The Help Viewer is a window that displays context-sensitive help to assist you in completing common VirtualBox Manager tasks. You can display the Help Viewer in the following ways:
In a VirtualBox Manager wizard or dialog, click Help to display the relevant help topic.
In VirtualBox Manager or from a guest VM, do either of the following:
Select the Help, Contents menu option.
Press the F1 button.
The keyboard shortcut used to access the Help Viewer can be configured in the Preferences window.
The Help Viewer has the following features:
Navigation tools. The left hand pane contains the following navigation tools:
Contents. Displays the help topic location in the Oracle VM VirtualBox documentation.
Search. Enables you to search the documentation for help topics.
Bookmarks. Enables you to bookmark useful help topics.
Tabbed browsing. Help topics that you have visited are displayed in tabs in the main window pane.
Zoomable topics. Zoom controls enable you to enlarge help topic details.
Printing. Help topics can be printed to PDF file or to a local printer.