; $Id: bootsector2-common-init-code.mac 66145 2017-03-16 20:10:59Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; Common bootsector code init. ; ; In addition to initialize the stack at %7bf0 it loads the first 512KB of the ; floppy image at %7c00. The control is handed over with interrupts disabled ; to a 'main' function defined by the includer. ; ; The following defines controls the mode we call main in: ; - BS2_INIT_RM (default) ; - BS2_INIT_PE32 ; - BS2_INIT_PP32 ; - BS2_INIT_PAE32 ; - BS2_INIT_LM64 ; ; The following defines controls code inclusion: ; - BS2_INC_RM ; - BS2_INC_PE ; - BS2_INC_PE16 ; - BS2_INC_PE32 ; - BS2_INC_PEV86 ; - BS2_INC_PP ; - BS2_INC_PP16 ; - BS2_INC_PP32 ; - BS2_INC_PPV86 ; - BS2_INC_PAE ; - BS2_INC_PAE16 ; - BS2_INC_PAE32 ; - BS2_INC_PAEV86 ; - BS2_INC_LM ; - BS2_INC_LM16 ; - BS2_INC_LM32 ; - BS2_INC_LM64 ; - BS2_INC_CMN_R86 ; - BS2_INC_CMN_V86 ; - BS2_INC_CMN_P16 ; - BS2_INC_CMN_P32 ; - BS2_INC_CMN_P64 ; - BS2_WITH_TRAPS ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; ; map files should include symbols and everything. [map all] ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "bootsector2-structures.mac" %include "bootsector2-common-macros-1.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* ;; The magic shutdown I/O port %define SHUTDOWN_PORT 0x040f ;; @name Static Memory Allocation ; @{ ;; The boot sector load address. %define BS2_ADDR 07c00h ;; The stack is located before the code (and will overflow into the interrupt ; table and other essential system data). %define STACK_ADDR (BS2_ADDR - 256) %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; The address of the ring-0 stack in bs2Tss32BitDf. %define BS2_DF_R0_STACK_ADDR 06800h ;; The address of the ring-0 stack in TSSxx. %define BS2_R0_STACK_ADDR 06000h ;; The address of the ring-1 stack in TSSxx. %define BS2_R1_STACK_ADDR 05000h ;; The address of the ring-2 stack in TSSxx. %define BS2_R2_STACK_ADDR 04800h %endif ; BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; ; Where we save the boot registers during init. %define BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR 06000h ;; The start of the memory area used for paging, stacks and so forth. %define BS2_PXX_BASE 080000h ;; The page map level 4 address (all entries point to BS2_LM_PDP_ADDR). %define BS2_LM_PML4_ADDR 080000h ;; The long mode page directory pointer table address. %define BS2_LM_PDP_ADDR 081000h ;; The PAE page directory pointer table address. %define BS2_PAE_PDP_ADDR 082000h ;; The address of the 4 PAE page directories. Also used by long mode. %define BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR 083000h ;; The address of the 32-bit page directory. %define BS2_32B_PD_ADDR 087000h ;; User page table #0. %define BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR 088000h ;; User page table #1. %define BS2_USER_PX_1_ADDR 089000h ;; User page table #2. %define BS2_USER_PX_2_ADDR 08a000h ;; User page table #3. %define BS2_USER_PX_3_ADDR 08b000h ;; User page table #4. %define BS2_USER_PX_4_ADDR 08c000h ;; User page table #5. %define BS2_USER_PX_5_ADDR 08d000h ;; User page table #6. %define BS2_USER_PX_6_ADDR 08e000h ;; User page table #7. %define BS2_USER_PX_7_ADDR 08f000h ;; The selector to use when accessing the PDP and PD from real mode. %define BS2_PXX_SEL 08000h ;; Converts a BS2_P*_ADDR into a BS2_PXX_SEL selector offset. %define BS2_PXX_OFF(Addr) ( (Addr) - (BS2_PXX_SEL * 16) ) ;; The base address in the default address spaces of the range where we are ; free to muck about as much as we like. (This is a virtual address.) %define BS2_MUCK_ABOUT_BASE 000400000h ; We have some free space here 090000h...09a000h (stacks moved) ;; The address of the LDT. %define BS2_LDT_BASE 09b000h ;; The size of the LDT in bytes. %define BS2_LDT_SIZE 001fffh ;; The start of the memory area used for paging, stacks and so forth. %define BS2_PXX_LAST 09ffffh ;; @} ;; ; @name Group of 32-bit, 16-bit and 64-bit selectors for one ring. ; @{ %define BS2_SEL_GRP_CS32 00h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_DS32 08h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_SS32 10h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_CS16 18h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_DS16 20h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_SS16 28h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_CS64 30h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_DS64 38h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_SS64 38h %define BS2_SEL_GRP_SIZE 40h ;; @} ;; Move to program. %ifndef BS2_WITHOUT_RAW_MODE %define BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE %endif ; Implicit code inclusion based on the init mode. %ifdef BS2_INIT_PE32 %define BS2_INC_PE32 %elifdef BS2_INIT_PP32 %define BS2_INC_PP32 %elifdef BS2_INIT_PAE32 %define BS2_INC_PAE32 %elifdef BS2_INIT_LM64 %define BS2_INC_LM64 %else %define BS2_INIT_RM ; the default %define BS2_INC_RM %endif ; Aliases. %ifdef BS2_INC_PE %define BS2_INC_PE16 %define BS2_INC_PE32 %define BS2_INC_PEV86 %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PP %define BS2_INC_PP16 %define BS2_INC_PP32 %define BS2_INC_PPV86 %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE %define BS2_INC_PAE16 %define BS2_INC_PAE32 %define BS2_INC_PAEV86 %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_LM %define BS2_INC_LM16 %define BS2_INC_LM32 %define BS2_INC_LM64 %endif ; Common code. %ifdef BS2_INC_RM %define BS2_INC_CMN_R86 %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PE16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PE32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PEV86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_R86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_V86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PP16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PP %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PP32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PP %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PPV86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_R86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_V86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PP %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_PAEV86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_R86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_V86 %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE %define BS2_INC_CMN_PM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_LM16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %define BS2_INC_CMN_LM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_LM32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_P32 %define BS2_INC_CMN_LM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_LM64 %define BS2_INC_CMN_LM64 %define BS2_INC_CMN_LM %define BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %endif ; ; Misc defines. ; ;; The offset of the TSS32.CR3 field. %define BS2_TSS32_CR3_OFF 01ch ;******************************************************************************* ;* Structures and Typedefs * ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Start with a jump just to follow the convention. ; Also declare all segments/sections to establish them and their order. ; ORG BS2_ADDR section .text valign=16 align=16 progbits section .data vfollows=.text follows=.text valign=16 align=16 progbits section .texthigh vfollows=.data follows=.data valign=16 align=16 progbits section .traprecs vfollows=.texthigh follows=.texthigh valign=8 align=8 progbits section .end vfollows=.traprecs follows=.traprecs valign=512 align=512 progbits %define BEGINCODELOW section .text ;;< For 16-bit code. %define BEGINCODEHIGH section .texthigh ;;< For 32-bit and 64-bit code. %define BEGINEND section .end ;;< For aligning image to 512 bytes. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 start: jmp short bs2InitCode nop nop ; alignment ; ; Abuse the bios parameter block area for data storage. ; gdtr: dw bs2GdtEnd - bs2Gdt - 1 ; limit 15:00 dw bs2Gdt ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused idtr_null: dw 0 ; limit 15:00 dw bs2Gdt ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PM idtr_32bit: dw bs2Idt32bitEnd - bs2Idt32bit -1 ; limit 15:00 dw bs2Idt32bit ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM idtr_64bit: dw bs2Idt64bitEnd - bs2Idt64bit -1 ; limit 15:00 dw bs2Idt64bit ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused %endif %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE idtr_dummy_32bit: dw bs2DummyIdt32bitEnd - bs2DummyIdt32bit -1 ; limit 15:00 dw bs2DummyIdt32bit ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused %endif idtr_real_mode: dw 01ffh ; limit 15:00 dw 0 ; base 15:00 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; unused g_achHex: db '0123456789abcdef', 0 g_bBootDrv: db 80h ; Not in the official BPB location, but whatever. g_fCpuIntel: db 0 g_fCpuAmd: db 0 bs2BpbPadding: times 3dh - (bs2BpbPadding - start) db 0 ; ; Where to real init code starts. ; bs2InitCode: cli %ifdef BS2_INIT_SAVE_REGS ; save the registers if we've been asked to do so. mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rax], eax mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rsp], esp mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rbp], ebp mov ax, ss mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.ss], ax mov ax, ds mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.ds], ax mov ax, es mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.es], ax mov ax, fs mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.fs], ax mov ax, gs %endif ; set up the segment reisters and stack. xor eax, eax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax mov esp, STACK_ADDR mov [esp], eax ; clear the first 16 bytes mov [esp + 04h], eax mov [esp + 08h], eax ; fake rbp. mov [esp + 0ch], eax ; fake ebp and bp mov ebp, esp %ifdef BS2_INIT_SAVE_REGS ; Save more registers now that ds is known and the stack is usable. pushfd pop eax mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rflags], eax mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rbx], ebx mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rcx], ecx mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rdx], edx mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rsi], esi mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rdi], edi %endif ; Make sure caching is enabled and alignment is off. mov eax, cr0 %ifdef BS2_INIT_SAVE_REGS mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cr0], eax %endif and eax, ~(X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD | X86_CR0_AM) mov cr0, eax ; Load all the code. call bs2InitLoadImage mov [g_bBootDrv], dl ; Initialize the data structures for the included modes requiring this. %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PP call bs2InitPagedProtMode %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PAE call bs2InitPaeProtMode %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM call bs2InitLongMode %endif ; Entered the desired mode. %ifdef BS2_INIT_PE32 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pe32 BITS 32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_PP32 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 BITS 32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_PAE32 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae32 BITS 32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_LM64 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 BITS 64 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_RM call SetCpuModeGlobals_rm %endif %ifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE ; ; Mask interrupts and then set IF. ; mov al, 0ffh out 021h, al out 0a1h, al sti %endif jmp bs2DoneInit ;; ; Loads the image off the floppy. ; ; This uses the the_end label to figure out the length. For this to work ; cleanly the label must be aligned on a sector boundrary. Use BS2_PAD_IMAGE ; to make sure this is the case. ; ; Clobbers everything except ebp and esp. Panics on failure. ; ; @param dl The boot drive number (from BIOS). ; @uses ax, cx, bx, esi, di ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2InitLoadImage push bp mov bp, sp push es %define bSavedDiskNo byte [bp - 04h] push dx %define bMaxSector byte [bp - 06h] push 0 %define bMaxHead byte [bp - 08h] push 0 %define bMaxCylinder byte [bp - 0ah] push 0 ; ; Try figure the geometry. ; mov ah, 08h int 13h jc .failure mov bMaxSector, cl mov bMaxHead, dh mov bMaxCylinder, ch mov dl, bSavedDiskNo ; ; Reload all the sectors one at a time (avoids problems). ; lea esi, [dword the_end] sub esi, start shr esi, 9 ; si = number of sectors to load. mov di, BS2_ADDR / 16 ; The current load segment. mov cx, 0001h ; ch/cylinder=0 (0-based); cl/sector=1 (1-based) xor dh, dh ; dh/head=0 .the_load_loop: xor bx, bx mov es, di ; es:bx -> buffer mov ax, 0201h ; al=1 sector; ah=read function int 13h jc .failure ; advance to the next sector/head/cylinder. inc cl cmp cl, bMaxSector jbe .adv_addr mov cl, 1 inc dh cmp dh, bMaxHead jbe .adv_addr mov dh, 0 inc ch .adv_addr: add di, 512 / 16 dec si jnz .the_load_loop add sp, 3*2 pop dx pop es leave ret ; ; Something went wrong, display a message. ; .failure: pusha ; print message mov si, .s_szErrMsg mov ah, 0eh xor bx, bx .failure_next_char: lodsb int 10h cmp si, .s_szErrMsgEnd jb .failure_next_char ; format the error number. movzx bx, byte [bp - 2 - 1] ; read the ah of the pusha frame shr bl, 4 mov al, [bx + g_achHex] int 10h movzx bx, byte [bp - 2 - 1] ; read the ah of the pusha frame and bl, 0fh mov al, [bx + g_achHex] int 10h ; panic popa call Bs2Panic .s_szErrMsg: db 13, 10, 'read error: ' .s_szErrMsgEnd: ENDPROC bs2InitLoadImage ;; Pads the image so bs2InitLoadImage can load it without trouble. %macro BS2_PAD_IMAGE 0 bs2PadImageLabel: ; times ( (512*18*2) - ( (bs2PadImageLabel - start) % (512*18*2) ) ) db 0 ; track aligned size. times ( 512 - ( (bs2PadImageLabel - start) % 512 ) ) db 0 ; sector aligned size. ; times ( 10000h - BS2_ADDR - (bs2PadImageLabel - start) ) db 0 ; full segment 0 size. %endmacro ;; ; Shutdown routine that will work in real and protected mode, providing ; that SS is valid that we can load it into DS. ; ; Does not return. ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2Shutdown cli mov bl, 64 mov dx, SHUTDOWN_PORT mov ax, ss mov ds, ax .retry: mov ecx, 8 mov esi, .s_szShutdown rep outsb dec bl jnz .retry ; Shutdown failed! jmp Bs2Panic .s_szShutdown: db 'Shutdown', 0 ENDPROC Bs2Shutdown ;; ; Panic routine for real mode. ; ; Does not return. ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2Panic cli .hlt_again: hlt jmp .hlt_again ENDPROC Bs2Panic ; ; Padd the remainder of the sector with zeros and ; end it with the dos signature. ; bs2Padding: times 510 - (bs2Padding - start) db 0 db 055h, 0aah ; ; The GDT (X86DESCGENERIC). ; align 8, db 0 bs2Gdt: dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; null selector %define BS2_SEL_R0_BASE 08h %define BS2_SEL_CS32 08h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09b00h, 000cfh ; 32-bit flat code segment. %define BS2_SEL_DS32 10h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09300h, 000cfh ; 32-bit flat data segment. %define BS2_SEL_SS32 18h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09300h, 000cfh ; 32-bit flat stack segment. %define BS2_SEL_CS16 20h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09b00h, 00000h ; 16-bit code segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_DS16 28h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09300h, 00000h ; 16-bit data segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_SS16 30h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09300h, 00000h ; 16-bit stack segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_CS64 38h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09a00h, 000afh ; 64-bit code segment. %define BS2_SEL_DS64 40h %define BS2_SEL_SS64 40h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09300h, 000afh ; 64-bit stack and data segment. dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; Unused %define BS2_SEL_MMIO16 50h %define BS2_SEL_MMIO16_BASE 0100000h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 09310h, 00000h ; 16-bit VMMDev MMIO segment with base 0100000h. dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; Unused %define BS2_SEL_LDT 60h ; LDT usage requires manual LLDT and setting up. dw BS2_LDT_SIZE, BS2_LDT_BASE & 0xffff, 08200h | ((BS2_LDT_BASE >> 16) & 0xff), 00000h dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; zero for 64-bit mode. %define BS2_SEL_CS16_EO 70h dw 0fffeh, 00000h, 09800h, 00000h ; 16-bit code segment with base 0, not accessed, execute only, short limit. dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; unused. %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PM %define BS2_SEL_TSS32 80h dw (bs2Tss32BitEnd - bs2Tss32Bit) - 1 ; 32-bit TSS. dw bs2Tss32Bit db 0 db X86_SEL_TYPE_SYS_386_TSS_AVAIL | 0x80 dw 0 %define BS2_SEL_TSS32_DF 88h dw (bs2Tss32BitDfEnd - bs2Tss32BitDf) - 1; 32-bit TSS, double fault. dw bs2Tss32BitDf db 0 db X86_SEL_TYPE_SYS_386_TSS_AVAIL | 0x80 dw 0 %else dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM %define BS2_SEL_TSS64 90h dw (bs2Tss64BitEnd - bs2Tss64Bit) - 1 ; 32-bit TSS. dw bs2Tss64Bit db 0 db AMD64_SEL_TYPE_SYS_TSS_AVAIL | 0x80 dw 0 dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h ; 2nd half of the 64-bit selector (not necessary). %else dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h dw 00000h, 00000h, 00000h, 00000h %endif %endif ; Ring-1 selectors. %define BS2_SEL_R1_BASE 0a0h %define BS2_SEL_R1_CS32 0a0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0bb00h, 000cfh ; Ring-1 32-bit flat code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R1_DS32 0a8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0b300h, 000cfh ; Ring-1 32-bit flat data segment. %define BS2_SEL_R1_SS32 0b0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0b300h, 000cfh ; Ring-1 32-bit flat stack segment. %define BS2_SEL_R1_CS16 0b8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0bb00h, 00000h ; Ring-1 16-bit code segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R1_DS16 0c0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0b300h, 00000h ; Ring-1 16-bit data segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R1_SS16 0c8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0b300h, 00000h ; Ring-1 16-bit stack segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R1_CS64 0d0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0ba00h, 000afh ; Ring-1 64-bit code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R1_DS64 0d8h %define BS2_SEL_R1_SS64 0d8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0b300h, 000afh ; Ring-1 64-bit stack and data segment. ; Ring-2 selectors. %define BS2_SEL_R2_BASE 0e0h %define BS2_SEL_R2_CS32 0e0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0db00h, 000cfh ; Ring-2 32-bit flat code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R2_DS32 0e8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0d300h, 000cfh ; Ring-2 32-bit flat data segment. %define BS2_SEL_R2_SS32 0f0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0d300h, 000cfh ; Ring-2 32-bit flat stack segment. %define BS2_SEL_R2_CS16 0f8h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0db00h, 00000h ; Ring-2 16-bit code segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R2_DS16 0f0h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0d300h, 00000h ; Ring-2 16-bit data segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R2_SS16 108h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0d300h, 00000h ; Ring-2 16-bit stack segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R2_CS64 110h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0da00h, 000afh ; Ring-2 64-bit code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R2_DS64 118h %define BS2_SEL_R2_SS64 118h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0d300h, 000afh ; Ring-2 64-bit stack and data segment. ; Ring-3 selectors. %define BS2_SEL_R3_BASE 120h %define BS2_SEL_R3_CS32 120h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0fb00h, 000cfh ; Ring-3 32-bit flat code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R3_DS32 128h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0f300h, 000cfh ; Ring-3 32-bit flat data segment. %define BS2_SEL_R3_SS32 130h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0f300h, 000cfh ; Ring-3 32-bit flat stack segment. %define BS2_SEL_R3_CS16 138h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0fb00h, 00000h ; Ring-3 16-bit code segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R3_DS16 140h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0f300h, 00000h ; Ring-3 16-bit data segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R3_SS16 148h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0f300h, 00000h ; Ring-3 16-bit stack segment with base 0. %define BS2_SEL_R3_CS64 150h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0fa00h, 000afh ; Ring-1 64-bit code segment. %define BS2_SEL_R3_DS64 158h %define BS2_SEL_R3_SS64 158h dw 0ffffh, 00000h, 0f300h, 000afh ; Ring-1 64-bit stack and data segment. ; Here follows a bunch of spare GDT entries for (ab)use in testing. %define BS2_SEL_SPARE0 160h bs2GdtSpare0: dq 0 %define BS2_SEL_SPARE1 (BS2_SEL_SPARE0 + 08h) bs2GdtSpare1: dq 0 %define BS2_SEL_SPARE2 (BS2_SEL_SPARE0 + 10h) bs2GdtSpare2: dq 0 %define BS2_SEL_SPARE3 (BS2_SEL_SPARE0 + 18h) bs2GdtSpare3: dq 0 bs2GdtEnd: %ifndef BS2_WITH_TRAPS %ifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE ; ; Dummy 32-bit IDT for making CSAM happy. ; align 16, db 0 bs2DummyIdt32bit: dw 0, 0, 0, 0 dw 0, 0, 0, 0 dw 0, 0, 0, 0 dw 0, 0, 0, 0 bs2DummyIdt32bitEnd %endif %endif ; ; Mode initialization routines. ; %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PP ;; ; Initializes the paged protected mode structures during init. ; ; @uses ebx, esi ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2InitPagedProtMode push ds ; ; Create a paging hierarchy ; mov bx, BS2_PXX_SEL mov ds, bx mov ebx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_32B_PD_ADDR) xor esi, esi ; physical address ; The page directory. .pd_loop: mov dword [bx], esi or word [bx], X86_PDE4M_P | X86_PDE4M_RW | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_US add esi, _4M add bx, 4 test bx, 0fffh jnz .pd_loop %ifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE ; ; Make sure there is some free space for the hypervisor near the top ; of the address space (last 4MB is mapped). ; and byte [bx - 08h], 0feh and byte [bx - 0ch], 0feh and byte [bx - 10h], 0feh and byte [bx - 14h], 0feh %endif pop ds ret ENDPROC bs2InitPagedProtMode %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PP %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM ;; ; Initializes the PAE page directories. ; ; Assumes ds is set to BS2_PXX_SEL already and that edx is zero. ; ; @uses ebx, esi ; @internal ; BEGINPROC bs2InitPaePageDirs mov esi, X86_PDE4M_P | X86_PDE4M_RW | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_US mov ebx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR) .pd_loop: mov [bx], esi mov [bx + 4], edx add esi, _2M add bx, 8 test bx, 0fffh jnz .pd_loop cmp bx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 4*_4K) jne .pd_loop %ifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE ; ; Make sure there is some free space for the hypervisor near the top ; of the address space (last 4MB is mapped). ; and byte [bx - 10h], 0feh and byte [bx - 18h], 0feh and byte [bx - 20h], 0feh and byte [bx - 28h], 0feh %endif ret ENDPROC bs2InitPaePageDirs %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PAE_LM %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PAE ;; ; Initializes the PAE protected mode structures during init. ; ; @uses edx, ebx, esi. ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2InitPaeProtMode push ds mov dx, BS2_PXX_SEL mov ds, dx xor edx, edx ; ; Join paths with long mode. ; call bs2InitPaePageDirs ; ; Create the page directory pointer table. ; mov ebx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_PAE_PDP_ADDR) mov dword [bx], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR ) | X86_PDPE_P mov dword [bx + 04h], edx mov dword [bx + 08h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 1000h) | X86_PDPE_P mov dword [bx + 0ch], edx mov dword [bx + 10h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 2000h) | X86_PDPE_P mov dword [bx + 14h], edx mov dword [bx + 18h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 3000h) | X86_PDPE_P mov dword [bx + 1ch], edx pop ds ret ENDPROC bs2InitPaeProtMode %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PAE %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM ;; ; Initializes the long mode structures during init. ; ; @uses edx, ebx, esi ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2InitLongMode push ds mov dx, BS2_PXX_SEL mov ds, dx xor edx, edx ; ; Join paths with the PAE code. ; call bs2InitPaePageDirs ; ; Create the long mode page directory pointer table. ; mov ebx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_LM_PDP_ADDR) .pdptr_loop: mov dword [bx], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR ) | X86_PDPE_P | X86_PDPE_RW | X86_PDPE_US mov dword [bx + 04h], edx mov dword [bx + 08h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 1000h) | X86_PDPE_P | X86_PDPE_RW | X86_PDPE_US mov dword [bx + 0ch], edx mov dword [bx + 10h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 2000h) | X86_PDPE_P | X86_PDPE_RW | X86_PDPE_US mov dword [bx + 14h], edx mov dword [bx + 18h], (BS2_PAE_PD_ADDR + 3000h) | X86_PDPE_P | X86_PDPE_RW | X86_PDPE_US mov dword [bx + 1ch], edx add bx, 20h test bx, 0fffh jnz .pdptr_loop ; ; Set up the page map level 4 table, all entries mapping the same PDPTR. ; mov ebx, BS2_PXX_OFF(BS2_LM_PML4_ADDR) .pml4_loop: mov dword [bx], BS2_LM_PDP_ADDR | X86_PML4E_P | X86_PML4E_RW | X86_PML4E_US mov dword [bx + 4], edx add bx, 8 test bx, 0fffh jnz .pml4_loop pop ds ret ENDPROC bs2InitLongMode %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_LM ; ; Routines for entering the different modes. ; %ifdef BS2_INC_RM ;; ; Dummy. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_rm ret ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_rm %endif ; BS2_INC_RM %ifdef BS2_INC_PE16 ;; ; Enters unpaged protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 32/16-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pe16 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push word SetCpuModeGlobals_pe16 %endif ; ; Switch to protected mode. ; xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE and eax, 0ffffffffh - X86_CR0_PG mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS16:bs2ProtModeCode16Start_p16 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pe16 %endif ; BS2_INC_PE16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PE32 ;; ; Enters unpaged protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 32-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pe32 push word 0 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push dword SetCpuModeGlobals_pe32 %endif ; Do the mode switch. xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE and eax, 0ffffffffh - X86_CR0_PG mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS32:bs2ProtModeCode32Start_p32 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pe32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PE32 ;; @todo BS2_INC_PEV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_PP16 ;; ; Enters paged protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 16/32-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp16 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push word SetCpuModeGlobals_pp16 %endif ; Do the mode switch. xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, BS2_32B_PD_ADDR mov cr3, eax %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS mov [bs2Tss32BitDf + BS2_TSS32_CR3_OFF], eax %endif mov eax, cr4 or eax, X86_CR4_PSE and eax, ~X86_CR4_PAE mov cr4, eax mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS16:bs2ProtModeCode16Start_p16 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp16 %endif ; BS2_INC_PP16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PP32 ;; ; Enters paged protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 32-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 push word 0 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push dword SetCpuModeGlobals_pp32 %endif ; Do the mode switch. xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, BS2_32B_PD_ADDR mov cr3, eax %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS mov [bs2Tss32BitDf + BS2_TSS32_CR3_OFF], eax %endif mov eax, cr4 or eax, X86_CR4_PSE and eax, ~X86_CR4_PAE mov cr4, eax mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS32:bs2ProtModeCode32Start_p32 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PP16 ;; @todo BS2_INC_PPV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE16 ;; ; Enters PAE protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 16/32-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae16 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push word SetCpuModeGlobals_pae16 %endif ; Do the mode switch. xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, BS2_PAE_PDP_ADDR mov cr3, eax %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS mov [bs2Tss32BitDf + BS2_TSS32_CR3_OFF], eax %endif mov eax, cr4 or eax, X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_PSE mov cr4, eax mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS16:bs2ProtModeCode16Start_p16 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae16 %endif ; BS2_INC_PAE16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE32 ;; ; Enters PAE protected mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 32-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae32 push word 0 push eax pushfd cli %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON push dword SetCpuModeGlobals_pae32 %endif ; Do the mode switch. xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_32bit] %elifdef BS2_WITH_RAW_MODE lidt [idtr_dummy_32bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, BS2_PAE_PDP_ADDR mov cr3, eax %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS mov [bs2Tss32BitDf + BS2_TSS32_CR3_OFF], eax %endif mov eax, cr4 or eax, X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_PSE mov cr4, eax mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS32:bs2ProtModeCode32Start_p32 ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PAE32 ;; @todo BS2_INC_PAEV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM16 ;; ; Enters long mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; rbp and rsp converted to 16/32/64-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm16 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 BITS 64 call Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm16 BITS 16 ret ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm16 %endif ; BS2_INC_LM16 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM32 ;; ; Enters long mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; rbp and rsp converted to 16/32/64-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm32 ; Change the return address into a 32-bit one. push word 0 ; Reserved 2 extra bytes for 32-bit return address. push eax ; Save eax. movzx eax, word [esp + 6h] ; Read narrow return address. mov [esp + 4h], eax ; Store wide return address. pop eax ; Restore eax. ; Do the mode switch and thunking. call Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 BITS 64 call Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm32 BITS 32 ret ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm32 %endif ; BS2_INC_LM32 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM64 ;; ; Enters long mode from real mode (cs = 0). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 64-bit selectors. ; rbp and rsp converted to 64-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 push word 0 ; reserve bytes for 64-bit return address. push dword 0 push dword 0 ; rax push eax push dword 0 ; rcx push ecx push dword 0 ; rdx push edx push dword 0 ; rflags pushfd cli ; Fix the return address. mov ax, [esp + 20h + 6h] mov word [esp + 20h + 6h], 0 mov [esp + 20h], ax ; ; Switch to long mode. ; xor ax, ax mov ds, ax lgdt [gdtr] %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS lidt [idtr_64bit] %else lidt [idtr_null] %endif mov eax, BS2_LM_PML4_ADDR mov cr3, eax mov eax, cr4 or eax, X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_PSE mov cr4, eax mov ecx, MSR_K6_EFER rdmsr or eax, MSR_K6_EFER_LME wrmsr mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP mov cr0, eax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS64:.code64_start BITS 64 .code64_start: mov eax, BS2_SEL_DS64 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS64 mov ss, ax %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS btr dword [bs2Gdt + BS2_SEL_TSS64 + 32/8], 1+8 ; busy -> avail %ifndef BS2_WITH_MANUAL_LTR mov ax, BS2_SEL_TSS64 ltr ax %endif %endif and ebp, 0ffffh and esp, 0ffffh and edi, 0ffffffffh and esi, 0ffffffffh and ebx, 0ffffffffh %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON call SetCpuModeGlobals_lm64 %endif popf pop rdx pop rcx pop rax ret ENDPROC Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 %endif ; BS2_INC_PAE32 %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_P16 ;; ; Code shared by the three 16-bit protected mode switchers. ; ; @internal ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2ProtModeCode16Start_p16 ; Initialize the registers. mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS16 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS16 mov ss, ax and esp, 0ffffh and ebp, 0ffffh %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS btr word [bs2Gdt + BS2_SEL_TSS32 + 32/8], 1+8 ; busy -> avail btr word [bs2Gdt + BS2_SEL_TSS32_DF + 32/8], 1+8 ; busy -> avail %ifndef BS2_WITH_MANUAL_LTR mov ax, BS2_SEL_TSS32 ltr ax %endif %endif %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON ; Set up mode specific global variables. pop ax call ax %endif popfd pop eax ret ENDPROC bs2ProtModeCode16Start_p16 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_P32 ;; ; Code shared by the three 32-bit protected mode switchers. ; ; @internal ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 32 BEGINPROC bs2ProtModeCode32Start_p32 ; Initialize the registers. mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS32 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS32 mov ss, ax and esp, 0ffffh and ebp, 0ffffh %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS btr dword [bs2Gdt + BS2_SEL_TSS32 + 32/8], 1+8 ; busy -> avail btr dword [bs2Gdt + BS2_SEL_TSS32_DF + 32/8], 1+8 ; busy -> avail %ifndef BS2_WITH_MANUAL_LTR mov ax, BS2_SEL_TSS32 ltr ax %endif %endif %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON ; Set up mode specific global variables. pop eax call eax %endif ; Make the return address 32-bit and then return. movzx eax, word [esp + 0ah] mov [esp + 8h], eax popfd pop eax ret ENDPROC bs2ProtModeCode32Start_p32 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_P32 ; ; Routines for exitting the different modes. ; %ifdef BS2_INC_RM ;; ; Dummy. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_rm ret ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_rm %endif ; BS2_INC_RM %ifdef BS2_INC_PE16 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p16. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pe16 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pe16 %endif ; BS2_INC_PE16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PE32 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p32. BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pe32 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p32 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pe32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PE32 %ifdef BS2_INC_PEV86 ;; ; See Bs2ExitMode_v86. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pev86 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp Bs2ExitMode_pv86 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pev86 %endif ; BS2_INC_PEV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_PP16 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p16. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pp16 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pp16 %endif ; BS2_INC_PP16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PP32 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p32. BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pp32 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p32 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pp32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PP32 %ifdef BS2_INC_PPV86 ;; ; See Bs2ExitMode_v86. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_ppv86 push bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm jmp Bs2ExitMode_pv86 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_ppv86 %endif ; BS2_INC_PPV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE16 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p16. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pae16 push bs2ExitModeCleanupPae_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pae16 %endif ; BS2_INC_pae16 %ifdef BS2_INC_PAE32 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p32. BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_pae32 push bs2ExitModeCleanupPae_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p32 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_pae32 %endif ; BS2_INC_PAE32 %ifdef BS2_INC_PAEV86 ;; ; See Bs2ExitMode_v86. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_paev86 push bs2ExitModeCleanupPae_rm jmp Bs2ExitMode_pv86 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_paev86 %endif ; BS2_INC_PAEV86 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM16 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p16. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm16 push bs2ExitModeCleanupLm_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm16 %endif ; BS2_INC_lm16 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM32 ;; ; See bs2ExitMode_p32. BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm32 push bs2ExitModeCleanupLm_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p32 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm32 %endif ; BS2_INC_LM32 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM64 ;; ; See Bs2ExitMode_v86. BEGINCODELOW BITS 64 BEGINPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm64 call Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm16 BITS 16 pop dword [esp] pop word [esp] push bs2ExitModeCleanupLm_rm jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC Bs2ExitMode_lm64 %endif ; BS2_INC_LM64 ; Isn't there a better way to do this in yasm? %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %define BS2_INC_BS2EXITMODE_P16 %elifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM %define BS2_INC_BS2EXITMODE_P16 %elifdef BS2_INC_CMN_P32 %define BS2_INC_BS2EXITMODE_P16 %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_BS2EXITMODE_P16 ;; ; Exit 16-bit protected or long mode (cs = CS16, ss = SS16). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with the 0 selector. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2ExitMode_p16 push eax pushfd cli ; Make sure we've got the right SS and CS values (paranoia). mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS16 mov ss, ax jmp far BS2_SEL_CS16:.code16_start .code16_start: ; Turn off paging and protected mode. mov eax, cr0 and eax, 0ffffffffh - X86_CR0_PE - X86_CR0_PG mov cr0, eax jmp far 0000:.real_mode_start .real_mode_start: ; Load the correct real mode segment registers. xor ax, ax mov ss, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax ; Load the real mode idtr. lidt [idtr_real_mode] ; Cleanup. mov ax, [esp + 8h] call ax %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON ; Set globals. call SetCpuModeGlobals_rm %endif popfd pop eax add sp, 2h ; cleanup routine address ret ENDPROC bs2ExitMode_p16 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_P16 %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_P32 ;; ; Exit 32-bit protected or long mode (cs = CS32, ss = SS32). ; ; The return address as well as the stack registers must be somewhere within ; the first 64KB of the address space. ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with the 0 selector. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 32 BEGINPROC bs2ExitMode_p32 push eax mov eax, [esp + 8h] ; return address mov [esp + 0ah], ax mov eax, [esp + 4h] ; cleanup routine address mov [esp + 08h], ax pop eax add esp, 4h call Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 BITS 16 jmp bs2ExitMode_p16 ENDPROC bs2ExitMode_p32 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_P32 ;; ; Dummy cleanup routine. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm ret ENDPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupNop_rm %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PAE ;; ; Cleans up after leaving PAE mode. ; @uses nothing BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupPae_rm push eax mov eax, cr4 and eax, ~X86_CR4_PAE mov cr4, eax pop eax ret ENDPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupPae_rm %endif %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM ;; ; Cleans up after leaving long mode. ; @uses nothing BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupLm_rm push eax push edx push ecx mov ecx, MSR_K6_EFER rdmsr and eax, ~MSR_K6_EFER_LME wrmsr pop ecx pop edx pop eax ret ENDPROC bs2ExitModeCleanupLm_rm %endif ; ; Thunking routines for switching between 16/32/64-bit code. ; %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PM ;; ; Switches from 32-bit to 16-bit mode ({eip,esp,ebp} < 64KB). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 push eax pushf cli mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS16 jmp far BS2_SEL_CS16:.code16_start BITS 16 .code16_start: mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS16 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax ; Fix the return address and then return. mov ax, [esp + 08h] mov [esp + 0ah], ax popfd pop eax add sp, 2h ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 %define Bs2Thunk_p32_pe16 Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %define Bs2Thunk_p32_pp16 Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %define Bs2Thunk_p32_pae16 Bs2Thunk_p32_p16 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PM %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PM ;; ; Switches from 16-bit to 32-bit mode (cs = CS16, ds = DS16). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; ebp and esp converted to 32bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_p16_p32 push word 0 push eax pushfd cli jmp far BS2_SEL_CS32:.code32_start BITS 32 .code32_start: mov eax, BS2_SEL_SS32 mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS32 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax and ebp, 0ffffh and esp, 0ffffh ; Fix the return address and then return. movzx eax, word [esp + 0ah] mov [esp + 08h], eax popfd pop eax ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_p16_p32 %define Bs2Thunk_p16_pe32 Bs2Thunk_p16_p32 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %define Bs2Thunk_p16_pp32 Bs2Thunk_p16_p32 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %define Bs2Thunk_p16_pae32 Bs2Thunk_p16_p32 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PM %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM ;; ; Switches from 64-bit to 16-bit mode ({rip,rsp,rbp} < 64KB). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 16-bit selectors. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 64 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm16 push rax pushf cli mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS16 push BS2_SEL_CS16 push .code16_start retf BITS 16 .code16_start: mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS16 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax ; Fix the return address and then return. mov ax, [esp + 10h] mov [esp + 16h], ax popfd add sp, 4h pop eax add sp, 4h + 6h ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm16 %define Bs2Thunk_p64_lm16 Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm16 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_LM %ifdef BS2_INC_LM16 ;; ; Switches from 16-bit to 64-bit mode (cs = CS16, ss = SS16). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 64-bit selectors. ; rbp and rsp converted to 16/32/64-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_lm16_lm64 push word 0 push dword 0 push dword 0 push eax push dword 0 pushfd cli mov eax, BS2_SEL_SS64 jmp far BS2_SEL_CS64:.code64_start BITS 64 .code64_start: mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS64 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax and ebp, 0ffffh and esp, 0ffffh and edi, 0ffffffffh and esi, 0ffffffffh and ebx, 0ffffffffh ; Fix the return address and then return. movzx rax, word [rsp + 16h] mov [rsp + 10h], rax popf pop rax ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_lm16_lm64 %define Bs2Thunk_p16_lm64 Bs2Thunk_lm16_lm64 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_LM16 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM32 ;; ; Switches from 64-bit to 32-bit mode ({rip,rsp,rbp} < 4GB). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 32-bit selectors. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 64 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm32 push rax pushf cli mov ax, BS2_SEL_SS32 push BS2_SEL_CS32 push .code32_start retf BITS 32 .code32_start: mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS32 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax ; Fix the return address and then return. mov eax, [esp + 10h] mov [esp + 14h], eax popfd mov eax, [esp + 4h] lea esp, [esp + 10h] ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm32 %define Bs2Thunk_p64_lm32 Bs2Thunk_lm64_lm32 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_LM32 %ifdef BS2_INC_LM32 ;; ; Switches from 32-bit to 64-bit mode (cs = CS32, ss = SS32). ; ; @returns cs,ds,ss,es,gs,fs loaded with 64-bit selectors. ; rbp and rsp converted to 32/64-bit. ; All other registers are preserved. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODEHIGH BITS 32 BEGINPROC Bs2Thunk_lm32_lm64 push dword 0 push dword 0 push eax push dword 0 pushfd cli mov eax, BS2_SEL_SS64 jmp far BS2_SEL_CS64:.code64_start BITS 64 .code64_start: mov ss, ax mov ax, BS2_SEL_DS64 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax and ebp, 0ffffffffh and esp, 0ffffffffh and edi, 0ffffffffh and esi, 0ffffffffh and ebx, 0ffffffffh ; Fix the return address and then return. mov eax, [rsp + 14h] mov [rsp + 10h], rax popf pop rax ret ENDPROC Bs2Thunk_lm32_lm64 %define Bs2Thunk_p32_lm64 Bs2Thunk_lm32_lm64 ; Alternative name for TMPL_NM %endif ; BS2_INC_LM32 ; ; Routines for checking if mode is supported or not. ; ; @returns al=1 & ZF=0 if supported, al=0 & ZF=1 if not. ; @uses nothing. ; ; These are easy. BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2IsModeSupportedYes_rm GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_rm GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pe16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pe32 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pev86 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pp16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pp32 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_ppv86 mov al, 1 test al, al ret ENDPROC bs2IsModeSupportedYes_rm %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_PAE BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2IsPaeSupported_16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pae16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_pae32 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_paev86 push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 0 cpuid cmp eax, 1 jb .no cmp eax, 1000h ja .no mov eax, 1 cpuid test edx, X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_PAE pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax mov al, 0 jz .no mov al, 1 .no: ret ENDPROC Bs2IsPaeSupported_16 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_PAE %ifdef BS2_INC_CMN_LM BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC Bs2IsLongModeSupported_16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_lm16 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_lm32 GLOBALNAME Bs2IsModeSupported_rm_lm64 push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 080000000h cpuid cmp eax, 080000001h jb .no cmp eax, 080001000h ja .no mov eax, 080000001h cpuid test edx, X86_CPUID_EXT_FEATURE_EDX_LONG_MODE pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax mov al, 0 jz .no mov al, 1 .no: ret ENDPROC Bs2IsLongModeSupported_16 %endif ; BS2_INC_CMN_LM ; ; Include addition init/base code. ; %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS %include "bootsector2-common-init-traps.mac" %endif ; ; Include common code. ; %ifndef BS2_NOINC_COMMON %include "bootsector2-common-routines.mac" %endif ; ; Include trap records if requested. ; %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPRECS %include "bootsector2-common-traprec.mac" %endif ; ; Map stuff for the initial environment. ; %ifdef BS2_INIT_RM %define TMPL_RM %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_PE32 %define TMPL_PE32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_PP32 %define TMPL_PP32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_PAE32 %define TMPL_PAE32 %endif %ifdef BS2_INIT_LM64 %define TMPL_LM64 %endif %include "bootsector2-template-header.mac" ; ; Where we jump after initialization. ; TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS bs2DoneInit: %ifdef BS2_INIT_SAVE_REGS mov eax, cr2 mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cr2], eax mov eax, cr3 mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cr3], eax mov eax, cr4 mov [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cr4], eax mov byte [BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cBits], 16 xor eax, eax mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.cs], ax mov ax, start mov [cs:BS2_REG_SAVE_ADDR + BS2REGS.rip], eax %endif %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPRECS ; ; Install the trap records. ; BS2_TRAP_RECS_INSTALL %endif ; ; Detect the CPU. ; xor eax, eax mov [g_fCpuIntel], al mov [g_fCpuAmd], al cpuid cmp ecx, 0x444d4163 jne .not_amd cmp edx, 0x69746e65 jne .not_amd cmp ebx, 0x68747541 jne .not_amd mov byte [g_fCpuAmd], 1 jmp .not_intel .not_amd: cmp ecx, 0x6c65746e jne .not_intel cmp edx, 0x49656e69 jne .not_intel cmp ebx, 0x756e6547 jne .not_intel mov byte [g_fCpuIntel], 1 .not_intel: ; ; Call the user 'main' procedure (shouldn't return). ; call main .panic_again call Bs2Panic jmp .panic_again