Installing the minimal or standard package on Linux or Mac OSX

If you already have locally-installed copies of Ant and the other required tools, install either the minimal or standard package.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the following prerequisite software installed:
  • Ant, version 1.7.1 or later
  • Java runtime environment or development kit, version 6 or later
  • XSLT processor. You can use either Saxon, version 9.1 or later, or Xalan-J, version 2.7.1 or later.

In addition, determine the specific DITA-OT transformations that you intend to support and ensure that you have the prerequisite software installed for them.

For more information, see Prerequisite software and Tested platforms and tools.


  1. Download the minimal or standard package from SourceForge.
    Package File name
    Minimal DITA-OT1.8.5_minimal_bin.tar.gz
    Standard DITA-OT1.8.5_standard_bin.tar.gz
    For production use, we recommend that you use the latest stable release.
  2. Extract the contents of the package into an installation directory.
    Note: You can extract the files either to your private home directory for your exclusive use or to the /usr/local/share/ directory, if you want to share the DITA-OT with other users.
  3. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set.
    export JAVA_HOME=<JRE_dir>
  4. Verify that the ANT_HOME environment variable is been set.
    export ANT_HOME=<Ant_dir>
  5. Verify that the PATH environment variable includes the Java and Ant executable files.
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
  6. Set the DITA_HOME environment variable to point to the DITA-OT installation directory.
    export DITA_HOME=<DITA-OT_dir>
  7. Set up the CLASSPATH environment variable.
    export CLASSPATH=$DITA_HOME/lib/dost.jar:$CLASSPATH
    export CLASSPATH=$DITA_HOME/lib/resolver.jar:$CLASSPATH
    export CLASSPATH=$DITA_HOME/lib/commons-codec-1.4.jar:$CLASSPATH
  8. Optional: If you use Ant, version 1.8 or later, set up the CLASSPATH environment variable to include Apache Xerces.
    export CLASSPATH=<xerces_dir>/xercesImpl.jar:<xerces_dir>/xml-apis.jar:$CLASSPATH
  9. Set up the XSLT processor:
    Processor Action
    Set up the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the Saxon JAR files, for example:
    export CLASSPATH=<saxon_dir>/saxon9.jar:<saxon_dir>/saxon9-dom.jar:$CLASSPATH
    Set up the ANT_OPTS environment variable, for example:
    export ANT_OPTS=$ANT_OPTS -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl
    Xalan Set up the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the Xalan JAR files, for example:
    export CLASSPATH=<xalan_dir>/xalan.jar:$CLASSPATH
  10. Optional: For index processing, set up ICU for Java.
    export CLASSPATH=<icu4j_dir>/icu4j.jar:$CLASSPATH
  11. Optional: For JavaHelp, set the JHHOME environment variable.
    export JHHOME=<javahelp_dir>
  12. Optional: For PDF output, set up the XSL-FO processor:
    Processor Action
    Add the FOP installation directory to the file as the fop.home property, for example:
    RenderX Add the RenderX installation directory to the file as the xep.dir property, for example:
    Antenna House Add the AH Formatter installation directory to the file as the axf.path property, for example:
  13. Test the DITA-OT installation by transforming the sample files.
    The samples\ant_sample directory contains Ant scripts designed to build various output formats.
    /usr/local/share/DITA-OT1.8.5$ ant -f samples/ant_sample/sample_all.xml
    The generated output is written to the DITA-dir\out\samples directory. The following output formats are generated:
    • Docbook
    • Eclipse help
    • HTML Help
    • ODT
    • JavaHelp
    • PDF
    • TocJS
    • TROFF
    • XHTML