1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include <openssl/bio.h>
11 | #include "internal/e_os.h"
12 | #include "internal/sockets.h"
13 | #include "internal/bio_tfo.h"
14 | #include "testutil.h"
15 |
16 | /* If OS support is added in crypto/bio/bio_tfo.h, add it here */
17 | #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_LINUX)
18 | # define GOOD_OS 1
19 | #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
20 | # define GOOD_OS 1
21 | #elif defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MACOSX)
22 | # define GOOD_OS 1
23 | #else
24 | # ifdef GOOD_OS
25 | # undef GOOD_OS
26 | # endif
27 | #endif
28 |
29 | #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TFO) && defined(GOOD_OS)
30 |
31 | /*
32 | * This test is to ensure that if TCP Fast Open is configured, that socket
33 | * connections will still work. These tests are able to detect if TCP Fast
34 | * Open works, but the tests will pass as long as the socket connects.
35 | *
36 | * The first test function tests the socket interface as implemented as BIOs.
37 | *
38 | * The second test functions tests the socket interface as implemented as fds.
39 | *
40 | * The tests are run 5 times. The first time is without TFO.
41 | * The second test will create the TCP fast open cookie,
42 | * this can be seen in `ip tcp_metrics` and in /proc/net/netstat/ on Linux.
43 | * e.g. on Linux 4.15.0-135-generic:
44 | * $ grep '^TcpExt:' /proc/net/netstat | cut -d ' ' -f 84-90 | column -t
45 | * The third attempt will use the cookie and actually do TCP fast open.
46 | * The 4th time is client-TFO only, the 5th time is server-TFO only.
47 | */
48 |
49 | # define SOCKET_DATA "FooBar"
50 | # define SOCKET_DATA_LEN sizeof(SOCKET_DATA)
51 |
52 | static int test_bio_tfo(int idx)
53 | {
54 | BIO *cbio = NULL;
55 | BIO *abio = NULL;
56 | BIO *sbio = NULL;
57 | int ret = 0;
58 | int sockerr = 0;
59 | const char *port;
60 | int server_tfo = 0;
61 | int client_tfo = 0;
62 | size_t bytes;
63 | char read_buffer[20];
64 |
65 | switch (idx) {
66 | default:
67 | case 0:
68 | break;
69 | case 1:
70 | case 2:
71 | server_tfo = 1;
72 | client_tfo = 1;
73 | break;
74 | case 3:
75 | client_tfo = 1;
76 | break;
77 | case 4:
78 | server_tfo = 1;
79 | break;
80 | }
81 |
82 | /* ACCEPT SOCKET */
83 | if (!TEST_ptr(abio = BIO_new_accept("localhost:0"))
84 | || !TEST_true(BIO_set_nbio_accept(abio, 1))
85 | || !TEST_true(BIO_set_tfo_accept(abio, server_tfo))
86 | || !TEST_int_gt(BIO_do_accept(abio), 0)
87 | || !TEST_ptr(port = BIO_get_accept_port(abio))) {
88 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
89 | goto err;
90 | }
91 |
92 | /* Note: first BIO_do_accept will basically do the bind/listen */
93 |
94 | /* CLIENT SOCKET */
95 | if (!TEST_ptr(cbio = BIO_new_connect("localhost"))
96 | || !TEST_long_gt(BIO_set_conn_port(cbio, port), 0)
97 | || !TEST_long_gt(BIO_set_nbio(cbio, 1), 0)
98 | || !TEST_long_gt(BIO_set_tfo(cbio, client_tfo), 0)) {
99 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
100 | goto err;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /* FIRST ACCEPT: no connection should be established */
104 | if (BIO_do_accept(abio) <= 0) {
105 | if (!BIO_should_retry(abio)) {
106 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
107 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EAGAIN\n");
108 | goto err;
109 | }
110 | } else {
111 | sbio = BIO_pop(abio);
112 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: accepted unknown connection\n");
113 | goto err;
114 | }
115 |
116 | /* CONNECT ATTEMPT: different behavior based on TFO support */
117 | if (BIO_do_connect(cbio) <= 0) {
118 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
119 | if (sockerr == EOPNOTSUPP) {
120 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Skip: TFO not enabled/supported for client\n");
121 | goto success;
122 | } else if (sockerr != EINPROGRESS) {
123 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EINPROGRESSn");
124 | goto err;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | /* macOS needs some time for this to happen, so put in a select */
129 | if (!TEST_int_ge(BIO_wait(abio, time(NULL) + 2, 0), 0)) {
130 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
131 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket wait failed\n");
132 | goto err;
133 | }
134 |
135 | /* SECOND ACCEPT: if TFO is supported, this will still fail until data is sent */
136 | if (BIO_do_accept(abio) <= 0) {
137 | if (!BIO_should_retry(abio)) {
138 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
139 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EAGAIN\n");
140 | goto err;
141 | }
142 | } else {
143 | if (idx == 0)
144 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: non-TFO connection accepted without data\n");
145 | else if (idx == 1)
146 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Ignore: connection accepted before data, possibly no TFO cookie, or TFO may not be enabled\n");
147 | else if (idx == 4)
148 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: connection accepted before data, client TFO is disabled\n");
149 | else
150 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Warning: connection accepted before data, TFO may not be enabled\n");
151 | sbio = BIO_pop(abio);
152 | goto success;
153 | }
154 |
155 | /* SEND DATA: this should establish the actual TFO connection */
156 | if (!TEST_true(BIO_write_ex(cbio, SOCKET_DATA, SOCKET_DATA_LEN, &bytes))) {
157 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
158 | goto err;
159 | }
160 |
161 | /* macOS needs some time for this to happen, so put in a select */
162 | if (!TEST_int_ge(BIO_wait(abio, time(NULL) + 2, 0), 0)) {
163 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
164 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket wait failed\n");
165 | goto err;
166 | }
167 |
168 | /* FINAL ACCEPT: if TFO is enabled, socket should be accepted at *this* point */
169 | if (BIO_do_accept(abio) <= 0) {
170 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
171 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket not accepted\n");
172 | goto err;
173 | }
174 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: Server accepted socket after write\n");
175 | if (!TEST_ptr(sbio = BIO_pop(abio))
176 | || !TEST_true(BIO_read_ex(sbio, read_buffer, sizeof(read_buffer), &bytes))
177 | || !TEST_size_t_eq(bytes, SOCKET_DATA_LEN)
178 | || !TEST_strn_eq(read_buffer, SOCKET_DATA, SOCKET_DATA_LEN)) {
179 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
180 | goto err;
181 | }
182 |
183 | success:
184 | sockerr = 0;
185 | ret = 1;
186 |
187 | err:
188 | if (sockerr != 0) {
189 | const char *errstr = strerror(sockerr);
190 |
191 | if (errstr != NULL)
192 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "last errno: %d=%s\n", sockerr, errstr);
193 | }
194 | BIO_free(cbio);
195 | BIO_free(abio);
196 | BIO_free(sbio);
197 | return ret;
198 | }
199 |
200 | static int test_fd_tfo(int idx)
201 | {
202 | struct sockaddr_storage sstorage;
203 | socklen_t slen;
204 | struct addrinfo *ai = NULL;
205 | struct addrinfo hints;
206 | int ret = 0;
207 | int cfd = -1; /* client socket */
208 | int afd = -1; /* accept socket */
209 | int sfd = -1; /* server accepted socket */
210 | BIO_ADDR *baddr = NULL;
211 | char read_buffer[20];
212 | int bytes_read;
213 | int server_flags = BIO_SOCK_NONBLOCK;
214 | int client_flags = BIO_SOCK_NONBLOCK;
215 | int sockerr = 0;
216 | unsigned short port;
217 | void *addr;
218 | size_t addrlen;
219 |
220 | switch (idx) {
221 | default:
222 | case 0:
223 | break;
224 | case 1:
225 | case 2:
226 | server_flags |= BIO_SOCK_TFO;
227 | client_flags |= BIO_SOCK_TFO;
228 | break;
229 | case 3:
230 | client_flags |= BIO_SOCK_TFO;
231 | break;
232 | case 4:
233 | server_flags |= BIO_SOCK_TFO;
234 | break;
235 | }
236 |
237 | /* ADDRESS SETUP */
238 | memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
239 | hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
240 | hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
241 | if (!TEST_int_eq(getaddrinfo(NULL, "0", &hints, &ai), 0))
242 | goto err;
243 |
244 | switch (ai->ai_family) {
245 | case AF_INET:
246 | port = ((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_port;
247 | addr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_addr;
248 | addrlen = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_addr);
249 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Using IPv4\n");
250 | break;
251 | case AF_INET6:
252 | port = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr)->sin6_port;
253 | addr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr)->sin6_addr;
254 | addrlen = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr)->sin6_addr);
255 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Using IPv6\n");
256 | break;
257 | default:
258 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Unknown address family %d\n", ai->ai_family);
259 | goto err;
260 | }
261 |
262 | if (!TEST_ptr(baddr = BIO_ADDR_new())
263 | || !TEST_true(BIO_ADDR_rawmake(baddr, ai->ai_family, addr, addrlen, port)))
264 | goto err;
265 |
266 | /* ACCEPT SOCKET */
267 |
268 | if (!TEST_int_ge(afd = BIO_socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol, 0), 0)
269 | || !TEST_true(BIO_listen(afd, baddr, server_flags)))
270 | goto err;
271 |
273 | slen = sizeof(sstorage);
274 | if (!TEST_int_ge(getsockname(afd, (struct sockaddr *)&sstorage, &slen), 0))
275 | goto err;
276 |
277 | switch (sstorage.ss_family) {
278 | case AF_INET:
279 | port = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&sstorage)->sin_port;
280 | addr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)&sstorage)->sin_addr;
281 | addrlen = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in *)&sstorage)->sin_addr);
282 | break;
283 | case AF_INET6:
284 | port = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sstorage)->sin6_port;
285 | addr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sstorage)->sin6_addr;
286 | addrlen = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sstorage)->sin6_addr);
287 | break;
288 | default:
289 | goto err;
290 | }
291 |
292 | if(!TEST_true(BIO_ADDR_rawmake(baddr, sstorage.ss_family, addr, addrlen, port)))
293 | goto err;
294 |
295 | /* CLIENT SOCKET */
296 | if (!TEST_int_ge(cfd = BIO_socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol, 0), 0))
297 | goto err;
298 |
299 | /* FIRST ACCEPT: no connection should be established */
300 | sfd = BIO_accept_ex(afd, NULL, 0);
301 | if (sfd == -1) {
302 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
303 | /* Note: Windows would hit WSAEWOULDBLOCK */
304 | if (sockerr != EAGAIN) {
305 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EAGAIN\n");
306 | goto err;
307 | }
308 | } else {
309 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: accepted unknown connection\n");
310 | goto err;
311 | }
312 |
313 | /* CONNECT ATTEMPT: different behavior based on TFO support */
314 | if (!BIO_connect(cfd, baddr, client_flags)) {
315 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
316 | if (sockerr == EOPNOTSUPP) {
317 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Skip: TFO not enabled/supported for client\n");
318 | goto success;
319 | } else {
320 | /* Note: Windows would hit WSAEWOULDBLOCK */
321 | if (sockerr != EINPROGRESS) {
322 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EINPROGRESS\n");
323 | goto err;
324 | }
325 | }
326 | }
327 |
328 | /* macOS needs some time for this to happen, so put in a select */
329 | if (!TEST_int_ge(BIO_socket_wait(afd, 1, time(NULL) + 2), 0)) {
330 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
331 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket wait failed\n");
332 | goto err;
333 | }
334 |
335 | /* SECOND ACCEPT: if TFO is supported, this will still fail until data is sent */
336 | sfd = BIO_accept_ex(afd, NULL, 0);
337 | if (sfd == -1) {
338 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
339 | /* Note: Windows would hit WSAEWOULDBLOCK */
340 | if (sockerr != EAGAIN) {
341 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: failed without EAGAIN\n");
342 | goto err;
343 | }
344 | } else {
345 | if (idx == 0)
346 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: non-TFO connection accepted without data\n");
347 | else if (idx == 1)
348 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Ignore: connection accepted before data, possibly no TFO cookie, or TFO may not be enabled\n");
349 | else if (idx == 4)
350 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: connection accepted before data, client TFO is disabled\n");
351 | else
352 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Warning: connection accepted before data, TFO may not be enabled\n");
353 | goto success;
354 | }
355 |
356 | /* SEND DATA: this should establish the actual TFO connection */
357 | #ifdef OSSL_TFO_SENDTO
358 | if (!TEST_int_ge(sendto(cfd, SOCKET_DATA, SOCKET_DATA_LEN, OSSL_TFO_SENDTO,
359 | (struct sockaddr *)&sstorage, slen), 0)) {
360 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
361 | goto err;
362 | }
363 | #else
364 | if (!TEST_int_ge(writesocket(cfd, SOCKET_DATA, SOCKET_DATA_LEN), 0)) {
365 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
366 | goto err;
367 | }
368 | #endif
369 |
370 | /* macOS needs some time for this to happen, so put in a select */
371 | if (!TEST_int_ge(BIO_socket_wait(afd, 1, time(NULL) + 2), 0)) {
372 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
373 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket wait failed\n");
374 | goto err;
375 | }
376 |
377 | /* FINAL ACCEPT: if TFO is enabled, socket should be accepted at *this* point */
378 | sfd = BIO_accept_ex(afd, NULL, 0);
379 | if (sfd == -1) {
380 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
381 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: socket not accepted\n");
382 | goto err;
383 | }
384 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "Success: Server accepted socket after write\n");
385 | bytes_read = readsocket(sfd, read_buffer, sizeof(read_buffer));
386 | if (!TEST_int_eq(bytes_read, SOCKET_DATA_LEN)
387 | || !TEST_strn_eq(read_buffer, SOCKET_DATA, SOCKET_DATA_LEN)) {
388 | sockerr = get_last_socket_error();
389 | goto err;
390 | }
391 |
392 | success:
393 | sockerr = 0;
394 | ret = 1;
395 |
396 | err:
397 | if (sockerr != 0) {
398 | const char *errstr = strerror(sockerr);
399 |
400 | if (errstr != NULL)
401 | BIO_printf(bio_err, "last errno: %d=%s\n", sockerr, errstr);
402 | }
403 | if (ai != NULL)
404 | freeaddrinfo(ai);
405 | BIO_ADDR_free(baddr);
406 | BIO_closesocket(cfd);
407 | BIO_closesocket(sfd);
408 | BIO_closesocket(afd);
409 | return ret;
410 | }
411 | #endif
412 |
413 | int setup_tests(void)
414 | {
415 | #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TFO) && defined(GOOD_OS)
416 | ADD_ALL_TESTS(test_bio_tfo, 5);
417 | ADD_ALL_TESTS(test_fd_tfo, 5);
418 | #endif
419 | return 1;
420 | }