1 | /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 | /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3 | * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4 | *
5 | * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6 | * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 | * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 | *
10 | * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 | * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 | * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13 | * License.
14 | *
15 | * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
16 | *
17 | * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18 | * Netscape Communications Corporation.
19 | * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001, 2002
20 | * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
21 | *
22 | * Contributor(s):
23 | * Conrad Carlen <ccarlen@netscape.com>
24 | * Jungshik Shin <jshin@mailaps.org>
25 | *
26 | * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
27 | * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
28 | * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
29 | * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
30 | * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
31 | * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
32 | * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
33 | * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
34 | * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
35 | * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
36 | * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
37 | *
38 | * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
39 |
40 | #include "nsLocalFile.h"
41 |
42 | #include "nsString.h"
43 | #include "nsReadableUtils.h"
44 | #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h"
45 | #include "nsITimelineService.h"
46 | #include "nsVoidArray.h"
47 |
48 | #include "plbase64.h"
49 | #include "prmem.h"
50 | #include "nsCRT.h"
51 |
52 | #include "MoreFilesX.h"
53 | #include "FSCopyObject.h"
54 | #include "nsAutoBuffer.h"
55 |
56 | // Mac Includes
57 | #include <Aliases.h>
58 | #include <Gestalt.h>
59 | #include <AppleEvents.h>
60 | #include <AEDataModel.h>
61 | #include <Processes.h>
62 | #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
63 |
64 | // Unix Includes
65 | #include <sys/stat.h>
66 |
67 | //*****************************************************************************
68 | // Static Function Prototypes
69 | //*****************************************************************************
70 |
71 | static nsresult MacErrorMapper(OSErr inErr);
72 | static OSErr FindRunningAppBySignature(OSType aAppSig, ProcessSerialNumber& outPsn);
73 | static void CopyUTF8toUTF16NFC(const nsACString& aSrc, nsAString& aResult);
74 |
75 | //*****************************************************************************
76 | // Local Helper Classes
77 | //*****************************************************************************
78 |
79 | #pragma mark -
80 | #pragma mark [FSRef operator==]
81 |
82 | bool operator==(const FSRef& lhs, const FSRef& rhs)
83 | {
84 | return (::FSCompareFSRefs(&lhs, &rhs) == noErr);
85 | }
86 |
87 | #pragma mark -
88 | #pragma mark [StFollowLinksState]
89 |
90 | class StFollowLinksState
91 | {
92 | public:
93 | StFollowLinksState(nsLocalFile& aFile) :
94 | mFile(aFile)
95 | {
96 | mFile.GetFollowLinks(&mSavedState);
97 | }
98 |
99 | StFollowLinksState(nsLocalFile& aFile, PRBool followLinksState) :
100 | mFile(aFile)
101 | {
102 | mFile.GetFollowLinks(&mSavedState);
103 | mFile.SetFollowLinks(followLinksState);
104 | }
105 |
106 | ~StFollowLinksState()
107 | {
108 | mFile.SetFollowLinks(mSavedState);
109 | }
110 |
111 | private:
112 | nsLocalFile& mFile;
113 | PRBool mSavedState;
114 | };
115 |
116 | #pragma mark -
117 | #pragma mark [nsDirEnumerator]
118 |
119 | class nsDirEnumerator : public nsISimpleEnumerator
120 | {
121 | public:
122 |
124 |
125 | nsDirEnumerator() :
126 | mIterator(nsnull),
127 | mFSRefsArray(nsnull),
128 | mArrayCnt(0), mArrayIndex(0)
129 | {
130 | }
131 |
132 | nsresult Init(nsILocalFileMac* parent)
133 | {
134 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(parent);
135 |
136 | OSErr err;
137 | nsresult rv;
138 | FSRef parentRef;
139 |
140 | rv = parent->GetFSRef(&parentRef);
141 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
142 | return rv;
143 |
144 | mFSRefsArray = (FSRef *)nsMemory::Alloc(sizeof(FSRef)
145 | * kRequestCountPerIteration);
146 | if (!mFSRefsArray)
147 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
148 |
149 | err = ::FSOpenIterator(&parentRef, kFSIterateFlat, &mIterator);
150 | if (err != noErr)
151 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
152 |
153 | return NS_OK;
154 | }
155 |
156 | NS_IMETHOD HasMoreElements(PRBool *result)
157 | {
158 | if (mNext == nsnull) {
159 | if (mArrayIndex >= mArrayCnt) {
160 | ItemCount actualCnt;
161 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(mIterator,
162 | kRequestCountPerIteration,
163 | &actualCnt,
164 | nsnull,
165 | kFSCatInfoNone,
166 | nsnull,
167 | mFSRefsArray,
168 | nsnull,
169 | nsnull);
170 |
171 | if (err == noErr || err == errFSNoMoreItems) {
172 | mArrayCnt = actualCnt;
173 | mArrayIndex = 0;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | if (mArrayIndex < mArrayCnt) {
177 | nsLocalFile *newFile = new nsLocalFile;
178 | if (!newFile)
179 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
180 | FSRef fsRef = mFSRefsArray[mArrayIndex];
181 | if (NS_FAILED(newFile->InitWithFSRef(&fsRef)))
182 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
183 | mArrayIndex++;
184 | mNext = newFile;
185 | }
186 | }
187 | *result = mNext != nsnull;
188 | return NS_OK;
189 | }
190 |
191 | NS_IMETHOD GetNext(nsISupports **result)
192 | {
193 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result);
194 | *result = nsnull;
195 |
196 | nsresult rv;
197 | PRBool hasMore;
198 | rv = HasMoreElements(&hasMore);
199 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
200 |
201 | *result = mNext; // might return nsnull
202 | NS_IF_ADDREF(*result);
203 |
204 | mNext = nsnull;
205 | return NS_OK;
206 | }
207 |
208 | private:
209 | ~nsDirEnumerator()
210 | {
211 | if (mIterator)
212 | ::FSCloseIterator(mIterator);
213 | if (mFSRefsArray)
214 | nsMemory::Free(mFSRefsArray);
215 | }
216 |
217 | protected:
218 | // According to Apple doc, request the number of objects
219 | // per call that will fit in 4 VM pages.
220 | enum {
221 | kRequestCountPerIteration = ((4096 * 4) / sizeof(FSRef))
222 | };
223 |
224 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> mNext;
225 |
226 | FSIterator mIterator;
227 | FSRef *mFSRefsArray;
228 | PRInt32 mArrayCnt, mArrayIndex;
229 | };
230 |
231 | NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsDirEnumerator, nsISimpleEnumerator)
232 |
233 | #pragma mark -
234 | #pragma mark [StAEDesc]
235 |
236 | class StAEDesc: public AEDesc
237 | {
238 | public:
239 | StAEDesc()
240 | {
241 | descriptorType = typeNull;
242 | dataHandle = nil;
243 | }
244 |
245 | ~StAEDesc()
246 | {
247 | ::AEDisposeDesc(this);
248 | }
249 | };
250 |
251 | #define FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE 512
252 |
253 | //*****************************************************************************
254 | // nsLocalFile
255 | //*****************************************************************************
256 |
257 | const char nsLocalFile::kPathSepChar = '/';
258 | const PRUnichar nsLocalFile::kPathSepUnichar = '/';
259 |
260 | // The HFS+ epoch is Jan. 1, 1904 GMT - differs from HFS in which times were local
261 | // The NSPR epoch is Jan. 1, 1970 GMT
262 | // 2082844800 is the difference in seconds between those dates
263 | const PRInt64 nsLocalFile::kJanuaryFirst1970Seconds = 2082844800LL;
264 |
265 | #pragma mark -
266 | #pragma mark [CTORs/DTOR]
267 |
268 | nsLocalFile::nsLocalFile() :
269 | mBaseRef(nsnull),
270 | mTargetRef(nsnull),
271 | mCachedFSRefValid(PR_FALSE),
272 | mFollowLinks(PR_TRUE),
273 | mFollowLinksDirty(PR_TRUE)
274 | {
275 | }
276 |
277 | nsLocalFile::nsLocalFile(const nsLocalFile& src) :
278 | mBaseRef(src.mBaseRef),
279 | mTargetRef(src.mTargetRef),
280 | mCachedFSRef(src.mCachedFSRef),
281 | mCachedFSRefValid(src.mCachedFSRefValid),
282 | mFollowLinks(src.mFollowLinks),
283 | mFollowLinksDirty(src.mFollowLinksDirty)
284 | {
285 | // A CFURLRef is immutable so no need to copy, just retain.
286 | if (mBaseRef)
287 | ::CFRetain(mBaseRef);
288 | if (mTargetRef)
289 | ::CFRetain(mTargetRef);
290 | }
291 |
292 | nsLocalFile::~nsLocalFile()
293 | {
294 | if (mBaseRef)
295 | ::CFRelease(mBaseRef);
296 | if (mTargetRef)
297 | ::CFRelease(mTargetRef);
298 | }
299 |
300 |
301 | //*****************************************************************************
302 | // nsLocalFile::nsISupports
303 | //*****************************************************************************
304 | #pragma mark -
305 | #pragma mark [nsISupports]
306 |
308 | nsILocalFileMac,
309 | nsILocalFile,
310 | nsIFile)
311 |
312 | NS_METHOD nsLocalFile::nsLocalFileConstructor(nsISupports* outer, const nsIID& aIID, void* *aInstancePtr)
313 | {
314 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aInstancePtr);
316 |
317 | nsLocalFile* inst = new nsLocalFile();
318 | if (inst == NULL)
319 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
320 |
321 | nsresult rv = inst->QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr);
322 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
323 | {
324 | delete inst;
325 | return rv;
326 | }
327 | return NS_OK;
328 | }
329 |
330 |
331 | //*****************************************************************************
332 | // nsLocalFile::nsIFile
333 | //*****************************************************************************
334 | #pragma mark -
335 | #pragma mark [nsIFile]
336 |
337 | /* void append (in AString node); */
338 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Append(const nsAString& aNode)
339 | {
340 | return AppendNative(NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(aNode));
341 | }
342 |
343 | /* [noscript] void appendNative (in ACString node); */
344 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::AppendNative(const nsACString& aNode)
345 | {
346 | if (!mBaseRef)
348 |
349 | nsACString::const_iterator start, end;
350 | aNode.BeginReading(start);
351 | aNode.EndReading(end);
352 | if (FindCharInReadable(kPathSepChar, start, end))
354 |
355 | CFStringRef nodeStrRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
356 | PromiseFlatCString(aNode).get(),
357 | kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
358 | if (nodeStrRef) {
359 | CFURLRef newRef = ::CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent(kCFAllocatorDefault,
360 | mBaseRef, nodeStrRef, PR_FALSE);
361 | ::CFRelease(nodeStrRef);
362 | if (newRef) {
363 | SetBaseRef(newRef);
364 | ::CFRelease(newRef);
365 | return NS_OK;
366 | }
367 | }
368 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
369 | }
370 |
371 | /* void normalize (); */
372 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Normalize()
373 | {
374 | return NS_OK;
375 | }
376 |
377 | /* void create (in unsigned long type, in unsigned long permissions); */
378 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Create(PRUint32 type, PRUint32 permissions)
379 | {
380 | if (type != NORMAL_FILE_TYPE && type != DIRECTORY_TYPE)
382 | if (!mBaseRef)
384 |
385 | nsStringArray nonExtantNodes;
386 | CFURLRef pathURLRef = mBaseRef;
387 | FSRef pathFSRef;
388 | CFStringRef leafStrRef = nsnull;
389 | nsAutoBuffer<UniChar, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
390 | Boolean success;
391 |
392 | // Work backwards through the path to find the last node which
393 | // exists. Place the nodes which don't exist in an array and we'll
394 | // create those below.
395 | while ((success = ::CFURLGetFSRef(pathURLRef, &pathFSRef)) == false) {
396 | leafStrRef = ::CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(pathURLRef);
397 | if (!leafStrRef)
398 | break;
399 | CFIndex leafLen = ::CFStringGetLength(leafStrRef);
400 | if (!buffer.EnsureElemCapacity(leafLen + 1))
401 | break;
402 | ::CFStringGetCharacters(leafStrRef, CFRangeMake(0, leafLen), buffer.get());
403 | buffer.get()[leafLen] = '\0';
404 | nonExtantNodes.AppendString(nsString(nsDependentString(buffer.get())));
405 | ::CFRelease(leafStrRef);
406 | leafStrRef = nsnull;
407 |
408 | // Get the parent of the leaf for the next go round
409 | CFURLRef parent = ::CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(NULL, pathURLRef);
410 | if (!parent)
411 | break;
412 | if (pathURLRef != mBaseRef)
413 | ::CFRelease(pathURLRef);
414 | pathURLRef = parent;
415 | }
416 | if (pathURLRef != mBaseRef)
417 | ::CFRelease(pathURLRef);
418 | if (leafStrRef != nsnull)
419 | ::CFRelease(leafStrRef);
420 | if (!success)
421 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
422 | PRInt32 nodesToCreate = nonExtantNodes.Count();
423 | if (nodesToCreate == 0)
425 |
426 | OSErr err;
427 | nsAutoString nextNodeName;
428 | for (PRInt32 i = nodesToCreate - 1; i > 0; i--) {
429 | nonExtantNodes.StringAt(i, nextNodeName);
430 | err = ::FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(&pathFSRef,
431 | nextNodeName.Length(),
432 | (const UniChar *)nextNodeName.get(),
433 | kFSCatInfoNone,
434 | nsnull, &pathFSRef, nsnull, nsnull);
435 | if (err != noErr)
436 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
437 | }
438 | nonExtantNodes.StringAt(0, nextNodeName);
439 | if (type == NORMAL_FILE_TYPE) {
440 | err = ::FSCreateFileUnicode(&pathFSRef,
441 | nextNodeName.Length(),
442 | (const UniChar *)nextNodeName.get(),
443 | kFSCatInfoNone,
444 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
445 | }
446 | else {
447 | err = ::FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(&pathFSRef,
448 | nextNodeName.Length(),
449 | (const UniChar *)nextNodeName.get(),
450 | kFSCatInfoNone,
451 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
452 | }
453 |
454 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
455 | }
456 |
457 | /* attribute AString leafName; */
458 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetLeafName(nsAString& aLeafName)
459 | {
460 | nsCAutoString nativeString;
461 | nsresult rv = GetNativeLeafName(nativeString);
462 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
463 | return rv;
464 | CopyUTF8toUTF16NFC(nativeString, aLeafName);
465 | return NS_OK;
466 | }
467 |
468 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetLeafName(const nsAString& aLeafName)
469 | {
470 | return SetNativeLeafName(NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(aLeafName));
471 | }
472 |
473 | /* [noscript] attribute ACString nativeLeafName; */
474 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetNativeLeafName(nsACString& aNativeLeafName)
475 | {
476 | if (!mBaseRef)
478 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
479 | CFStringRef leafStrRef = ::CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(mBaseRef);
480 | if (leafStrRef) {
481 | rv = CFStringReftoUTF8(leafStrRef, aNativeLeafName);
482 | ::CFRelease(leafStrRef);
483 | }
484 | return rv;
485 | }
486 |
487 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetNativeLeafName(const nsACString& aNativeLeafName)
488 | {
489 | if (!mBaseRef)
491 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
492 | CFURLRef parentURLRef = ::CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(kCFAllocatorDefault, mBaseRef);
493 | if (parentURLRef) {
494 | CFStringRef nodeStrRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
495 | PromiseFlatCString(aNativeLeafName).get(),
496 | kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
497 |
498 | if (nodeStrRef) {
499 | CFURLRef newURLRef = ::CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent(kCFAllocatorDefault,
500 | parentURLRef, nodeStrRef, PR_FALSE);
501 | if (newURLRef) {
502 | SetBaseRef(newURLRef);
503 | ::CFRelease(newURLRef);
504 | rv = NS_OK;
505 | }
506 | ::CFRelease(nodeStrRef);
507 | }
508 | ::CFRelease(parentURLRef);
509 | }
510 | return rv;
511 | }
512 |
513 | /* void copyTo (in nsIFile newParentDir, in AString newName); */
514 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::CopyTo(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString& newName)
515 | {
516 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, newName, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE);
517 | }
518 |
519 | /* [noscrpit] void CopyToNative (in nsIFile newParentDir, in ACString newName); */
520 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::CopyToNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsACString& newName)
521 | {
522 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, NS_ConvertUTF8toUCS2(newName), PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE);
523 | }
524 |
525 | /* void copyToFollowingLinks (in nsIFile newParentDir, in AString newName); */
526 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::CopyToFollowingLinks(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString& newName)
527 | {
528 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, newName, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
529 | }
530 |
531 | /* [noscript] void copyToFollowingLinksNative (in nsIFile newParentDir, in ACString newName); */
532 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::CopyToFollowingLinksNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsACString& newName)
533 | {
534 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, NS_ConvertUTF8toUCS2(newName), PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
535 | }
536 |
537 | /* void moveTo (in nsIFile newParentDir, in AString newName); */
538 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::MoveTo(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString& newName)
539 | {
540 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, newName, FALSE, FALSE);
541 | }
542 |
543 | /* [noscript] void moveToNative (in nsIFile newParentDir, in ACString newName); */
544 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::MoveToNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsACString& newName)
545 | {
546 | return MoveCopy(newParentDir, NS_ConvertUTF8toUCS2(newName), FALSE, FALSE);
547 | }
548 |
549 | /* void remove (in boolean recursive); */
550 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Remove(PRBool recursive)
551 | {
552 | StFollowLinksState followLinks(*this, PR_FALSE); // XXX If we're an alias, never remove target
553 |
554 | FSRef fsRef;
555 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
556 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
557 | return rv;
558 |
559 | PRBool isDir;
560 | rv = IsDirectory(&isDir);
561 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
562 | return rv;
563 |
564 | OSErr err;
565 | if (recursive && isDir)
566 | err = ::FSDeleteContainer(&fsRef);
567 | else
568 | err = ::FSDeleteObject(&fsRef);
569 |
570 | mCachedFSRefValid = PR_FALSE;
571 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
572 | }
573 |
574 | /* attribute unsigned long permissions; */
575 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetPermissions(PRUint32 *aPermissions)
576 | {
577 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aPermissions);
578 |
579 | FSRef fsRef;
580 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
581 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
582 | return rv;
583 |
584 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
585 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoPermissions, &catalogInfo,
586 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
587 | if (err != noErr)
588 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
589 | FSPermissionInfo *permPtr = (FSPermissionInfo*)catalogInfo.permissions;
590 | *aPermissions = permPtr->mode;
591 | return NS_OK;
592 | }
593 |
594 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetPermissions(PRUint32 aPermissions)
595 | {
596 | FSRef fsRef;
597 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
598 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
599 | return rv;
600 |
601 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
602 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoPermissions, &catalogInfo,
603 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
604 | if (err != noErr)
605 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
606 | FSPermissionInfo *permPtr = (FSPermissionInfo*)catalogInfo.permissions;
607 | permPtr->mode = (UInt16)aPermissions;
608 | err = ::FSSetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoPermissions, &catalogInfo);
609 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
610 | }
611 |
612 | /* attribute unsigned long permissionsOfLink; */
613 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetPermissionsOfLink(PRUint32 *aPermissionsOfLink)
614 | {
617 | }
618 |
619 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetPermissionsOfLink(PRUint32 aPermissionsOfLink)
620 | {
623 | }
624 |
625 | /* attribute PRInt64 lastModifiedTime; */
626 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetLastModifiedTime(PRInt64 *aLastModifiedTime)
627 | {
628 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aLastModifiedTime);
629 |
630 | FSRef fsRef;
631 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
632 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
633 | return rv;
634 |
635 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
636 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo,
637 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
638 | if (err != noErr)
639 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
640 | *aLastModifiedTime = HFSPlustoNSPRTime(catalogInfo.contentModDate);
641 | return NS_OK;
642 | }
643 |
644 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetLastModifiedTime(PRInt64 aLastModifiedTime)
645 | {
646 | OSErr err;
647 | nsresult rv;
648 | FSRef fsRef;
649 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
650 |
651 | rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
652 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
653 | return rv;
654 |
655 | FSRef parentRef;
656 | PRBool notifyParent;
657 |
658 | /* Get the node flags, the content modification date and time, and the parent ref */
659 | err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoContentMod,
660 | &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, &parentRef);
661 | if (err != noErr)
662 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
663 |
664 | /* Notify the parent if this is a file */
665 | notifyParent = (0 == (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask));
666 |
667 | NSPRtoHFSPlusTime(aLastModifiedTime, catalogInfo.contentModDate);
668 | err = ::FSSetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo);
669 | if (err != noErr)
670 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
671 |
672 | /* Send a notification for the parent of the file, or for the directory */
673 | err = FNNotify(notifyParent ? &parentRef : &fsRef, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions);
674 | if (err != noErr)
675 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
676 |
677 | return NS_OK;
678 | }
679 |
680 | /* attribute PRInt64 lastModifiedTimeOfLink; */
681 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetLastModifiedTimeOfLink(PRInt64 *aLastModifiedTimeOfLink)
682 | {
685 | }
686 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetLastModifiedTimeOfLink(PRInt64 aLastModifiedTimeOfLink)
687 | {
690 | }
691 |
692 | /* attribute PRInt64 fileSize; */
693 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFileSize(PRInt64 *aFileSize)
694 | {
696 | *aFileSize = 0;
697 |
698 | FSRef fsRef;
699 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
700 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
701 | return rv;
702 |
703 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
704 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoDataSizes, &catalogInfo,
705 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
706 | if (err != noErr)
707 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
708 |
709 | // FSGetCatalogInfo can return a bogus size for directories sometimes, so only
710 | // rely on the answer for files
711 | if ((catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) == 0)
712 | *aFileSize = catalogInfo.dataLogicalSize;
713 | return NS_OK;
714 | }
715 |
716 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFileSize(PRInt64 aFileSize)
717 | {
718 | FSRef fsRef;
719 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
720 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
721 | return rv;
722 |
723 | SInt16 refNum;
724 | OSErr err = ::FSOpenFork(&fsRef, 0, nsnull, fsWrPerm, &refNum);
725 | if (err != noErr)
726 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
727 | err = ::FSSetForkSize(refNum, fsFromStart, aFileSize);
728 | ::FSCloseFork(refNum);
729 |
730 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
731 | }
732 |
733 | /* readonly attribute PRInt64 fileSizeOfLink; */
734 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFileSizeOfLink(PRInt64 *aFileSizeOfLink)
735 | {
736 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFileSizeOfLink);
737 |
738 | StFollowLinksState followLinks(*this, PR_FALSE);
739 | return GetFileSize(aFileSizeOfLink);
740 | }
741 |
742 | /* readonly attribute AString target; */
743 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetTarget(nsAString& aTarget)
744 | {
747 | }
748 |
749 | /* [noscript] readonly attribute ACString nativeTarget; */
750 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetNativeTarget(nsACString& aNativeTarget)
751 | {
754 | }
755 |
756 | /* readonly attribute AString path; */
757 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetPath(nsAString& aPath)
758 | {
759 | nsCAutoString nativeString;
760 | nsresult rv = GetNativePath(nativeString);
761 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
762 | return rv;
763 | CopyUTF8toUTF16NFC(nativeString, aPath);
764 | return NS_OK;
765 | }
766 |
767 | /* [noscript] readonly attribute ACString nativePath; */
768 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetNativePath(nsACString& aNativePath)
769 | {
770 | if (!mBaseRef)
772 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
773 | CFStringRef pathStrRef = ::CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(mBaseRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
774 | if (pathStrRef) {
775 | rv = CFStringReftoUTF8(pathStrRef, aNativePath);
776 | ::CFRelease(pathStrRef);
777 | }
778 | return rv;
779 | }
780 |
781 | /* boolean exists (); */
782 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Exists(PRBool *_retval)
783 | {
784 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
785 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
786 |
787 | FSRef fsRef;
788 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetFSRefInternal(fsRef, PR_TRUE))) {
789 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
790 | }
791 |
792 | return NS_OK;
793 | }
794 |
795 | /* boolean isWritable (); */
796 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsWritable(PRBool *_retval)
797 | {
798 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
799 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
800 |
801 | FSRef fsRef;
802 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
803 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
804 | return rv;
805 | if (::FSCheckLock(&fsRef) == noErr) {
806 | PRUint32 permissions;
807 | rv = GetPermissions(&permissions);
808 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
809 | return rv;
810 | *_retval = ((permissions & S_IWUSR) != 0);
811 | }
812 | return NS_OK;
813 | }
814 |
815 | /* boolean isReadable (); */
816 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsReadable(PRBool *_retval)
817 | {
818 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
819 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
820 |
821 | PRUint32 permissions;
822 | nsresult rv = GetPermissions(&permissions);
823 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
824 | return rv;
825 | *_retval = ((permissions & S_IRUSR) != 0);
826 | return NS_OK;
827 | }
828 |
829 | /* boolean isExecutable (); */
830 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsExecutable(PRBool *_retval)
831 | {
832 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
833 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
834 |
835 | FSRef fsRef;
836 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
837 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
838 | return rv;
839 |
840 | LSRequestedInfo theInfoRequest = kLSRequestAllInfo;
841 | LSItemInfoRecord theInfo;
842 | if (::LSCopyItemInfoForRef(&fsRef, theInfoRequest, &theInfo) == noErr) {
843 | if ((theInfo.flags & kLSItemInfoIsApplication) != 0)
844 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
845 | }
846 | return NS_OK;
847 | }
848 |
849 | /* boolean isHidden (); */
850 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsHidden(PRBool *_retval)
851 | {
852 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
853 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
854 |
855 | FSRef fsRef;
856 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
857 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
858 | return rv;
859 |
860 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
861 | HFSUniStr255 leafName;
862 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo,
863 | &leafName, nsnull, nsnull);
864 | if (err != noErr)
865 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
866 |
867 | FileInfo *fInfoPtr = (FileInfo *)(catalogInfo.finderInfo); // Finder flags are in the same place whether we use FileInfo or FolderInfo
868 | if ((fInfoPtr->finderFlags & kIsInvisible) != 0) {
869 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
870 | }
871 | else {
872 | // If the leaf name begins with a '.', consider it invisible
873 | if (leafName.length >= 1 && leafName.unicode[0] == UniChar('.'))
874 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
875 | }
876 | return NS_OK;
877 | }
878 |
879 | /* boolean isDirectory (); */
880 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsDirectory(PRBool *_retval)
881 | {
882 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
883 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
884 |
885 | FSRef fsRef;
886 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef, PR_FALSE);
887 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
888 | return rv;
889 |
890 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
891 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo,
892 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
893 | if (err != noErr)
894 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
895 | *_retval = ((catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0);
896 | return NS_OK;
897 | }
898 |
899 | /* boolean isFile (); */
900 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsFile(PRBool *_retval)
901 | {
902 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
903 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
904 |
905 | FSRef fsRef;
906 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef, PR_FALSE);
907 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
908 | return rv;
909 |
910 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
911 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo,
912 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
913 | if (err != noErr)
914 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
915 | *_retval = ((catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) == 0);
916 | return NS_OK;
917 | }
918 |
919 | /* boolean isSymlink (); */
920 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsSymlink(PRBool *_retval)
921 | {
922 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(_retval);
923 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
924 | if (!mBaseRef)
926 |
927 | FSRef fsRef;
928 | if (::CFURLGetFSRef(mBaseRef, &fsRef)) {
929 | Boolean isAlias, isFolder;
930 | if (::FSIsAliasFile(&fsRef, &isAlias, &isFolder) == noErr)
931 | *_retval = isAlias;
932 | }
933 | return NS_OK;
934 | }
935 |
936 | /* boolean isSpecial (); */
937 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsSpecial(PRBool *_retval)
938 | {
941 | }
942 |
943 | /* nsIFile clone (); */
944 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Clone(nsIFile **_retval)
945 | {
946 | // Just copy-construct ourselves
947 | *_retval = new nsLocalFile(*this);
948 | if (!*_retval)
949 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
950 |
951 | NS_ADDREF(*_retval);
952 |
953 | return NS_OK;
954 | }
955 |
956 | /* boolean equals (in nsIFile inFile); */
957 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Equals(nsIFile *inFile, PRBool *_retval)
958 | {
959 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
960 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
961 |
962 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> inMacFile(do_QueryInterface(inFile));
963 | if (!inFile)
964 | return NS_OK;
965 |
966 | // If both exist, compare FSRefs
967 | FSRef thisFSRef, inFSRef;
968 | nsresult rv1 = GetFSRef(&thisFSRef);
969 | nsresult rv2 = inMacFile->GetFSRef(&inFSRef);
970 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv1) && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv2)) {
971 | *_retval = (thisFSRef == inFSRef);
972 | return NS_OK;
973 | }
974 | // If one exists and the other doesn't, not equal
975 | if (rv1 != rv2)
976 | return NS_OK;
977 |
978 | // Arg, we have to get their paths and compare
979 | nsCAutoString thisPath, inPath;
980 | if (NS_FAILED(GetNativePath(thisPath)))
981 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
982 | if (NS_FAILED(inMacFile->GetNativePath(inPath)))
983 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
984 | *_retval = thisPath.Equals(inPath);
985 |
986 | return NS_OK;
987 | }
988 |
989 | /* boolean contains (in nsIFile inFile, in boolean recur); */
990 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Contains(nsIFile *inFile, PRBool recur, PRBool *_retval)
991 | {
992 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
993 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
994 |
995 | PRBool isDir;
996 | nsresult rv = IsDirectory(&isDir);
997 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
998 | return rv;
999 | if (!isDir)
1000 | return NS_OK; // must be a dir to contain someone
1001 |
1002 | nsCAutoString thisPath, inPath;
1003 | if (NS_FAILED(GetNativePath(thisPath)) || NS_FAILED(inFile->GetNativePath(inPath)))
1004 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1005 | size_t thisPathLen = thisPath.Length();
1006 | if ((inPath.Length() > thisPathLen + 1) && (strncasecmp(thisPath.get(), inPath.get(), thisPathLen) == 0)) {
1007 | // Now make sure that the |inFile|'s path has a separator at thisPathLen,
1008 | // and there's at least one more character after that.
1009 | if (inPath[thisPathLen] == kPathSepChar)
1010 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
1011 | }
1012 | return NS_OK;
1013 | }
1014 |
1015 | /* readonly attribute nsIFile parent; */
1016 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetParent(nsIFile * *aParent)
1017 | {
1018 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aParent);
1019 | *aParent = nsnull;
1020 | if (!mBaseRef)
1022 |
1023 | nsLocalFile *newFile = nsnull;
1024 |
1025 | // If it can be determined without error that a file does not
1026 | // have a parent, return nsnull for the parent and NS_OK as the result.
1027 | // See bug 133617.
1028 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
1029 | CFURLRef parentURLRef = ::CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(kCFAllocatorDefault, mBaseRef);
1030 | if (parentURLRef) {
1031 | rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1032 | newFile = new nsLocalFile;
1033 | if (newFile) {
1034 | rv = newFile->InitWithCFURL(parentURLRef);
1035 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
1036 | NS_ADDREF(*aParent = newFile);
1037 | rv = NS_OK;
1038 | }
1039 | }
1040 | ::CFRelease(parentURLRef);
1041 | }
1042 | return rv;
1043 | }
1044 |
1045 | /* readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator directoryEntries; */
1046 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetDirectoryEntries(nsISimpleEnumerator **aDirectoryEntries)
1047 | {
1048 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDirectoryEntries);
1049 | *aDirectoryEntries = nsnull;
1050 |
1051 | nsresult rv;
1052 | PRBool isDir;
1053 | rv = IsDirectory(&isDir);
1054 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1055 | return rv;
1056 | if (!isDir)
1058 |
1059 | nsDirEnumerator* dirEnum = new nsDirEnumerator;
1060 | if (dirEnum == nsnull)
1061 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1062 | NS_ADDREF(dirEnum);
1063 | rv = dirEnum->Init(this);
1064 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1065 | NS_RELEASE(dirEnum);
1066 | return rv;
1067 | }
1068 | *aDirectoryEntries = dirEnum;
1069 |
1070 | return NS_OK;
1071 | }
1072 |
1073 |
1074 | //*****************************************************************************
1075 | // nsLocalFile::nsILocalFile
1076 | //*****************************************************************************
1077 | #pragma mark -
1078 | #pragma mark [nsILocalFile]
1079 |
1080 | /* void initWithPath (in AString filePath); */
1081 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithPath(const nsAString& filePath)
1082 | {
1083 | return InitWithNativePath(NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(filePath));
1084 | }
1085 |
1086 | /* [noscript] void initWithNativePath (in ACString filePath); */
1087 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithNativePath(const nsACString& filePath)
1088 | {
1089 | if (filePath.IsEmpty() || filePath.First() != '/')
1091 | // On 10.2, huge paths crash CFURLGetFSRef()
1092 | if (filePath.Length() > PATH_MAX)
1094 | // And, a path with consecutive '/'s which are not between
1095 | // nodes also crashes CFURLGetFSRef(). Consecutive '/'s which
1096 | // are between actual nodes are OK. So, convert consecutive
1097 | // '/'s to a single one.
1098 | nsCAutoString fixedPath;
1099 | fixedPath.Assign(filePath);
1100 | fixedPath.ReplaceSubstring("//", "/");
1101 |
1102 | CFStringRef pathAsCFString;
1103 | CFURLRef pathAsCFURL;
1104 |
1105 | pathAsCFString = ::CFStringCreateWithCString(nsnull, fixedPath.get(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
1106 | if (!pathAsCFString)
1107 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1108 | pathAsCFURL = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nsnull, pathAsCFString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, PR_FALSE);
1109 | if (!pathAsCFURL) {
1110 | ::CFRelease(pathAsCFString);
1111 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1112 | }
1113 | SetBaseRef(pathAsCFURL);
1114 | ::CFRelease(pathAsCFURL);
1115 | return NS_OK;
1116 | }
1117 |
1118 | /* void initWithFile (in nsILocalFile aFile); */
1119 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithFile(nsILocalFile *aFile)
1120 | {
1121 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(aFile);
1122 |
1123 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> aFileMac(do_QueryInterface(aFile));
1124 | if (!aFileMac)
1125 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
1126 | CFURLRef urlRef;
1127 | nsresult rv = aFileMac->GetCFURL(&urlRef);
1128 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1129 | return rv;
1130 | rv = InitWithCFURL(urlRef);
1131 | ::CFRelease(urlRef);
1132 | return rv;
1133 | }
1134 |
1135 | /* attribute PRBool followLinks; */
1136 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFollowLinks(PRBool *aFollowLinks)
1137 | {
1138 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFollowLinks);
1139 |
1140 | *aFollowLinks = mFollowLinks;
1141 | return NS_OK;
1142 | }
1143 |
1144 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFollowLinks(PRBool aFollowLinks)
1145 | {
1146 | if (aFollowLinks != mFollowLinks) {
1147 | mFollowLinks = aFollowLinks;
1148 | UpdateTargetRef();
1149 | }
1150 | return NS_OK;
1151 | }
1152 |
1153 | /* [noscript] PRFileDescStar openNSPRFileDesc (in long flags, in long mode); */
1154 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::OpenNSPRFileDesc(PRInt32 flags, PRInt32 mode, PRFileDesc **_retval)
1155 | {
1156 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1157 |
1158 | nsCAutoString path;
1159 | nsresult rv = GetPathInternal(path);
1160 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1161 | return rv;
1162 |
1163 | *_retval = PR_Open(path.get(), flags, mode);
1164 | if (! *_retval)
1165 | return NS_ErrorAccordingToNSPR();
1166 |
1167 | return NS_OK;
1168 | }
1169 |
1170 | /* [noscript] FILE openANSIFileDesc (in string mode); */
1171 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::OpenANSIFileDesc(const char *mode, FILE **_retval)
1172 | {
1173 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1174 |
1175 | nsCAutoString path;
1176 | nsresult rv = GetPathInternal(path);
1177 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1178 | return rv;
1179 |
1180 | *_retval = fopen(path.get(), mode);
1181 | if (! *_retval)
1182 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1183 |
1184 | return NS_OK;
1185 | }
1186 |
1187 | /* [noscript] PRLibraryStar load (); */
1188 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Load(PRLibrary **_retval)
1189 | {
1190 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1191 |
1192 | NS_TIMELINE_START_TIMER("PR_LoadLibrary");
1193 |
1194 | nsCAutoString path;
1195 | nsresult rv = GetPathInternal(path);
1196 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1197 | return rv;
1198 |
1199 | *_retval = PR_LoadLibrary(path.get());
1200 |
1201 | NS_TIMELINE_STOP_TIMER("PR_LoadLibrary");
1202 | NS_TIMELINE_MARK_TIMER1("PR_LoadLibrary", path.get());
1203 |
1204 | if (!*_retval)
1205 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1206 |
1207 | return NS_OK;
1208 | }
1209 |
1210 | /* readonly attribute PRInt64 diskSpaceAvailable; */
1211 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetDiskSpaceAvailable(PRInt64 *aDiskSpaceAvailable)
1212 | {
1213 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDiskSpaceAvailable);
1214 |
1215 | FSRef fsRef;
1216 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1217 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1218 | return rv;
1219 |
1220 | OSErr err;
1221 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1222 | err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo,
1223 | nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
1224 | if (err != noErr)
1225 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1226 |
1227 | FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
1228 | err = ::FSGetVolumeInfo(catalogInfo.volume, 0, nsnull, kFSVolInfoSizes,
1229 | &volumeInfo, nsnull, nsnull);
1230 | if (err != noErr)
1231 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1232 |
1233 | *aDiskSpaceAvailable = volumeInfo.freeBytes;
1234 | return NS_OK;
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | /* void appendRelativePath (in AString relativeFilePath); */
1238 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::AppendRelativePath(const nsAString& relativeFilePath)
1239 | {
1240 | return AppendRelativeNativePath(NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(relativeFilePath));
1241 | }
1242 |
1243 | /* [noscript] void appendRelativeNativePath (in ACString relativeFilePath); */
1244 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::AppendRelativeNativePath(const nsACString& relativeFilePath)
1245 | {
1246 | if (relativeFilePath.IsEmpty())
1247 | return NS_OK;
1248 | // No leading '/'
1249 | if (relativeFilePath.First() == '/')
1251 |
1252 | // Parse the nodes and call Append() for each
1253 | nsACString::const_iterator nodeBegin, pathEnd;
1254 | relativeFilePath.BeginReading(nodeBegin);
1255 | relativeFilePath.EndReading(pathEnd);
1256 | nsACString::const_iterator nodeEnd(nodeBegin);
1257 |
1258 | while (nodeEnd != pathEnd) {
1259 | FindCharInReadable(kPathSepChar, nodeEnd, pathEnd);
1260 | nsresult rv = AppendNative(Substring(nodeBegin, nodeEnd));
1261 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1262 | return rv;
1263 | if (nodeEnd != pathEnd) // If there's more left in the string, inc over the '/' nodeEnd is on.
1264 | ++nodeEnd;
1265 | nodeBegin = nodeEnd;
1266 | }
1267 | return NS_OK;
1268 | }
1269 |
1270 | /* attribute ACString persistentDescriptor; */
1271 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetPersistentDescriptor(nsACString& aPersistentDescriptor)
1272 | {
1273 | FSRef fsRef;
1274 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1275 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1276 | return rv;
1277 |
1278 | AliasHandle aliasH;
1279 | OSErr err = ::FSNewAlias(nsnull, &fsRef, &aliasH);
1280 | if (err != noErr)
1281 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1282 |
1283 | PRUint32 bytes = ::GetHandleSize((Handle) aliasH);
1284 | ::HLock((Handle) aliasH);
1285 | // Passing nsnull for dest makes NULL-term string
1286 | char* buf = PL_Base64Encode((const char*)*aliasH, bytes, nsnull);
1287 | ::DisposeHandle((Handle) aliasH);
1289 |
1290 | aPersistentDescriptor = buf;
1291 | PR_Free(buf);
1292 |
1293 | return NS_OK;
1294 | }
1295 |
1296 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetPersistentDescriptor(const nsACString& aPersistentDescriptor)
1297 | {
1298 | if (aPersistentDescriptor.IsEmpty())
1299 | return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
1300 |
1301 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
1302 |
1303 | PRUint32 dataSize = aPersistentDescriptor.Length();
1304 | char* decodedData = PL_Base64Decode(PromiseFlatCString(aPersistentDescriptor).get(), dataSize, nsnull);
1305 | if (!decodedData) {
1306 | NS_ERROR("SetPersistentDescriptor was given bad data");
1307 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1308 | }
1309 |
1310 | // Cast to an alias record and resolve.
1311 | PRInt32 aliasSize = (dataSize * 3) / 4;
1312 | AliasRecord aliasHeader = *(AliasPtr)decodedData;
1313 | if (aliasHeader.aliasSize > aliasSize) { // be paranoid about having too few data
1314 | PR_Free(decodedData);
1315 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1316 | }
1317 |
1318 | aliasSize = aliasHeader.aliasSize;
1319 |
1320 | // Move the now-decoded data into the Handle.
1321 | // The size of the decoded data is 3/4 the size of the encoded data. See plbase64.h
1322 | Handle newHandle = nsnull;
1323 | if (::PtrToHand(decodedData, &newHandle, aliasSize) != noErr)
1325 | PR_Free(decodedData);
1326 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1327 | return rv;
1328 |
1329 | Boolean changed;
1330 | FSRef resolvedFSRef;
1331 | OSErr err = ::FSResolveAlias(nsnull, (AliasHandle)newHandle, &resolvedFSRef, &changed);
1332 |
1333 | rv = MacErrorMapper(err);
1334 | DisposeHandle(newHandle);
1335 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1336 | return rv;
1337 |
1338 | return InitWithFSRef(&resolvedFSRef);
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | /* void reveal (); */
1342 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Reveal()
1343 | {
1344 | FSRef fsRefToReveal;
1345 | AppleEvent aeEvent = {0, nil};
1346 | AppleEvent aeReply = {0, nil};
1347 | StAEDesc aeDirDesc, listElem, myAddressDesc, fileList;
1348 | OSErr err;
1349 | ProcessSerialNumber process;
1350 |
1351 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRefToReveal);
1352 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1353 | return rv;
1354 |
1355 | err = ::FindRunningAppBySignature ('MACS', process);
1356 | if (err == noErr) {
1357 | err = ::AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber, (Ptr)&process, sizeof(process), &myAddressDesc);
1358 | if (err == noErr) {
1359 | // Create the FinderEvent
1360 | err = ::AECreateAppleEvent(kAEMiscStandards, kAEMakeObjectsVisible, &myAddressDesc,
1361 | kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &aeEvent);
1362 | if (err == noErr) {
1363 | // Create the file list
1364 | err = ::AECreateList(nil, 0, false, &fileList);
1365 | if (err == noErr) {
1366 | FSSpec fsSpecToReveal;
1367 | err = ::FSRefMakeFSSpec(&fsRefToReveal, &fsSpecToReveal);
1368 | if (err == noErr) {
1369 | err = ::AEPutPtr(&fileList, 0, typeFSS, &fsSpecToReveal, sizeof(FSSpec));
1370 | if (err == noErr) {
1371 | err = ::AEPutParamDesc(&aeEvent, keyDirectObject, &fileList);
1372 | if (err == noErr) {
1373 | err = ::AESend(&aeEvent, &aeReply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, nil, nil);
1374 | if (err == noErr)
1375 | ::SetFrontProcess(&process);
1376 | }
1377 | }
1378 | }
1379 | }
1380 | }
1381 | }
1382 | }
1383 |
1384 | return NS_OK;
1385 | }
1386 |
1387 | /* void launch (); */
1388 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::Launch()
1389 | {
1390 | FSRef fsRef;
1391 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1392 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1393 | return rv;
1394 |
1395 | OSErr err = ::LSOpenFSRef(&fsRef, NULL);
1396 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1397 | }
1398 |
1399 |
1400 | //*****************************************************************************
1401 | // nsLocalFile::nsILocalFileMac
1402 | //*****************************************************************************
1403 | #pragma mark -
1404 | #pragma mark [nsILocalFileMac]
1405 |
1406 | /* void initWithCFURL (in CFURLRef aCFURL); */
1407 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithCFURL(CFURLRef aCFURL)
1408 | {
1410 |
1411 | SetBaseRef(aCFURL);
1412 | return NS_OK;
1413 | }
1414 |
1415 | /* void initWithFSRef ([const] in FSRefPtr aFSRef); */
1416 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithFSRef(const FSRef *aFSRef)
1417 | {
1418 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(aFSRef);
1419 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1420 |
1421 | CFURLRef newURLRef = ::CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, aFSRef);
1422 | if (newURLRef) {
1423 | SetBaseRef(newURLRef);
1424 | ::CFRelease(newURLRef);
1425 | rv = NS_OK;
1426 | }
1427 | return rv;
1428 | }
1429 |
1430 | /* void initWithFSSpec ([const] in FSSpecPtr aFileSpec); */
1431 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitWithFSSpec(const FSSpec *aFileSpec)
1432 | {
1433 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(aFileSpec);
1434 |
1435 | FSRef fsRef;
1436 | OSErr err = ::FSpMakeFSRef(aFileSpec, &fsRef);
1437 | if (err == noErr)
1438 | return InitWithFSRef(&fsRef);
1439 | else if (err == fnfErr) {
1440 | CInfoPBRec pBlock;
1441 | FSSpec parentDirSpec;
1442 |
1443 | memset(&pBlock, 0, sizeof(CInfoPBRec));
1444 | parentDirSpec.name[0] = 0;
1445 | pBlock.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = aFileSpec->vRefNum;
1446 | pBlock.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = aFileSpec->parID;
1447 | pBlock.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)parentDirSpec.name;
1448 | pBlock.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1; //get info on parID
1449 | err = ::PBGetCatInfoSync(&pBlock);
1450 | if (err != noErr)
1451 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1452 |
1453 | parentDirSpec.vRefNum = aFileSpec->vRefNum;
1454 | parentDirSpec.parID = pBlock.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
1455 | err = ::FSpMakeFSRef(&parentDirSpec, &fsRef);
1456 | if (err != noErr)
1457 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1458 | HFSUniStr255 unicodeName;
1459 | err = ::HFSNameGetUnicodeName(aFileSpec->name, kTextEncodingUnknown, &unicodeName);
1460 | if (err != noErr)
1461 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1462 | nsresult rv = InitWithFSRef(&fsRef);
1463 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1464 | return rv;
1465 | return Append(nsDependentString(unicodeName.unicode, unicodeName.length));
1466 | }
1467 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1468 | }
1469 |
1470 | /* void initToAppWithCreatorCode (in OSType aAppCreator); */
1471 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::InitToAppWithCreatorCode(OSType aAppCreator)
1472 | {
1473 | FSRef fsRef;
1474 | OSErr err = ::LSFindApplicationForInfo(aAppCreator, nsnull, nsnull, &fsRef, nsnull);
1475 | if (err != noErr)
1476 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1477 | return InitWithFSRef(&fsRef);
1478 | }
1479 |
1480 | /* CFURLRef getCFURL (); */
1481 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetCFURL(CFURLRef *_retval)
1482 | {
1483 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1484 | CFURLRef whichURLRef = mFollowLinks ? mTargetRef : mBaseRef;
1485 | if (whichURLRef)
1486 | ::CFRetain(whichURLRef);
1487 | *_retval = whichURLRef;
1488 | return whichURLRef ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1489 | }
1490 |
1491 | /* FSRef getFSRef (); */
1492 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFSRef(FSRef *_retval)
1493 | {
1494 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1495 | return GetFSRefInternal(*_retval);
1496 | }
1497 |
1498 | /* FSSpec getFSSpec (); */
1499 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFSSpec(FSSpec *_retval)
1500 | {
1501 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval);
1502 | if (!mBaseRef)
1504 |
1505 | OSErr err;
1506 | FSRef fsRef;
1507 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1508 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
1509 | // If the leaf node exists, things are simple.
1510 | err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone,
1511 | nsnull, nsnull, _retval, nsnull);
1512 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1513 | }
1514 | else if (rv == NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
1515 | // If the parent of the leaf exists, make an FSSpec from that.
1516 | CFURLRef parentURLRef = ::CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(kCFAllocatorDefault, mBaseRef);
1517 | if (!parentURLRef)
1518 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1519 |
1520 | err = fnfErr;
1521 | if (::CFURLGetFSRef(parentURLRef, &fsRef)) {
1522 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1523 | if ((err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef,
1524 | kFSCatInfoVolume + kFSCatInfoNodeID + kFSCatInfoTextEncoding,
1525 | &catalogInfo, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull)) == noErr) {
1526 | nsAutoString leafName;
1527 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetLeafName(leafName))) {
1528 | Str31 hfsName;
1529 | if ((err = ::UnicodeNameGetHFSName(leafName.Length(),
1530 | leafName.get(),
1531 | catalogInfo.textEncodingHint,
1532 | catalogInfo.nodeID == fsRtDirID,
1533 | hfsName)) == noErr)
1534 | err = ::FSMakeFSSpec(catalogInfo.volume, catalogInfo.nodeID, hfsName, _retval);
1535 | }
1536 | }
1537 | }
1538 | ::CFRelease(parentURLRef);
1539 | rv = MacErrorMapper(err);
1540 | }
1541 | return rv;
1542 | }
1543 |
1544 | /* readonly attribute PRInt64 fileSizeWithResFork; */
1545 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFileSizeWithResFork(PRInt64 *aFileSizeWithResFork)
1546 | {
1547 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFileSizeWithResFork);
1548 |
1549 | FSRef fsRef;
1550 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1551 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1552 | return rv;
1553 |
1554 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1555 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoDataSizes + kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes,
1556 | &catalogInfo, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
1557 | if (err != noErr)
1558 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1559 |
1560 | *aFileSizeWithResFork = catalogInfo.dataLogicalSize + catalogInfo.rsrcLogicalSize;
1561 | return NS_OK;
1562 | }
1563 |
1564 | /* attribute OSType fileType; */
1565 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFileType(OSType *aFileType)
1566 | {
1567 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFileType);
1568 |
1569 | FSRef fsRef;
1570 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1571 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1572 | return rv;
1573 |
1574 | FinderInfo fInfo;
1575 | OSErr err = ::FSGetFinderInfo(&fsRef, &fInfo, nsnull, nsnull);
1576 | if (err != noErr)
1577 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1578 | *aFileType = fInfo.file.fileType;
1579 | return NS_OK;
1580 | }
1581 |
1582 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFileType(OSType aFileType)
1583 | {
1584 | FSRef fsRef;
1585 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1586 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1587 | return rv;
1588 |
1589 | OSErr err = ::FSChangeCreatorType(&fsRef, 0, aFileType);
1590 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1591 | }
1592 |
1593 | /* attribute OSType fileCreator; */
1594 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::GetFileCreator(OSType *aFileCreator)
1595 | {
1596 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFileCreator);
1597 |
1598 | FSRef fsRef;
1599 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1600 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1601 | return rv;
1602 |
1603 | FinderInfo fInfo;
1604 | OSErr err = ::FSGetFinderInfo(&fsRef, &fInfo, nsnull, nsnull);
1605 | if (err != noErr)
1606 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1607 | *aFileCreator = fInfo.file.fileCreator;
1608 | return NS_OK;
1609 | }
1610 |
1611 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFileCreator(OSType aFileCreator)
1612 | {
1613 | FSRef fsRef;
1614 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1615 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1616 | return rv;
1617 |
1618 | OSErr err = ::FSChangeCreatorType(&fsRef, aFileCreator, 0);
1619 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1620 | }
1621 |
1622 | /* void setFileTypeAndCreatorFromMIMEType (in string aMIMEType); */
1623 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFileTypeAndCreatorFromMIMEType(const char *aMIMEType)
1624 | {
1625 | // XXX - This should be cut from the API. Would create an evil dependency.
1628 | }
1629 |
1630 | /* void setFileTypeAndCreatorFromExtension (in string aExtension); */
1631 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::SetFileTypeAndCreatorFromExtension(const char *aExtension)
1632 | {
1633 | // XXX - This should be cut from the API. Would create an evil dependency.
1636 | }
1637 |
1638 | /* void launchWithDoc (in nsILocalFile aDocToLoad, in boolean aLaunchInBackground); */
1639 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::LaunchWithDoc(nsILocalFile *aDocToLoad, PRBool aLaunchInBackground)
1640 | {
1641 | PRBool isExecutable;
1642 | nsresult rv = IsExecutable(&isExecutable);
1643 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1644 | return rv;
1645 | if (!isExecutable)
1647 |
1648 | FSRef appFSRef, docFSRef;
1649 | rv = GetFSRefInternal(appFSRef);
1650 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1651 | return rv;
1652 |
1653 | if (aDocToLoad) {
1654 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> macDoc = do_QueryInterface(aDocToLoad);
1655 | rv = macDoc->GetFSRef(&docFSRef);
1656 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1657 | return rv;
1658 | }
1659 |
1660 | LSLaunchFlags theLaunchFlags = kLSLaunchDefaults;
1661 | LSLaunchFSRefSpec thelaunchSpec;
1662 |
1663 | if (aLaunchInBackground)
1664 | theLaunchFlags |= kLSLaunchDontSwitch;
1665 | memset(&thelaunchSpec, 0, sizeof(LSLaunchFSRefSpec));
1666 |
1667 | thelaunchSpec.appRef = &appFSRef;
1668 | if (aDocToLoad) {
1669 | thelaunchSpec.numDocs = 1;
1670 | thelaunchSpec.itemRefs = &docFSRef;
1671 | }
1672 | thelaunchSpec.launchFlags = theLaunchFlags;
1673 |
1674 | OSErr err = ::LSOpenFromRefSpec(&thelaunchSpec, NULL);
1675 | if (err != noErr)
1676 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1677 |
1678 | return NS_OK;
1679 | }
1680 |
1681 | /* void openDocWithApp (in nsILocalFile aAppToOpenWith, in boolean aLaunchInBackground); */
1682 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::OpenDocWithApp(nsILocalFile *aAppToOpenWith, PRBool aLaunchInBackground)
1683 | {
1684 | nsresult rv;
1685 | OSErr err;
1686 |
1687 | FSRef docFSRef, appFSRef;
1688 | rv = GetFSRefInternal(docFSRef);
1689 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1690 | return rv;
1691 |
1692 | if (aAppToOpenWith) {
1693 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> appFileMac = do_QueryInterface(aAppToOpenWith, &rv);
1694 | if (!appFileMac)
1695 | return rv;
1696 |
1697 | PRBool isExecutable;
1698 | rv = appFileMac->IsExecutable(&isExecutable);
1699 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1700 | return rv;
1701 | if (!isExecutable)
1703 |
1704 | rv = appFileMac->GetFSRef(&appFSRef);
1705 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1706 | return rv;
1707 | }
1708 | else {
1709 | OSType fileCreator;
1710 | rv = GetFileCreator(&fileCreator);
1711 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1712 | return rv;
1713 |
1714 | err = ::LSFindApplicationForInfo(fileCreator, nsnull, nsnull, &appFSRef, nsnull);
1715 | if (err != noErr)
1716 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1717 | }
1718 |
1719 | LSLaunchFlags theLaunchFlags = kLSLaunchDefaults;
1720 | LSLaunchFSRefSpec thelaunchSpec;
1721 |
1722 | if (aLaunchInBackground)
1723 | theLaunchFlags |= kLSLaunchDontSwitch;
1724 | memset(&thelaunchSpec, 0, sizeof(LSLaunchFSRefSpec));
1725 |
1726 | thelaunchSpec.appRef = &appFSRef;
1727 | thelaunchSpec.numDocs = 1;
1728 | thelaunchSpec.itemRefs = &docFSRef;
1729 | thelaunchSpec.launchFlags = theLaunchFlags;
1730 |
1731 | err = ::LSOpenFromRefSpec(&thelaunchSpec, NULL);
1732 | if (err != noErr)
1733 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1734 |
1735 | return NS_OK;
1736 | }
1737 |
1738 | /* boolean isPackage (); */
1739 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsLocalFile::IsPackage(PRBool *_retval)
1740 | {
1741 | NS_ENSURE_ARG(_retval);
1742 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
1743 |
1744 | FSRef fsRef;
1745 | nsresult rv = GetFSRefInternal(fsRef);
1746 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1747 | return rv;
1748 |
1749 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1750 | OSErr err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoFinderInfo,
1751 | &catalogInfo, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
1752 | if (err != noErr)
1753 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1754 | if ((catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0) {
1755 | FileInfo *fInfoPtr = (FileInfo *)(catalogInfo.finderInfo);
1756 | if ((fInfoPtr->finderFlags & kHasBundle) != 0) {
1757 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
1758 | }
1759 | else {
1760 | // Folders ending with ".app" are also considered to
1761 | // be packages, even if the top-level folder doesn't have bundle set
1762 | nsCAutoString name;
1763 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv = GetNativeLeafName(name))) {
1764 | const char *extPtr = strrchr(name.get(), '.');
1765 | if (extPtr) {
1766 | if ((nsCRT::strcasecmp(extPtr, ".app") == 0))
1767 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
1768 | }
1769 | }
1770 | }
1771 | }
1772 | return NS_OK;
1773 | }
1774 |
1775 |
1776 | //*****************************************************************************
1777 | // nsLocalFile Methods
1778 | //*****************************************************************************
1779 | #pragma mark -
1780 | #pragma mark [Protected Methods]
1781 |
1782 | nsresult nsLocalFile::SetBaseRef(CFURLRef aCFURLRef)
1783 | {
1785 |
1786 | ::CFRetain(aCFURLRef);
1787 | if (mBaseRef)
1788 | ::CFRelease(mBaseRef);
1789 | mBaseRef = aCFURLRef;
1790 |
1791 | mFollowLinksDirty = PR_TRUE;
1792 | UpdateTargetRef();
1793 | mCachedFSRefValid = PR_FALSE;
1794 | return NS_OK;
1795 | }
1796 |
1797 | nsresult nsLocalFile::UpdateTargetRef()
1798 | {
1799 | if (!mBaseRef)
1801 |
1802 | if (mFollowLinksDirty) {
1803 | if (mTargetRef) {
1804 | ::CFRelease(mTargetRef);
1805 | mTargetRef = nsnull;
1806 | }
1807 | if (mFollowLinks) {
1808 | mTargetRef = mBaseRef;
1809 | ::CFRetain(mTargetRef);
1810 |
1811 | FSRef fsRef;
1812 | if (::CFURLGetFSRef(mBaseRef, &fsRef)) {
1813 | Boolean targetIsFolder, wasAliased;
1814 | if (FSResolveAliasFile(&fsRef, true /*resolveAliasChains*/,
1815 | &targetIsFolder, &wasAliased) == noErr && wasAliased) {
1816 | ::CFRelease(mTargetRef);
1817 | mTargetRef = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fsRef);
1818 | if (!mTargetRef)
1819 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1820 | }
1821 | }
1822 | mFollowLinksDirty = PR_FALSE;
1823 | }
1824 | }
1825 | return NS_OK;
1826 | }
1827 |
1828 | nsresult nsLocalFile::GetFSRefInternal(FSRef& aFSRef, PRBool bForceUpdateCache)
1829 | {
1830 | if (bForceUpdateCache || !mCachedFSRefValid) {
1831 | mCachedFSRefValid = PR_FALSE;
1832 | CFURLRef whichURLRef = mFollowLinks ? mTargetRef : mBaseRef;
1834 | if (::CFURLGetFSRef(whichURLRef, &mCachedFSRef))
1835 | mCachedFSRefValid = PR_TRUE;
1836 | }
1837 | if (mCachedFSRefValid) {
1838 | aFSRef = mCachedFSRef;
1839 | return NS_OK;
1840 | }
1841 | // CFURLGetFSRef only returns a Boolean for success,
1842 | // so we have to assume what the error was. This is
1843 | // the only probable cause.
1844 | return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
1845 | }
1846 |
1847 | nsresult nsLocalFile::GetPathInternal(nsACString& path)
1848 | {
1849 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1850 |
1851 | CFURLRef whichURLRef = mFollowLinks ? mTargetRef : mBaseRef;
1853 |
1854 | CFStringRef pathStrRef = ::CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(whichURLRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
1855 | if (pathStrRef) {
1856 | rv = CFStringReftoUTF8(pathStrRef, path);
1857 | ::CFRelease(pathStrRef);
1858 | }
1859 | return rv;
1860 | }
1861 |
1862 | nsresult nsLocalFile::MoveCopy(nsIFile* aParentDir, const nsAString& newName, PRBool isCopy, PRBool followLinks)
1863 | {
1864 | StFollowLinksState srcFollowState(*this, followLinks);
1865 |
1866 | nsresult rv;
1867 | OSErr err;
1868 | FSRef srcFSRef, newFSRef;
1869 |
1870 | rv = GetFSRefInternal(srcFSRef);
1871 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1872 | return rv;
1873 |
1874 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> newParentDir = aParentDir;
1875 | CFURLRef newBaseURLRef;
1876 |
1877 | if (!newParentDir) {
1878 | if (newName.IsEmpty())
1879 | return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
1880 | rv = GetParent(getter_AddRefs(newParentDir));
1881 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1882 | return rv;
1883 | }
1884 |
1885 | // If newParentDir does not exist, create it
1886 | PRBool exists;
1887 | rv = newParentDir->Exists(&exists);
1888 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1889 | return rv;
1890 | if (!exists) {
1891 | rv = newParentDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0666);
1892 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1893 | return rv;
1894 | }
1895 |
1896 | FSRef destFSRef;
1897 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> newParentDirMac(do_QueryInterface(newParentDir));
1898 | if (!newParentDirMac)
1899 | return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
1900 | rv = newParentDirMac->GetFSRef(&destFSRef);
1901 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1902 | return rv;
1903 |
1904 | if (isCopy) {
1905 | err = ::FSCopyObject(&srcFSRef, &destFSRef,
1906 | newName.Length(), newName.Length() ? PromiseFlatString(newName).get() : nsnull,
1907 | 0, kFSCatInfoNone, false, false, nsnull, nsnull, &newFSRef);
1908 | // don't update ourselves on a copy
1909 | }
1910 | else {
1911 | // According to the API: "If 'this' is a file, and the destination file already
1912 | // exists, moveTo will replace the old file."
1913 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1914 | HFSUniStr255 leafName;
1915 | err = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&srcFSRef, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo,
1916 | newName.IsEmpty() ? &leafName : nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
1917 | if (err == noErr) {
1918 | if (!(catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask)) {
1919 | FSRef oldFileRef;
1920 | if (newName.IsEmpty())
1921 | err = ::FSMakeFSRefUnicode(&destFSRef, leafName.length, leafName.unicode,
1922 | kTextEncodingUnknown, &oldFileRef);
1923 | else
1924 | err = ::FSMakeFSRefUnicode(&destFSRef, newName.Length(), PromiseFlatString(newName).get(),
1925 | kTextEncodingUnknown, &oldFileRef);
1926 | if (err == noErr)
1927 | ::FSDeleteObject(&oldFileRef);
1928 | }
1929 | }
1930 | // First, try the quick way which works only within the same volume
1931 | err = ::FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode(&srcFSRef, &destFSRef,
1932 | newName.Length(), newName.Length() ? PromiseFlatString(newName).get() : nsnull,
1933 | kTextEncodingUnknown, &newFSRef);
1934 |
1935 | if (err == diffVolErr) {
1936 | // If on different volumes, resort to copy & delete
1937 | err = ::FSCopyObject(&srcFSRef, &destFSRef,
1938 | newName.Length(), newName.Length() ? PromiseFlatString(newName).get() : nsnull,
1939 | 0, kFSCatInfoNone, false, false, nsnull, nsnull, &newFSRef);
1940 | ::FSDeleteObjects(&srcFSRef);
1941 | }
1942 | if (err == noErr) {
1943 | newBaseURLRef = ::CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &newFSRef);
1944 | if (!newBaseURLRef)
1945 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1946 | SetBaseRef(newBaseURLRef);
1947 | ::CFRelease(newBaseURLRef);
1948 | }
1949 | }
1950 | return MacErrorMapper(err);
1951 | }
1952 |
1953 | const PRInt64 kMilisecsPerSec = 1000LL;
1954 | const PRInt64 kUTCDateTimeFractionDivisor = 65535LL;
1955 |
1956 | PRInt64 nsLocalFile::HFSPlustoNSPRTime(const UTCDateTime& utcTime)
1957 | {
1958 | // Start with seconds since Jan. 1, 1904 GMT
1959 | PRInt64 result = ((PRInt64)utcTime.highSeconds << 32) + (PRInt64)utcTime.lowSeconds;
1960 | // Subtract to convert to NSPR epoch of 1970
1961 | result -= kJanuaryFirst1970Seconds;
1962 | // Convert to milisecs
1963 | result *= kMilisecsPerSec;
1964 | // Convert the fraction to milisecs and add it
1965 | result += ((PRInt64)utcTime.fraction * kMilisecsPerSec) / kUTCDateTimeFractionDivisor;
1966 |
1967 | return result;
1968 | }
1969 |
1970 | void nsLocalFile::NSPRtoHFSPlusTime(PRInt64 nsprTime, UTCDateTime& utcTime)
1971 | {
1972 | PRInt64 fraction = nsprTime % kMilisecsPerSec;
1973 | PRInt64 seconds = (nsprTime / kMilisecsPerSec) + kJanuaryFirst1970Seconds;
1974 | utcTime.highSeconds = (UInt16)((PRUint64)seconds >> 32);
1975 | utcTime.lowSeconds = (UInt32)seconds;
1976 | utcTime.fraction = (UInt16)((fraction * kUTCDateTimeFractionDivisor) / kMilisecsPerSec);
1977 | }
1978 |
1979 | nsresult nsLocalFile::CFStringReftoUTF8(CFStringRef aInStrRef, nsACString& aOutStr)
1980 | {
1981 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1982 | CFIndex usedBufLen, inStrLen = ::CFStringGetLength(aInStrRef);
1983 | CFIndex charsConverted = ::CFStringGetBytes(aInStrRef, CFRangeMake(0, inStrLen),
1984 | kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0, PR_FALSE, nsnull, 0, &usedBufLen);
1985 | if (charsConverted == inStrLen) {
1986 | nsAutoBuffer<UInt8, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
1987 | if (buffer.EnsureElemCapacity(usedBufLen + 1)) {
1988 | ::CFStringGetBytes(aInStrRef, CFRangeMake(0, inStrLen),
1989 | kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0, false, buffer.get(), usedBufLen, &usedBufLen);
1990 | buffer.get()[usedBufLen] = '\0';
1991 | aOutStr.Assign(nsDependentCString((char*)buffer.get()));
1992 | rv = NS_OK;
1993 | }
1994 | }
1995 | return rv;
1996 | }
1997 |
1998 | //*****************************************************************************
1999 | // Global Functions
2000 | //*****************************************************************************
2001 | #pragma mark -
2002 | #pragma mark [Global Functions]
2003 |
2004 | void nsLocalFile::GlobalInit()
2005 | {
2006 | }
2007 |
2008 | void nsLocalFile::GlobalShutdown()
2009 | {
2010 | }
2011 |
2012 | nsresult NS_NewLocalFile(const nsAString& path, PRBool followLinks, nsILocalFile* *result)
2013 | {
2014 | nsLocalFile* file = new nsLocalFile;
2015 | if (file == nsnull)
2016 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2017 | NS_ADDREF(file);
2018 |
2019 | file->SetFollowLinks(followLinks);
2020 |
2021 | if (!path.IsEmpty()) {
2022 | nsresult rv = file->InitWithPath(path);
2023 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2024 | NS_RELEASE(file);
2025 | return rv;
2026 | }
2027 | }
2028 | *result = file;
2029 | return NS_OK;
2030 | }
2031 |
2032 | nsresult NS_NewNativeLocalFile(const nsACString& path, PRBool followLinks, nsILocalFile **result)
2033 | {
2034 | return NS_NewLocalFile(NS_ConvertUTF8toUCS2(path), followLinks, result);
2035 | }
2036 |
2037 | nsresult NS_NewLocalFileWithFSSpec(const FSSpec* inSpec, PRBool followLinks, nsILocalFileMac **result)
2038 | {
2039 | nsLocalFile* file = new nsLocalFile();
2040 | if (file == nsnull)
2041 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2042 | NS_ADDREF(file);
2043 |
2044 | file->SetFollowLinks(followLinks);
2045 |
2046 | nsresult rv = file->InitWithFSSpec(inSpec);
2047 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2048 | NS_RELEASE(file);
2049 | return rv;
2050 | }
2051 | *result = file;
2052 | return NS_OK;
2053 | }
2054 |
2055 | //*****************************************************************************
2056 | // Static Functions
2057 | //*****************************************************************************
2058 |
2059 | static nsresult MacErrorMapper(OSErr inErr)
2060 | {
2061 | nsresult outErr;
2062 |
2063 | switch (inErr)
2064 | {
2065 | case noErr:
2066 | outErr = NS_OK;
2067 | break;
2068 |
2069 | case fnfErr:
2070 | outErr = NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
2071 | break;
2072 |
2073 | case dupFNErr:
2075 | break;
2076 |
2077 | case dskFulErr:
2078 | outErr = NS_ERROR_FILE_DISK_FULL;
2079 | break;
2080 |
2081 | case fLckdErr:
2082 | outErr = NS_ERROR_FILE_IS_LOCKED;
2083 | break;
2084 |
2085 | // Can't find good map for some
2086 | case bdNamErr:
2087 | outErr = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2088 | break;
2089 |
2090 | default:
2091 | outErr = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2092 | break;
2093 | }
2094 | return outErr;
2095 | }
2096 |
2097 | static OSErr FindRunningAppBySignature(OSType aAppSig, ProcessSerialNumber& outPsn)
2098 | {
2099 | ProcessInfoRec info;
2100 | OSErr err = noErr;
2101 |
2102 | outPsn.highLongOfPSN = 0;
2103 | outPsn.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
2104 |
2105 | while (PR_TRUE)
2106 | {
2107 | err = ::GetNextProcess(&outPsn);
2108 | if (err == procNotFound)
2109 | break;
2110 | if (err != noErr)
2111 | return err;
2112 | info.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
2113 | info.processName = nil;
2114 | info.processAppSpec = nil;
2115 | err = ::GetProcessInformation(&outPsn, &info);
2116 | if (err != noErr)
2117 | return err;
2118 |
2119 | if (info.processSignature == aAppSig)
2120 | return noErr;
2121 | }
2122 | return procNotFound;
2123 | }
2124 |
2125 | // Convert a UTF-8 string to a UTF-16 string while normalizing to
2126 | // Normalization Form C (composed Unicode). We need this because
2127 | // Mac OS X file system uses NFD (Normalization Form D : decomposed Unicode)
2128 | // while most other OS', server-side programs usually expect NFC.
2129 |
2130 | typedef void (*UnicodeNormalizer) (CFMutableStringRef, CFStringNormalizationForm);
2131 | static void CopyUTF8toUTF16NFC(const nsACString& aSrc, nsAString& aResult)
2132 | {
2133 | static PRBool sChecked = PR_FALSE;
2134 | static UnicodeNormalizer sUnicodeNormalizer = NULL;
2135 |
2136 | // CFStringNormalize was not introduced until Mac OS 10.2
2137 | if (!sChecked) {
2138 | CFBundleRef carbonBundle =
2139 | CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.apple.Carbon"));
2140 | if (carbonBundle)
2141 | sUnicodeNormalizer = (UnicodeNormalizer)
2142 | ::CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(carbonBundle,
2143 | CFSTR("CFStringNormalize"));
2144 | sChecked = PR_TRUE;
2145 | }
2146 |
2147 | if (!sUnicodeNormalizer) { // OS X 10.2 or earlier
2148 | CopyUTF8toUTF16(aSrc, aResult);
2149 | return;
2150 | }
2151 |
2152 | const nsAFlatCString &inFlatSrc = PromiseFlatCString(aSrc);
2153 |
2154 | // The number of 16bit code units in a UTF-16 string will never be
2155 | // larger than the number of bytes in the corresponding UTF-8 string.
2156 | CFMutableStringRef inStr =
2157 | ::CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, inFlatSrc.Length());
2158 |
2159 | if (!inStr) {
2160 | CopyUTF8toUTF16(aSrc, aResult);
2161 | return;
2162 | }
2163 |
2164 | ::CFStringAppendCString(inStr, inFlatSrc.get(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
2165 |
2166 | sUnicodeNormalizer(inStr, kCFStringNormalizationFormC);
2167 |
2168 | CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(inStr);
2169 | const UniChar* chars = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(inStr);
2170 |
2171 | if (chars)
2172 | aResult.Assign(chars, length);
2173 | else {
2174 | nsAutoBuffer<UniChar, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
2175 | if (!buffer.EnsureElemCapacity(length))
2176 | CopyUTF8toUTF16(aSrc, aResult);
2177 | else {
2178 | CFStringGetCharacters(inStr, CFRangeMake(0, length), buffer.get());
2179 | aResult.Assign(buffer.get(), length);
2180 | }
2181 | }
2182 | CFRelease(inStr);
2183 | }