1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 | */
9 | #include "ossl-nghttp3.h"
10 | #include <openssl/err.h>
11 |
12 | static int done;
13 |
14 | static void make_nv(nghttp3_nv *nv, const char *name, const char *value)
15 | {
16 | nv->name = (uint8_t *)name;
17 | nv->value = (uint8_t *)value;
18 | nv->namelen = strlen(name);
19 | nv->valuelen = strlen(value);
20 | nv->flags = NGHTTP3_NV_FLAG_NONE;
21 | }
22 |
23 | static int on_recv_header(nghttp3_conn *h3conn, int64_t stream_id,
24 | int32_t token,
25 | nghttp3_rcbuf *name, nghttp3_rcbuf *value,
26 | uint8_t flags,
27 | void *conn_user_data,
28 | void *stream_user_data)
29 | {
30 | nghttp3_vec vname, vvalue;
31 |
32 | /* Received a single HTTP header. */
33 | vname = nghttp3_rcbuf_get_buf(name);
34 | vvalue = nghttp3_rcbuf_get_buf(value);
35 |
36 | fwrite(vname.base, vname.len, 1, stderr);
37 | fprintf(stderr, ": ");
38 | fwrite(vvalue.base, vvalue.len, 1, stderr);
39 | fprintf(stderr, "\n");
40 |
41 | return 0;
42 | }
43 |
44 | static int on_end_headers(nghttp3_conn *h3conn, int64_t stream_id,
45 | int fin,
46 | void *conn_user_data, void *stream_user_data)
47 | {
48 | fprintf(stderr, "\n");
49 | return 0;
50 | }
51 |
52 | static int on_recv_data(nghttp3_conn *h3conn, int64_t stream_id,
53 | const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen,
54 | void *conn_user_data, void *stream_user_data)
55 | {
56 | ssize_t wr;
57 |
58 | /* HTTP response body data - write it to stdout. */
59 | while (datalen > 0) {
60 | wr = fwrite(data, 1, datalen, stdout);
61 | if (wr < 0)
62 | return 1;
63 |
64 | data += wr;
65 | datalen -= wr;
66 | }
67 |
68 | return 0;
69 | }
70 |
71 | static int on_end_stream(nghttp3_conn *h3conn, int64_t stream_id,
72 | void *conn_user_data, void *stream_user_data)
73 | {
74 | /* HTTP transaction is done - set done flag so that we stop looping. */
75 | done = 1;
76 | return 0;
77 | }
78 |
79 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
80 | {
81 | int ret = 1;
82 | SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL;
83 | OSSL_DEMO_H3_CONN *conn = NULL;
84 | nghttp3_nv nva[16];
85 | nghttp3_callbacks callbacks = {0};
86 | size_t num_nv = 0;
87 | const char *addr;
88 |
89 | /* Check arguments. */
90 | if (argc < 2) {
91 | fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <host:port>\n", argv[0]);
92 | goto err;
93 | }
94 |
95 | addr = argv[1];
96 |
97 | /* Setup SSL_CTX. */
98 | if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(OSSL_QUIC_client_method())) == NULL)
99 | goto err;
100 |
101 | SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);
102 |
103 | if (SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx) == 0)
104 | goto err;
105 |
106 | /* Setup callbacks. */
107 | callbacks.recv_header = on_recv_header;
108 | callbacks.end_headers = on_end_headers;
109 | callbacks.recv_data = on_recv_data;
110 | callbacks.end_stream = on_end_stream;
111 |
112 | /* Create connection. */
113 | if ((conn = OSSL_DEMO_H3_CONN_new_for_addr(ctx, addr, &callbacks,
114 | NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
116 | "cannot create HTTP/3 connection");
117 | goto err;
118 | }
119 |
120 | /* Build HTTP headers. */
121 | make_nv(&nva[num_nv++], ":method", "GET");
122 | make_nv(&nva[num_nv++], ":scheme", "https");
123 | make_nv(&nva[num_nv++], ":authority", addr);
124 | make_nv(&nva[num_nv++], ":path", "/");
125 | make_nv(&nva[num_nv++], "user-agent", "OpenSSL-Demo/nghttp3");
126 |
127 | /* Submit request. */
128 | if (!OSSL_DEMO_H3_CONN_submit_request(conn, nva, num_nv, NULL, NULL)) {
130 | "cannot submit HTTP/3 request");
131 | goto err;
132 | }
133 |
134 | /* Wait for request to complete. */
135 | while (!done)
136 | if (!OSSL_DEMO_H3_CONN_handle_events(conn)) {
138 | "cannot handle events");
139 | goto err;
140 | }
141 |
142 | ret = 0;
143 | err:
144 | if (ret != 0)
145 | ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
146 |
147 | OSSL_DEMO_H3_CONN_free(conn);
148 | SSL_CTX_free(ctx);
149 | return ret;
150 | }