korostil (wiseacre), community (6c6c6)OK (comment:ticket:2018:90, comment:104)
Chinese (Simplified)zh_CNLee Chenhwa (leechenhwa)(comment:ticket:234:92, comment:ticket:2018:264)
Chinese (Traditional)zh_TWalan@stable (fei)OK (comment:ticket:234:81, comment:ticket:2018:331)

Disabled translations:

Catalan (Valencian)ca_VAPau Iranzo (PauGNU)OK (comment:ticket:2018:448)
FinnishfiJarno Kiuttu, Timo Jyrinki, Ilkka TuohelaOK (comment:ticket:234:137, comment:ticket:234:263, comment:ticket:2018:49)
Galiciangl_ESEnrique Estévez ( (comment:ticket:2018:122)
HebrewheAriel Ben Zion, David Levi, Eli Zaretskii, Genghis (Genghis), Orgad Shaneh, Yaron ShefferOK (comment:121)
Khmerkm_KHKhoem SokhemOK (comment:ticket:2018:77)
LithuanianltMindaugas Baranauskas (Mindaugas), Algimantas Margevičius (gymka)OK (comment:ticket:2018:192, comment:ticket:2018:313)
PortugueseptJosé Melo, Marcelo CoelhoOK (comment:ticket:234:230, comment:ticket:234:275)
RomanianroAlexandru Ioan EftimieOK (comment:ticket:234:25)
SlovakskIvan Masár, Jozef Říha (jose1711)OK (comment:ticket:234:231, comment:ticket:234:309)
SerbiansrOzziiOK (comment:ticket:234:234)
SwedishsvDaniel Nylander (yeager2)OK (comment:ticket:234:122)

附加檔案 (89) (85.5 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
updated zh_CN translation for 5.0 (114.8 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 peremen 新增
Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.0. Don't worry, first/last name order is changed but points to same person. (146.2 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (139.6 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0 (91.5 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
updated zh_CN translation for 5.0 (142.1 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Ikuya 新增
Updated Japanese Translation for 5.0 (138.8 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 evin 新增
Hungarian VB5 translation (124.0 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 4.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (133.4 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 4.3 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (91.6 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.0 (89.7 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0
VirtualBox_zh_TW.ts (393.2 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (20-Jul-2015) (120.9 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 peremen 新增
Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.0. Previously un-translated strings are now translated. (117.3 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated zh_CN translations for VirtualBox 5 and qt (102.4 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Azpidatziak 新增
Updated Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu + qt_eu)
VirtualBox_eu-v5.0 (81.1 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Azpidatziak 新增
Improved Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu-v5)
VirtualBox_eu (update v5 completed).zip (153.8 KB ) - 10 年 前, 由 Azpidatziak 新增
Completed Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu-v5 + v4.3) (90.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 co22 新增
Farsi translation (139.7 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Spanish translation fixes (93.3 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 fei 新增 (98.7 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Richard E van der Luit 新增
Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1915/1915) - nls time stamp: 2015-10-28 (133.5 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Benjamin Masse 新增
Updated French translation for VirtualBox 5.0 (92.0 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated zh_CN translation for VirtualBox 5.0.10 (113.0 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Lars Hansen 新增
Updated Danish translation based on latest ts-file (65.1 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增
4.3 qt and VirtualBox for Greek (el) (90.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (27th-Nov-2015)
VirtualBox_eu -update v5.0 1127 .zip (83.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Azpidatziak 新增
Basque translation update v5.0 1127 (129.6 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 6c6c6 新增 (95.8 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增
Updated Greek (EL) translation, mainly because the ones in are from the 4.x days. * VirtualBox_el: 1825/1920 (95.1%) * qt_el: 1026/1209 (84.9%) Also, if you could update the summary at the top to include me as the greek translator. I just had a fellow willing to help me out. Speaking of, his name will appear in the credits. Does he have to "sign" his contributions under the MIT license as well? (140.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 David González 新增
A new updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0 (102.3 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Anastasios Kazakis 新增
100%/100% the Greek Translation by Socratis Kalogrianitis and Anastasios Kazakis (208.5 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Pau Iranzo 新增
VirtualBox 5.0 Catalan translation released under the MIT license (40.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Genghis 新增
Hebrew translation of 4.3.10 (updated on November 2015). MIT License (140.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0 (small fixes) (143.5 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.1 (93.1 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1 (95.4 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1 (111.4 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增 (92.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1.2 (174.8 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 96%) (112.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增 (125.5 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增 (127.7 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增 (168.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Ikuya 新增
Updated Japanese Translation for 5.1 (134.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 hawkeye116477 新增
Updated polish translation. Translated new text. (141.8 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 neter_bg 新增
Updated Bulgarian translation for VirtualBox 5.1 (111.7 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增 (125.2 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 peremen 新增
Sorry for late update, Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.1.2. (134.9 KB ) - 9 年 前, 由 hawkeye116477 新增
Update of polish translation (small fixes) (127.3 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 etc 新增
Corrects the translation that made by BouRock (128.0 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增
Updated Indonesian translation to VirtualBox 5.1. The Indonesian (id) translation attached here by Andika Triwidada is published under the terms of the MIT license.
VirtualBox (98.4 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 sak 新增
Thai language for VirtualBox 5.1 (149.3 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.1
VirtualBox-5.1_zh_TW - (93.2 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1 (according to 10-Mar-2017) (99.8 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1 (99.2 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Richard E van der Luit 新增
Updated Dutch translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_nl_51 100% 2087/2087) - nls time stamp: 13-03-2017 (112.4 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增
Updated Greek (el) translations for 5.1.x, 2017-05-04, replacing 2017-03-13. (166.4 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 hawkeye116477 新增
Updated Polish translation (128.1 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增
updated VBox 5.1 id translation (113.9 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Mindaugas 新增
One typo fixed. Now is 76% translated, thus I hope sufficient to included in official release. Perviously there was about half messages translated and a lot other has marked fuzzy – it helped to translate. (157.7 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 David González 新增
Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.2 (95.9 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 23-Aug-2017) (131.6 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增
Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 5.2 (134.6 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 peremen 新增
Updated Korean translation to 5.2. (198.7 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%) (96.0 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 08-Sep-2017) (158.0 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (121.5 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Mindaugas 新增
Updated Lithuanian translation for VirtualBox 5.2 (122.2 KB ) - 8 年 前, 由 Richard E van der Luit 新增
Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2447/2447 - Qt_nl.ts 100% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 13-09-2017 (158.6 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (108.8 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for vbox 5.2
VirtualBox_zh_TW.2.ts (435.1 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 18-Sep-2017) (158.3 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)
virtualbox5.2-5.1 (193.3 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 co22 新增
@michael Farsi translation for virtualbox v5.1 (latest) and v5.2 updated please check attachment
VirtualBox_zh_TW.3.ts (433.4 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 27-Oct-2017) (136.8 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Socratis 新增
Greek (el) translations for 5.2.x, 2017-11-04 (87.2 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Peter Klofutar 新增
Updates Slovenian translation for VirtualBox (10.3 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
updated Simplified Chinese translation for Windows installer (136.1 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Burak Yavuz 新增
Turkish language file update for 5.2.x (according to 08-Dec-2017) (189.0 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Erico Mendonca 新增
pt_BR translation for VirtualBox 5.2 (109.2 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Lee Chenhwa 新增
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2 (199.9 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Vincenzo Reale 新增
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%) (158.3 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Ikuya 新增 (105.7 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 fei 新增
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 5.2 (177.0 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Andika Triwidada 新增
up-to-date to vbox 5.2.6 (80.4 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Richard E van der Luit 新增
Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2500/2500 - Qt_nl.ts xx% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 19-02-2018 (122.2 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Mindaugas 新增
A little update Lithuanian translation (103.6 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Lovro Makovec 新增
Hello. I am uploading the Croatian translation for VirtualBox. I hope I upload it correctly, because I am still new to this translating stuff. (104.6 KB ) - 7 年 前, 由 Lovro Makovec 新增
Hello. I am uploading the Croatian translation of VirtualBox 5.2.

更動歷史 (365)

comment:1 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

狀態: newassigned

comment:2 10 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

Turkish language file updated (according to 30-Apr-2015)

comment:3 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Burak, updated. Thank you!

comment:4 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Stoyan, updated - thanks!

10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

updated zh_CN translation for 5.0

comment:5 10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated zh_CN translation with new entries.

comment:6 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Lee - updated, thanks!

10 年 前peremen 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.0. Don't worry, first/last name order is changed but points to same person.

comment:7 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Park - thank you, updated.

comment:8 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 95%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:9 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo and Ikuya, updated.

comment:10 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:11 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Hi Michael, I keep getting error messages in:

UIAddDiskEncryptionPasswordDialog/This virtual machine is password protected. Please enter the %n encryption password(s) below.

Punctuation and %n error, even if i copy/past the original text in the translation box, when i validate.

edit: solved

Rest is in translation progress, shall be finished soon,


Richard, Dutch TT

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 10 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:12 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Vincenzo, thank you - updated. Richard, great!

comment:13 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1906/1906)


comment:14 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Ha michael,

Is it possible to point to the latest to-be-translated files (like "The current location of the latest NLS files is [here]") in the yellow discription field at the begining of this post? Would be very helpful.

Also, somehow i missed an update translation (just yesterday I saw an untranslated entry in a submenu I never visit, version 4.3.26). Is it possible to post here that an updated translation is needed (deadline if applicable)?

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 10 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

回覆:  12 comment:15 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Replying to michael:

Vincenzo, thank you - updated. Richard, great!

Hi Michael, I noticed that the Italian translation you committed has 1878/1976 translated strings.
My latest revision has 1906/1906.
Thank you in advance.

comment:16 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Burak, thank you - updated. Vincenzo, I had updated the repository, just not the web page with the translation files (done that now), as there was nothing much (if anything) new to translate. In future I can also upload individual updated translations there.

comment:17 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Ikuya, updated.

comment:18 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Dutch and Bulgarian translations - thank you Richard and Stoyan. Richard, I am not bothering to notify about all the small updates that are continuing to trickle in, not least because it also creates quite a bit or work for me to do lots of translation updates for one or two changed strings (which comes away from actual development time). I will of course notify when we freeze the translations for 5.0.

comment:19 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

The hopefully final files are now available for translation.

10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:20 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

10 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0

10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

updated zh_CN translation for 5.0

comment:21 10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) translation for 5.0

comment:22 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated. Thank you David, Vincenzo, Ikuya, Burak and Lee.

comment:23 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

There was a correction to a text string which might be confusing to translators. Updated the files on the web page<1>. If you are currently in the process of updating your translation, please submit it as it is (when you are ready) so that you do not loose your work and I will update the web page again.


comment:24 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:25 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo and Burak, updated!

10 年 前Ikuya 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Japanese Translation for 5.0

comment:26 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Ikuya, updated.

comment:27 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1905/1905)


comment:28 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

The attachment also has date stamp 17-06-2015 oc, my bad

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 10 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:29 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Richard, updated!

comment:30 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:31 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 4.3 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:32 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 4.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:33 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo, updated both.

comment:34 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

10 年 前evin 編輯

附檔: 新增

Hungarian VB5 translation

comment:35 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Tom, updated!

comment:36 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

I disabled translations which are more than slightly under 75% for now. We will probably increase that to 80 or 85% for the final release.

comment:37 10 年 前neter_bg 編輯

Hey, Michael! Where are the new comment email notifications for this ticket like in ticket 2018? I was close to miss the deadline because I didn't receive notification that there's changes here.

PS: Oh, I've received email for my comment, but not for the others.

最後由 neter_bg 編輯於 10 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:38 10 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Same here. No notifications, only got one when Michael posted on the old ticket. Going to translate the missing portions ASAP.

10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 4.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:39 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 4.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 4.3 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:40 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 4.3 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:41 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated - thank you Stoyan and Vincenzo. Vincenzo, it looks like 4.2 was already up-to-date - there were not changes to check in. Stoyan, it is enough if you provide the compressed VirtualBox_bg.ts source file since we generate the binary files ourselves and the Qt file is already at 100%.

Great work everyone.

10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.0

comment:42 10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.0. There are 1905/1905 items, hope we can reach 100% this time.

comment:43 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Lee - uploaded!

comment:44 10 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

One observation: I can't download qt_pt_BR.ts from the testcase directory. I get a 403.

comment:45 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1905/1905)

Some typo & consistency fixes (minor) - GUI check after release


comment:46 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated - thank you Erico and Richard! Erico, the permission problem should now be fixed.

10 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0

comment:47 10 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0

comment:48 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Alan, updated!

All: there is one new string to be translated for the next minor release. New translation files available at

10 年 前fei 編輯

附檔: 新增 VirtualBox_zh_TW.ts

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (20-Jul-2015)

comment:49 10 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (20-Jul-2015)

comment:50 10 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

One useful link -- a download-only version of QT Linguist for most platforms is available here:

comment:51 10 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:52 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated Bulgarian, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and Traditional Chinese. Thank you Stoyan, Vincenzo, Erico, Burak and Alan!

10 年 前peremen 編輯

Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.0. Previously un-translated strings are now translated.

comment:53 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Park, updated.

10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated zh_CN translations for VirtualBox 5 and qt

comment:54 10 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated zh_CN translations for VirtualBox 5 and qt

comment:55 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Lee, updated.

comment:56 10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Hi michael,

I sorry for delay, but I am updating Basque Translation, I wil attached here ASAP. Thanks!!

10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu + qt_eu)

comment:57 10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Hi michael,

I update Basque Translation and attached here. Please, re-enable and release it. Thanks!!

The <Basque> (<eu>) translation attached here by <Xabier Aramendi> is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:58 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Xabier, thanks, updated and enabled!

10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Improved Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu-v5)

comment:59 10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Hi michael,

I improved Basque Translation for VirtualBox v5 and attached here. Please, release it. Thanks!!

comment:60 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Xabier, thanks, updated.

10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Completed Basque Translation (virtualbox_eu-v5 + v4.3)

comment:61 10 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Hi michael,

I sorry but I attached one more file, this is completed update for VirtualBox v5.0 and v4.3. Please, release its. Thanks!!

comment:62 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Xabier, thanks, updated both.

comment:63 10 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1905/1905)

Files date nls: 2015-08-10

comment:64 10 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Richard, updated.

9 年 前co22 編輯

附檔: 新增

Farsi translation

comment:65 9 年 前co22 編輯

@michael sorry for delay. if you can add bellow URL i get the file from i always do search to find it

最後由 co22 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:66 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Hessam, updated. I did not quite understand your last comment, but the most recent translation files (I re-uploaded everything a couple of minutes ago) are at:

回覆:  66 comment:67 9 年 前co22 編輯

Replying to michael:

Thank you Hessam, updated. I did not quite understand your last comment, but the most recent translation files (I re-uploaded everything a couple of minutes ago) are at:

i mean i download outdated language file from that URL and then update sometime it take time to find that URL.but anyway i added URL in comment so i can find it here simply by viewing this topic.also please update Percent sign thank you best regards,

comment:68 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

David, a minor fix to the Spanish translation (I have already done the correction) on ticket #4503. Anyone who is not subscribed to #4503 might want to add a comment to it to subscribe.

9 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Spanish translation fixes

comment:69 9 年 前David González 編輯

Thanks Michael.

最後由 David González 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:70 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated the Czech translation, thank you Radek Vybiral.

comment:71 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Burak, updated.

comment:72 9 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Portuguese Brazil updated as of Oct 19th 2015.

9 年 前fei 編輯

comment:73 9 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (Oct-19th-2015)

comment:74 9 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:75 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated Italian, Brazilian Portuguese and Traditional Chinese translations. Thank you Vincenzo Reale, Erico Mendonca and alan@stable.

Disabled Catalan, Danish and French for now as they were under 75% completion. I will re-enable them as soon as they are updated.

comment:76 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Stoyan, updated.

9 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Dutch translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_nl_50 100% 1915/1915) - nls time stamp: 2015-10-28

comment:77 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Richard, updated.

comment:78 9 年 前Peter Klofutar 編輯


I'd like to start translating VirtualBox into Slovenian language.

Best regards,


comment:79 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Excellent. Look forward to your translation.

comment:80 9 年 前Benjamin Masse 編輯

The updated French (fr_FR) translation attached here by Benjamin Masse is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:81 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Benjamin, thank you for your update, unfortunately you provided the .qm files rather than the .ts ones. Could you upload them please?

回覆:  78 comment:82 9 年 前Peter Klofutar 編輯

The Slovenian (sl) translation attached here by Peter Klofutar is published under the terms of the MIT license.

9 年 前Benjamin Masse 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated French translation for VirtualBox 5.0

回覆:  81 comment:83 9 年 前Benjamin Masse 編輯

Replying to michael:

Benjamin, thank you for your update, unfortunately you provided the .qm files rather than the .ts ones. Could you upload them please?

Hi Michaël. My mistake. .ts archive reuploaded. Regards, Benjamin

comment:84 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Benjamin and Peter, both updated and enabled!

9 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated zh_CN translation for VirtualBox 5.0.10

comment:85 9 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated zh_CN translation for VirtualBox 5.0.10

comment:86 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated Danish, Turkish and Simplified Chinese translations. Thank you Lars, Burak and Lee!

9 年 前Lars Hansen 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Danish translation based on latest ts-file

comment:87 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Lars, updated.

comment:88 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

I'm going to be starting the translation to Greek, VirtualBox_el. Actually, I started at some point with VB 4.3, but I never managed to get too far along, so 5.x it is. And, please, no jokes like "it's all Greek to me"... ;)

comment:89 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Great! Look forward to seeing it, although I'm afraid I really won't understand anything of it.

comment:90 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

I'll translate it for you, don't worry ;)

Now, here's a question. I had done some work in the 4.3 series. The basic strings to translate have changed (I'm talking the VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts file). How do I port the 4.3 work to the 5.0 era without resorting to endless Copy-Paste? Is there a "merge" of some sorts?

Oh, and another thing. In the translated file, do I leave it as "unfinished" or do I give it the green "check"?

comment:91 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Can you attach what you have done? I can update it to 5.0 for you. It has been a while since I have used Qt Translator, but if I remember correctly you can confirm that a translation marked as unfinished is still correct. (Someone else can tell me if I am wrong here.)

comment:92 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Sure thing, but how are you going to do it if you don't mind me asking? We shouldn't have to bother you all the time, say, for the next release. Oh, and yes, unfinished is still correct, except that QT Linguist has a nice visual way of figuring out where your gaps are.

9 年 前Socratis 編輯

附檔: 新增

4.3 qt and VirtualBox for Greek (el)

comment:93 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Actually I always do that for every translation when there is a new release with new text to be translated (or even when there is new text to be translated in the lifetime of a single release). What I do is add the translation file to the VirtualBox sources and run "kmk updatenls" in the src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox folder. But on the whole it is simplest when I do that...

The updated files can be downloaded from

Thank you!

comment:94 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Burak, updated. Socratis, would you be able to add a comment to this ticket similar to comment 82? Thank you.

9 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (27th-Nov-2015)

comment:95 9 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.0 (27th-Nov-2015)

comment:96 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Alan, updated.

回覆:  92 comment:97 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

I do not have a problem adding the following statement:

The Greek (el) translation attached here by Socratis Kalogrianitis is published under the terms of the MIT license.

However, there were two contributors before me. Their contributions were minimal, but still I don't know how this would play out. Previous contributors: gumstic, epimitheas. See ticket #2018 for more details.

comment:98 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Socratis! The way we generally do this is to just leave previous contributor's names in the translation file unless their contributions were completely removed. If in doubt we will leave them in, but please tell me what your opinion is there.

9 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Basque translation update v5.0 1127

comment:99 9 年 前Azpidatziak 編輯

Hi michael,

I update Basque Translation and attached here. Please, release it. Thanks!!

comment:100 9 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:101 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Xabier and Vincenzo, updated.

comment:102 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

I just noticed something in a couple of places; UIWizardNewVD and UIWizardCloneVD. The string:

<p>You can also choose to <b>split</b> the hard disk file into several files of up to two gigabytes each. This is mainly useful if you wish to store the virtual machine on removable USB devices or old systems, some of which cannot handle very large files.

seems to be missing the closing </p> at the end of the string. Is this something that should be fixed or is it done on purpose? And, BTW, should have I posted this on ticket #4503 instead?

comment:103 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thanks, we will fix that some time soon. It shouldn't need the translators to do anything more. Ticket #4503 is more for users to report mistakes to the translators, for this I think this ticket is fine.

9 年 前6c6c6 編輯

附檔: 新增

comment:104 9 年 前6c6c6 編輯

Our community (3 persons. So I don't know how can we allow Oracle Corporation to make use of our contributions. I must write only my (publisher's) name or names of all members of our team?) have done the update of the Ukrainian language file. We have received consent from the previous translator (Daniel Korostil).

The Ukrainian (uk) translation attached here by community is published under the terms of the MIT license.

最後由 6c6c6 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:105 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Peter and 6c6c6, updated and enabled those translations. Good to have two additional languages in the next version!

6c6c6, if possible we prefer to have a name or names (either one person who represents the community or all three names would be fine).

comment:106 9 年 前Rožinjo 編輯

Dear all, I'm just starting to translate this nice tool to Croatian. It will take some time, but patience Leeds to success.

9 年 前Socratis 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Greek (EL) translation, mainly because the ones in are from the 4.x days. * VirtualBox_el: 1825/1920 (95.1%) * qt_el: 1026/1209 (84.9%) Also, if you could update the summary at the top to include me as the greek translator. I just had a fellow willing to help me out. Speaking of, his name will appear in the credits. Does he have to "sign" his contributions under the MIT license as well?

comment:107 9 年 前Anastasios Kazakis 編輯

I help socratis with the greek translation and the translation is under the terms of the MIT licence as described at Greetings from Greece ! Anastasios Kazakis

comment:108 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:109 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you both, update the translation. Rožinjo, great!

comment:110 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Quick question for all translators:

Since the qt_XX.ts seems to be common for all Qt related applications, do you know if there is a central repository where the work of the translators is coordinated and synced? I'm at 100% in the VirtualBox_el.ts front, but at the 85% in the qt_el.ts and I was wondering if there is an official way to do it...

回覆:  110 comment:111 9 年 前peremen 編輯

Replying to socratis:

Quick question for all translators:

Since the qt_XX.ts seems to be common for all Qt related applications, do you know if there is a central repository where the work of the translators is coordinated and synced? I'm at 100% in the VirtualBox_el.ts front, but at the 85% in the qt_el.ts and I was wondering if there is an official way to do it...

Of course, Qt upstream repository. I don't know about whether VirtualBox will be ported to Qt 5 in near future, as Qt 4.x is now on maintenance release. In fact, I am also one of the upstream author of qt_ko.ts, so there is no problem in committing the same file here and there.

And also be aware: one of the biggest user of Qt is KDE, and KDE translators maintained their own set of Qt translations until Qt 4.x. Looks like Qt 4.x is already translated into Greek; see . Contact your local KDE translation team for questions.

Read more about Qt localization:

9 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

A new updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0

comment:112 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you David, updated!

comment:113 9 年 前Anastasios Kazakis 編輯

Greek Translation 100%/100% by Socratis Kalogrianitis (socratis)and Anastasios Kazakis (tassos)

9 年 前Anastasios Kazakis 編輯

附檔: 新增

100%/100% the Greek Translation by Socratis Kalogrianitis and Anastasios Kazakis

comment:114 9 年 前Anastasios Kazakis 編輯

Hey guys, I was a little bit enthusiastic and I didn't consult with our team leader. Given that Greek is a very difficult language in its grammar, we didn't actually pass the strings through a rigorous test cycle, so please do not update the site yet. We will be back soon with a checked version of the strings. Thank you.

comment:115 9 年 前Pau Iranzo 編輯


The Catalan translation is published under the terms of the MIT license.

9 年 前Pau Iranzo 編輯

附檔: 新增

VirtualBox 5.0 Catalan translation released under the MIT license

9 年 前Genghis 編輯

附檔: 新增

Hebrew translation of 4.3.10 (updated on November 2015). MIT License

comment:116 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated and re-enabled the Catalan translation - thank you Pau!

Ghengis, thank you for your submission. Was it intentional that you submitted a translation for 4.3.10 rather than 5.0 (or even the most recent 4.3 version?) And could I ask for your name so that I can add you to the list of translators?

comment:117 9 年 前Genghis 編輯

Was it intentional that you submitted a translation for 4.3.10 rather than 5.0 (or even the most recent 4.3 version?)

No, it was not. This translation was neglected on November 2015. I hope to update it and bring new translators this year.

And could I ask for your name so that I can add you to the list of translators?

In the translation file itself, there are names of some of the people who have assisted me in this translation.

In concern to myself (this account), I have opened this email address mainly to contribute Hebrew translations under no real name due to extensive abuse and corruption of translations of he_IL locale by false translators (mostly GTK+ since 2005); in recent year, we have regained control under Xfce and we hope to bring order to GTK+ core and GNOME.

9 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.0 (small fixes)

comment:118 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you David, updated.

comment:119 9 年 前Genghis 編輯

michael, I would appreciate adding and updating my strings template so that I can continue adding new translated strings on top of it.

comment:120 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Genghis, not quite sure I understand what you need. If it is just a case that you would like to submit your work-in-progress, then please do so, and I will be happy to add it to the repository. The person taking responsibility for the translation should add a comment to this ticket with their name and that they submit the work under the terms of the MIT licence (see the examples already on this ticket; ideally we need a statement like that every time the work is updated).

comment:121 9 年 前Genghis 編輯

I would continue to translate if someone would kindly update the file I have submitted. (Hebrew translation of 4.3.10 (updated on November 2015). MIT License)

Thank you.

comment:122 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Done that. Could you please provide the translator name list in Latin characters though, as I sadly can't read Hebrew?

comment:123 9 年 前Genghis 編輯

Where can I download the updated file from?

Translators are: Ariel Ben Zion, David Levi, Eli Zaretskii, Genghis, Orgad Shaneh, Yaron Sheffer (אורגד שנה, אלי זרצקי, אריאל בן ציון, ג׳ינג׳ס, דוד לוי, ירון שפר).

最後由 Genghis 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:124 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you. The translation files live here:

comment:125 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:126 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:127 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:128 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

元件: otherGUI
描述: 修改 (差異)

As the 5.1 release is due shortly, I have prepared new translation files containing the new text to be translated (the most complete translations from 5.0 are at about 92% in 5.1). These can be found at:

Many thanks, all!

9 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.1

comment:129 9 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:130 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you David, Vincenzo and Burak, updated.

9 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1

comment:131 9 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1 (11-Jul-2016)

comment:132 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Alan, updated.

9 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1

comment:133 9 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1.

comment:134 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated, thank you Lee.

comment:135 9 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated pt_BR translation for VirtualBox 5.1.

comment:136 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Greek translation for VirtualBox 5.1.x is finally done.

  • VirtualBox_el: 100%.
  • qt_el: 100%.

Hopefully it will make it in time for 5.1.2. We could backport it to the 5.0.x series, I don't know if it would make sense. Please advice.

9 年 前Socratis 編輯

comment:137 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Erico and Socratis, updated! Socratis, I did a quick experiment and I was able to back-port all updates from 5.1 to 5.0 automatically: it seems that there is no new text in 5.0 which is not in 5.1 too.

回覆:  137 comment:138 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Replying to michael:

Thank you Erico and Socratis, updated! Socratis, I did a quick experiment and I was able to back-port all updates from 5.1 to 5.0 automatically: it seems that there is no new text in 5.0 which is not in 5.1 too.

Yes, there didn't seem to be no text that had to be backported, it was already there, except of course for the grammatical and syntactical errors that were corrected in the updated text.

However, 5.1.2 was just released and unfortunately we didn't make the cut...

comment:139 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Sorry, there are indeed a couple of new text sections. Updated the translations now.

9 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1.2

comment:140 9 年 前fei 編輯

Update Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1.2

9 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 96%)

comment:141 9 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 96%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

9 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

9 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

9 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

comment:142 9 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

Updated Indonesian translation for 4.3, 5.0, and 5.1.2, all 100%. qt_id.ts already 100%, not attached here.

The Indonesian (id) translation attached here by Andika Triwidada is published under the term of the MIT license.

comment:143 9 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯

版本 3, 於 9 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯 (上一筆) (下一筆) (差異)

9 年 前Ikuya 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Japanese Translation for 5.1

comment:144 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Andika, Vincenzo, Bartosz and Alan, updated! Bartosz, since the previous translation was badly out-of-date I just adopted yours without trying to contact the previous translator. If possible, could you give your full name?

Generally, if you update older versions you only need to bother with text which is not in the newer ones, as I can (as I discovered) add the newer text automatically.

9 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated polish translation. Translated new text.

comment:145 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Ikuya, updated.

By the way (all), I am not bothering to do small adjustments to percentages translated, like setting all percentages from 100% to 99% when two or three new pieces of text are added. You probably already noticed.

comment:146 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Bartosz, updated.

9 年 前neter_bg 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Bulgarian translation for VirtualBox 5.1

comment:147 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Stoyan, updated.

comment:148 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Updated Greek translation for 5.1.2.

comment:149 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Socratis, updated.

回覆:  149 comment:150 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Replying to michael:

Thank you Socratis, updated.

Slight update in the "" file, but more importantly, I think that there's something key missing in the source code of VirtualBox, that why I think we missed the 5.1.2 release (comment:138). Or am I mistaken?

Index: trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/nls/ApprovedLanguages.kmk
--- a/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/nls/ApprovedLanguages.kmk
+++ b/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/nls/ApprovedLanguages.kmk
@@ -21,4 +21,5 @@
         da    \
         de    \
+        el    \
         en    \
         es    \

9 年 前Socratis 編輯

9 年 前peremen 編輯

附檔: 新增

Sorry for late update, Korean translation of VirtualBox 5.1.2.

comment:151 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Socratis, Park and Burak, updated. Socratis, terribly sorry, I thought I had done that - fixed now. I wish I could say that it is the first time I have forgotten to enable a translation...

回覆:  151 comment:152 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

Replying to michael:

Socratis, terribly sorry, I thought I had done that - fixed now.

Micahel, can you please explain to me the following: I downloaded the latest TestBuild (development revision 109616) and the Greek translation is enabled. Great!

However, if I look at the source code ( it still shows as not fixed. And in the Timeline ( the last source code change is 8 days back (r62604) and it obviously does not include the fix. Hmm???

comment:153 9 年 前Socratis 編輯

OK, the revisions are in! r62820 was in the trunk on 2016.08.01. The question is why did it take 9 days (!) for hundreds and hundreds or revisions to get submitted in bulk. I guess that this is the way that VBox devs do things? Test and once proven, all revs are submitted en masse.

comment:154 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

That is roughly correct. An additional factor was slowdown due to summer holidays. Thanks again for the work and for checking the things that I forgot!

comment:155 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Bartosz, the file is dated July 25 and is identical to the current one. Is that intended?

最後由 Michael Thayer 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

9 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯

附檔: 新增

Update of polish translation (small fixes)

comment:156 9 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯

Sorry, I sent wrong file. Now I sent correct file.

最後由 hawkeye116477 編輯於 9 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:157 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Bartosz, updated.

comment:158 9 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Peter, updated!

comment:161 8 年 前etc 編輯

The Turkish (tr) translation attached here by etc is published under the terms of the MIT license.

回覆:  161 ; comment:162 8 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

Replying to etc:

The Turkish (tr) translation attached here by etc is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Which part of the translation needs to be correct?

回覆:  162 comment:163 8 年 前etc 編輯

Replying to BouRock:

Replying to etc:

The Turkish (tr) translation attached here by etc is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Which part of the translation needs to be correct?

I just replaced words which have non-Turkish origin. You may diff two files.

8 年 前etc 編輯

附檔: 新增

Corrects the translation that made by BouRock

comment:164 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Since Burak is the current official translator I would rather that he co-ordinated this.

comment:165 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_nl_51 100% 2080/2080) - nls time stamp: 2016-09-08

Soz Michael, but i do not seem to get any notifications when new strings are to be translated...

grtz Richard

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 8 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:166 8 年 前Socratis 編輯

Last modified 82 minutes ago

What the modification of the bug says.

Changed 72 minutes ago by socratis

What the actual comments say. Clearly we're not talking about the same thing.

So, do I have to have a comment every time I upload a file? And I didn't even replace an existing file. Which I plan on doing, that's why I ended with a name like "", to indicate the current (5.1.x) translations for both the "qt_el" and the "VirtualBox_el" files. If I were to simply update the file, it wouldn't show up in the updates?

I check the recently changed bugs (, so I got alerted when my attachment didn't show up.

I will update the file, in place, after some time of inactivity and see what happens.

@nippur: You were not the only one the didn't get a notification about the changes in the translation strings.

comment:167 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Dutch and Greek, thanks both. And yes, there are again a couple of new strings to translate<1>. I will make more of an effort to keep you up to date - sorry about that.


comment:168 8 年 前Socratis 編輯

Updated Greek (el) translations for 5.1.x, 2016-11-07.

comment:169 8 年 前etc 編輯

I just want to improve the quality of translation but no one give an attention, specially BouRock who is -official- and -only- translator, just ignored me. He updated translation after my correction which I sent 2 weeks ago, I reviewed it and it still has non-Turkish origin words.

comment:170 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

etc, I'm afraid this is a problem that I am not really able to say anything about, given that I don't know Turkish and Turkish linguistic culture. My feeling is that linguistic purity might be a controversial issue in Turkish, but that might be completely wrong. I would appreciate a friendly comment by Burak, but at this point since he has and does put a lot of work into the translation I leave the decision with him.

comment:171 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Update Greek and Turkish translations, thank you Socratis and Burak. There is one new untranslated text, but I don't think it is high priority.

comment:172 8 年 前Socratis 編輯

Michael, IMHO, since you're on the inside on the release schedule, you could/should be updating the strings at least a week before going out of the developer/test build and in the release one. Just give us about a week or so to make the new release. TIA.

comment:173 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 96%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

回覆:  169 comment:174 8 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

Replying to etc:

I just want to improve the quality of translation but no one give an attention, specially BouRock who is -official- and -only- translator, just ignored me. He updated translation after my correction which I sent 2 weeks ago, I reviewed it and it still has non-Turkish origin words.

Dear etc,

You are wrong, I did not ignore you, I always continue translations from new file which are uploaded to by michael. But I thought that michael updated language file on the site with yours so I did not look again to corrections. Either you make the corrections again or michael puts your updated file to the source site I can translate new strings again.

comment:175 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Committed etc's changes - thank you! (I just used your nick-name in the change log, as I do not know your real name, but I don't think anyone can even see the stable change log...)

Burak, thank you. You will have to update again I'm afraid as you suggested.

comment:176 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Italian - thank you Vincenzo!

回覆:  175 comment:177 8 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

Replying to michael:

Committed etc's changes - thank you! (I just used your nick-name in the change log, as I do not know your real name, but I don't think anyone can even see the stable change log...)

Burak, thank you. You will have to update again I'm afraid as you suggested.

No problem michael. Thank you. I will update it.

comment:178 8 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated the pt_BR translation for 5.1.8. There were a few missing strings.

comment:179 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_nl_51 100% 2084/2084) - nls time stamp: 2016-11-10

comment:180 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Greek, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese and Turkish translations. Thank you Socratis, Richard, Erico and Burak.

comment:181 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:182 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:183 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo, updated.

8 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

Updated Indonesian translation to VirtualBox 5.1. The Indonesian (id) translation attached here by Andika Triwidada is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:184 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Andika, updated!

8 年 前sak 編輯

附檔: 新增 VirtualBox

Thai language for VirtualBox 5.1

comment:185 8 年 前sak 編輯

The Thai (th) translation attached here by Surasak Srisawan is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:186 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Thank you Surasak! Added and enabled.

comment:187 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:188 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo, updated!

comment:189 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Burak, updated.

8 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.1

8 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1 (according to 10-Mar-2017)

comment:190 8 年 前fei 編輯

Update Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.1 (according to 10-Mar-2017)

comment:191 8 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated pt_BR translation for 5.1.

8 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1

comment:192 8 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for v5.1

comment:193 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovenian, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations. Thank you David, Erico, Peter, Lee and Alan.

8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Dutch translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_nl_51 100% 2087/2087) - nls time stamp: 13-03-2017

comment:194 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.1 (VirtualBox_nl_51 100% 2087/2087) - nls time stamp: 13-03-2017

*renewing* The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license. *renewing*

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 8 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:195 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Dutch and Greek translations, thank you Richard and Socratis!

comment:196 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Peter, updated.

8 年 前Socratis 編輯

Updated Greek (el) translations for 5.1.x, 2017-05-04, replacing 2017-03-13.

comment:197 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Socratis, updated.

8 年 前hawkeye116477 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Polish translation

comment:198 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Bartosz, updated!

8 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

updated VBox 5.1 id translation

comment:199 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Andika, updated.

comment:200 8 年 前xavivars 編輯

I was looking at the Catalan translation to help PauGNU, but my surprise is that in, the Catalan file seems much much smaller than other languages (including Catalan - Valencian variant). There are a few entries missing from that file.

Is this something you can fix before I start translating?


comment:201 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

I took a quick look, but it seems to me that the size difference is due to the low number of obsolete entries in the Catalan file. Compare for example German (de) and Greek (el), which are both very up-to-date. Removing obsolete entries is not required though, which is why some up-to-date files are still quite a bit larger.

What is missing from the Catalan file? The build system claimed that everything was there, but perhaps something went wrong there.

comment:202 8 年 前xavivars 編輯

I don't know if there's anything (not obsolete) missing. I didn't realize that the entries that I saw in CA-Valencia that were missing in CA were obsolete, si it should be good to go.

I'll give it a try.


comment:203 8 年 前Mindaugas 編輯

The Lithuanian (lt) translation attached here by Mindaugas is published under the terms of the MIT license.

最後由 Mindaugas 編輯於 8 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:204 8 年 前Socratis 編輯


Did you do the whole translation in 5 hours? Wow! :D

8 年 前Mindaugas 編輯

附檔: 新增

One typo fixed. Now is 76% translated, thus I hope sufficient to included in official release. Perviously there was about half messages translated and a lot other has marked fuzzy – it helped to translate.

comment:205 8 年 前Klaus Espenlaub 編輯

As the 5.2 release isn't too far in the future (BETA testing already started), I have prepared new translation files containing the new text to be translated (the most complete translations from 5.1 are at about 83% in 5.2). These can be found at:

Many thanks, all!

As a general hint: during the maintenance period of 5.2 we're expecting some further NLS changes due to the ongoing work regarding accessibility of the GUI (interaction with screen reader applications and the like). So check back every now and then, we'll be asking for some further updates. Thanks in advance!

comment:206 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 96%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

8 年 前David González 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Spanish(es) translation for VirtualBox 5.2

8 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 23-Aug-2017)

comment:207 8 年 前fei 編輯

Update Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 23-Aug-2017)

8 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 5.2

comment:208 8 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation for v5.2.x (according to 23-Aug-2017) done.

comment:209 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

Updated the Spanish, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian (5.1 and 5.2), Brazilian Portuguese, Slovenian, Turkish and Traditional Chinese translations. Thank you David, Vincenzo, Mindaugas, Erico, Peter, Burak and alan! I also enabled Lithuanian for 5.2.

Updated translations at:

8 年 前peremen 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Korean translation to 5.2.

comment:210 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Removed obsoletes and updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2441/2441) - nls time stamp: 23-08-2017

Michael, I manually removed all <obsolete> strings (using gedit), so this is an all okay translation begin again. My QT editor didn't display any errors afterwards, but could you still check this file for errors as well? tysm.

regards Richard

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 8 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:211 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated Korean and Dutch translations. Thank you Park and Richard. Added a few strings to all translation files and did a major update to the Qt translation files. Strings which are not needed in VirtualBox in the Qt translation files do not need translating of course.

comment:212 8 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

Some words were missing like VirtualBox About dialogs' "Close" button translation, so translation is coming from Qt translation file, I completed some strings in it. So I sent this file also.

8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%)

comment:214 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:215 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

@KorGonia I deleted comments 159 and 160 which should stop you getting the notifications. After posting this I will delete comment 213 too. If you still wish to help with the French translation feel free to comment again, now or later.

comment:216 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

副本: 新增 6c6c6

Updated, thank you Burak and Vincenzo. What is the current status of Ukranian, Hungarian, Farsi, French, Danish, Catalan and Basque?

comment:217 8 年 前Peter Klofutar 編輯

The Slovenian translation on doesn't seem to be updated with translation I submitted 12 days ago, so I don't know what strings were added as per comment 211.

comment:218 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Peter, I thought I had applied your updates, but I tried merging those files into the current ones anyway. Could you please take another look?

回覆:  218 comment:219 8 年 前Peter Klofutar 編輯

Replying to michael:

Peter, I thought I had applied your updates, but I tried merging those files into the current ones anyway. Could you please take another look?

The updates are still not included. However, I managed to find the differences through multiple instances of Qt and editing files with Notepad. I'll submit updated translations for VirtualBox and Qt.

8 年 前fei 編輯

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 08-Sep-2017)

comment:220 8 年 前fei 編輯

Update Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 08-Sep-2017)

8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:221 8 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:222 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo, updated!

8 年 前Mindaugas 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Lithuanian translation for VirtualBox 5.2

comment:223 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2447/2447) - nls time stamp: 13-09-2017. The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

最後由 Richard E van der Luit 編輯於 8 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

comment:224 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Hi Michael,

I see what you mean with those Qt_xx.ts files; more than 1200 strings untranslated in Qt_nl.ts. I am on it and shall upload an updated version of that file a.s.a.p.

regards, Richard

comment:225 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Lithuanian and Dutch translations, and updated the 5.1 branch Lithuanian translation (Dutch is already at 100% there). Thank you Mindaugas and Richard!

comment:226 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Turkish translation. Thank you Burak!

8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2447/2447 - Qt_nl.ts 100% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 13-09-2017

comment:227 8 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2447/2447 - Qt_nl.ts 100% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 13-09-2017

Hi Michael, corrections in Dutch translation as requested at #4503/comm 100 and also an updated Qt_nl.ts file. Lots of corrections in that one, so the 'already 100%' may be ignored :)

regards, Richard

comment:228 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Hello Richard,

Yes, that occurred to me. Your update was slightly too late for 5.1.28 anyway, so it wasn't critical. So far I have been merging current and old translations giving the old ones priority. I wonder whether it would make sense to reverse that, to pull corrections to existing text from current. I am slightly nervous though about replacing current text automatically. What do you think? For more context, the command I use for the update is:

lconvert -i primary.ts secondary.ts -o complete.ts

where complete.ts contains translations from both primary.ts and secondary.ts, but preferring secondary.ts in case of duplicates.

comment:229 8 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

A somewhat different question: up until now we have had people translating the user interface but not the user manual, apart from a French translation some years ago. The main reason for this is lack of capacity for handling it on our side. I was wondering whether anyone (or better, a group of people) would be interested in doing that. It would have to include organisation, possibly using some external collaborative translation service for open source projects. The important things for us would be that we could use the result without legal worries, and that we could integrate it with a minimum of effort. That would probably mean getting the result in Docbook, unless someone is ready to invest time making our build system take something more modern. Again, I would love to integrate work on that, as long as I did not have to spend too much time on it.

I will post this to the developer and (community) user mailing lists as well.

comment:230 7 年 前Socratis 編輯

The Greek (el) translation attached here by Socratis Kalogrianitis and Anastasios Kazakis is published under the terms of the MIT license.

最後由 Socratis 編輯於 7 年 前 (上一筆) (差異)

回覆:  228 comment:231 7 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Replying to michael:

Hello Richard,

Yes, that occurred to me. Your update was slightly too late for 5.1.28 anyway, so it wasn't critical. So far I have been merging current and old translations giving the old ones priority. I wonder whether it would make sense to reverse that, to pull corrections to existing text from current. I am slightly nervous though about replacing current text automatically. What do you think? For more context, the command I use for the update is:

lconvert -i primary.ts secondary.ts -o complete.ts

where complete.ts contains translations from both primary.ts and secondary.ts, but preferring secondary.ts in case of duplicates.

Aha, you are merging....Why, if I may ask? The new translation is a full translation, ready to be used. It is not a diff file or so. I guarantee that every updated translation file I send you can be used for simply overwriting the old one you have - clean and simple.

Grtz Richard

comment:232 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Dutch and Greek translations. Thank you Socratis, Anastasios and Richard! I also enabled the Thai translation in 5.2 as it had been forgotten.

Richard, I am merging because there may well be text in 5.1 which is no longer present in 5.2 due to changes in the original text. We do not want that to get lost. However I have tried merging the 5.2 translations into 5.1, giving the 5.2 ones priority. I have updated both the 5.2<1> and the 5.1<2> pages as well as the 5.1 test builds<3>. It might be worth having a look over to make sure that everything is alright.


7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:233 7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for vbox 5.2

comment:234 7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for vbox 5.2

7 年 前fei 編輯

附檔: 新增 VirtualBox_zh_TW.2.ts

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 18-Sep-2017)

comment:235 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Italian, Turkish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations. Thank you Vincenzo, Burak, Lee and Alan!

comment:236 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated, thank you Socratis!

7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:237 7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:238 7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

Hello everyone. I'm going to translate VirtualBox into Croatian.. I saw that Rožinjo also said this, but that was 21 months ago, and I see there's no progress whatsoever.. I already translated ~80% VirtualBox, and hope it'll be done until next Saturday (21st October)...

comment:239 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

@LockyGamer if you have 80% already done, it would be great if you could do an intermediate check-in.

回覆:  239 ; comment:240 7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

@michael I'm sorry, but I'm still new to this translation stuff. What do you exactly mean when you say "intermediate check-in"?

回覆:  240 comment:241 7 年 前Socratis 編輯

Replying to LockyGamer:

What do you exactly mean when you say "intermediate check-in"?

Just upload what you've done so far.

comment:242 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo and Burak, updated!

7 年 前co22 編輯

@michael Farsi translation for virtualbox v5.1 (latest) and v5.2 updated please check attachment

comment:243 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Hessam, updated! For next time, there should be no need to provide translations for older branches: we add updates from the current branch when we release. If you notice something missing, please let us know! And on 5.2 we changed the language name from fa_IR to fa to match what Qt did.

comment:244 7 年 前co22 編輯

thanks so also please update fa_IR to fa in above table

comment:245 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)


comment:246 7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:247 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

comment:248 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Vincenzo, updated. @all there are a few new untranslated strings on the download page<1>.


comment:249 7 年 前Socratis 編輯


I don't know why, but if you click on it redirects you to a "Forbidden" page.

Actually, I do know why, I don't really know why the redirection. But the fix is an ending slash in the directory, as in

Oh well... ;)

comment:250 7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

7 年 前fei 編輯

附檔: 新增 VirtualBox_zh_TW.3.ts

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (according to 27-Oct-2017)

comment:251 7 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated the pt_BR translation.

7 年 前Socratis 編輯

Greek (el) translations for 5.2.x, 2017-11-04

comment:252 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Burak, Vincenzo, Alan, Erico, Socratis and Anastasios. Updated.

7 年 前Peter Klofutar 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updates Slovenian translation for VirtualBox

7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

附檔: 新增

updated Simplified Chinese translation for Windows installer

comment:253 7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Hi, the vbox 5.2 installer on Windows is with locale UI now, though it is in tranditional Chinese, please update the Simplified Chinese translation for Windows installer. The simplified version is converted from the tranditional version with some phrases revised. Thanks to the tranditional team.

comment:254 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated the Slovenian translation and added the Simplified Chinese installer translation. Thank you Peter and Lee!

I also fixed the language identifier in the Traditional Chinese translation from 1024 to 1028 and added the Windows installer files to the download page[1]. Lee, I will update the 5.2 test builds[2] later today in case you want to test that your language work is really working. It should be there in revision 119536 or later.

[1] [2]

7 年 前Burak Yavuz 編輯

附檔: 新增

Turkish language file update for 5.2.x (according to 08-Dec-2017)

comment:255 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Burak, updated.

comment:256 7 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation. Some of the strings were completely mismatched on the testcase file(?).

comment:257 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Erico, updated! I also updated the testcase files, could you check to see if the situation is better now? Thanks!

回覆:  257 comment:258 7 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Replying to michael:

Thank you Erico, updated! I also updated the testcase files, could you check to see if the situation is better now? Thanks!

I checked at, but the file is still dated Nov 3rd and appears to have the same contents. Is this correct?

comment:259 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Should be fixed now.

7 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

附檔: 新增

pt_BR translation for VirtualBox 5.2

comment:260 7 年 前Erico Mendonca 編輯

Thanks, Michael. There were still 5 plural sentences that were missed somehow. I attached an updated translation.

comment:261 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Uploaded again. Thank Erico.

7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2

comment:262 7 年 前Lee Chenhwa 編輯

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2, fixed some translation

7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%)

comment:263 7 年 前Vincenzo Reale 編輯

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

7 年 前Ikuya 編輯

附檔: 新增

comment:264 7 年 前Ikuya 編輯

Hi, I've attached a file with Japanese translation for 5.2.4.


7 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 5.2

comment:265 7 年 前fei 編輯

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 5.2

comment:266 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Updated - thank you Lee, Vincenzo, Ikuya and Alan.

7 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

up-to-date to vbox 5.2.6

comment:267 7 年 前Andika Triwidada 編輯

Updated Indonesian translation for 5.2.6 (VirtualBox_id.ts 100%, qt_id.ts updated, not 100% yet).

comment:268 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Andika, updated.

comment:269 7 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2500/2500 - Qt_nl.ts xx% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 19-02-2018

@Michael: is there a way to check whether all strings in the qt_nl.ts needed by VB are translated? Is it preferable to be translated 100% anyway?

7 年 前Richard E van der Luit 編輯

附檔: 新增

Updated Dutch translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_nl_52 100% 2500/2500 - Qt_nl.ts xx% 1799/2072) - nls time stamp: 19-02-2018

comment:270 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Richard, updated!

comment:271 7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

Hello. I have a question about translating VirtualBox. A while ago I started translating it to Croatian, I think it was VB 5.0 or 5.1 version. Anyways, today I finished translating it (that old version) and was wondering if there's a way to merge the translation of the old VB version with the latest English (xx_YY) version so I don't have to completely re-write every old translation to that latest file (version 5.2)?

7 年 前Mindaugas 編輯

A little update Lithuanian translation

comment:272 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Thank you Mindaugas. I have updated the translation, but not yet enabled it as it is still not quite complete.

@LockyGamer I suggest that you attach your translation to this ticket and I can update it to 5.2. Some of the text will not be kept due to text changes between the versions, but text which has not changed in the English should be kept in the translation.

7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

附檔: 新增

Hello. I am uploading the Croatian translation for VirtualBox. I hope I upload it correctly, because I am still new to this translating stuff.

comment:273 7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

I just realized it has been uploaded twice. Sorry about that :/

comment:274 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

@LockyGamer When I update your translation to VirtualBox 5.2 it is 97 percent complete (47 pieces of text left to translate). So I suggest that you add an MIT licencing statement to this ticket<1> and then I will add the updated version your translation to VirtualBox and to the translations page<2>, where you can re-download it. The _qt.ts file does not need any updating for VirtualBox 5.2. I will also check with our interface developer whether _hr or _hr_HR is what we currently use (we made some changes recently).

  1. wiki:Translating#Submittingthetranslation

comment:275 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

@LockyGamer Since Qt does not seem to have a Croatian translation, our interface developer thinks that whichever makes most sense is fine, so probably _hr (I don't think there are any relevant variants of Croatian?)

comment:276 7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

The Croatian (hr) translation attached here by Lovro Makovec is published under the terms of the MIT license.

@michael No, there is only one version of the Croatian language, and it is spoken in Croatia.

comment:277 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

描述: 修改 (差異)

@LockyGamer Thank you, I added your translation. The updated file for 5.2 is on the download page<1>.


7 年 前Lovro Makovec 編輯

附檔: 新增

Hello. I am uploading the Croatian translation of VirtualBox 5.2.

comment:278 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

Update and enabled the Croatian translation, thank you Lovro!

comment:279 7 年 前Michael Thayer 編輯

摘要: I18N progress 3.0I18N progress 3.0 -> closed, please use ticket #17708 instead
狀態: assignedclosed
處理結果: fixed

As this ticket is getting rather long I have created a new one, #17708. Please use that instead for providing updated translations. I will still update this ticket occasionally when there is new text to translate until enough people are subscribed to the new one, so no need to add comments there just to get updates.

Thank you all for the continuous hard work!

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