# This file contains a non-exhaustive list of symbols which are allowed to # be undefined in X.Org Server binary driver modules which were not allowed # in XFree86 4.3. Some of these may only be allowed on some platforms, but # it fixing that would add additional complexity. calloc chdir chmod chown close __ctype_b_loc __ctype_mask __cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info_bases DRI2CloseScreen DRI2ScreenInit DRICloseScreen DRICreateInfoRec DRICreatePCIBusID DRIDestroyInfoRec DRIFinishScreenInit DRILock DRIQueryVersion DRIScreenInit DRIUnlock drmClose drmDropMaster drmFreeVersion drmGetVersion drmIoctl drmModeGetResources drmModeFreeResources drmSetMaster ___errno __errno_location fbPictureInit fbScreenInit fchmod fchown fcntl fflush flock fprintf __fprintf_chk fputs free fstat fsync ftruncate ftruncate64 futimes fwrite __fxstat64 getcwd getenv geteuid GetMotionHistory GetMotionHistorySize getpwuid_r GlxSetVisualConfigs __gmon_start__ iconv iconv_close iconv_open __iob ioctl __isoc99_sscanf isspace _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable _ITM_registerTMCloneTable _Jv_RegisterClasses lchown lseek lseek64 lstat __lxstat64 malloc memalign memchr memcmp __memcpy_chk memmove miPointerGetScreen mmap64 mprotect munmap nanosleep nl_langinfo open open64 pci_device_map_range pci_device_unmap_range posix_memalign pthread_self pthread_sigmask pthread_yield putenv read realloc realpath __realpath_chk __register_frame_info_bases rename RRChangeOutputProperty setenv ShadowFBInit2 sigdelset sigfillset snprintf __snprintf_chk sprintf __sprintf_chk sscanf __stack_chk_fail stat stderr strchr strcmp strcpy strlen strncmp strncpy __strncpy_chk strpbrk strstr strtoul __strtoul_internal SwappedProcVector symlink tolower unlink unsetenv utimes vfprintf __vfprintf_chk vgaHWFreeHWRec vgaHWGetHWRec vgaHWGetIndex vgaHWGetIOBase vgaHWRestore vgaHWSave vgaHWSetStdFuncs vsnprintf __vsnprintf_chk write xf86CreateCursorInfoRec xf86CrtcConfigInit xf86CrtcConfigPrivateIndex xf86CrtcCreate xf86CrtcScreenInit xf86CrtcSetSizeRange xf86DestroyCursorInfoRec xf86DPMSSet xf86InitCursor xf86InitialConfiguration xf86InterpretEDID xf86ModesAdd xf86OutputCreate xf86OutputSetEDID xf86OutputUseScreenMonitor xf86SaveScreen xf86ScreenToScrn xf86ScrnToScreen xf86SetDesiredModes xf86SetModeDefaultName xf86SetSingleMode __xstat64