1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2022-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include <openssl/ssl.h>
11 | #include <internal/quic_tserver.h>
12 |
13 | /* Type to represent the Fault Injector */
14 | typedef struct qtest_fault QTEST_FAULT;
15 |
16 | /*
17 | * Structure representing a parsed EncryptedExtension message. Listeners can
18 | * make changes to the contents of structure objects as required and the fault
19 | * injector will reconstruct the message to be sent on
20 | */
21 | typedef struct qtest_fault_encrypted_extensions {
22 | /* EncryptedExtension messages just have an extensions block */
23 | unsigned char *extensions;
24 | size_t extensionslen;
26 |
27 | /* Flags for use with qtest_create_quic_objects() */
28 |
29 | /* Indicates whether we are using blocking mode or not */
30 | #define QTEST_FLAG_BLOCK (1 << 0)
31 | /* Use fake time rather than real time */
32 | #define QTEST_FLAG_FAKE_TIME (1 << 1)
33 | /* Introduce noise in the BIO */
34 | #define QTEST_FLAG_NOISE (1 << 2)
35 | /* Split datagrams such that each datagram contains one packet */
36 | #define QTEST_FLAG_PACKET_SPLIT (1 << 3)
37 | /* Turn on client side tracing */
38 | #define QTEST_FLAG_CLIENT_TRACE (1 << 4)
39 | /*
40 | * Given an SSL_CTX for the client and filenames for the server certificate and
41 | * keyfile, create a server and client instances as well as a fault injector
42 | * instance. |flags| is the logical or of flags defined above, or 0 if none.
43 | */
44 | int qtest_create_quic_objects(OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, SSL_CTX *clientctx,
45 | SSL_CTX *serverctx, char *certfile, char *keyfile,
46 | int flags, QUIC_TSERVER **qtserv, SSL **cssl,
47 | QTEST_FAULT **fault, BIO **tracebio);
48 |
49 | /* Where QTEST_FLAG_FAKE_TIME is used, add millis to the current time */
50 | void qtest_add_time(uint64_t millis);
51 |
52 | /* Starts time measurement */
53 | void qtest_start_stopwatch(void);
54 | /* Returns the duration from the start in millis */
55 | uint64_t qtest_get_stopwatch_time(void);
56 |
57 | QTEST_FAULT *qtest_create_injector(QUIC_TSERVER *ts);
58 |
59 | BIO_METHOD *qtest_get_bio_method(void);
60 |
61 | /*
62 | * Free up a Fault Injector instance
63 | */
64 | void qtest_fault_free(QTEST_FAULT *fault);
65 |
66 | /* Returns 1 if the quictestlib supports blocking tests */
67 | int qtest_supports_blocking(void);
68 |
69 | /*
70 | * Run the TLS handshake to create a QUIC connection between the client and
71 | * server.
72 | */
73 | int qtest_create_quic_connection(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv, SSL *clientssl);
74 |
75 | /*
76 | * Check if both client and server have no data to read and are waiting on a
77 | * timeout. If so, wait until the timeout has expired.
78 | */
79 | int qtest_wait_for_timeout(SSL *s, QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv);
80 |
81 | /*
82 | * Same as qtest_create_quic_connection but will stop (successfully) if the
83 | * clientssl indicates SSL_ERROR_WANT_XXX as specified by |wanterr|
84 | */
85 | int qtest_create_quic_connection_ex(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv, SSL *clientssl,
86 | int wanterr);
87 |
88 | /*
89 | * Shutdown the client SSL object gracefully
90 | */
91 | int qtest_shutdown(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv, SSL *clientssl);
92 |
93 | /*
94 | * Confirm that the server has received the given transport error code.
95 | */
96 | int qtest_check_server_transport_err(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv, uint64_t code);
97 |
98 | /*
99 | * Confirm the server has received a protocol error. Equivalent to calling
100 | * qtest_check_server_transport_err with a code of QUIC_ERR_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION
101 | */
102 | int qtest_check_server_protocol_err(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv);
103 |
104 | /*
105 | * Confirm the server has received a frame encoding error. Equivalent to calling
106 | * qtest_check_server_transport_err with a code of QUIC_ERR_FRAME_ENCODING_ERROR
107 | */
108 | int qtest_check_server_frame_encoding_err(QUIC_TSERVER *qtserv);
109 |
110 | /*
111 | * Enable tests to listen for pre-encryption QUIC packets being sent
112 | */
113 | typedef int (*qtest_fault_on_packet_plain_cb)(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
114 | QUIC_PKT_HDR *hdr,
115 | unsigned char *buf,
116 | size_t len,
117 | void *cbarg);
118 |
119 | int qtest_fault_set_packet_plain_listener(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
120 | qtest_fault_on_packet_plain_cb pplaincb,
121 | void *pplaincbarg);
122 |
123 |
124 | /*
125 | * Helper function to be called from a packet_plain_listener callback if it
126 | * wants to resize the packet (either to add new data to it, or to truncate it).
127 | * The buf provided to packet_plain_listener is over allocated, so this just
128 | * changes the logical size and never changes the actual address of the buf.
129 | * This will fail if a large resize is attempted that exceeds the over
130 | * allocation.
131 | */
132 | int qtest_fault_resize_plain_packet(QTEST_FAULT *fault, size_t newlen);
133 |
134 | /*
135 | * Prepend frame data into a packet. To be called from a packet_plain_listener
136 | * callback
137 | */
138 | int qtest_fault_prepend_frame(QTEST_FAULT *fault, const unsigned char *frame,
139 | size_t frame_len);
140 |
141 | /*
142 | * The general handshake message listener is sent the entire handshake message
143 | * data block, including the handshake header itself
144 | */
145 | typedef int (*qtest_fault_on_handshake_cb)(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
146 | unsigned char *msg,
147 | size_t msglen,
148 | void *handshakecbarg);
149 |
150 | int qtest_fault_set_handshake_listener(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
151 | qtest_fault_on_handshake_cb handshakecb,
152 | void *handshakecbarg);
153 |
154 | /*
155 | * Helper function to be called from a handshake_listener callback if it wants
156 | * to resize the handshake message (either to add new data to it, or to truncate
157 | * it). newlen must include the length of the handshake message header. The
158 | * handshake message buffer is over allocated, so this just changes the logical
159 | * size and never changes the actual address of the buf.
160 | * This will fail if a large resize is attempted that exceeds the over
161 | * allocation.
162 | */
163 | int qtest_fault_resize_handshake(QTEST_FAULT *fault, size_t newlen);
164 |
165 | /*
166 | * Add listeners for specific types of frame here. E.g. we might
167 | * expect to see an "ACK" frame listener which will be passed pre-parsed ack
168 | * data that can be modified as required.
169 | */
170 |
171 | /*
172 | * Handshake message specific listeners. Unlike the general handshake message
173 | * listener these messages are pre-parsed and supplied with message specific
174 | * data and exclude the handshake header
175 | */
176 | typedef int (*qtest_fault_on_enc_ext_cb)(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
178 | size_t eelen,
179 | void *encextcbarg);
180 |
181 | int qtest_fault_set_hand_enc_ext_listener(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
182 | qtest_fault_on_enc_ext_cb encextcb,
183 | void *encextcbarg);
184 |
185 | /* Add listeners for other types of handshake message here */
186 |
187 |
188 | /*
189 | * Helper function to be called from message specific listener callbacks. newlen
190 | * is the new length of the specific message excluding the handshake message
191 | * header. The buffers provided to the message specific listeners are over
192 | * allocated, so this just changes the logical size and never changes the actual
193 | * address of the buffer. This will fail if a large resize is attempted that
194 | * exceeds the over allocation.
195 | */
196 | int qtest_fault_resize_message(QTEST_FAULT *fault, size_t newlen);
197 |
198 | /*
199 | * Helper function to delete an extension from an extension block. |exttype| is
200 | * the type of the extension to be deleted. |ext| points to the extension block.
201 | * On entry |*extlen| contains the length of the extension block. It is updated
202 | * with the new length on exit. If old_ext is non-NULL, the deleted extension
203 | * is appended to the given BUF_MEM.
204 | */
205 | int qtest_fault_delete_extension(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
206 | unsigned int exttype, unsigned char *ext,
207 | size_t *extlen,
208 | BUF_MEM *old_ext);
209 |
210 | /*
211 | * Add additional helper functions for querying extensions here (e.g.
212 | * finding or adding them). We could also provide a "listener" API for listening
213 | * for specific extension types
214 | */
215 |
216 | /*
217 | * Enable tests to listen for post-encryption QUIC packets being sent
218 | */
219 | typedef int (*qtest_fault_on_packet_cipher_cb)(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
220 | /* The parsed packet header */
221 | QUIC_PKT_HDR *hdr,
222 | /* The packet payload data */
223 | unsigned char *buf,
224 | /* Length of the payload */
225 | size_t len,
226 | void *cbarg);
227 |
228 | int qtest_fault_set_packet_cipher_listener(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
229 | qtest_fault_on_packet_cipher_cb pciphercb,
230 | void *picphercbarg);
231 |
232 | /*
233 | * Enable tests to listen for datagrams being sent
234 | */
235 | typedef int (*qtest_fault_on_datagram_cb)(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
236 | BIO_MSG *m,
237 | size_t stride,
238 | void *cbarg);
239 |
240 | int qtest_fault_set_datagram_listener(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
241 | qtest_fault_on_datagram_cb datagramcb,
242 | void *datagramcbarg);
243 |
244 | /*
245 | * To be called from a datagram_listener callback. The datagram buffer is over
246 | * allocated, so this just changes the logical size and never changes the actual
247 | * address of the buffer. This will fail if a large resize is attempted that
248 | * exceeds the over allocation.
249 | */
250 | int qtest_fault_resize_datagram(QTEST_FAULT *fault, size_t newlen);
251 |
252 | /*
253 | * Set bandwidth and noise rate on noisy dgram filter.
254 | * Arguments with values of 0 mean no limit/no noise.
255 | */
256 |
257 | int qtest_fault_set_bw_limit(QTEST_FAULT *fault,
258 | size_t ctos_bw, size_t stoc_bw,
259 | int noise_rate);
260 |
261 | /* Copy a BIO_MSG */
262 | int bio_msg_copy(BIO_MSG *dst, BIO_MSG *src);
263 |
264 | #define BIO_CTRL_NOISE_BACK_OFF 1001
265 | #define BIO_CTRL_NOISE_RATE 1002
268 | #define BIO_CTRL_NOISE_SET_NOW_CB 1005
269 |
270 | struct bio_noise_now_cb_st {
271 | OSSL_TIME (*now_cb)(void *);
272 | void *now_cb_arg;
273 | };
274 |
275 | /* BIO filter for simulating a noisy UDP socket */
276 | const BIO_METHOD *bio_f_noisy_dgram_filter(void);
277 |
278 | /* Free the BIO filter method object */
279 | void bio_f_noisy_dgram_filter_free(void);
280 |
281 | /*
282 | * BIO filter for splitting QUIC datagrams containing multiple packets into
283 | * individual datagrams.
284 | */
285 | const BIO_METHOD *bio_f_pkt_split_dgram_filter(void);
286 |
287 | /* Free the BIO filter method object */
288 | void bio_f_pkt_split_dgram_filter_free(void);