Welcome to Idiom FO output for the DITA Open Toolkit ====================================================== Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting pages to a specified output. Output formats currently supported include PDF, PS, PCL, AFP, XML (area tree representation), Print, AWT and PNG, and to a lesser extent, RTF and TXT. The primary output target is PDF. Installing Idiom FO output ========================================= * If you are using a full-easy-install package, you don't need to do additional work to run pdf conversion. Just use the pdf transtype to build your pdf output. * If you are NOT using a full-easy-install package, some additional efforts are needed to get pdf conversion run. You will need the following software: - Apache FOP: Apache FOP can be obtained from http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ This plugin also requires Saxon 6.5.3. But if you are using JDK 1.5 or newer, you will need Saxon 6.5.5 or newer which has fixes for JDK 1.5 compatibility. Download Saxon 6.5.5 from http://saxon.sourceforge.net. - ICU4J: You can find this library by clicking on the "Download ICU" link at http://icu.sourceforge.net. Look for the ICU4J downloads. ICU4J is an optional jar that will give you better collation of index entries. To install and use with the Open Toolkit's distribution, 1. Install the DITA Open Toolkit. 2. Unzip this plugin into an Open Toolkit installation's demo directory. 3. Install Apache FOP into demo/fo/fop. The minimum requirements are to place fop.jar into demo/fo/fop/build/ and all library jar files provided in Apache FOP package into demo/fo/fop/lib/. 4. Copy "fop.xconf", which is shipped together within the Apache FOP package in the conf directory, to demo/fo/fop/conf/. 5. Edit the copied fop.xconf, add this line: false below the line ".". Save and close fop.xconf. 6. If you are using JDK 1.5, install saxon.jar in FO plug-in's library directory demo/fo/lib/. 7. Install the ICU4j jar (optional) into OT's library directory lib/icu4j.jar 8. From the Open Toolkit directory, run "ant -f integrator.xml" At this point, the FO output is fully integrated into the Open Toolkit's pipeline. The plugin infrastructure will detect the FO plugin and provide a "pdf" output: this will invoke this FO output instead of the previous FOP-based output. Invoke with a command line like: java -jar lib/dost.jar /i:doc/DITA-readme.ditamap /transtype:pdf If you are using the startcmd.bat/sh script, make sure the classpath in that script lists saxon.jar before xalan.jar. About the index extensions ========================== The index generation feature adds extensions to DITA's indexterm that can be expressed as content of that element. These extensions are expressed in a FrameMaker-like syntax in the element's textual content, and provide functionality not yet available in the standard indexterm element. They also help migration from legacy FrameMaker content. For example, the following generates a "see also" entry: Carp:<$nopage>see also Goldfish As: Carp, 34 see also Goldfish The extended syntax consists of: : (colon) Separates levels in an entry ; (semicolon) Separates entries in a marker [] (brackets) Specifies a special sort order for the entry <$startrange> Indicates the beginning of a page range <$endrange> Indicates the end of a page range <$nopage> Suppresses the page number in the entry (for example, in a See entry) <$singlepage> In a marker that contains several entries, restores the page number for an entry that follows a <$nopage> building block DITA 1.1 indexing elements have been implemented in this plugin that should make these extensions unnecessary. You can now express see/see also, sort order and page ranges using standard DITA 1.1 elements. About /Customization ==================== This directory is where the custom files live that make up customized versions of the FO publishing outputs. Idiom's FO publishing output will look for certain files here to override the standard ones. Things you can currently override include: - Custom XSL via fo/xsl/custom.xsl and fo/attrs/custom.xsl - Layout overrides via fo/layout-masters.xml - Font overrides via fo/font-mappings.xml - Per-locale variable overrides via common/vars/[locale].xml - I18N configuration via fo/i18n/[locale].xml - Index configuration via fo/index/[locale].xml When customizing any of these areas, modify the relevant file(s) in /Customization. Then, to enable the changes in the publishing process, you find the corresponding entry for each file you modified in /Customization/catalog.xml. It should look like this: Remove the comment markers "!--" and "--" to enable the change: Your customization should now be enabled as part of the publishing process. Idiom has provided template files that you can start with throughout this directory structure. These files end in the suffix ".orig" (for example, "catalog.xml.orig"). To enable these files, make a copy of them and remove the ".orig" suffix. For example, copy "catalog.xml.orig" to "catalog.xml". You can then make modifications to the copy. Idiom's FO output also provides a general configuration file called "build.properties" that allows you to control the publishing process. To modify these settings, copy "build.properties.orig" to "build.properties" and then modify the relevant options. History ======= FO Plugin Release 1.4.3 Available since Sourceforge bug fixes: - 1803111: Idiom plug fails when processing bookmap with DITA composite - 1930201: FO 1.4.2 doesn't fail correctly when called from Ant - 1829816: Value of otherprops is written as a text element - 1942252: should come before TOC in PDF output ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.4.2 Available since Feb 26, 2008 - Misc internal fixes. Sourceforge bug fixes: - 1710233: summary element in bookmeta not handled properly (15251) - 1744350: Navtitle not supported in PDF2 - 1807277: FO topicmerge needs to discard reltables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.4.1 Available since Oct 5, 2007 - more flexible index configuration (see common/index/zh_CN.xml for example) Sourceforge bug fixes: - 1793307: issue with topicref in bookmap's (16587) - 1791403: invalid column-width attribute value (16586) - 1805389: XSLT errors in FO plugin - 1694607: Use-by-reference footnotes not rendered correctly (15249), (not quite right). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.4 - Rebased with Idiom's internal code as of August 28, 2007. - Updated DITA 1.1 support: new bookmap and indexing elements. - Minor fixes Sourceforge bug fixes: - 1686323: Idiom FO plug-in fails during pdf2 build (15348) - 1729594: Topichead not supported in pdf2 output (15247) - 1647267: Single-step tasks numbers the step (15248) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.2.1 - rebased with Idiom's internal code as of Nov 6, 2006. - updated copyright/licensing notices in files. - fixed image copying task for customization. Sourceforge bug fixes: - 1574115: Using 1.3 and Idiom FO 1.2 plugin fail - 1523653: pdf2 transform assumes basedir = ditadir (for real, this time!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.2 Available since Sept 29, 2006 - rebased with Idiom's internal code as of Sept 28, 2006 - removed icu4j requirement: it will be used if found, otherwise the built-in Java Collator will be used. - some preliminary DITA 1.1 support. No point going into details since the standard is still in flux. Bug fixes (IDs are Idiom's internal tracking numbers): - 11492: image sometimes indented too far right - 11625: footnote text's formatting not rendered - 10955: tables with titles should be numbered sequentially - 11273: table col span @namest/@nameend not respected - 11432:

tag should be formatted according to enclosing tag - 10849: nested codeblocks misrendered - 10755: NullPointerException processing elements Sourceforge bug fix: - 1523653: pdf2 transform assumes basedir = ditadir ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin Release 1.1 Available since June 15, 2006 - rebased with Idiom's internal build - improved performance for documents with many xrefs/links, such as the DITA Language Reference - fixed indexterm in topicmeta bug - fixed topicmerge issues that affected (among other things) chapter division rendering for bookmaps - misc bug fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO Plugin release 1.0 Available since Feb. 23, 2006 - first release of Idiom's open source donation. ============================================================================ Copyright ?2005 by Idiom Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. IDIOM is a registered trademark of Idiom Technologies, Inc. and WORLDSERVER and WORLDSTART are trademarks of Idiom Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. IDIOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. IS DELIVERING THE SOFTWARE "AS IS," WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND IDIOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. IDIOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, COVER, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, RELIANCE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFIT), ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE UNDER OR RELATED TO OR ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF IDIOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Idiom Technologies, Inc. and its licensors shall not be liable for any damages suffered by any person as a result of using and/or modifying the Software or its derivatives. In no event shall Idiom Technologies, Inc.'s liability for any damages hereunder exceed the amounts received by Idiom Technologies, Inc. as a result of this transaction. These terms and conditions supersede the terms and conditions in any licensing agreement to the extent that such terms and conditions conflict with those set forth herein.