; $Id: bs3kit.mac 59932 2016-03-04 16:01:18Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; BS3Kit - structures, symbols, macros and stuff. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %ifndef ___bs3kit_mac___ %define ___bs3kit_mac___ ; ; Before we can include anything, we need to override NAME and switch section. ; If we don't do the latter we end up with an unused 'text' section. ; ; Drop the asmdefs-first.mac header for native bs3kit files. %undef RT_ASMDEFS_INC_FIRST_FILE ;; ; Macro for setting register aliases according to the bit count given by %1. ; %macro BS3_SET_REG_ALIASES 1 ; ; Register aliases. ; %if %1 == 64 %define xCB 8 %define xDEF dq %define xRES resq %define xPRE qword %define xSP rsp %define xBP rbp %define xAX rax %define xBX rbx %define xCX rcx %define xDX rdx %define xDI rdi %define xSI rsi %define xWrtRIP wrt rip %define xPUSHF pushfq %define xPOPF popfq %define xRETF o64 retf %elif %1 == 32 %define xCB 4 %define xDEF dd %define xRES resd %define xPRE dword %define xSP esp %define xBP ebp %define xAX eax %define xBX ebx %define xCX ecx %define xDX edx %define xDI edi %define xSI esi %define xWrtRIP %define xPUSHF pushfd %define xPOPF popfd %define xRETF retf %elif %1 == 16 %define xCB 2 %define xDEF dw %define xRES resw %define xPRE word %define xSP sp %define xBP bp %define xAX ax %define xBX bx %define xCX cx %define xDX dx %define xDI di %define xSI si %define xWrtRIP %define xPUSHF pushf %define xPOPF popf %define xRETF retf %else %error "Invalid BS3_SET_REG_ALIASES argument:" %1 %endif ; ; Register names corresponding to the max size for pop/push . ; ; 16-bit can push both 32-bit and 16-bit registers. This 's' prefixed variant ; is used when 16-bit should use the 32-bit register. ; %if %1 == 64 %define sCB 8 %define sDEF dq %define sRES resq %define sPRE qword %define sSP rsp %define sBP rbp %define sAX rax %define sBX rbx %define sCX rcx %define sDX rdx %define sDI rdi %define sSI rsi %define sPUSHF pushfq %define sPOPF popfq %else %define sCB 4 %define sDEF dd %define sRES resd %define sPRE dword %define sSP esp %define sBP ebp %define sAX eax %define sBX ebx %define sCX ecx %define sDX edx %define sDI edi %define sSI esi %define sPUSHF pushfd %define sPOPF popfd %endif %endmacro ; Default to register aliases for ARCH_BITS. BS3_SET_REG_ALIASES ARCH_BITS ;; Wrapper around BITS. ; Updates __BITS__ (built-in variable in nasm, we work it for yasm) as well ; a number of convenient macros and register aliases. ; ; @param %1 The CPU bit count: 16, 32 or 64 ; @remarks ARCH_BITS is not modified and will remain what it was on the ; assembler command line. %macro BS3_SET_BITS 1 BITS %1 %ifdef __YASM__ %undef __BITS__ %define __BITS__ %1 %endif %undef BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE %if %1 == 64 %define BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE %else %define BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE _ %endif %undef BS3_ONLY_16BIT %if %1 == 16 %define BS3_ONLY_16BIT(a_Expr) a_Expr %else %define BS3_ONLY_16BIT(a_Expr) %endif %undef BS3_ONLY_64BIT %if %1 == 64 %define BS3_ONLY_64BIT(a_Expr) a_Expr %else %define BS3_ONLY_64BIT(a_Expr) %endif %undef BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT %if %1 == 16 %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_16BitExpr %elif %1 == 32 %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_32BitExpr %else %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_64BitExpr %endif %undef BS3_WRT_RIP %if %1 == 64 %ifdef __YASM__ %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) a_Sym wrt rip %else %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) rel a_Sym ; Baka! Why couldn't they do 'wrt rip' like yasm? %endif %else %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) a_Sym %endif %undef BS3_IF_16BIT_OTHERWISE %if %1 == 16 %define BS3_IF_16BIT_OTHERWISE(a_16BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_16BitExpr %else %define BS3_IF_16BIT_OTHERWISE(a_16BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_OtherwiseExpr %endif %undef BS3_IF_32BIT_OTHERWISE %if %1 == 32 %define BS3_IF_32BIT_OTHERWISE(a_32BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_32BitExpr %else %define BS3_IF_32BIT_OTHERWISE(a_32BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_OtherwiseExpr %endif %undef BS3_IF_64BIT_OTHERWISE %if %1 == 32 %define BS3_IF_64BIT_OTHERWISE(a_64BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_32BitExpr %else %define BS3_IF_64BIT_OTHERWISE(a_64BitExpr, a_OtherwiseExpr) a_OtherwiseExpr %endif BS3_SET_REG_ALIASES %1 %endmacro ;; Emulate the __BITS__ macro in NASM 2.0+. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %ifdef __YASM__ %define __BITS__ ARCH_BITS %endif ;; Mostly internal macro. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %if ARCH_BITS == 64 %define BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE %else %define BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE _ %endif ;; For RIP relative addressing in 64-bit mode and absolute addressing in ; other modes. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %if ARCH_BITS == 64 %ifdef __YASM__ %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) a_Sym wrt rip %else %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) rel a_Sym ; Baka! Why couldn't they do 'wrt rip' like yasm? %endif %else %define BS3_WRT_RIP(a_Sym) a_Sym %endif ;; For segment overrides and stuff. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %if ARCH_BITS == 16 %define BS3_ONLY_16BIT(a_Expr) a_Expr %else %define BS3_ONLY_16BIT(a_Expr) %endif ;; For odd 64-bit stuff. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %if ARCH_BITS == 64 %define BS3_ONLY_64BIT(a_Expr) a_Expr %else %define BS3_ONLY_64BIT(a_Expr) %endif ;; For stack cleanups and similar where each bit mode is different. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %if ARCH_BITS == 16 %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_16BitExpr %elif ARCH_BITS == 32 %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_32BitExpr %else %define BS3_IF_16_32_64BIT(a_16BitExpr, a_32BitExpr, a_64BitExpr) a_64BitExpr %endif ;; ; For instruction that should only be emitted in 16-bit mode. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %macro BS3_ONLY_16BIT_STMT 1+ %if __BITS__ == 16 %1 %endif %endmacro ;; ; For instruction that should only be emitted in 32-bit mode. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %macro BS3_ONLY_32BIT_STMT 1+ %if __BITS__ == 32 %1 %endif %endmacro ;; ; For instruction that should only be emitted in 64-bit mode. Follows BS3_SET_BITS. %macro BS3_ONLY_64BIT_STMT 1+ %if __BITS__ == 64 %1 %endif %endmacro ;; @name Segment definitions. ;; @{ %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF ; !!HACK ALERT!! ; ; To make FLAT actually be flat, i.e. have a base of 0 rather than the same as ; the target (?) segment, we tweak it a little bit here. We associate a segment ; with it so that we can get at it in the class/segment ordering directives ; we pass to the linker. The segment does not contain any data or anything, it ; is just an empty one which we assign the address of zero. ; ; Look for 'clname BS3FLAT segaddr=0x0000' and 'segment BS3FLAT segaddr=0x0000' ; in the makefile. ; ; !!HACK ALERT!! segment BS3FLAT use32 class=BS3FLAT GROUP FLAT BS3FLAT %endif %macro BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3TEXT16 align=2 progbits alloc exec nowrite %else section BS3TEXT16 align=2 CLASS=BS3CODE16 PUBLIC USE16 %endif %else section BS3TEXT16 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 16 %endmacro %macro BS3_BEGIN_DATA16 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_DATA16_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_DATA16_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3DATA16 align=2 progbits alloc noexec write %else section BS3DATA16 align=2 CLASS=FAR_DATA PUBLIC USE16 %endif %else section BS3DATA16 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 16 %endmacro %macro BS3_BEGIN_TEXT32 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_TEXT32_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_TEXT32_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3TEXT32 align=1 progbits alloc exec nowrite %else section BS3TEXT32 align=1 CLASS=BS3CODE32 PUBLIC USE32 FLAT %endif %else section BS3TEXT32 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 32 %endmacro %macro BS3_BEGIN_DATA32 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_DATA32_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_DATA32_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3DATA32 align=16 progbits alloc noexec write %else section BS3DATA32 align=16 CLASS=FAR_DATA PUBLIC USE32 ;FLAT - compiler doesn't make data flat. %endif %else section BS3DATA32 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 32 %endmacro %macro BS3_BEGIN_TEXT64 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_TEXT64_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_TEXT64_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3TEXT64 align=1 progbits alloc exec nowrite %else section BS3TEXT64 align=1 CLASS=BS3CODE64 PUBLIC USE32 FLAT %endif %else section BS3TEXT64 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 64 %endmacro %macro BS3_BEGIN_DATA64 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_DATA64_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_DATA64_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3DATA64 align=16 progbits alloc noexec write %else section BS3DATA64 align=16 CLASS=FAR_DATA PUBLIC USE32 ;FLAT (see DATA32) %endif %else section BS3DATA64 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 64 %endmacro ;; The system data segment containing the GDT, TSSes and IDTs. %macro BS3_BEGIN_SYSTEM16 0 %ifndef BS3_BEGIN_SYSTEM16_NOT_FIRST %define BS3_BEGIN_SYSTEM16_NOT_FIRST %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF section BS3SYSTEM16 align=16 progbits alloc noexec write %else section BS3SYSTEM16 align=16 CLASS=BS3SYSTEM16 PUBLIC USE16 %endif %else section BS3SYSTEM16 %endif BS3_SET_BITS 16 %endmacro ;; Default text section. %macro BS3_BEGIN_DEFAULT_TEXT 0 %if ARCH_BITS == 16 BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16 %elif ARCH_BITS == 32 BS3_BEGIN_TEXT32 %elif ARCH_BITS == 64 BS3_BEGIN_TEXT64 %else %error "ARCH_BITS must be defined as either 16, 32, or 64!" INVALID_ARCH_BITS %endif %endmacro ;; @} ; ; Now, ditch the default 'text' section and define our own NAME macro. ; %ifndef ASM_FORMAT_BIN BS3_BEGIN_DEFAULT_TEXT BS3_BEGIN_DEFAULT_TEXT ; stupid nasm automagically repeats the segment attributes. %endif ;; When using watcom + OMF, we're using __cdecl by default, which ; get an underscore added in front. %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF %define NAME(name) _ %+ NAME_OVERLOAD(name) %endif ; ; Include the standard headers from iprt. ; %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" ;; ; Extern macro which mangles the name using NAME(). %macro EXTERN 1 extern NAME(%1) %endmacro ;; ; Mangles a common name according to the current cpu bit count. ; @remarks Requires the use of the BS3_SET_BITS macro instead of the BITS directive. %define BS3_CMN_NM(a_Name) BS3_NAME_UNDERSCORE %+ a_Name %+ _c %+ __BITS__ ;; ; Extern macro which mangles the common name correctly, redefining the unmangled ; name to the mangled one for ease of use. ; ; @param %1 The unmangled common name. ; ; @remarks Must enter the segment in which this name is defined. ; %macro BS3_EXTERN_CMN 1 extern BS3_CMN_NM(%1) %undef %1 %define %1 BS3_CMN_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; @def BS3_EXTERN_TMPL ; Mangles the given name into a template specific one. For ease of use, the ; name is redefined to the mangled one, just like BS3_EXTERN_CMN does. ; @note Segment does not change. %macro BS3_EXTERN_TMPL 1 extern TMPL_NM(%1) %undef %1 %define %1 TMPL_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; ; Mangles a 16-bit and 32-bit accessible data name. ; @remarks Requires the use of the BS3_SET_BITS macro instead of the BITS directive. %define BS3_DATA_NM(a_Name) _ %+ a_Name ;; ; Extern macro which mangles a DATA16 symbol correctly, redefining the ; unmangled name to the mangled one for ease of use. ; ; @param %1 The unmangled common name. ; ; @remarks Will change to the DATA16 segment, use must switch back afterwards! ; %macro BS3_EXTERN_DATA16 1 BS3_BEGIN_DATA16 extern _ %+ %1 %undef %1 %define %1 _ %+ %1 %endmacro ;; ; Extern macro which mangles a BS3SYSTEM16 symbol correctly, redefining the ; unmangled name to the mangled one for ease of use. ; ; @param %1 The unmangled common name. ; ; @remarks Will change to the SYSTEM16 segment, use must switch back afterwards! ; %macro BS3_EXTERN_SYSTEM16 1 BS3_BEGIN_SYSTEM16 extern _ %+ %1 %undef %1 %define %1 _ %+ %1 %endmacro ;; ; Global name with ELF attributes and size. ; ; This differs from GLOBALNAME_EX in that it expects a mangled symbol name, ; and allows for nasm style symbol size expressions. ; ; @param %1 The mangled name. ; @param %2 Symbol attributes. ; @param %3 The size expression. ; %macro BS3_GLOBAL_NAME_EX 3 %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF %ifdef __NASM__ global %1:%2 %3 %else global %1:%2 %endif %else global %1 %endif %1: %endmacro ;; ; Global data unmangled label. ; ; @param %1 The unmangled name. ; @param %2 The size (0 is fine). ; %macro BS3_GLOBAL_DATA 2 BS3_GLOBAL_NAME_EX BS3_DATA_NM(%1), , %2 %endmacro ;; ; Starts a procedure. ; ; This differs from BEGINPROC in that it expects a mangled symbol name and ; does the NASM symbol size stuff. ; ; @param %1 The mangled name. ; %macro BS3_PROC_BEGIN 1 BS3_GLOBAL_NAME_EX %1, function, (%1 %+ _EndProc - %1) %endmacro ;; ; Ends a procedure. ; ; Counter part to BS3_PROC_BEGIN. ; ; @param %1 The mangled name. ; %macro BS3_PROC_END 1 BS3_GLOBAL_NAME_EX %1 %+ _EndProc, function hidden, (%1 %+ _EndProc - %1) %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF %ifdef __YASM__ size %1 %1 %+ _EndProc - %1 size %1 %+ _EndProc 0 %endif %endif int3 ; handy and avoids overlapping labels. %endmacro ;; Convenience macro for defining common procedures. %macro BS3_PROC_BEGIN_CMN 1 BS3_PROC_BEGIN BS3_CMN_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; Convenience macro for defining common procedures. %macro BS3_PROC_END_CMN 1 BS3_PROC_END BS3_CMN_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; Convenience macro for defining mode specific procedures. %macro BS3_PROC_BEGIN_MODE 1 BS3_PROC_BEGIN TMPL_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; Convenience macro for defining mode specific procedures. %macro BS3_PROC_END_MODE 1 BS3_PROC_END TMPL_NM(%1) %endmacro ;; ; Prologue hacks for 64-bit code. ; ; This saves the four register parameters onto the stack so we can pretend ; the calling convention is stack based. The 64-bit calling convension is ; the microsoft one, so this is straight forward. ; ; Pairs with BS3_CALL_CONV_EPILOG. ; ; @param %1 The number of parameters. ; ; @remarks Must be invoked before any stack changing instructions are emitted. ; %macro BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG 1 %undef BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG_PARAMS %define BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG_PARAMS %1 %if __BITS__ == 64 %if %1 >= 1 mov [rsp + 008h], rcx %elifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 008h], 1 %endif %if %1 >= 2 mov [rsp + 010h], rdx %elifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 010h], 2 %endif %if %1 >= 3 mov [rsp + 018h], r8 %elifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 018h], 3 %endif %if %1 >= 4 mov [rsp + 020h], r9 %elifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 020h], 4 %endif %endif %endmacro ;; ; Epilogue hacks for 64-bit code. ; ; Counter part to BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG. ; ; @param %1 The number of parameters. ; ; @remarks Must be invoked right before the return instruction as it uses RSP. ; %macro BS3_CALL_CONV_EPILOG 1 %if BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG_PARAMS != %1 %error "BS3_CALL_CONV_EPILOG argument differs from BS3_CALL_CONV_PROLOG." %endif %if __BITS__ == 64 %ifdef BS3_STRICT mov dword [rsp + 008h], 31h mov dword [rsp + 010h], 32h mov dword [rsp + 018h], 33h mov dword [rsp + 020h], 34h %endif %endif %endmacro ;; ; Wrapper for the call instruction that hides calling convension differences. ; ; This always calls %1. ; In 64-bit code, it will load up to 4 parameters into register. ; ; @param %1 The function to call (mangled). ; @param %2 The number of parameters. ; %macro BS3_CALL 2 %if __BITS__ == 64 %if %2 >= 1 mov rcx, [rsp] %ifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp], 11h %endif %endif %if %2 >= 2 mov rdx, [rsp + 008h] %ifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 008h], 12h %endif %endif %if %2 >= 3 mov r8, [rsp + 010h] %ifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 010h], 13h %endif %endif %if %2 >= 4 mov r9, [rsp + 018h] %ifdef BS3_STRICT and qword [rsp + 018h], 14h %endif %endif %endif call %1 %endmacro ;; @name Execution Modes ; @{ %define BS3_MODE_INVALID 000h %define BS3_MODE_RM 001h ;;< real mode. %define BS3_MODE_PE16 011h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PE16_32 012h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PE16_V86 013h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PE32 022h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PE32_16 021h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PEV86 023h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode code, unpaged. %define BS3_MODE_PP16 031h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PP16_32 032h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PP16_V86 033h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PP32 042h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PP32_16 041h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PPV86 043h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode code, paged. %define BS3_MODE_PAE16 051h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_PAE16_32 052h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_PAE16_V86 053h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_PAE32 062h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 32-bit code, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_PAE32_16 061h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running 16-bit code, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_PAEV86 063h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss, running virtual 8086 mode, PAE paging. %define BS3_MODE_LM16 071h ;;< 16-bit long mode (paged), kernel+tss always 64-bit. %define BS3_MODE_LM32 072h ;;< 32-bit long mode (paged), kernel+tss always 64-bit. %define BS3_MODE_LM64 074h ;;< 64-bit long mode (paged), kernel+tss always 64-bit. %define BS3_MODE_CODE_MASK 00fh ;;< Running code mask. %define BS3_MODE_CODE_16 001h ;;< Running 16-bit code. %define BS3_MODE_CODE_32 002h ;;< Running 32-bit code. %define BS3_MODE_CODE_V86 003h ;;< Running 16-bit virtual 8086 code. %define BS3_MODE_CODE_64 004h ;;< Running 64-bit code. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK 0f0h ;;< kernel+tss mask. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_RM 000h ;;< Real mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PE16 010h ;;< 16-bit protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PE32 020h ;;< 32-bit protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PP16 030h ;;< 16-bit paged protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PP32 040h ;;< 32-bit paged protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PAE16 050h ;;< 16-bit PAE paged protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_PAE32 060h ;;< 32-bit PAE paged protected mode kernel+tss. %define BS3_MODE_SYS_LM 070h ;;< 64-bit (paged) long mode protected mode kernel+tss. ;; Whether the mode has paging enabled. %define BS3_MODE_IS_PAGED(a_fMode) ((a_fMode) >= BS3_MODE_PP16) ;; Whether the mode is running v8086 code. %define BS3_MODE_IS_V86(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_CODE_MASK) == BS3_MODE_CODE_V86) ;; Whether the we're executing in real mode or v8086 mode. %define BS3_MODE_IS_RM_OR_V86(a_fMode) ((a_fMode) == BS3_MODE_RM || BS3_MODE_IS_V86(a_fMode)) ;; Whether the mode is running 16-bit code, except v8086. %define BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_CODE_NO_V86(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_CODE_MASK) == BS3_MODE_CODE_16) ;; Whether the mode is running 16-bit code (includes v8086). %define BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_CODE(a_fMode) (BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_CODE_NO_V86(a_fMode) || BS3_MODE_IS_V86(a_fMode)) ;; Whether the mode is running 32-bit code. %define BS3_MODE_IS_32BIT_CODE(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_CODE_MASK) == BS3_MODE_CODE_32) ;; Whether the mode is running 64-bit code. %define BS3_MODE_IS_64BIT_CODE(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_CODE_MASK) == BS3_MODE_CODE_64) ;; Whether the system is in real mode. %define BS3_MODE_IS_RM_SYS(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_RM) ;; Whether the system is some 16-bit mode that isn't real mode. %define BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_SYS_NO_RM(a_fMode) ( ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PE16 \ || ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PP16 \ || ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PAE16) ;; Whether the system is some 16-bit mode (includes real mode). %define BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_SYS(a_fMode) (BS3_MODE_IS_16BIT_SYS_NO_RM(a_fMode) || BS3_MODE_IS_RM_SYS(a_fMode)) ;; Whether the system is some 32-bit mode. %define BS3_MODE_IS_32BIT_SYS(a_fMode) ( ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PE32 \ || ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PP32 \ || ((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_PAE32) ;; Whether the system is long mode. %define BS3_MODE_IS_64BIT_SYS(a_fMode) (((a_fMode) & BS3_MODE_SYS_MASK) == BS3_MODE_SYS_LM) ;; @} ;; ; Includes the file %1 with TMPL_MODE set to all possible value. ; @param 1 Double quoted include file name. %macro BS3_INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATE_WITH_WEIRD_ONES 1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_RM %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE16_32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE16_V86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE32_16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PEV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP16_32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP16_V86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP32_16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PPV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE16_32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE16_V86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE32_16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAEV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM64 %include %1 %endmacro ;; ; Includes the file %1 with TMPL_MODE set to all but the "weird" value. ; @param 1 Double quoted include file name. %macro BS3_INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATE_ESSENTIALS 1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_RM %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PEV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PP32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PPV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAE32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PAEV86 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM16 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM64 %include %1 %endmacro ;; ; Includes the file %1 with TMPL_MODE set to a 16-bit, a 32-bit and a 64-bit value. ; @param 1 Double quoted include file name. %macro BS3_INSTANTIATE_COMMON_TEMPLATE 1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_RM %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_PE32 %include %1 %define TMPL_MODE BS3_MODE_LM64 %include %1 %endmacro ;; @name Static Memory Allocation ; @{ ;; The flat load address for the code after the bootsector. %define BS3_ADDR_LOAD 010000h ;; Where we save the boot registers during init. ; Located right before the code. %define BS3_ADDR_REG_SAVE (BS3_ADDR_LOAD - BS3REGS_size - 8) ;; Where the stack starts (initial RSP value). ; Located 16 bytes (assumed by boot sector) before the saved registers. SS.BASE=0. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK (BS3_ADDR_REG_SAVE - 16) ;; The ring-0 stack (8KB) for ring transitions. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0 006000h ;; The ring-1 stack (8KB) for ring transitions. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R1 004000h ;; The ring-2 stack (8KB) for ring transitions. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R2 002000h ;; IST1 ring-0 stack for long mode (4KB), used for double faults elsewhere. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST1 009000h ;; IST2 ring-0 stack for long mode (3KB), used for spare 0 stack elsewhere. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST2 008000h ;; IST3 ring-0 stack for long mode (1KB). %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST3 007400h ;; IST4 ring-0 stack for long mode (1KB), used for spare 1 stack elsewhere. %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST4 007000h ;; IST5 ring-0 stack for long mode (1KB). %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST5 006c00h ;; IST6 ring-0 stack for long mode (1KB). %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST6 006800h ;; IST7 ring-0 stack for long mode (1KB). %define BS3_ADDR_STACK_R0_IST7 006400h ;; The base address of the BS3TEXT16 segment (same as BS3_LOAD_ADDR). ;; @sa BS3_SEL_TEXT16 %define BS3_ADDR_BS3TEXT16 010000h ;; The base address of the BS3SYSTEM16 segment. ;; @sa BS3_SEL_SYSTEM16 %define BS3_ADDR_BS3SYSTEM16 020000h ;; The base address of the BS3DATA16 segment. ;; @sa BS3_SEL_DATA16 %define BS3_ADDR_BS3DATA16 027000h ;; @} ;; ; Registers. Used by traps and such. ; struc BS3REGS .rax resq 1 .rbx resq 1 .rcx resq 1 .rdx resq 1 .rdi resq 1 .rsi resq 1 .rbp resq 1 .rsp resq 1 .rip resq 1 .r8 resq 1 .r9 resq 1 .r10 resq 1 .r11 resq 1 .r12 resq 1 .r13 resq 1 .r14 resq 1 .r15 resq 1 .rflags resq 1 .cs resw 1 .ds resw 1 .es resw 1 .fs resw 1 .gs resw 1 .ss resw 1 .cBits resb 1 .pad resb 3 .cr0 resq 1 .cr2 resq 1 .cr3 resq 1 .cr4 resq 1 .cr8 resq 1 ;; @todo Add floating point registers when they are active. endstruc ;; ; Trap record. ; struc BS3TRAPREC ;; The trap location relative to the base address given at ; registration time. .offWhere resd 1 ;; What to add to .offWhere to calculate the resume address. .offResumeAddend resb 1 ;; The trap number. .u8TrapNo resb 1 ;; The error code if the trap takes one. .u16ErrCd resw 1 endstruc ;; The size shift. %define BS3TRAPREC_SIZE_SHIFT 3 ;; The system call vector. %define BS3_TRAP_SYSCALL 20h ;; @name System call numbers (ax) ;; @{ ;; Print char (cl). %define BS3_SYSCALL_PRINT_CHR 0001h ;; Print string (pointer in ds:[e]si, length in cx). %define BS3_SYSCALL_PRINT_STR 0002h ;; Switch to ring-0. %define BS3_SYSCALL_TO_RING0 0003h ;; Switch to ring-1. %define BS3_SYSCALL_TO_RING1 0004h ;; Switch to ring-2. %define BS3_SYSCALL_TO_RING2 0005h ;; Switch to ring-3. %define BS3_SYSCALL_TO_RING3 0006h ;; The last system call value. %define BS3_SYSCALL_LAST BS3_SYSCALL_TO_RING3 ;; @} ;; @name BS3_SEL_XXX - GDT selectors ;; @{ %define BS3_SEL_LDT 0010h ;;< The LDT selector (requires setting up). %define BS3_SEL_TSS16 0020h ;;< The 16-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_TSS16_DF 0028h ;;< The 16-bit TSS selector for double faults. %define BS3_SEL_TSS16_SPARE0 0030h ;;< The 16-bit TSS selector for testing. %define BS3_SEL_TSS16_SPARE1 0038h ;;< The 16-bit TSS selector for testing. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32 0040h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32_DF 0048h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector for double faults. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32_SPARE0 0050h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector for testing. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32_SPARE1 0058h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector for testing. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32_IOBP_IRB 0060h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector with I/O permission and interrupt redirection bitmaps. %define BS3_SEL_TSS32_IRB 0068h ;;< The 32-bit TSS selector with only interrupt redirection bitmap (IOPB stripped by limit). %define BS3_SEL_TSS64 0070h ;;< The 64-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_TSS64_SPARE0 0080h ;;< The 64-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_TSS64_SPARE1 0090h ;;< The 64-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_TSS64_IOBP 00a0h ;;< The 64-bit TSS selector. %define BS3_SEL_VMMDEV_MMIO16 00f8h ;;< Selector for accessing the VMMDev MMIO segment at 0100000h from 16-bit code. %define BS3_SEL_RING_SHIFT 8 ;;< For the formula: BS3_SEL_R0_XXX + ((cs & 3) << BS3_SEL_RING_SHIFT) %define BS3_SEL_R0_FIRST 0100h ;;< The first selector in the ring-0 block. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS16 0100h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit code selector, base 0x10000. %define BS3_SEL_R0_DS16 0108h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit data selector, base 0x23000. %define BS3_SEL_R0_SS16 0110h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit stack selector, base 0x00000. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS32 0118h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R0_DS32 0120h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit flat data selector. %define BS3_SEL_R0_SS32 0128h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit flat stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS64 0130h ;;< ring-0: 64-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R0_DS64 0138h ;;< ring-0: 64-bit flat data & stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS16_EO 0140h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS16_CNF 0148h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS16_CNF_EO 0150h ;;< ring-0: 16-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS32_EO 0158h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS32_CNF 0160h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS32_CNF_EO 0168h ;;< ring-0: 32-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS64_EO 0170h ;;< ring-0: 64-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS64_CNF 0178h ;;< ring-0: 64-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R0_CS64_CNF_EO 0180h ;;< ring-0: 64-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_FIRST 0200h ;;< The first selector in the ring-1 block. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS16 0200h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit code selector, base 0x10000. %define BS3_SEL_R1_DS16 0208h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit data selector, base 0x23000. %define BS3_SEL_R1_SS16 0210h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit stack selector, base 0x00000. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS32 0218h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R1_DS32 0220h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit flat data selector. %define BS3_SEL_R1_SS32 0228h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit flat stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS64 0230h ;;< ring-1: 64-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R1_DS64 0238h ;;< ring-1: 64-bit flat data & stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS16_EO 0240h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS16_CNF 0248h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS16_CNF_EO 0250h ;;< ring-1: 16-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS32_EO 0258h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS32_CNF 0260h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS32_CNF_EO 0268h ;;< ring-1: 32-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS64_EO 0270h ;;< ring-1: 64-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS64_CNF 0278h ;;< ring-1: 64-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R1_CS64_CNF_EO 0280h ;;< ring-1: 64-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_FIRST 0300h ;;< The first selector in the ring-2 block. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS16 0300h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit code selector, base 0x10000. %define BS3_SEL_R2_DS16 0308h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit data selector, base 0x23000. %define BS3_SEL_R2_SS16 0310h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit stack selector, base 0x00000. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS32 0318h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R2_DS32 0320h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit flat data selector. %define BS3_SEL_R2_SS32 0328h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit flat stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS64 0330h ;;< ring-2: 64-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R2_DS64 0338h ;;< ring-2: 64-bit flat data & stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS16_EO 0340h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS16_CNF 0348h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS16_CNF_EO 0350h ;;< ring-2: 16-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS32_EO 0358h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS32_CNF 0360h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS32_CNF_EO 0368h ;;< ring-2: 32-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS64_EO 0370h ;;< ring-2: 64-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS64_CNF 0378h ;;< ring-2: 64-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R2_CS64_CNF_EO 0380h ;;< ring-2: 64-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_FIRST 0400h ;;< The first selector in the ring-3 block. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS16 0400h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit code selector, base 0x10000. %define BS3_SEL_R3_DS16 0408h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit data selector, base 0x23000. %define BS3_SEL_R3_SS16 0410h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit stack selector, base 0x00000. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS32 0418h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R3_DS32 0420h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit flat data selector. %define BS3_SEL_R3_SS32 0428h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit flat stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS64 0430h ;;< ring-3: 64-bit flat code selector. %define BS3_SEL_R3_DS64 0438h ;;< ring-3: 64-bit flat data & stack selector. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS16_EO 0440h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS16_CNF 0448h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS16_CNF_EO 0450h ;;< ring-3: 16-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, 0xfffe limit, CS16 base. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS32_EO 0458h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS32_CNF 0460h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS32_CNF_EO 0468h ;;< ring-3: 32-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS64_EO 0470h ;;< ring-3: 64-bit execute-only code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS64_CNF 0478h ;;< ring-3: 64-bit conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_R3_CS64_CNF_EO 0480h ;;< ring-3: 64-bit execute-only conforming code selector, not accessed, flat. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_FIRST 0500h ;;< The first selector in the spare block %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_00 0500h ;;< Spare selector number 00h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_01 0508h ;;< Spare selector number 01h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_02 0510h ;;< Spare selector number 02h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_03 0518h ;;< Spare selector number 03h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_04 0520h ;;< Spare selector number 04h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_05 0528h ;;< Spare selector number 05h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_06 0530h ;;< Spare selector number 06h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_07 0538h ;;< Spare selector number 07h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_08 0540h ;;< Spare selector number 08h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_09 0548h ;;< Spare selector number 09h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0a 0550h ;;< Spare selector number 0ah. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0b 0558h ;;< Spare selector number 0bh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0c 0560h ;;< Spare selector number 0ch. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0d 0568h ;;< Spare selector number 0dh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0e 0570h ;;< Spare selector number 0eh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_0f 0578h ;;< Spare selector number 0fh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_10 0580h ;;< Spare selector number 10h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_11 0588h ;;< Spare selector number 11h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_12 0590h ;;< Spare selector number 12h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_13 0598h ;;< Spare selector number 13h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_14 05a0h ;;< Spare selector number 14h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_15 05a8h ;;< Spare selector number 15h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_16 05b0h ;;< Spare selector number 16h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_17 05b8h ;;< Spare selector number 17h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_18 05c0h ;;< Spare selector number 18h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_19 05c8h ;;< Spare selector number 19h. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1a 05d0h ;;< Spare selector number 1ah. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1b 05d8h ;;< Spare selector number 1bh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1c 05e0h ;;< Spare selector number 1ch. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1d 05e8h ;;< Spare selector number 1dh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1e 05f0h ;;< Spare selector number 1eh. %define BS3_SEL_SPARE_1f 05f8h ;;< Spare selector number 1fh. %define BS3_SEL_TILED 0600h ;;< 16-bit data tiling: First - base=0x00000000, limit=64KB. %define BS3_SEL_TILED_LAST 0df8h ;;< 16-bit data tiling: Last - base=0x00ff0000, limit=64KB. %define BS3_SEL_TILED_AREA_SIZE 001000000h ;;< 16-bit data tiling: Size of addressable area, in bytes. (16 MB) %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART1 0e00h ;;< Free selector space - part \%1. %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART1_LAST 0ff8h ;;< Free selector space - part \%1, last entry. %define BS3_SEL_TEXT16 1000h ;;< The BS3TEXT16 selector. %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART2 1008h ;;< Free selector space - part \%2. %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART2_LAST 1ff8h ;;< Free selector space - part \%2, last entry. %define BS3_SEL_SYSTEM16 2000h ;;< The BS3SYSTEM16 selector. %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART3 2008h ;;< Free selector space - part \%3. %define BS3_SEL_FREE_PART3_LAST 26f8h ;;< Free selector space - part \%3, last entry. %define BS3_SEL_DATA16 2700h ;;< The BS3DATA16 selector. %define BS3_SEL_GDT_LIMIT 2707h ;;< The GDT limit. ;; @} ; ; Sanity checks. ; %if BS3_ADDR_BS3TEXT16 != BS3_ADDR_LOAD %error "BS3_ADDR_BS3TEXT16 and BS3_ADDR_LOAD are out of sync" %endif %if (BS3_ADDR_BS3TEXT16 / 16) != BS3_SEL_TEXT16 %error "BS3_ADDR_BS3TEXT16 and BS3_SEL_TEXT16 are out of sync" %endif %if (BS3_ADDR_BS3DATA16 / 16) != BS3_SEL_DATA16 %error "BS3_ADDR_BS3DATA16 and BS3_SEL_DATA16 are out of sync" %endif %if (BS3_ADDR_BS3SYSTEM16 / 16) != BS3_SEL_SYSTEM16 %error "BS3_ADDR_BS3SYSTEM16 and BS3_SEL_SYSTEM16 are out of sync" %endif ; ; BS3 register context (without FPU). ; struc BS3REGCTX .rax resq 1 .rcx resq 1 .rdx resq 1 .rbx resq 1 .rsp resq 1 .rbp resq 1 .rsi resq 1 .rdi resq 1 .r8 resq 1 .r9 resq 1 .r10 resq 1 .r11 resq 1 .r12 resq 1 .r13 resq 1 .r14 resq 1 .r15 resq 1 .rflags resq 1 .rip resq 1 .cs resw 1 .ds resw 1 .es resw 1 .fs resw 1 .gs resw 1 .ss resw 1 .tr resw 1 .ldtr resw 1 .cBits resb 1 .abPadding resb 7 .cr0 resq 1 .cr2 resq 1 .cr3 resq 1 .cr4 resq 1 endstruc ;; ; BS3 Trap Frame. ; struc BS3TRAPFRAME .bXcpt resb 1 .bAlignment resb 1 .uHandlerCs resw 1 .uHandlerSs resw 1 .uHandlerRsp resq 1 .fHandlerRfl resq 1 .uErrCd resq 1 .Ctx resb BS3REGCTX_size endstruc ;; Flag for Bs3TrapXxResumeFrame methods. %define BS3TRAPRESUME_F_SKIP_CRX 1 ;; @name BS3CPU_XXX - Bs3CpuDetect_mmm return value and g_bBs3CpuDetected. ;; @{ %define BS3CPU_8086 0x0001 %define BS3CPU_V20 0x0002 %define BS3CPU_80186 0x0003 %define BS3CPU_80286 0x0004 %define BS3CPU_80386 0x0005 %define BS3CPU_80486 0x0006 %define BS3CPU_Pentium 0x0007 %define BS3CPU_PPro 0x0008 %define BS3CPU_PProOrNewer 0x0009 %define BS3CPU_TYPE_MASK 0x00ff %define BS3CPU_F_CPUID 0x0100 %define BS3CPU_F_CPUID_EXT_LEAVES 0x0200 %define BS3CPU_F_PAE 0x0400 %define BS3CPU_F_PAE_BIT 10 %define BS3CPU_F_LONG_MODE 0x0800 ;; @} %endif