Exporting an Appliance in OVF Format

The following steps show how to export an appliance in OVF format.

  1. Select File, Export Appliance to display the Export Virtual Appliance wizard.

    On the initial Virtual Machines page, you can combine several VMs into an OVF appliance.

    Select one or more VMs to export, and click Next.

  2. The Format Settings page enables you to configure the following settings:

    • Format: Selects the Open Virtualization Format value for the output files.

      The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure value exports the appliance to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See .

    • File: Selects the location in which to store the exported files.

    • MAC Address Policy: Specifies whether to retain or reassign network card MAC addresses on export.

    • Write Manifest File: Enables you to include a manifest file in the exported archive file.

    • Include ISO Image Files: Enables you to include ISO image files in the exported archive file.

  3. Click Next to show the Appliance Settings page.

    You can edit settings for the virtual appliance. For example, you can change the name of the virtual appliance or add product information, such as vendor details or license text.

    Double-click the appropriate field to change its value.

  4. Click Finish to begin the export process. Note that this operation might take several minutes.

You can use the VBoxManage export command to export an appliance. See .