In addition to error messages generated by the DITA Open
Toolkit, you might also encounter error messages generated by
Java or other tools.
Out of Memory error
In some cases, you might receive a message stating the build
has failed due to an Out of Memory error. Try the following
approaches to resolve the problem:
- (For custom-configured environments, not the DITA-OT Full Easy
Install) If you use Xalan as the default XSLT processor,
switch to Saxon.
- Increase the memory available to Java; see Increasing Java memory allocation.
- Reduce memory consumption by setting the generate-debug-attributes
option to false. This option is set in
the lib/ file.
This will disable debug attribute generation (used to trace DITA-OT
error messages back to source files) and will reduce memory consumption.
- Set dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet Ant property
to true. This will allow the XSLT processor
to release memory when converting multiple files.
- Run the transformation again. Can't store Document
After running a JavaHelp transformation, you may receive a
Can't store Document message.
This problem occurs
when HTML files unrelated to the current transformation are found
in the output directory. Delete the content of the output
directory and run the transformation again.
Stack Overflow error
If you receive an
error about a stack memory overflow, increase the JVM and run the
transformation again. See Increasing Java memory allocation.