Ant parameters: PDF transformationPDFCertain parameters are specific to the PDF2 transformation.Ant parameters
Ant parameters: PDF transformationParametersDescriptionargs.bookmap-orderSpecifies if the frontmatter and backmatter content
order is retained in bookmap. The allowed values are and
; the default value is .args.xsl.pdfSpecifies an XSL file that is used to override the default
XSL transformation
(plugins\org.dita.pdf2\xsl\fo\topic2fo_shell.xsl). You must
specify the fully qualified file name.custom.xep.configSpecifies the user configuration file for
RenderX.customization.dirSpecifies the customization directory.pdf.formatterSpecifies the XSL processor. The following values are supported:
– Antenna House Formatter
(default) – Apache FOP
– RenderX XEP Engine
The full-easy-install package comes with Apache FOP; other XSL processors must be
separately installed. publish.required.cleanupSpecifies whether draft-comment and
required-cleanup elements are included in the output. The allowed values are
and ; the default value is the value of the
args.draft parameter. Corresponds to XSLT parameter
publishRequiredCleanup.This parameter
is deprecated in favor of the args.draft
parameter.retain.topic.foSpecifies whether to retain the generated FO file. The
allowed values are and ; the default value is
. If the configuration property
org.dita.pdf2.use-out-temp is set to ,
this parameter is ignored.