; $Id: PATMA.mac 54714 2015-03-11 14:00:23Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; PATM macros & definitions (identical to PATMA.h!). ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; hardcoded dependency on single byte int 3 %define PATM_INT3 int3 ;; @name Patch Fixup Types ; @remarks These fixups types are part of the saved state. ; @{ %define PATM_VMFLAGS 0xF1ABCD00 %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS %define PATM_ALLPATCHCALLS 0xF1ABCD01 %define PATM_PERPATCHCALLS 0xF1ABCD02 %endif %define PATM_JUMPDELTA 0xF1ABCD03 %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS %define PATM_IRETEFLAGS 0xF1ABCD04 %define PATM_IRETCS 0xF1ABCD05 %define PATM_IRETEIP 0xF1ABCD06 %endif %define PATM_FIXUP 0xF1ABCD07 %define PATM_PENDINGACTION 0xF1ABCD08 %define PATM_CPUID_STD_PTR 0xF1ABCD09 %define PATM_CPUID_EXT_PTR 0xF1ABCD0a %define PATM_CPUID_DEF_PTR 0xF1ABCD0b %define PATM_STACKBASE 0xF1ABCD0c ;;< Stack to store our private patch return addresses %define PATM_STACKBASE_GUEST 0xF1ABCD0d ;;< Stack to store guest return addresses %define PATM_STACKPTR 0xF1ABCD0e %define PATM_PATCHBASE 0xF1ABCD0f %define PATM_INTERRUPTFLAG 0xF1ABCD10 %define PATM_INHIBITIRQADDR 0xF1ABCD11 %define PATM_VM_FORCEDACTIONS 0xF1ABCD12 %define PATM_TEMP_EAX 0xF1ABCD13 ;;< Location for original EAX register %define PATM_TEMP_ECX 0xF1ABCD14 ;;< Location for original ECX register %define PATM_TEMP_EDI 0xF1ABCD15 ;;< Location for original EDI register %define PATM_TEMP_EFLAGS 0xF1ABCD16 ;;< Location for original eflags %define PATM_TEMP_RESTORE_FLAGS 0xF1ABCD17 ;;< Which registers to restore %define PATM_CALL_PATCH_TARGET_ADDR 0xF1ABCD18 %define PATM_CALL_RETURN_ADDR 0xF1ABCD19 %define PATM_CPUID_CENTAUR_PTR 0xF1ABCD1a %define PATM_CPUID_ARRAY_PTR 0xF1ABCD1b %define PATM_CPUID_ARRAY_END_PTR 0xF1ABCD1c %define PATM_CPUID_ARRAY_ENTRY_SIZE 0xF1ABCD1d %define PATM_CPUID_UNKNOWN_METHOD 0xF1ABCD1e ;/* Anything larger doesn't require a fixup */ %define PATM_NO_FIXUP 0xF1ABCE00 %define PATM_CPUID_STD_MAX 0xF1ABCE00 %define PATM_CPUID_EXT_MAX 0xF1ABCE01 %define PATM_RETURNADDR 0xF1ABCE02 %define PATM_PATCHNEXTBLOCK 0xF1ABCE03 %define PATM_CALLTARGET 0xF1ABCE04 ;;< relative call target %define PATM_NEXTINSTRADDR 0xF1ABCE05 ;;< absolute guest address of the next instruction %define PATM_CURINSTRADDR 0xF1ABCE06 ;;< absolute guest address of the current instruction %define PATM_LOOKUP_AND_CALL_FUNCTION 0xF1ABCE07 ;;< Relative address of global PATM lookup and call function. %define PATM_RETURN_FUNCTION 0xF1ABCE08 ;;< Relative address of global PATM return function. %define PATM_LOOKUP_AND_JUMP_FUNCTION 0xF1ABCE09 ;;< Relative address of global PATM lookup and jump function. %define PATM_IRET_FUNCTION 0xF1ABCE0A ;;< Relative address of global PATM iret function. %define PATM_CPUID_CENTAUR_MAX 0xF1ABCE0B ;; @} ;; Everything except IOPL, NT, IF, VM, VIF, VIP and RF %define PATM_FLAGS_MASK (X86_EFL_CF|X86_EFL_PF|X86_EFL_AF|X86_EFL_ZF|X86_EFL_SF|X86_EFL_TF|X86_EFL_DF|X86_EFL_OF|X86_EFL_AC|X86_EFL_ID) ; currently only IF & IOPL %define PATM_VIRTUAL_FLAGS_MASK (X86_EFL_IF|X86_EFL_IOPL) ; PATM stack size (identical in PATMA.h!!) %define PATM_STACK_SIZE (4096) %define PATM_STACK_TOTAL_SIZE (2 * PATM_STACK_SIZE) %define PATM_MAX_STACK (PATM_STACK_SIZE / RTRCPTR_CB) ;; @name Patch Manager pending actions (in GCSTATE). ;; @{ %define PATM_ACTION_LOOKUP_ADDRESS 1 %define PATM_ACTION_DISPATCH_PENDING_IRQ 2 %define PATM_ACTION_PENDING_IRQ_AFTER_IRET 3 %define PATM_ACTION_DO_V86_IRET 4 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_IF1 5 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_CLI 6 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_STI 7 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_POPF_IF1 8 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_POPF_IF0 9 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_PUSHF 10 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_IRET 11 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_RET 12 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_CALL 13 %define PATM_ACTION_LOG_GATE_ENTRY 14 ;; @} ;; Magic dword found in ecx for patm pending actions. %define PATM_ACTION_MAGIC 0xABCD4321 ;; @name PATM_TEMP_RESTORE_FLAGS ;; @{ %define PATM_RESTORE_EAX RT_BIT(0) %define PATM_RESTORE_ECX RT_BIT(1) %define PATM_RESTORE_EDI RT_BIT(2) ;; @} ;; ; Relocation entry for PATCHASMRECORD. ; struc PATCHASMRELOC ;; The relocation type. .uType resd 1 ;; Additional information specific to the relocation type. .uCode resd 1 endstruc ;; ; Assembly patch descriptor record. ; struc PATCHASMRECORD ;; Pointer to the patch code. .pbFunction RTCCPTR_RES 1 ;; Offset of the jump table? .offJump resd 1 ;; Used only by loop/loopz/loopnz. .offRelJump resd 1 ;; Size override byte position. .offSizeOverride resd 1 ;; The size of the patch function. .cbFunction resd 1 ;; The number of relocations in aRelocs. .cRelocs resd 1 ;; Variable sized relocation table. (put after the iend, so no included) ;.aRelocs resb PATCHASMRELOC_size endstruc ;/* For indirect calls/jump (identical in PATMA.h & PATMA.mac!) */ %define PATM_MAX_JUMPTABLE_ENTRIES 16 struc PATCHJUMPTABLE .nrSlots resw 1 .ulInsertPos resw 1 .cAddresses resd 1 ; array of pInstrGC and pRelPatchGC pairs (nrSlot times) .Slot_pInstrGC resd 1 .Slot_pRelPatchGC resd 1 endstruc ;/* Must match structure size!! %define PATCHJUMPTABLE_SIZE (PATM_MAX_JUMPTABLE_ENTRIES*2*4) ;/* Direct calls need only one lookup slot */ %define PATCHDIRECTJUMPTABLE_SIZE (2*4)