1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2022-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 | */
9 |
10 | #ifndef OSSL_QUIC_FC_H
11 | # define OSSL_QUIC_FC_H
12 |
13 | # include <openssl/ssl.h>
14 | # include "internal/time.h"
15 |
16 | # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_QUIC
17 |
18 | /*
19 | * TX Flow Controller (TXFC)
20 | * =========================
21 | *
22 | * For discussion, see doc/designs/quic-design/quic-fc.md.
23 | */
24 | typedef struct quic_txfc_st QUIC_TXFC;
25 |
26 | struct quic_txfc_st {
27 | QUIC_TXFC *parent; /* stream-level iff non-NULL */
28 | uint64_t swm, cwm;
29 | char has_become_blocked;
30 | };
31 |
32 | /*
33 | * Initialises a TX flow controller. conn_txfc should be non-NULL and point to
34 | * the connection-level flow controller if the TXFC is for stream-level flow
35 | * control, and NULL otherwise.
36 | */
37 | int ossl_quic_txfc_init(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, QUIC_TXFC *conn_txfc);
38 |
39 | /*
40 | * Gets the parent (i.e., connection-level) TX flow controller. Returns NULL if
41 | * called on a connection-level TX flow controller.
42 | */
43 | QUIC_TXFC *ossl_quic_txfc_get_parent(QUIC_TXFC *txfc);
44 |
45 | /*
46 | * Bump the credit watermark (CWM) value. This is the 'On TX Window Updated'
47 | * operation. This function is a no-op if it has already been called with an
48 | * equal or higher CWM value.
49 | *
50 | * It returns 1 iff the call resulted in the CWM being bumped and 0 if it was
51 | * not increased because it has already been called with an equal or higher CWM
52 | * value. This is not an error per se but may indicate a local programming error
53 | * or a protocol error in a remote peer.
54 | */
55 | int ossl_quic_txfc_bump_cwm(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, uint64_t cwm);
56 |
57 | /*
58 | * Get the number of bytes by which we are in credit. This is the number of
59 | * controlled bytes we are allowed to send. (Thus if this function returns 0, we
60 | * are currently blocked.)
61 | *
62 | * If called on a stream-level TXFC, ossl_quic_txfc_get_credit is called on
63 | * the connection-level TXFC as well, and the lesser of the two values is
64 | * returned. The consumed value is the amount already consumed on the connection
65 | * level TXFC.
66 | */
67 | uint64_t ossl_quic_txfc_get_credit(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, uint64_t consumed);
68 |
69 | /*
70 | * Like ossl_quic_txfc_get_credit(), but when called on a stream-level TXFC,
71 | * retrieves only the stream-level credit value and does not clamp it based on
72 | * connection-level flow control. Any credit value is reduced by the consumed
73 | * amount.
74 | */
75 | uint64_t ossl_quic_txfc_get_credit_local(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, uint64_t consumed);
76 |
77 | /*
78 | * Consume num_bytes of credit. This is the 'On TX' operation. This should be
79 | * called when we transmit any controlled bytes. Calling this with an argument
80 | * of 0 is a no-op.
81 | *
82 | * We must never transmit more controlled bytes than we are in credit for (see
83 | * the return value of ossl_quic_txfc_get_credit()). If you call this function
84 | * with num_bytes greater than our current credit, this function consumes the
85 | * remainder of the credit and returns 0. This indicates a serious programming
86 | * error on the caller's part. Otherwise, the function returns 1.
87 | *
88 | * If called on a stream-level TXFC, ossl_quic_txfc_consume_credit() is called
89 | * on the connection-level TXFC also. If the call to that function on the
90 | * connection-level TXFC returns zero, this function will also return zero.
91 | */
92 | int ossl_quic_txfc_consume_credit(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, uint64_t num_bytes);
93 |
94 | /*
95 | * Like ossl_quic_txfc_consume_credit(), but when called on a stream-level TXFC,
96 | * consumes only from the stream-level credit and does not inform the
97 | * connection-level TXFC.
98 | */
99 | int ossl_quic_txfc_consume_credit_local(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, uint64_t num_bytes);
100 |
101 | /*
102 | * This flag is provided for convenience. A caller is not required to use it. It
103 | * is a boolean flag set whenever our credit drops to zero. If clear is 1, the
104 | * flag is cleared. The old value of the flag is returned. Callers may use this
105 | * to determine if they need to send a DATA_BLOCKED or STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED
106 | * frame, which should contain the value returned by ossl_quic_txfc_get_cwm().
107 | */
108 | int ossl_quic_txfc_has_become_blocked(QUIC_TXFC *txfc, int clear);
109 |
110 | /*
111 | * Get the current CWM value. This is mainly only needed when generating a
112 | * DATA_BLOCKED or STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frame, or for diagnostic purposes.
113 | */
114 | uint64_t ossl_quic_txfc_get_cwm(QUIC_TXFC *txfc);
115 |
116 | /*
117 | * Get the current spent watermark (SWM) value. This is purely for diagnostic
118 | * use and should not be needed in normal circumstances.
119 | */
120 | uint64_t ossl_quic_txfc_get_swm(QUIC_TXFC *txfc);
121 |
122 | /*
123 | * RX Flow Controller (RXFC)
124 | * =========================
125 | */
126 | typedef struct quic_rxfc_st QUIC_RXFC;
127 |
128 | struct quic_rxfc_st {
129 | /*
130 | * swm is the sent/received watermark, which tracks how much we have
131 | * received from the peer. rwm is the retired watermark, which tracks how
132 | * much has been passed to the application. esrwm is the rwm value at which
133 | * the current auto-tuning epoch started. hwm is the highest stream length
134 | * (STREAM frame offset + payload length) we have seen from a STREAM frame
135 | * yet.
136 | */
137 | uint64_t cwm, swm, rwm, esrwm, hwm, cur_window_size, max_window_size;
138 | OSSL_TIME epoch_start;
139 | OSSL_TIME (*now)(void *arg);
140 | void *now_arg;
141 | QUIC_RXFC *parent;
142 | unsigned char error_code, has_cwm_changed, is_fin, standalone;
143 | };
144 |
145 | /*
146 | * Initialises an RX flow controller. conn_rxfc should be non-NULL and point to
147 | * a connection-level RXFC if the RXFC is for stream-level flow control, and
148 | * NULL otherwise. initial_window_size and max_window_size specify the initial
149 | * and absolute maximum window sizes, respectively. Window size values are
150 | * expressed in bytes and determine how much credit the RXFC extends to the peer
151 | * to transmit more data at a time.
152 | */
153 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_init(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc, QUIC_RXFC *conn_rxfc,
154 | uint64_t initial_window_size,
155 | uint64_t max_window_size,
156 | OSSL_TIME (*now)(void *arg),
157 | void *now_arg);
158 |
159 | /*
160 | * Initialises an RX flow controller which is used by itself and not under a
161 | * connection-level RX flow controller. This can be used for stream count
162 | * enforcement as well as CRYPTO buffer enforcement.
163 | */
164 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_init_standalone(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc,
165 | uint64_t initial_window_size,
166 | OSSL_TIME (*now)(void *arg),
167 | void *now_arg);
168 |
169 | /*
170 | * Gets the parent (i.e., connection-level) RXFC. Returns NULL if called on a
171 | * connection-level RXFC.
172 | */
173 | QUIC_RXFC *ossl_quic_rxfc_get_parent(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc);
174 |
175 | /*
176 | * Changes the current maximum window size value.
177 | */
178 | void ossl_quic_rxfc_set_max_window_size(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc,
179 | size_t max_window_size);
180 |
181 | /*
182 | * To be called whenever a STREAM frame is received.
183 | *
184 | * end is the value (offset + len), where offset is the offset field of the
185 | * STREAM frame and len is the length of the STREAM frame's payload in bytes.
186 | *
187 | * is_fin should be 1 if the STREAM frame had the FIN flag set and 0 otherwise.
188 | *
189 | * This function may be used on a stream-level RXFC only. The connection-level
190 | * RXFC will have its state updated by the stream-level RXFC.
191 | *
192 | * You should check ossl_quic_rxfc_has_error() on both connection-level and
193 | * stream-level RXFCs after calling this function, as an incoming STREAM frame
194 | * may cause flow control limits to be exceeded by an errant peer. This
195 | * function still returns 1 in this case, as this is not a caller error.
196 | *
197 | * Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure.
198 | */
199 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_on_rx_stream_frame(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc,
200 | uint64_t end, int is_fin);
201 |
202 | /*
203 | * To be called whenever controlled bytes are retired, i.e. when bytes are
204 | * dequeued from a QUIC stream and passed to the application. num_bytes
205 | * is the number of bytes which were passed to the application.
206 | *
207 | * You should call this only on a stream-level RXFC. This function will update
208 | * the connection-level RXFC automatically.
209 | *
210 | * rtt should be the current best understanding of the RTT to the peer, as
211 | * offered by the Statistics Manager.
212 | *
213 | * You should check ossl_quic_rxfc_has_cwm_changed() after calling this
214 | * function, as it may have caused the RXFC to decide to grant more flow control
215 | * credit to the peer.
216 | *
217 | * Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
218 | */
219 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_on_retire(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc,
220 | uint64_t num_bytes,
221 | OSSL_TIME rtt);
222 |
223 | /*
224 | * Returns the current CWM which the RXFC thinks the peer should have.
225 | *
226 | * Note that the RXFC will increase this value in response to events, at which
227 | * time a MAX_DATA or MAX_STREAM_DATA frame must be generated. Use
228 | * ossl_quic_rxfc_has_cwm_changed() to detect this condition.
229 | *
230 | * This value increases monotonically.
231 | */
232 | uint64_t ossl_quic_rxfc_get_cwm(const QUIC_RXFC *rxfc);
233 |
234 | /*
235 | * Returns the current SWM. This is the total number of bytes the peer has
236 | * transmitted to us. This is intended for diagnostic use only; you should
237 | * not need it.
238 | */
239 | uint64_t ossl_quic_rxfc_get_swm(const QUIC_RXFC *rxfc);
240 |
241 | /*
242 | * Returns the current RWM. This is the total number of bytes that has been
243 | * retired. This is intended for diagnostic use only; you should not need it.
244 | */
245 | uint64_t ossl_quic_rxfc_get_rwm(const QUIC_RXFC *rxfc);
246 |
247 | /*
248 | * Returns the current credit. This is the CWM minus the SWM. This is intended
249 | * for diagnostic use only; you should not need it.
250 | */
251 | uint64_t ossl_quic_rxfc_get_credit(const QUIC_RXFC *rxfc);
252 |
253 | /*
254 | * Returns the CWM changed flag. If clear is 1, the flag is cleared and the old
255 | * value is returned.
256 | */
257 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_has_cwm_changed(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc, int clear);
258 |
259 | /*
260 | * Returns a QUIC_ERR_* error code if a flow control error has been detected.
261 | * Otherwise, returns QUIC_ERR_NO_ERROR. If clear is 1, the error is cleared
262 | * and the old value is returned.
263 | *
264 | * May return one of the following values:
265 | *
267 | * This indicates a flow control protocol violation by the remote peer; the
268 | * connection should be terminated in this event.
270 | * The peer attempted to change the stream length after ending the stream.
271 | */
272 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_get_error(QUIC_RXFC *rxfc, int clear);
273 |
274 | /*
275 | * Returns 1 if the RXFC is a stream-level RXFC and the RXFC knows the final
276 | * size for the stream in bytes. If this is the case and final_size is non-NULL,
277 | * writes the final size to *final_size. Otherwise, returns 0.
278 | */
279 | int ossl_quic_rxfc_get_final_size(const QUIC_RXFC *rxfc, uint64_t *final_size);
280 |
281 | # endif
282 |
283 | #endif