1 | # $Id: Makefile.kmk 94548 2022-04-11 00:51:14Z vboxsync $
2 | ## @file
3 | # Sub-Makefile for SoftFloat-3e.
4 | #
5 |
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 |
18 | SUB_DEPTH = ../../..
19 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subheader.kmk
20 |
22 |
23 | LIBRARIES += VBox-SoftFloat
24 | VBox-SoftFloat_TEMPLATE := VBoxR3DllNonPedantic
25 | VBox-SoftFloat_DEFS.amd64 := \
32 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), win)
33 | VBox-SoftFloat_DEFS := THREAD_LOCAL=__declspec(thread)
34 | VBox-SoftFloat_INCS.amd64 := build/Win-amd64-VCC source/include
35 | else
36 | VBox-SoftFloat_DEFS := THREAD_LOCAL=__thread
37 | VBox-SoftFloat_INCS.amd64 := build/Linux-x86_64-GCC source/include
38 | endif
39 | VBox-SoftFloat_INCS := source source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)
40 |
41 | # -wd4146: primitives.h(74): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
42 | VBox-SoftFloat_CFLAGS.win := -wd4146
43 |
44 | # Primitives:
45 | VBox-SoftFloat_SOURCES := \
46 | source/s_eq128.c \
47 | source/s_le128.c \
48 | source/s_lt128.c \
49 | source/s_shortShiftLeft128.c \
50 | source/s_shortShiftRight128.c \
51 | source/s_shortShiftRightJam64.c \
52 | source/s_shortShiftRightJam64Extra.c \
53 | source/s_shortShiftRightJam128.c \
54 | source/s_shortShiftRightJam128Extra.c \
55 | source/s_shiftRightJam32.c \
56 | source/s_shiftRightJam64.c \
57 | source/s_shiftRightJam64Extra.c \
58 | source/s_shiftRightJam128.c \
59 | source/s_shiftRightJam128Extra.c \
60 | source/s_shiftRightJam256M.c \
61 | source/s_countLeadingZeros8.c \
62 | source/s_countLeadingZeros16.c \
63 | source/s_countLeadingZeros32.c \
64 | source/s_countLeadingZeros64.c \
65 | source/s_add128.c \
66 | source/s_add256M.c \
67 | source/s_sub128.c \
68 | source/s_sub256M.c \
69 | source/s_mul64ByShifted32To128.c \
70 | source/s_mul64To128.c \
71 | source/s_mul128By32.c \
72 | source/s_mul128To256M.c \
73 | source/s_approxRecip_1Ks.c \
74 | source/s_approxRecip32_1.c \
75 | source/s_approxRecipSqrt_1Ks.c \
76 | source/s_approxRecipSqrt32_1.c
77 |
78 | # Specialization (target FPU behaviour):
79 | # @todo maybe use 8086-SSE here...
80 | VBox-SoftFloat_SOURCES += \
81 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/softfloat_raiseFlags.c \
82 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_f16UIToCommonNaN.c \
83 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_commonNaNToF16UI.c \
84 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_propagateNaNF16UI.c \
85 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_f32UIToCommonNaN.c \
86 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_commonNaNToF32UI.c \
87 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_propagateNaNF32UI.c \
88 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_f64UIToCommonNaN.c \
89 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_commonNaNToF64UI.c \
90 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_propagateNaNF64UI.c \
91 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/extF80M_isSignalingNaN.c \
92 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_extF80UIToCommonNaN.c \
93 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_commonNaNToExtF80UI.c \
94 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_propagateNaNExtF80UI.c \
95 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/f128M_isSignalingNaN.c \
96 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_f128UIToCommonNaN.c \
97 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_commonNaNToF128UI.c \
98 | source/$(VBOX_SOFTFLOAT_SPECIALIZATION)/s_propagateNaNF128UI.c
99 |
100 | # Others:
101 | VBox-SoftFloat_SOURCES += \
102 | source/s_roundToUI32.c \
103 | source/s_roundToUI64.c \
104 | source/s_roundToI32.c \
105 | source/s_roundToI64.c \
106 | source/s_normSubnormalF16Sig.c \
107 | source/s_roundPackToF16.c \
108 | source/s_normRoundPackToF16.c \
109 | source/s_addMagsF16.c \
110 | source/s_subMagsF16.c \
111 | source/s_mulAddF16.c \
112 | source/s_normSubnormalF32Sig.c \
113 | source/s_roundPackToF32.c \
114 | source/s_normRoundPackToF32.c \
115 | source/s_addMagsF32.c \
116 | source/s_subMagsF32.c \
117 | source/s_mulAddF32.c \
118 | source/s_normSubnormalF64Sig.c \
119 | source/s_roundPackToF64.c \
120 | source/s_normRoundPackToF64.c \
121 | source/s_addMagsF64.c \
122 | source/s_subMagsF64.c \
123 | source/s_mulAddF64.c \
124 | source/s_normSubnormalExtF80Sig.c \
125 | source/s_roundPackToExtF80.c \
126 | source/s_normRoundPackToExtF80.c \
127 | source/s_addMagsExtF80.c \
128 | source/s_subMagsExtF80.c \
129 | source/s_normSubnormalF128Sig.c \
130 | source/s_roundPackToF128.c \
131 | source/s_normRoundPackToF128.c \
132 | source/s_addMagsF128.c \
133 | source/s_subMagsF128.c \
134 | source/s_mulAddF128.c \
135 | source/softfloat_state.c \
136 | source/ui32_to_f16.c \
137 | source/ui32_to_f32.c \
138 | source/ui32_to_f64.c \
139 | source/ui32_to_extF80.c \
140 | source/ui32_to_extF80M.c \
141 | source/ui32_to_f128.c \
142 | source/ui32_to_f128M.c \
143 | source/ui64_to_f16.c \
144 | source/ui64_to_f32.c \
145 | source/ui64_to_f64.c \
146 | source/ui64_to_extF80.c \
147 | source/ui64_to_extF80M.c \
148 | source/ui64_to_f128.c \
149 | source/ui64_to_f128M.c \
150 | source/i32_to_f16.c \
151 | source/i32_to_f32.c \
152 | source/i32_to_f64.c \
153 | source/i32_to_extF80.c \
154 | source/i32_to_extF80M.c \
155 | source/i32_to_f128.c \
156 | source/i32_to_f128M.c \
157 | source/i64_to_f16.c \
158 | source/i64_to_f32.c \
159 | source/i64_to_f64.c \
160 | source/i64_to_extF80.c \
161 | source/i64_to_extF80M.c \
162 | source/i64_to_f128.c \
163 | source/i64_to_f128M.c \
164 | source/f16_to_ui32.c \
165 | source/f16_to_ui64.c \
166 | source/f16_to_i32.c \
167 | source/f16_to_i64.c \
168 | source/f16_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
169 | source/f16_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
170 | source/f16_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
171 | source/f16_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
172 | source/f16_to_f32.c \
173 | source/f16_to_f64.c \
174 | source/f16_to_extF80.c \
175 | source/f16_to_extF80M.c \
176 | source/f16_to_f128.c \
177 | source/f16_to_f128M.c \
178 | source/f16_roundToInt.c \
179 | source/f16_add.c \
180 | source/f16_sub.c \
181 | source/f16_mul.c \
182 | source/f16_mulAdd.c \
183 | source/f16_div.c \
184 | source/f16_rem.c \
185 | source/f16_sqrt.c \
186 | source/f16_eq.c \
187 | source/f16_le.c \
188 | source/f16_lt.c \
189 | source/f16_eq_signaling.c \
190 | source/f16_le_quiet.c \
191 | source/f16_lt_quiet.c \
192 | source/f16_isSignalingNaN.c \
193 | source/f32_to_ui32.c \
194 | source/f32_to_ui64.c \
195 | source/f32_to_i32.c \
196 | source/f32_to_i64.c \
197 | source/f32_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
198 | source/f32_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
199 | source/f32_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
200 | source/f32_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
201 | source/f32_to_f16.c \
202 | source/f32_to_f64.c \
203 | source/f32_to_extF80.c \
204 | source/f32_to_extF80M.c \
205 | source/f32_to_f128.c \
206 | source/f32_to_f128M.c \
207 | source/f32_roundToInt.c \
208 | source/f32_add.c \
209 | source/f32_sub.c \
210 | source/f32_mul.c \
211 | source/f32_mulAdd.c \
212 | source/f32_div.c \
213 | source/f32_rem.c \
214 | source/f32_sqrt.c \
215 | source/f32_eq.c \
216 | source/f32_le.c \
217 | source/f32_lt.c \
218 | source/f32_eq_signaling.c \
219 | source/f32_le_quiet.c \
220 | source/f32_lt_quiet.c \
221 | source/f32_isSignalingNaN.c \
222 | source/f64_to_ui32.c \
223 | source/f64_to_ui64.c \
224 | source/f64_to_i32.c \
225 | source/f64_to_i64.c \
226 | source/f64_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
227 | source/f64_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
228 | source/f64_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
229 | source/f64_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
230 | source/f64_to_f16.c \
231 | source/f64_to_f32.c \
232 | source/f64_to_extF80.c \
233 | source/f64_to_extF80M.c \
234 | source/f64_to_f128.c \
235 | source/f64_to_f128M.c \
236 | source/f64_roundToInt.c \
237 | source/f64_add.c \
238 | source/f64_sub.c \
239 | source/f64_mul.c \
240 | source/f64_mulAdd.c \
241 | source/f64_div.c \
242 | source/f64_rem.c \
243 | source/f64_sqrt.c \
244 | source/f64_eq.c \
245 | source/f64_le.c \
246 | source/f64_lt.c \
247 | source/f64_eq_signaling.c \
248 | source/f64_le_quiet.c \
249 | source/f64_lt_quiet.c \
250 | source/f64_isSignalingNaN.c \
251 | source/extF80_to_ui32.c \
252 | source/extF80_to_ui64.c \
253 | source/extF80_to_i32.c \
254 | source/extF80_to_i64.c \
255 | source/extF80_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
256 | source/extF80_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
257 | source/extF80_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
258 | source/extF80_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
259 | source/extF80_to_f16.c \
260 | source/extF80_to_f32.c \
261 | source/extF80_to_f64.c \
262 | source/extF80_to_f128.c \
263 | source/extF80_roundToInt.c \
264 | source/extF80_add.c \
265 | source/extF80_sub.c \
266 | source/extF80_mul.c \
267 | source/extF80_div.c \
268 | source/extF80_rem.c \
269 | source/extF80_sqrt.c \
270 | source/extF80_eq.c \
271 | source/extF80_le.c \
272 | source/extF80_lt.c \
273 | source/extF80_eq_signaling.c \
274 | source/extF80_le_quiet.c \
275 | source/extF80_lt_quiet.c \
276 | source/extF80_isSignalingNaN.c \
277 | source/extF80M_to_ui32.c \
278 | source/extF80M_to_ui64.c \
279 | source/extF80M_to_i32.c \
280 | source/extF80M_to_i64.c \
281 | source/extF80M_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
282 | source/extF80M_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
283 | source/extF80M_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
284 | source/extF80M_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
285 | source/extF80M_to_f16.c \
286 | source/extF80M_to_f32.c \
287 | source/extF80M_to_f64.c \
288 | source/extF80M_to_f128M.c \
289 | source/extF80M_roundToInt.c \
290 | source/extF80M_add.c \
291 | source/extF80M_sub.c \
292 | source/extF80M_mul.c \
293 | source/extF80M_div.c \
294 | source/extF80M_rem.c \
295 | source/extF80M_sqrt.c \
296 | source/extF80M_eq.c \
297 | source/extF80M_le.c \
298 | source/extF80M_lt.c \
299 | source/extF80M_eq_signaling.c \
300 | source/extF80M_le_quiet.c \
301 | source/extF80M_lt_quiet.c \
302 | source/f128_to_ui32.c \
303 | source/f128_to_ui64.c \
304 | source/f128_to_i32.c \
305 | source/f128_to_i64.c \
306 | source/f128_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
307 | source/f128_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
308 | source/f128_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
309 | source/f128_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
310 | source/f128_to_f16.c \
311 | source/f128_to_f32.c \
312 | source/f128_to_extF80.c \
313 | source/f128_to_f64.c \
314 | source/f128_roundToInt.c \
315 | source/f128_add.c \
316 | source/f128_sub.c \
317 | source/f128_mul.c \
318 | source/f128_mulAdd.c \
319 | source/f128_div.c \
320 | source/f128_rem.c \
321 | source/f128_sqrt.c \
322 | source/f128_eq.c \
323 | source/f128_le.c \
324 | source/f128_lt.c \
325 | source/f128_eq_signaling.c \
326 | source/f128_le_quiet.c \
327 | source/f128_lt_quiet.c \
328 | source/f128_isSignalingNaN.c \
329 | source/f128M_to_ui32.c \
330 | source/f128M_to_ui64.c \
331 | source/f128M_to_i32.c \
332 | source/f128M_to_i64.c \
333 | source/f128M_to_ui32_r_minMag.c \
334 | source/f128M_to_ui64_r_minMag.c \
335 | source/f128M_to_i32_r_minMag.c \
336 | source/f128M_to_i64_r_minMag.c \
337 | source/f128M_to_f16.c \
338 | source/f128M_to_f32.c \
339 | source/f128M_to_extF80M.c \
340 | source/f128M_to_f64.c \
341 | source/f128M_roundToInt.c \
342 | source/f128M_add.c \
343 | source/f128M_sub.c \
344 | source/f128M_mul.c \
345 | source/f128M_mulAdd.c \
346 | source/f128M_div.c \
347 | source/f128M_rem.c \
348 | source/f128M_sqrt.c \
349 | source/f128M_eq.c \
350 | source/f128M_le.c \
351 | source/f128M_lt.c \
352 | source/f128M_eq_signaling.c \
353 | source/f128M_le_quiet.c \
354 | source/f128M_lt_quiet.c
355 |
356 | #
357 | # Ring-0 version of the above (has different compiler settings).
358 | #
359 | if defined(VBOX_WITH_R0_MODULES) && !defined(VBOX_ONLY_EXTPACKS)
360 | LIBRARIES += VBox-SoftFloatR0
361 | endif
362 | VBox-SoftFloatR0_EXTENDS := VBox-SoftFloat
363 | VBox-SoftFloatR0_TEMPLATE := VBoxR0
364 | VBox-SoftFloatR0_DEFS = $(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE)
365 |
366 | # -wd4245: f128_sqrt.c(184): warning C4245: '=': conversion from 'int' to 'uint_fast64_t', signed/unsigned mismatch
367 | # -wd4389: f64_to_i64_r_minMag.c(93): warning C4389: '!=': signed/unsigned mismatch
368 | VBox-SoftFloatR0_CFLAGS.win := $(VBox-SoftFloat_CFLAGS.win) -wd4245 -wd4389
369 | ifn1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET),win)
370 | VBox-SoftFloatR0_CFLAGS := $(VBox-SoftFloat_CFLAGS) -Wno-sign-compare
371 | endif
372 |
373 | include $(FILE_KBUILD_SUB_FOOTER)
374 |