For the simplest installation experience, install the
full-easy-install package. This package can be installed on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. It
contains everything that you need to run the DITA-OT except for Java.
Before you begin
- Ensure that you have Java JRE or JDK, version 6 or later installed.
- Ensure that you have HTML Help Workshop installed, if you
want to generate HTML Help.
Download the full-easy package from SourceForge.
Operating system |
File name |
Linux or Mac OSX |
DITA-OT1.8.5_full_easy_install_bin.tar.gz |
Windows | |
Extract the contents of the package to the directory where you want to install
the DITA-OT.
Run the startcmd file that is applicable for your
operating system.
This defines the necessary environment variables and opens a DOS prompt
or terminal window in which you can invoke the toolkit. You can use the window
to run as many builds as you want; if you close the window, you will need to run
the applicable startcmd file again.