1 | {*******************************************************}
2 | { }
3 | { Borland Delphi Supplemental Components }
4 | { ZLIB Data Compression Interface Unit }
5 | { }
6 | { Copyright (c) 1997,99 Borland Corporation }
7 | { }
8 | {*******************************************************}
9 |
10 | { Updated for zlib 1.2.x by Cosmin Truta <[email protected]> }
11 |
12 | unit ZLib;
13 |
14 | interface
15 |
16 | uses SysUtils, Classes;
17 |
18 | type
19 | TAlloc = function (AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
20 | TFree = procedure (AppData, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
21 |
22 | // Internal structure. Ignore.
23 | TZStreamRec = packed record
24 | next_in: PChar; // next input byte
25 | avail_in: Integer; // number of bytes available at next_in
26 | total_in: Longint; // total nb of input bytes read so far
27 |
28 | next_out: PChar; // next output byte should be put here
29 | avail_out: Integer; // remaining free space at next_out
30 | total_out: Longint; // total nb of bytes output so far
31 |
32 | msg: PChar; // last error message, NULL if no error
33 | internal: Pointer; // not visible by applications
34 |
35 | zalloc: TAlloc; // used to allocate the internal state
36 | zfree: TFree; // used to free the internal state
37 | AppData: Pointer; // private data object passed to zalloc and zfree
38 |
39 | data_type: Integer; // best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
40 | adler: Longint; // adler32 value of the uncompressed data
41 | reserved: Longint; // reserved for future use
42 | end;
43 |
44 | // Abstract ancestor class
45 | TCustomZlibStream = class(TStream)
46 | private
47 | FStrm: TStream;
48 | FStrmPos: Integer;
49 | FOnProgress: TNotifyEvent;
50 | FZRec: TZStreamRec;
51 | FBuffer: array [Word] of Char;
52 | protected
53 | procedure Progress(Sender: TObject); dynamic;
54 | property OnProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
55 | constructor Create(Strm: TStream);
56 | end;
57 |
58 | { TCompressionStream compresses data on the fly as data is written to it, and
59 | stores the compressed data to another stream.
60 |
61 | TCompressionStream is write-only and strictly sequential. Reading from the
62 | stream will raise an exception. Using Seek to move the stream pointer
63 | will raise an exception.
64 |
65 | Output data is cached internally, written to the output stream only when
66 | the internal output buffer is full. All pending output data is flushed
67 | when the stream is destroyed.
68 |
69 | The Position property returns the number of uncompressed bytes of
70 | data that have been written to the stream so far.
71 |
72 | CompressionRate returns the on-the-fly percentage by which the original
73 | data has been compressed: (1 - (CompressedBytes / UncompressedBytes)) * 100
74 | If raw data size = 100 and compressed data size = 25, the CompressionRate
75 | is 75%
76 |
77 | The OnProgress event is called each time the output buffer is filled and
78 | written to the output stream. This is useful for updating a progress
79 | indicator when you are writing a large chunk of data to the compression
80 | stream in a single call.}
81 |
82 |
83 | TCompressionLevel = (clNone, clFastest, clDefault, clMax);
84 |
85 | TCompressionStream = class(TCustomZlibStream)
86 | private
87 | function GetCompressionRate: Single;
88 | public
89 | constructor Create(CompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel; Dest: TStream);
90 | destructor Destroy; override;
91 | function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
92 | function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
93 | function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
94 | property CompressionRate: Single read GetCompressionRate;
95 | property OnProgress;
96 | end;
97 |
98 | { TDecompressionStream decompresses data on the fly as data is read from it.
99 |
100 | Compressed data comes from a separate source stream. TDecompressionStream
101 | is read-only and unidirectional; you can seek forward in the stream, but not
102 | backwards. The special case of setting the stream position to zero is
103 | allowed. Seeking forward decompresses data until the requested position in
104 | the uncompressed data has been reached. Seeking backwards, seeking relative
105 | to the end of the stream, requesting the size of the stream, and writing to
106 | the stream will raise an exception.
107 |
108 | The Position property returns the number of bytes of uncompressed data that
109 | have been read from the stream so far.
110 |
111 | The OnProgress event is called each time the internal input buffer of
112 | compressed data is exhausted and the next block is read from the input stream.
113 | This is useful for updating a progress indicator when you are reading a
114 | large chunk of data from the decompression stream in a single call.}
115 |
116 | TDecompressionStream = class(TCustomZlibStream)
117 | public
118 | constructor Create(Source: TStream);
119 | destructor Destroy; override;
120 | function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
121 | function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
122 | function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
123 | property OnProgress;
124 | end;
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 | { CompressBuf compresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
129 | In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
130 | InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
131 | Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
132 | OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf }
133 | procedure CompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
134 | out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
135 |
136 |
137 | { DecompressBuf decompresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
138 | In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
139 | InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
140 | OutEstimate = zero, or est. size of the decompressed data
141 | Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
142 | OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf }
143 | procedure DecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
144 | OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
145 |
146 | { DecompressToUserBuf decompresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
147 | In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
148 | InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
149 | Out: OutBuf = ptr to user-allocated buffer to contain decompressed data
150 | BufSize = number of bytes in OutBuf }
151 | procedure DecompressToUserBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
152 | const OutBuf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer);
153 |
154 | const
155 | zlib_version = '1.2.8';
156 |
157 | type
158 | EZlibError = class(Exception);
159 | ECompressionError = class(EZlibError);
160 | EDecompressionError = class(EZlibError);
161 |
162 | implementation
163 |
164 | uses ZLibConst;
165 |
166 | const
167 | Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
168 | Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1;
169 | Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;
170 | Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;
171 | Z_FINISH = 4;
172 |
173 | Z_OK = 0;
174 | Z_STREAM_END = 1;
175 | Z_NEED_DICT = 2;
176 | Z_ERRNO = (-1);
177 | Z_STREAM_ERROR = (-2);
178 | Z_DATA_ERROR = (-3);
179 | Z_MEM_ERROR = (-4);
180 | Z_BUF_ERROR = (-5);
181 | Z_VERSION_ERROR = (-6);
182 |
184 | Z_BEST_SPEED = 1;
187 |
188 | Z_FILTERED = 1;
189 | Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;
190 | Z_RLE = 3;
192 |
193 | Z_BINARY = 0;
194 | Z_ASCII = 1;
195 | Z_UNKNOWN = 2;
196 |
197 | Z_DEFLATED = 8;
198 |
199 |
200 | {$L adler32.obj}
201 | {$L compress.obj}
202 | {$L crc32.obj}
203 | {$L deflate.obj}
204 | {$L infback.obj}
205 | {$L inffast.obj}
206 | {$L inflate.obj}
207 | {$L inftrees.obj}
208 | {$L trees.obj}
209 | {$L uncompr.obj}
210 | {$L zutil.obj}
211 |
212 | procedure adler32; external;
213 | procedure compressBound; external;
214 | procedure crc32; external;
215 | procedure deflateInit2_; external;
216 | procedure deflateParams; external;
217 |
218 | function _malloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
219 | begin
220 | Result := AllocMem(Size);
221 | end;
222 |
223 | procedure _free(Block: Pointer); cdecl;
224 | begin
225 | FreeMem(Block);
226 | end;
227 |
228 | procedure _memset(P: Pointer; B: Byte; count: Integer); cdecl;
229 | begin
230 | FillChar(P^, count, B);
231 | end;
232 |
233 | procedure _memcpy(dest, source: Pointer; count: Integer); cdecl;
234 | begin
235 | Move(source^, dest^, count);
236 | end;
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 | // deflate compresses data
241 | function deflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; level: Integer; version: PChar;
242 | recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
243 | function deflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
244 | function deflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
245 |
246 | // inflate decompresses data
247 | function inflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; version: PChar;
248 | recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
249 | function inflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
250 | function inflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
251 | function inflateReset(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
252 |
253 |
254 | function zlibAllocMem(AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
255 | begin
256 | // GetMem(Result, Items*Size);
257 | Result := AllocMem(Items * Size);
258 | end;
259 |
260 | procedure zlibFreeMem(AppData, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
261 | begin
262 | FreeMem(Block);
263 | end;
264 |
265 | {function zlibCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
266 | begin
267 | Result := code;
268 | if code < 0 then
269 | raise EZlibError.Create('error'); //!!
270 | end;}
271 |
272 | function CCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
273 | begin
274 | Result := code;
275 | if code < 0 then
276 | raise ECompressionError.Create('error'); //!!
277 | end;
278 |
279 | function DCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
280 | begin
281 | Result := code;
282 | if code < 0 then
283 | raise EDecompressionError.Create('error'); //!!
284 | end;
285 |
286 | procedure CompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
287 | out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
288 | var
289 | strm: TZStreamRec;
290 | P: Pointer;
291 | begin
292 | FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
293 | strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
294 | strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
295 | OutBytes := ((InBytes + (InBytes div 10) + 12) + 255) and not 255;
296 | GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
297 | try
298 | strm.next_in := InBuf;
299 | strm.avail_in := InBytes;
300 | strm.next_out := OutBuf;
301 | strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
302 | CCheck(deflateInit_(strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
303 | try
304 | while CCheck(deflate(strm, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
305 | begin
306 | P := OutBuf;
307 | Inc(OutBytes, 256);
308 | ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
309 | strm.next_out := PChar(Integer(OutBuf) + (Integer(strm.next_out) - Integer(P)));
310 | strm.avail_out := 256;
311 | end;
312 | finally
313 | CCheck(deflateEnd(strm));
314 | end;
315 | ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out);
316 | OutBytes := strm.total_out;
317 | except
318 | FreeMem(OutBuf);
319 | raise
320 | end;
321 | end;
322 |
323 |
324 | procedure DecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
325 | OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
326 | var
327 | strm: TZStreamRec;
328 | P: Pointer;
329 | BufInc: Integer;
330 | begin
331 | FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
332 | strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
333 | strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
334 | BufInc := (InBytes + 255) and not 255;
335 | if OutEstimate = 0 then
336 | OutBytes := BufInc
337 | else
338 | OutBytes := OutEstimate;
339 | GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
340 | try
341 | strm.next_in := InBuf;
342 | strm.avail_in := InBytes;
343 | strm.next_out := OutBuf;
344 | strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
345 | DCheck(inflateInit_(strm, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
346 | try
347 | while DCheck(inflate(strm, Z_NO_FLUSH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
348 | begin
349 | P := OutBuf;
350 | Inc(OutBytes, BufInc);
351 | ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
352 | strm.next_out := PChar(Integer(OutBuf) + (Integer(strm.next_out) - Integer(P)));
353 | strm.avail_out := BufInc;
354 | end;
355 | finally
356 | DCheck(inflateEnd(strm));
357 | end;
358 | ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out);
359 | OutBytes := strm.total_out;
360 | except
361 | FreeMem(OutBuf);
362 | raise
363 | end;
364 | end;
365 |
366 | procedure DecompressToUserBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
367 | const OutBuf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer);
368 | var
369 | strm: TZStreamRec;
370 | begin
371 | FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
372 | strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
373 | strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
374 | strm.next_in := InBuf;
375 | strm.avail_in := InBytes;
376 | strm.next_out := OutBuf;
377 | strm.avail_out := BufSize;
378 | DCheck(inflateInit_(strm, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
379 | try
380 | if DCheck(inflate(strm, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END then
381 | raise EZlibError.CreateRes(@sTargetBufferTooSmall);
382 | finally
383 | DCheck(inflateEnd(strm));
384 | end;
385 | end;
386 |
387 | // TCustomZlibStream
388 |
389 | constructor TCustomZLibStream.Create(Strm: TStream);
390 | begin
391 | inherited Create;
392 | FStrm := Strm;
393 | FStrmPos := Strm.Position;
394 | FZRec.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
395 | FZRec.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
396 | end;
397 |
398 | procedure TCustomZLibStream.Progress(Sender: TObject);
399 | begin
400 | if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Sender);
401 | end;
402 |
403 |
404 | // TCompressionStream
405 |
406 | constructor TCompressionStream.Create(CompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel;
407 | Dest: TStream);
408 | const
409 | Levels: array [TCompressionLevel] of ShortInt =
411 | begin
412 | inherited Create(Dest);
413 | FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
414 | FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
415 | CCheck(deflateInit_(FZRec, Levels[CompressionLevel], zlib_version, sizeof(FZRec)));
416 | end;
417 |
418 | destructor TCompressionStream.Destroy;
419 | begin
420 | FZRec.next_in := nil;
421 | FZRec.avail_in := 0;
422 | try
423 | if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
424 | while (CCheck(deflate(FZRec, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END)
425 | and (FZRec.avail_out = 0) do
426 | begin
427 | FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
428 | FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
429 | FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
430 | end;
431 | if FZRec.avail_out < sizeof(FBuffer) then
432 | FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer) - FZRec.avail_out);
433 | finally
434 | deflateEnd(FZRec);
435 | end;
436 | inherited Destroy;
437 | end;
438 |
439 | function TCompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
440 | begin
441 | raise ECompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
442 | end;
443 |
444 | function TCompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
445 | begin
446 | FZRec.next_in := @Buffer;
447 | FZRec.avail_in := Count;
448 | if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
449 | while (FZRec.avail_in > 0) do
450 | begin
451 | CCheck(deflate(FZRec, 0));
452 | if FZRec.avail_out = 0 then
453 | begin
454 | FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
455 | FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
456 | FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
457 | FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
458 | Progress(Self);
459 | end;
460 | end;
461 | Result := Count;
462 | end;
463 |
464 | function TCompressionStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
465 | begin
466 | if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soFromCurrent) then
467 | Result := FZRec.total_in
468 | else
469 | raise ECompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
470 | end;
471 |
472 | function TCompressionStream.GetCompressionRate: Single;
473 | begin
474 | if FZRec.total_in = 0 then
475 | Result := 0
476 | else
477 | Result := (1.0 - (FZRec.total_out / FZRec.total_in)) * 100.0;
478 | end;
479 |
480 |
481 | // TDecompressionStream
482 |
483 | constructor TDecompressionStream.Create(Source: TStream);
484 | begin
485 | inherited Create(Source);
486 | FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
487 | FZRec.avail_in := 0;
488 | DCheck(inflateInit_(FZRec, zlib_version, sizeof(FZRec)));
489 | end;
490 |
491 | destructor TDecompressionStream.Destroy;
492 | begin
493 | FStrm.Seek(-FZRec.avail_in, 1);
494 | inflateEnd(FZRec);
495 | inherited Destroy;
496 | end;
497 |
498 | function TDecompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
499 | begin
500 | FZRec.next_out := @Buffer;
501 | FZRec.avail_out := Count;
502 | if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
503 | while (FZRec.avail_out > 0) do
504 | begin
505 | if FZRec.avail_in = 0 then
506 | begin
507 | FZRec.avail_in := FStrm.Read(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
508 | if FZRec.avail_in = 0 then
509 | begin
510 | Result := Count - FZRec.avail_out;
511 | Exit;
512 | end;
513 | FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
514 | FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
515 | Progress(Self);
516 | end;
517 | CCheck(inflate(FZRec, 0));
518 | end;
519 | Result := Count;
520 | end;
521 |
522 | function TDecompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
523 | begin
524 | raise EDecompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
525 | end;
526 |
527 | function TDecompressionStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
528 | var
529 | I: Integer;
530 | Buf: array [0..4095] of Char;
531 | begin
532 | if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soFromBeginning) then
533 | begin
534 | DCheck(inflateReset(FZRec));
535 | FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
536 | FZRec.avail_in := 0;
537 | FStrm.Position := 0;
538 | FStrmPos := 0;
539 | end
540 | else if ( (Offset >= 0) and (Origin = soFromCurrent)) or
541 | ( ((Offset - FZRec.total_out) > 0) and (Origin = soFromBeginning)) then
542 | begin
543 | if Origin = soFromBeginning then Dec(Offset, FZRec.total_out);
544 | if Offset > 0 then
545 | begin
546 | for I := 1 to Offset div sizeof(Buf) do
547 | ReadBuffer(Buf, sizeof(Buf));
548 | ReadBuffer(Buf, Offset mod sizeof(Buf));
549 | end;
550 | end
551 | else
552 | raise EDecompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
553 | Result := FZRec.total_out;
554 | end;
555 |
556 |
557 | end.