-- $Id: testcase.pgsql 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ --- @file -- VBox Test Manager Database Stored Procedures - TestCases. -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. -- -- This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as -- available from https://www.virtualbox.org. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the -- License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, see . -- -- The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms -- of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 -- (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included -- in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the -- CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. -- -- You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the -- terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 -- \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 \connect testmanager; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS add_testcase(INTEGER, TEXT, TEXT, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, TEXT, TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS edit_testcase(INTEGER, INTEGER, TEXT, TEXT, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, TEXT, TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS del_testcase(INTEGER); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TestCaseLogic_delEntry(INTEGER, INTEGER); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TestCaseLogic_addEntry(a_uidAuthor INTEGER, a_sName TEXT, a_sDescription TEXT, a_fEnabled BOOL, a_cSecTimeout INTEGER, a_sTestBoxReqExpr TEXT, a_sBuildReqExpr TEXT, a_sBaseCmd TEXT, a_sTestSuiteZips TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TestCaseLogic_editEntry(a_uidAuthor INTEGER, a_idTestCase INTEGER, a_sName TEXT, a_sDescription TEXT, a_fEnabled BOOL, a_cSecTimeout INTEGER, a_sTestBoxReqExpr TEXT, a_sBuildReqExpr TEXT, a_sBaseCmd TEXT, a_sTestSuiteZips TEXT); --- -- Checks if the test case name is unique, ignoring a_idTestCaseIgnore. -- Raises exception if duplicates are found. -- -- @internal -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TestCaseLogic_checkUniqueName(a_sName TEXT, a_idTestCaseIgnore INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_cRows INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_cRows FROM TestCases WHERE sName = a_sName AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP AND idTestCase <> a_idTestCaseIgnore; IF v_cRows <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Duplicate test case name "%" (% times)', a_sName, v_cRows; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; --- -- Check that the test case exists. -- Raises exception if it doesn't. -- -- @internal -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TestCaseLogic_checkExists(a_idTestCase INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TestCases WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test case with ID % does not currently exist', a_idTestCase; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; --- -- Historize a row. -- @internal -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TestCaseLogic_historizeEntry(a_idTestCase INTEGER, a_tsExpire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_cUpdatedRows INTEGER; BEGIN UPDATE TestCases SET tsExpire = a_tsExpire WHERE idTestcase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_cUpdatedRows = ROW_COUNT; IF v_cUpdatedRows <> 1 THEN IF v_cUpdatedRows = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test case ID % does not currently exist', a_idTestCase; END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Integrity error in TestCases: % current rows with idTestCase=%d', v_cUpdatedRows, a_idTestCase; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE function TestCaseLogic_addEntry(a_uidAuthor INTEGER, a_sName TEXT, a_sDescription TEXT, a_fEnabled BOOL, a_cSecTimeout INTEGER, a_sTestBoxReqExpr TEXT, a_sBuildReqExpr TEXT, a_sBaseCmd TEXT, a_sTestSuiteZips TEXT, a_sComment TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE v_idTestCase INTEGER; BEGIN PERFORM TestCaseLogic_checkUniqueName(a_sName, -1); INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, sDescription, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sTestBoxReqExpr, sBuildReqExpr, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips, sComment) VALUES (a_uidAuthor, a_sName, a_sDescription, a_fEnabled, a_cSecTimeout, a_sTestBoxReqExpr, a_sBuildReqExpr, a_sBaseCmd, a_sTestSuiteZips, a_sComment) RETURNING idTestcase INTO v_idTestCase; RETURN v_idTestCase; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE function TestCaseLogic_editEntry(a_uidAuthor INTEGER, a_idTestCase INTEGER, a_sName TEXT, a_sDescription TEXT, a_fEnabled BOOL, a_cSecTimeout INTEGER, a_sTestBoxReqExpr TEXT, a_sBuildReqExpr TEXT, a_sBaseCmd TEXT, a_sTestSuiteZips TEXT, a_sComment TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE v_idGenTestCase INTEGER; BEGIN PERFORM TestCaseLogic_checkExists(a_idTestCase); PERFORM TestCaseLogic_checkUniqueName(a_sName, a_idTestCase); PERFORM TestCaseLogic_historizeEntry(a_idTestCase, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO TestCases (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sName, sDescription, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sTestBoxReqExpr, sBuildReqExpr, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips, sComment) VALUES (a_idTestCase, a_uidAuthor, a_sName, a_sDescription, a_fEnabled, a_cSecTimeout, a_sTestBoxReqExpr, a_sBuildReqExpr, a_sBaseCmd, a_sTestSuiteZips, a_sComment) RETURNING idGenTestCase INTO v_idGenTestCase; RETURN v_idGenTestCase; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TestCaseLogic_delEntry(a_uidAuthor INTEGER, a_idTestCase INTEGER, a_fCascade BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_Row TestCases%ROWTYPE; v_tsEffective TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE; v_Rec RECORD; v_sErrors TEXT; BEGIN -- -- Check preconditions. -- IF a_fCascade <> TRUE THEN IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TestCaseDeps WHERE idTestCasePreReq = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP ) THEN v_sErrors := ''; FOR v_Rec IN SELECT TestCases.idTestCase AS idTestCase, TestCases.sName AS sName FROM TestCaseDeps, TestCases WHERE TestCaseDeps.idTestCasePreReq = a_idTestCase AND TestCaseDeps.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP AND TestCases.idTestCase = TestCaseDeps.idTestCase AND TestCases.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP LOOP IF v_sErrors <> '' THEN v_sErrors := v_sErrors || ', '; END IF; v_sErrors := v_sErrors || v_Rec.sName || ' (idTestCase=' || v_Rec.idTestCase || ')'; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Other test cases depends on test case with ID %: % ', a_idTestCase, v_sErrors; END IF; IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TestGroupMembers WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP ) THEN v_sErrors := ''; FOR v_Rec IN SELECT TestGroups.idTestGroup AS idTestGroup, TestGroups.sName AS sName FROM TestGroupMembers, TestGroups WHERE TestGroupMembers.idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND TestGroupMembers.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP AND TestGroupMembers.idTestGroup = TestGroups.idTestGroup AND TestGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP LOOP IF v_sErrors <> '' THEN v_sErrors := v_sErrors || ', '; END IF; v_sErrors := v_sErrors || v_Rec.sName || ' (idTestGroup=' || v_Rec.idTestGroup || ')'; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test case with ID % is member of the following test group(s): % ', a_idTestCase, v_sErrors; END IF; END IF; -- -- To preserve the information about who deleted the record, we try to -- add a dummy record which expires immediately. I say try because of -- the primary key, we must let the new record be valid for 1 us. :-( -- SELECT * INTO STRICT v_Row FROM TestCases WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; v_tsEffective := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 microsecond'; IF v_Row.tsEffective < v_tsEffective THEN PERFORM TestCaseLogic_historizeEntry(a_idTestCase, v_tsEffective); v_Row.tsEffective := v_tsEffective; v_Row.tsExpire := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; v_Row.uidAuthor := a_uidAuthor; SELECT NEXTVAL('TestCaseGenIdSeq') INTO v_Row.idGenTestCase; INSERT INTO TestCases VALUES (v_Row.*); ELSE PERFORM TestCaseLogic_historizeEntry(a_idTestCase, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); END IF; -- -- Delete arguments, test case dependencies and resource dependencies. -- (We don't bother recording who deleted the records here since it's -- a lot of work and sufficiently covered in the TestCases table.) -- UPDATE TestCaseArgs SET tsExpire = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; UPDATE TestCaseDeps SET tsExpire = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; UPDATE TestCaseGlobalRsrcDeps SET tsExpire = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; IF a_fCascade = TRUE THEN UPDATE TestCaseDeps SET tsExpire = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idTestCasePreReq = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; UPDATE TestGroupMembers SET tsExpire = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idTestCase = a_idTestCase AND tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test case with ID % does not currently exist', a_idTestCase; WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Integrity error in TestCases: Too many current rows for %', a_idTestCase; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;