VBoxVMFirstRunWzd :mode=html:tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=true: :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. VBoxVMFirstRunWzd 0 0 571 463 First Run Wizard Arial 12 1 pageWelcome Welcome to the First Run Wizard! unnamed 20 Minimum pmWelcome 4 5 0 0 vmw_new_harddisk.png AlignTop ltWelcome unnamed txWelcome 1 5 0 0 <p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for installing an operating system of your choice onto this virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txWelcomeHD 1 5 0 0 <p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for booting an operating system of your choice on the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that you will not be able to install an operating system into this virtual machine right now because you did not attach any hard disk to it. If this is not what you want, you can cancel execution of this wizard, select <b>Settings</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window to access the settings dialog of this machine and change the hard disk configuration.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop spWelcome Vertical Expanding 20 0 widthSpacer Horizontal MinimumExpanding 400 1 pageType Select Installation Media unnamed 20 Minimum pmType 4 5 0 0 vmw_new_harddisk.png AlignTop ltSelect unnamed 10 txType 1 5 0 0 <p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for installation purposes below.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txTypeHD 1 5 0 0 <p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for booting an operating system.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop bgType Media Type true unnamed rbCdType StrongFocus &CD/DVD-ROM Device false rbFdType StrongFocus &Floppy Device txSource 1 5 0 0 <p>Select the media which contains the setup program of the operating system you want to install. This media must be bootable, otherwise the setup program will not be able to start.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txSourceHD 1 5 0 0 <p>Select the media that contains the operating system you want to work with. This media must be bootable, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop bgSource Media Source unnamed ltHost unnamed rbHost StrongFocus &Host Drive false cbHost 1 0 0 0 spHost Horizontal Expanding 161 21 ltImage unnamed rbImage StrongFocus &Image File spImage Horizontal Expanding 211 20 ltVdm unnamed tbVdm TabFocus VDM spSelect Vertical Expanding 20 0 pageSummary Summary unnamed 20 Minimum pmSummary 4 5 0 0 vmw_new_harddisk.png AlignTop ltSummary unnamed 10 txSummaryHdr 1 5 0 0 <p>You have selected the following media to boot from:</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txSummaryHdrHD 1 5 0 0 <p>You have selected the following media to boot an operating system from:</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txSummaryFtr 1 5 0 0 <p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be temporarily mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p><p>Please note that when you close the virtual machine, the specified media will be automatically unmounted and the boot device will be set back to the first hard disk.</p><p>Depending on the type of the setup program, you may need to manually unmount (eject) the media after the setup program reboots the virtual machine, to prevent the installation process from starting again. You can do this by selecting the corresponding <b>Unmount...</b> action in the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop txSummaryFtrHD 1 5 0 0 <p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p> WordBreak|AlignTop spSummary Vertical Expanding 20 0 rbCdType clicked() VBoxVMFirstRunWzd mediaTypeChanged() rbFdType clicked() VBoxVMFirstRunWzd mediaTypeChanged() rbHost clicked() VBoxVMFirstRunWzd mediaSourceChanged() rbImage clicked() VBoxVMFirstRunWzd mediaSourceChanged() tbVdm clicked() VBoxVMFirstRunWzd openVdm() qvaluevector.h QIWidgetValidator.h COMDefs.h VBoxUtils.h VBoxGlobal.h VBoxMediaComboBox.h VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg.h class VBoxMediaComboBox class QITextEdit QIWidgetValidator *wvalType; VBoxMediaComboBox *cbImage; QITextEdit *teSummary; CMachine machine; QValueVector < CHostDVDDrive > hostDVDs; QValueVector < CHostFloppyDrive > hostFloppys; enableNext( const QIWidgetValidator* ) revalidate( QIWidgetValidator* ) mediaTypeChanged() mediaSourceChanged() openVdm() init() setup( const CMachine & ) showEvent( QShowEvent* ) showPage( QWidget* ) accept()