If you already have locally-installed copies of Ant and the other required tools, install either the minimal or standard package.
In addition, determine the specific DITA-OT transformations that you intend to support and ensure that you have the prerequisite software installed for them.
For more information, see Prerequisite software and Tested platforms and tools.
Package | File name |
Minimal | DITA-OT1.8.5_minimal_bin.tar.gz |
Standard | DITA-OT1.8.5_standard_bin.tar.gz |
export JAVA_HOME=<JRE_dir>
export ANT_HOME=<Ant_dir>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
export DITA_HOME=<DITA-OT_dir>
export CLASSPATH=$DITA_HOME/lib/resolver.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$DITA_HOME/lib/commons-codec-1.4.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=<xerces_dir>/xercesImpl.jar:<xerces_dir>/xml-apis.jar:$CLASSPATH
Processor | Action |
Saxon |
Set up the CLASSPATH environment variable to
include the Saxon JAR files, for
export CLASSPATH=<saxon_dir>/saxon9.jar:<saxon_dir>/saxon9-dom.jar:$CLASSPATH Set up the ANT_OPTS environment variable, for
export ANT_OPTS=$ANT_OPTS -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl |
Xalan | Set up the CLASSPATH environment variable to
include the Xalan JAR files, for example:
export CLASSPATH=<xalan_dir>/xalan.jar:$CLASSPATH |
export CLASSPATH=<icu4j_dir>/icu4j.jar:$CLASSPATH
export JHHOME=<javahelp_dir>
Processor | Action |
Add the FOP installation directory to the
local.properties file as the
fop.home property, for
fop.home=/usr/share/java/fop |
RenderX | Add the RenderX installation directory to the
local.properties file as the
xep.dir property, for
example:xep.dir=/usr/share/java/xep |
Antenna House | Add the AH Formatter installation directory to the
local.properties file as the
axf.path property, for
example:axf.path=/usr/share/java/AHFormatterV6 |
/usr/local/share/DITA-OT1.8.5$ ant -f samples/ant_sample/sample_all.xml