-- $Id: tmdb-r19-testboxes-3.pgsql 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $ --- @file -- VBox Test Manager Database - Adds sComment and fRawMode to TestBoxes and -- moves the strings to separate table. -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. -- -- This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as -- available from https://www.virtualbox.org. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the -- License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, see . -- -- The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms -- of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 -- (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included -- in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the -- CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. -- -- You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the -- terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 -- -- -- Cleanup after failed runs. -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS OldTestBoxes; -- Die on error from now on. \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 \set AUTOCOMMIT 0 -- Sanity check that we haven't already run this script. SELECT 'done conversion already?', COUNT(sReport) FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP; -- Total grid lock. LOCK TABLE TestBoxStatuses IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; LOCK TABLE TestSets IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; LOCK TABLE TestBoxes IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; LOCK TABLE SchedGroupMembers IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; \d+ TestBoxes; -- -- Rename the table, drop foreign keys refering to it, and drop constrains -- within the table itself. The latter is mostly for naming and we do it -- up front in case the database we're running against has different names -- due to previous conversions. -- ALTER TABLE TestBoxes RENAME TO OldTestBoxes; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_ccpus_check; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_check; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_cmbmemory_check; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_cmbscratch_check; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_pctscaletimeout_check; ALTER TABLE TestBoxStatuses DROP CONSTRAINT TestBoxStatuses_idGenTestBox_fkey; ALTER TABLE TestSets DROP CONSTRAINT TestSets_idGenTestBox_fkey; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_pkey; ALTER TABLE OldTestBoxes DROP CONSTRAINT testboxes_idgentestbox_key; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS TestBoxesUuidIdx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS TestBoxesExpireEffectiveIdx; -- This output should be free of index, constraints and references from other tables. \d+ OldTestBoxes; -- -- Create the two new tables before starting data migration (don't want to spend time -- on converting strings just to find a typo in the TestBoxes create table syntax). -- CREATE SEQUENCE TestBoxStrTabIdSeq START 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE TestBoxStrTab ( --- The ID of this string. idStr INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT NEXTVAL('TestBoxStrTabIdSeq'), --- The string value. sValue text NOT NULL, --- Creation time stamp. tsCreated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE TestBoxes ( --- The fixed testbox ID. -- This is assigned when the testbox is created and will never change. idTestBox INTEGER DEFAULT NEXTVAL('TestBoxIdSeq') NOT NULL, --- When this row starts taking effect (inclusive). tsEffective TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL, --- When this row stops being tsEffective (exclusive). tsExpire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'infinity' NOT NULL, --- The user id of the one who created/modified this entry. -- When modified automatically by the testbox, NULL is used. -- Non-unique foreign key: Users(uid) uidAuthor INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, --- Generation ID for this row. -- This is primarily for referencing by TestSets. idGenTestBox INTEGER UNIQUE DEFAULT NEXTVAL('TestBoxGenIdSeq') NOT NULL, --- The testbox IP. -- This is from the webserver point of view and automatically updated on -- SIGNON. The test setup doesn't permit for IP addresses to change while -- the testbox is operational, because this will break gang tests. ip inet NOT NULL, --- The system or firmware UUID. -- This uniquely identifies the testbox when talking to the server. After -- SIGNON though, the testbox will also provide idTestBox and ip to -- establish its identity beyond doubt. uuidSystem uuid NOT NULL, --- The testbox name. -- Usually similar to the DNS name. sName text NOT NULL, --- Optional testbox description. -- Intended for describing the box as well as making other relevant notes. idStrDescription INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- Reference to the scheduling group that this testbox is a member of. -- Non-unique foreign key: SchedGroups(idSchedGroup) -- A testbox is always part of a group, the default one nothing else. idSchedGroup INTEGER DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, --- Indicates whether this testbox is enabled. -- A testbox gets disabled when we're doing maintenance, debugging a issue -- that happens only on that testbox, or some similar stuff. This is an -- alternative to deleting the testbox. fEnabled BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, --- The kind of lights-out-management. enmLomKind LomKind_T DEFAULT 'none'::LomKind_T NOT NULL, --- The IP adress of the lights-out-management. -- This can be NULL if enmLomKind is 'none', otherwise it must contain a valid address. ipLom inet DEFAULT NULL, --- Timeout scale factor, given as a percent. -- This is a crude adjustment of the test case timeout for slower hardware. pctScaleTimeout smallint DEFAULT 100 NOT NULL CHECK (pctScaleTimeout > 10 AND pctScaleTimeout < 20000), --- Change comment or similar. idStrComment INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- @name Scheduling properties (reported by testbox script). -- @{ --- Same abbrieviations as kBuild, see KBUILD_OSES. idStrOs INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- Informational, no fixed format. idStrOsVersion INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- Same as CPUID reports (GenuineIntel, AuthenticAMD, CentaurHauls, ...). idStrCpuVendor INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- Same as kBuild - x86, amd64, ... See KBUILD_ARCHES. idStrCpuArch INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- The CPU name if available. idStrCpuName INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- Number identifying the CPU family/model/stepping/whatever. -- For x86 and AMD64 type CPUs, this will on the following format: -- (EffFamily << 24) | (EffModel << 8) | Stepping. lCpuRevision bigint DEFAULT NULL, --- Number of CPUs, CPU cores and CPU threads. cCpus smallint DEFAULT NULL CHECK (cCpus IS NULL OR cCpus > 0), --- Set if capable of hardware virtualization. fCpuHwVirt boolean DEFAULT NULL, --- Set if capable of nested paging. fCpuNestedPaging boolean DEFAULT NULL, --- Set if CPU capable of 64-bit (VBox) guests. fCpu64BitGuest boolean DEFAULT NULL, --- Set if chipset with usable IOMMU (VT-d / AMD-Vi). fChipsetIoMmu boolean DEFAULT NULL, --- Set if the test box does raw-mode tests. fRawMode boolean DEFAULT NULL, --- The (approximate) memory size in megabytes (rounded down to nearest 4 MB). cMbMemory bigint DEFAULT NULL CHECK (cMbMemory IS NULL OR cMbMemory > 0), --- The amount of scratch space in megabytes (rounded down to nearest 64 MB). cMbScratch bigint DEFAULT NULL CHECK (cMbScratch IS NULL OR cMbScratch >= 0), --- Free form hardware and software report field. idStrReport INTEGER REFERENCES TestBoxStrTab(idStr) DEFAULT NULL, --- @} --- The testbox script revision number, serves the purpose of a version number. -- Probably good to have when scheduling upgrades as well for status purposes. iTestBoxScriptRev INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, --- The python sys.hexversion (layed out as of 2.7). -- Good to know which python versions we need to support. iPythonHexVersion INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, --- Pending command. -- @note We put it here instead of in TestBoxStatuses to get history. enmPendingCmd TestBoxCmd_T DEFAULT 'none'::TestBoxCmd_T NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (idTestBox, tsExpire), --- Nested paging requires hardware virtualization. CHECK (fCpuNestedPaging IS NULL OR (fCpuNestedPaging <> TRUE OR fCpuHwVirt = TRUE)) ); -- Convenience view that simplifies querying a lot. CREATE VIEW TestBoxesWithStrings AS SELECT TestBoxes.*, Str1.sValue AS sDescription, Str2.sValue AS sComment, Str3.sValue AS sOs, Str4.sValue AS sOsVersion, Str5.sValue AS sCpuVendor, Str6.sValue AS sCpuArch, Str7.sValue AS sCpuName, Str8.sValue AS sReport FROM TestBoxes LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str1 ON idStrDescription = Str1.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str2 ON idStrComment = Str2.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str3 ON idStrOs = Str3.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str4 ON idStrOsVersion = Str4.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str5 ON idStrCpuVendor = Str5.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str6 ON idStrCpuArch = Str6.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str7 ON idStrCpuName = Str7.idStr LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab Str8 ON idStrReport = Str8.idStr; -- -- Populate the string table. -- --- Empty string with ID 0. INSERT INTO TestBoxStrTab (idStr, sValue) VALUES (0, ''); INSERT INTO TestBoxStrTab (sValue) ( SELECT DISTINCT sDescription FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sDescription IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sOs FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sOs IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sOsVersion FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sOsVersion IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sCpuVendor FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sCpuVendor IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sCpuArch FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sCpuArch IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sCpuName FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sCpuName IS NOT NULL ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT sReport FROM OldTestBoxes WHERE sReport IS NOT NULL ); -- Index and analyze the string table as we'll be using it a lot below already. CREATE INDEX TestBoxStrTabNameIdx ON TestBoxStrTab USING hash (sValue); ANALYZE VERBOSE TestBoxStrTab; SELECT MAX(idStr) FROM TestBoxStrTab; SELECT pg_total_relation_size('TestBoxStrTab'); -- -- Populate the test box table. -- INSERT INTO TestBoxes ( idTestBox, -- 0 tsEffective, -- 1 tsExpire, -- 2 uidAuthor, -- 3 idGenTestBox, -- 4 ip, -- 5 uuidSystem, -- 6 sName, -- 7 idStrDescription, -- 8 idSchedGroup, -- 9 fEnabled, -- 10 enmLomKind, -- 11 ipLom, -- 12 pctScaleTimeout, -- 13 idStrComment, -- 14 idStrOs, -- 15 idStrOsVersion, -- 16 idStrCpuVendor, -- 17 idStrCpuArch, -- 18 idStrCpuName, -- 19 lCpuRevision, -- 20 cCpus, -- 21 fCpuHwVirt, -- 22 fCpuNestedPaging, -- 23 fCpu64BitGuest, -- 24 fChipsetIoMmu, -- 25 fRawMode, -- 26 cMbMemory, -- 27 cMbScratch, -- 28 idStrReport, -- 29 iTestBoxScriptRev, -- 30 iPythonHexVersion, -- 31 enmPendingCmd -- 32 ) SELECT idTestBox, tsEffective, tsExpire, uidAuthor, idGenTestBox, ip, uuidSystem, sName, st1.idStr, idSchedGroup, fEnabled, enmLomKind, ipLom, pctScaleTimeout, NULL, st2.idStr, st3.idStr, st4.idStr, st5.idStr, st6.idStr, lCpuRevision, cCpus, fCpuHwVirt, fCpuNestedPaging, fCpu64BitGuest, fChipsetIoMmu, NULL, cMbMemory, cMbScratch, st7.idStr, iTestBoxScriptRev, iPythonHexVersion, enmPendingCmd FROM OldTestBoxes LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st1 ON sDescription = st1.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st2 ON sOs = st2.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st3 ON sOsVersion = st3.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st4 ON sCpuVendor = st4.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st5 ON sCpuArch = st5.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st6 ON sCpuName = st6.sValue LEFT OUTER JOIN TestBoxStrTab st7 ON sReport = st7.sValue; -- Restore indexes. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX TestBoxesUuidIdx ON TestBoxes (uuidSystem, tsExpire DESC); CREATE INDEX TestBoxesExpireEffectiveIdx ON TestBoxes (tsExpire DESC, tsEffective ASC); -- Restore foreign key references to the table. ALTER TABLE TestBoxStatuses ADD CONSTRAINT TestBoxStatuses_idGenTestBox_fkey FOREIGN KEY (idGenTestBox) REFERENCES TestBoxes(idGenTestBox); ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD CONSTRAINT TestSets_idGenTestBox_fkey FOREIGN KEY (idGenTestBox) REFERENCES TestBoxes(idGenTestBox); -- Drop the old table. DROP TABLE OldTestBoxes; COMMIT; \d TestBoxes;