# $Id: Makefile-header.gmk 77541 2019-03-03 04:39:14Z vboxsync $ ## @file # VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module Makefile, common parts. # # (For 2.6.x, the main file must be called 'Makefile'!) # # # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation # # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. # # Testing: # * Building with KERN_DIR set uses the value specified and # the default value for the unspecified one if any. # # These file should be included by the Makefiles for any kernel modules we # build as part of the Guest Additions. The intended way of doing this is as # follows: # # # Linux kbuild sets this to our source directory if we are called from there # obj ?= $(CURDIR) # include $(obj)/Makefile-header.gmk # VBOXMOD_NAME = # VBOXMOD_OBJS = # VBOXMOD_DEFS = # VBOXMOD_INCL = # VBOXMOD_CFLAGS = # include $(obj)/Makefile-footer.gmk # # The kmk kBuild define KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH is available. # # # First, figure out which architecture we're targeting and the build type. # (We have to support basic cross building (ARCH=i386|x86_64).) # While at it, warn about BUILD_* vars found to help with user problems. # ifeq ($(filter-out x86_64 amd64 AMD64,$(shell uname -m)),) BUILD_TARGET_ARCH_DEF := amd64 else BUILD_TARGET_ARCH_DEF := x86 endif ifneq ($(filter-out amd64 x86,$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)),) $(warning Ignoring unknown BUILD_TARGET_ARCH value '$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)'.) BUILD_TARGET_ARCH := endif ifeq ($(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH),) ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64) BUILD_TARGET_ARCH := amd64 else ifeq ($(ARCH),i386) BUILD_TARGET_ARCH := x86 else BUILD_TARGET_ARCH := $(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH_DEF) endif endif else ifneq ($(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH),$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH_DEF)) $(warning Using BUILD_TARGET_ARCH='$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)' from the $(origin BUILD_TARGET_ARCH).) endif endif ifneq ($(filter-out release profile debug strict,$(BUILD_TYPE)),) $(warning Ignoring unknown BUILD_TYPE value '$(BUILD_TYPE)'.) BUILD_TYPE := endif ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE),) BUILD_TYPE := release else ifneq ($(BUILD_TYPE),release) ifndef VBOX_KERN_QUIET $(warning Using BUILD_TYPE='$(BUILD_TYPE)' from the $(origin BUILD_TYPE).) endif endif endif ifeq ($(USERNAME),) USERNAME := noname endif ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) # # building from this directory # # kernel base directory ifdef KERN_DIR ifndef KERN_VER ifeq ($(filter %/build,$(KERN_DIR)),) $(error The variable KERN_DIR must be a kernel build folder and end with /build without a trailing slash, or KERN_VER must be set) endif endif endif ifndef KERN_VER ifdef KERN_DIR KERN_VER = $(notdir $(patsubst %/build,%,$(KERN_DIR))) ifeq ($(shell expr $(KERN_VER) : '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*.[0-9]*'),0) $(error The kernel build folder path must end in /build, or the variable KERN_VER must be set) endif endif KERN_VER ?= $(shell uname -r) endif ifeq ($(KERN_DIR),) KERN_DIR := /lib/modules/$(KERN_VER)/build endif # Is this 2.4 or < 2.6.6? The UTS_RELEASE "2.x.y.z" define is present in the header until 2.6.1x something. ifeq ($(shell if grep '"2\.4\.' $(KERN_DIR)/include/linux/version.h > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo yes; fi),yes) KERN_VERSION := 24 VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := else KERN_VERSION := 26 VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := yes ifeq ($(shell if grep '"2\.6\.[012345][."]' $(KERN_DIR)/include/linux/version.h > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo yes; fi),yes) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := endif VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := ifeq ($(shell if grep '"[432]\.' $(KERN_DIR)/include/linux/version.h > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo yes; fi),yes) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := yes endif endif else # neq($(KERNELRELEASE),) # # building from kbuild (make -C M=`pwd`) # # guess kernel version (24 or 26) ifeq ($(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL),2.4) KERN_VERSION := 24 VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := else KERN_VERSION := 26 VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := yes ifeq ($(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL),2.6) ifeq ($(findstring @$(SUBLEVEL)@,@0@1@2@3@4@5@),@$(SUBLEVEL)@) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_EXTMOD := endif endif VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := ifeq ($(VERSION),2) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := yes endif ifeq ($(VERSION),3) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := yes endif ifeq ($(VERSION),4) VBOX_KERN_GROKS_SUBDIRS := yes endif endif KERN_VER := $(KERNELRELEASE) ifeq ($(KERN_DIR),) KERN_DIR := /lib/modules/$(KERN_VER)/build endif endif # neq($(KERNELRELEASE),) # Kernel build folder ifneq ($(shell if test -d $(KERN_DIR); then echo yes; fi),yes) $(error Error: unable to find the headers of the Linux kernel to build against. \ Specify KERN_VER= (currently $(KERN_VER)) and run Make again) endif # Kernel include folder KERN_INCL := $(KERN_DIR)/include # module install folder INSTALL_MOD_DIR ?= misc MODULE_DIR := $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/lib/modules/$(KERN_VER)/$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) # # The KBUILD_EXTMOD variable is used by 2.6.6 and later when build external # modules (see https://lwn.net/Articles/79984/). It will be set to SUBDIRS # or M by the linux kernel makefile. We fake it here for older kernels. # ## @todo Drop this KBUILD_EXTMOD glue once it has been removed from all our makefiles (see sharedfolders). ifndef CURDIR # for make < v3.79 CURDIR := $(shell pwd) endif ifndef KBUILD_EXTMOD KBUILD_EXTMOD := $(CURDIR) endif # For VBOX_GCC_CHECK_CC VBOX_CLOSEPAR := ) VBOX_DOLLAR := $$ ## Modified VBOX_GCC_CHECK_EX_CC_CXX macro from /Config.kmk. # @param 1 The option to test for. # @param 2 The return value when supported. # @param 3 The return value when NOT supported. VBOX_GCC_CHECK_CC = $(shell \ > /tmp/$(VBOX_DOLLAR)$(VBOX_DOLLAR).check.c; \ if $(CC) $(subst -Wno-,-W,$(1)) -Werror -c -o /dev/null /tmp/$(VBOX_DOLLAR)$(VBOX_DOLLAR).check.c > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ case "`LC_ALL=C $(CC) $(subst -Wno-,-W,$(1)) -Werror -c -o /dev/null /tmp/$(VBOX_DOLLAR)$(VBOX_DOLLAR).check.c 2>&1`" in \ "error: unknown warning option"*$(VBOX_CLOSEPAR) echo "$(3)";; \ *$(VBOX_CLOSEPAR) echo "$(2)";; \ esac; \ else echo "$(3)"; fi; \ rm -f /tmp/$(VBOX_DOLLAR)$(VBOX_DOLLAR).check.c; ) # # Guess the module directory ASSUMING that this file is located in that directory. # Note! The special MAKEFILE_LIST variable was introduced in GNU make 3.80. # ifdef MAKEFILE_LIST VBOX_MODULE_SRC_DIR := $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) else VBOX_MODULE_SRC_DIR := $(CURDIR)/ endif # debug - show guesses. ifdef DEBUG ifndef VBOX_KERN_QUIET $(warning dbg: INSTALL_MOD_PATH = $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)) $(warning dbg: INSTALL_MOD_DIR = $(INSTALL_MOD_DIR)) $(warning dbg: KERN_DIR = $(KERN_DIR)) $(warning dbg: KERN_INCL = $(KERN_INCL)) $(warning dbg: KERN_VERSION = $(KERN_VERSION)) $(warning dbg: MODULE_DIR = $(MODULE_DIR)) $(warning dbg: KBUILD_EXTMOD = $(KBUILD_EXTMOD)) $(warning dbg: VBOX_MODULE_SRC_DIR = $(VBOX_MODULE_SRC_DIR)) endif endif