1 | XOF Design
2 | ==========
3 |
4 | XOF Definition
5 | --------------
6 |
7 | An extendable output function (XOF) is defined as a variable-length hash
8 | function on a message in which the output can be extended to any desired length.
9 |
10 | At a minimum an XOF needs to support the following pseudo-code
11 |
12 | ```text
13 | xof = xof.new();
14 | xof.absorb(bytes1);
15 | xof.absorb(bytes2);
16 | xof.finalize();
17 | out1 = xof.squeeze(10);
18 | out2 = xof.squeeze(1000);
19 | ```
20 |
21 | ### Rules
22 |
23 | - absorb can be called multiple times
24 | - finalize ends the absorb process (by adding padding bytes and doing a final
25 | absorb). absorb must not be called once the finalize is done unless a reset
26 | happens.
27 | - finalize may be done as part of the first squeeze operation
28 | - squeeze can be called multiple times.
29 |
30 | OpenSSL XOF Requirements
31 | ------------------------
32 |
33 | The current OpenSSL implementation of XOF only supports a single call to squeeze.
34 | The assumption exists in both the high level call to EVP_DigestFinalXOF() as
35 | well as in the lower level SHA3_squeeze() operation (Of which there is a generic
36 | c version, as well as assembler code for different platforms).
37 |
38 | A decision has to be made as to whether a new API is required, as well as
39 | considering how the change may affect existing applications.
40 | The changes introduced should have a minimal affect on other related functions
41 | that share the same code (e.g SHAKE and SHA3 share functionality).
42 | Older providers that have not been updated to support this change should produce
43 | an error if a newer core is used that supports multiple squeeze operations.
44 |
45 | API Discussion of Squeeze
46 | -------------------------
47 |
48 | ### Squeeze
49 |
50 | Currently EVP_DigestFinalXOF() uses a flag to check that it is only invoked once.
51 | It returns an error if called more than once. When initially written it also did
52 | a reset, but that code was removed as it was deemed to be incorrect.
53 |
54 | If we remove the flag check, then the core code will potentially call low level
55 | squeeze code in a older provider that does not handle returning correct data for
56 | multiple calls. To counter this the provider needs a mechanism to indicate that
57 | multiple calls are allowed. This could just be a new gettable flag (having a
58 | separate provider function should not be necessary).
59 |
60 | #### Proposal 1
61 |
62 | Change EVP_DigestFinalXOF(ctx, out, outlen) to handle multiple calls.
63 | Possibly have EVP_DigestSqueeze() just as an alias method?
64 | Changing the code at this level should be a simple matter of removing the
65 | flag check.
66 |
67 | ##### Pros
68 |
69 | - New API is not required
70 |
71 | ##### Cons
72 |
73 | - Final seems like a strange name to call multiple times.
74 |
75 | #### Proposal 2 (Proposed Solution)
76 |
77 | Keep EVP_DigestFinalXOF() as a one shot function and create a new API to handle
78 | the multi squeeze case e.g.
79 |
80 | ```text
81 | EVP_DigestSqueeze(ctx, out, outlen).
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ##### Pros
85 |
86 | - Seems like a better name.
87 | - The existing function does not change, so it is not affected by logic that
88 | needs to run for the multi squeeze case.
89 | - The behaviour of the existing API is the same.
90 | - At least one other toolkit uses this approach.
91 |
92 | ##### Cons
93 |
94 | - Adds an extra API.
95 | - The interaction between the 2 API's needs to be clearly documented.
96 | - A call to EVP_DigestSqueeze() after EVP_DigestFinalXOF() would fail since
97 | EVP_DigestFinalXOF() indicates no more output can be retrieved.
98 | - A call to EVP_DigestFinalXOF() after the EVP_DigestSqueeze() would fail.
99 |
100 | #### Proposal 3
101 |
102 | Create a completely new type e.g. EVP_XOF_MD to implement XOF digests
103 |
104 | ##### Pros
105 |
106 | - This would separate the XOF operations so that the interface consisted
107 | mainly of Init, Absorb and Squeeze API's
108 | - DigestXOF could then be deprecated.
109 |
110 | ##### Cons
111 |
112 | - XOF operations are required for Post Quantum signatures which currently use
113 | an EVP_MD object. This would then complicate the Signature API also.
114 | - Duplication of the EVP_MD code (although all legacy/engine code would be
115 | removed).
116 |
117 | Choosing a name for the API that allows multiple output calls
118 | -------------------------------------------------------------
119 |
120 | Currently OpenSSL only uses XOF's which use a sponge construction (which uses
121 | the terms absorb and squeeze).
122 | There will be other XOF's that do not use the sponge construction such as Blake2.
123 |
124 | The proposed API name to use is EVP_DigestSqueeze.
125 | The alternate name suggested was EVP_DigestExtract.
126 | The terms extract and expand are used by HKDF so I think this name would be
127 | confusing.
128 |
129 | API Discussion of other XOF API'S
130 | ---------------------------------
131 |
132 | ### Init
133 |
134 | The digest can be initialized as normal using:
135 |
136 | ```text
137 | md = EVP_MD_fetch(libctx, "SHAKE256", propq);
138 | ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
139 | EVP_DigestInit_ex2(ctx, md, NULL);
140 | ```
141 |
142 | ### Absorb
143 |
144 | Absorb can be done by multiple calls to:
145 |
146 | ```text
147 | EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, in, inlen);
148 | ```
149 |
150 | #### Proposal:
151 |
152 | Do we want to have an Alias function?
153 |
154 | ```text
155 | EVP_DigestAbsorb(ctx, in, inlen);
156 | ```
157 |
158 | (The consensus was that this is not required).
159 |
160 | ### Finalize
161 |
162 | The finalize is just done as part of the squeeze operation.
163 |
164 | ### Reset
165 |
166 | A reset can be done by calling:
167 |
168 | ```text
169 | EVP_DigestInit_ex2(ctx, NULL, NULL);
170 | ```
171 |
172 | ### State Copy
173 |
174 | The internal state can be copied by calling:
175 |
176 | ```text
177 | EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(ctx, newctx);
178 | ```
179 |
180 | Low Level squeeze changes
181 | --------------------------
182 |
183 | ### Description
184 |
185 | The existing one shot squeeze method is:
186 |
187 | ```text
188 | SHA3_squeeze(uint64_t A[5][5], unsigned char *out, size_t outlen, size_t r)
189 | ```
190 |
191 | It contains an opaque object for storing the state B<A>, that can be used to
192 | output to B<out>. After every B<r> bits, the state B<A> is updated internally
193 | by calling KeccakF1600().
194 |
195 | Unless you are using a multiple of B<r> as the B<outlen>, the function has no
196 | way of knowing where to start from if another call to SHA_squeeze() was
197 | attempted. The method also avoids doing a final call to KeccakF1600() currently
198 | since it was assumed that it was not required for a one shot operation.
199 |
200 | ### Solution 1
201 |
202 | Modify the SHA3_squeeze code to accept a input/output parameter to track the
203 | position within the state B<A>.
204 | See <https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/13470>
205 |
206 | #### Pros
207 |
208 | - Change in C code is minimal. it just needs to pass this additional parameter.
209 | - There are no additional memory copies of buffered results.
210 |
211 | #### Cons
212 |
213 | - The logic in the c reference has many if clauses.
214 | - This C code also needs to be written in assembler, the logic would also be
215 | different in different assembler routines due to the internal format of the
216 | state A being different.
217 | - The general SHA3 case would be slower unless code was duplicated.
218 |
219 | ### Solution 2
220 |
221 | Leave SHA3_squeeze() as it is and buffer calls to the SHA3_squeeze() function
222 | inside the final. See <https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/7921>
223 |
224 | #### Pros
225 |
226 | - Change is mainly in C code.
227 |
228 | #### Cons
229 |
230 | - Because of the one shot nature of the SHA3_squeeze() it still needs to call
231 | the KeccakF1600() function directly.
232 | - The Assembler function for KeccakF1600() needs to be exposed. This function
233 | was not intended to be exposed since the internal format of the state B<A>
234 | can be different on different platform architectures.
235 | - When should this internal buffer state be cleared?
236 |
237 | ### Solution 3
238 |
239 | Perform a one-shot squeeze on the original absorbed data and throw away the
240 | first part of the output buffer,
241 |
242 | #### Pros
243 |
244 | - Very simple.
245 |
246 | #### Cons
247 |
248 | - Incredibly slow.
249 | - More of a hack than a real solution.
250 |
251 | ### Solution 4 (Proposed Solution)
252 |
253 | An alternative approach to solution 2 is to modify the SHA3_squeeze() slightly
254 | so that it can pass in a boolean that handles the call to KeccakF1600()
255 | correctly for multiple calls.
256 |
257 | #### Pros
258 |
259 | - C code is fairly simple to implement.
260 | - The state data remains as an opaque blob.
261 | - For larger values of outlen SHA3_squeeze() may use the out buffer directly.
262 |
263 | #### Cons
264 |
265 | - Requires small assembler change to pass the boolean and handle the call to
266 | KeccakF1600().
267 | - Uses memcpy to store partial results for a single blob of squeezed data of
268 | size 'r' bytes.