1 | # !kmk_ash
2 | # $Id: backport-commit.sh 85586 2020-07-31 16:53:31Z vboxsync $
3 | ## @file
4 | # Script for committing a backport from trunk.
5 | #
6 |
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 2020 Oracle Corporation
9 | #
10 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | #
18 |
19 | #
20 | # Determin script dir so we can source the common bits.
21 | #
22 | MY_SED=kmk_sed
23 | MY_SCRIPT_DIR=`echo "$0" | "${MY_SED}" -e 's|\\\|/|g' -e 's|^\(.*\)/[^/][^/]*$|\1|'` # \ -> / is for windows.
24 | if test "${MY_SCRIPT_DIR}" = "$0"; then
25 | MY_SCRIPT_DIR=`pwd -L`
26 | else
27 | MY_SCRIPT_DIR=`cd "${MY_SCRIPT_DIR}"; pwd -L` # pwd is built into kmk_ash.
28 | fi
29 |
30 | #
31 | # This does a lot.
32 | #
33 | MY_SCRIPT_NAME="backport-commit.sh"
34 | . "${MY_SCRIPT_DIR}/backport-common.sh"
35 |
36 | #
37 | # If no revisions was given, try figure it out from the svn:merge-info
38 | # property.
39 | #
40 | if test -z "${MY_REVISIONS}"; then
41 | MY_REV_TMP=backport-revisions.tmp
42 | if ! svn di --properties-only --depth empty "${MY_BRANCH_DIR}" > "${MY_REV_TMP}"; then
43 | echo "error: failed to get revisions from svn:mergeinfo (svn)"
44 | exit 1;
45 | fi
46 | for MY_REV in $("${MY_SED}" -e '/ *Merged \//!d' -e "s/^ [^:]*:[r]*//" -e 's/,[r]*/ /g' "${MY_REV_TMP}");
47 | do
48 | case "${MY_REV}" in
49 | [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])
50 | AddRevision "${MY_REV}"
51 | ;;
52 | [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])
53 | MY_REV_FIRST=${MY_REV%-*}
54 | MY_REV_LAST=${MY_REV#*-}
55 | if test -z "${MY_REV_FIRST}" -o -z "${MY_REV_LAST}" -o '(' '!' "${MY_REV_FIRST}" -lt "${MY_REV_LAST}" ')'; then
56 | echo "error: failed to get revisions from svn:mergeinfo - MY_REV_FIRST=${MY_REV_FIRST} MY_REV_LAST=${MY_REV_LAST} MY_REV=${MY_REV}"
57 | exit 1
58 | fi
60 | while test ${MY_REV} -le ${MY_REV_LAST};
61 | do
62 | AddRevision "${MY_REV}"
63 | MY_REV=$(${MY_EXPR} ${MY_REV} + 1)
64 | done
65 | ;;
66 |
67 | *) echo "error: failed to get revisions from svn:mergeinfo - does not grok: ${MY_ARG}"
68 | exit 1;;
69 | esac
70 | done
71 | "${MY_RM}" -f -- "${MY_REV_TMP}"
72 | if test -z "${MY_REVISIONS}"; then
73 | echo "error: No backported revisions found";
74 | exit 1;
75 | fi
76 | echo "info: Detected revisions: ${MY_REVISIONS}"
77 | fi
78 |
79 | #
80 | # Generate the commit message into MY_MSG_FILE.
81 | #
82 | test -n "${MY_DEBUG}" && echo "MY_REVISIONS=${MY_REVISIONS}"
83 | MY_MSG_FILE=backport-commit.txt
84 | MY_TMP_FILE=backport-commit.tmp
85 |
86 | if test "${MY_REVISION_COUNT}" -eq 1; then
87 | # Single revision, just prefix the commit message.
88 | MY_REV=`echo ${MY_REVISIONS}` # strip leading space
89 | echo -n "${MY_BRANCH}: Backported r${MY_REV}: " > "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
90 | if ! "${MY_SVN}" log "-r${MY_REV}" "${MY_TRUNK_DIR}" > "${MY_TMP_FILE}"; then
91 | echo "error: failed to get log entry for revision ${MY_REV}"
92 | exit 1;
93 | fi
94 | if ! "${MY_SED}" -e '1d;2d;3d;$d' --append "${MY_MSG_FILE}" "${MY_TMP_FILE}"; then
95 | echo "error: failed to get log entry for revision ${MY_REV} (sed failed)"
96 | exit 1;
97 | fi
98 | else
99 | # First line.
100 | echo -n "${MY_BRANCH}: Backported" > "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
101 | MY_COUNTER=0
102 | for MY_REV in ${MY_REVISIONS};
103 | do
104 | if test ${MY_COUNTER} -eq 0; then
105 | echo -n " r${MY_REV}" >> "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
106 | else
107 | echo -n " r${MY_REV}" >> "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
108 | fi
109 | MY_COUNTER=`"${MY_EXPR}" ${MY_COUNTER} + 1`
110 | done
111 | echo "." >> "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
112 | echo "" >> "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
113 |
114 | # One bullet with the commit text.
115 | for MY_REV in ${MY_REVISIONS};
116 | do
117 | echo -n "* r${MY_REV}: " >> "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
118 | if ! "${MY_SVN}" log "-r${MY_REV}" "${MY_TRUNK_DIR}" > "${MY_TMP_FILE}"; then
119 | echo "error: failed to get log entry for revision ${MY_REV}"
120 | exit 1;
121 | fi
122 | if ! "${MY_SED}" -e '1d;2d;3d;$d' --append "${MY_MSG_FILE}" "${MY_TMP_FILE}"; then
123 | echo "error: failed to get log entry for revision ${MY_REV} (sed failed)"
124 | exit 1;
125 | fi
126 | done
127 |
128 | # This is a line ending hack for windows hosts.
129 | if "${MY_SED}" -e 's/1/1/g' --output-text "${MY_TMP_FILE}" "${MY_MSG_FILE}" \
130 | && "${MY_SED}" -e 's/1/1/g' --output-text "${MY_MSG_FILE}" "${MY_TMP_FILE}"; then
131 | :
132 | else
133 | echo "error: SED failed to clean up commit message line-endings."
134 | exit 1;
135 | fi
136 | fi
137 | "${MY_RM}" -f -- "${MY_TMP_FILE}"
138 |
139 | #
140 | # Do the committing.
141 | #
142 | if [ -n "${MY_SHOW_DIFF}" ]; then
143 | echo "***"
144 | echo "*** Diff:"
145 | "${MY_SVN}" diff --internal-diff
146 | echo "*** end diff ***"
147 | echo "***"
148 | echo ""
149 | fi
150 | echo "***"
151 | echo "*** Commit message:"
152 | "${MY_CAT}" "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
153 | echo "*** end commit message ***"
154 | echo "***"
155 | IFS=`"${MY_PRINTF}" " \t\r\n"` # windows needs \r for proper 'read' operation.
156 | for MY_IGNORE in 1 2 3; do
157 | read -p "*** Does the above commit message look okay (y/n)?" MY_ANSWER
158 | case "${MY_ANSWER}" in
159 | y|Y|[yY][eE][sS])
160 | if "${MY_SVN}" commit -F "${MY_MSG_FILE}" "${MY_BRANCH_DIR}"; then
161 | "${MY_RM}" -f -- "${MY_MSG_FILE}"
162 |
163 | #
164 | # Update the branch so we don't end up with mixed revisions.
165 | #
166 | echo "***"
167 | echo "*** Updating branch dir..."
168 | "${MY_SVN}" up "${MY_BRANCH_DIR}"
169 | exit 0
170 | fi
171 | echo "error: commit failed" 1>&2
172 | exit 1
173 | ;;
174 | n|N|[nN][oO])
175 | exit 1
176 | ;;
177 | *)
178 | echo
179 | echo "Please answer 'y' or 'n'... (MY_ANSWER=${MY_ANSWER})"
180 | esac
181 | done
182 | exit 1;