1 | The OpenSSL Guide Demos
2 | =======================
3 |
4 | The demos in this directory are the complete source code for the applications
5 | developed in the OpenSSL Guide tutorials. Refer to the various tutorial pages in
6 | the [guide] for an extensive discussion on the demos available here.
7 |
8 | They must be built before they can be run. An example UNIX style Makefile is
9 | supplied. Just type "make" from this directory on a Linux/UNIX system.
10 |
11 | Running the TLS Demos
12 | ---------------------
13 |
14 | To run the demos when linked with a shared library (default) ensure that
15 | libcrypto and libssl are on the library path. For example, assuming you have
16 | already built OpenSSL from this source and in the default location then to run
17 | the tls-client-block demo do this:
18 |
19 | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../.. ./tls-client-block hostname port
20 |
21 | In the above replace "hostname" and "port" with the hostname and the port number
22 | of the server you are connecting to.
23 |
24 | The above assumes that your default trusted certificate store containing trusted
25 | CA certificates has been properly setup and configured as described on the
26 | [TLS Introduction] page.
27 |
28 | You can run a test server to try out these demos using the "openssl s_server"
29 | command line utility and using the test server certificate and key provided in
30 | this directory. For example:
31 |
32 | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../.. ../../apps/openssl s_server -www -accept localhost:4443 -cert servercert.pem -key serverkey.pem
33 |
34 | The test server certificate in this directory will use a CA that will not be in
35 | your default trusted certificate store. The CA certificate to use is also
36 | available in this directory. To use it you can override the default trusted
37 | certificate store like this:
38 |
39 | SSL_CERT_FILE=rootcert.pem LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../.. ./tls-client-block localhost 4443
40 |
41 | If the above command is successful it will connect to the test "s_server" and
42 | send a simple HTTP request to it. The server will respond with a page of
43 | information giving details about the TLS connection that was used.
44 |
45 | Note that the test server certificate used here is only suitable for use on
46 | "localhost".
47 |
48 | The tls-client-non-block demo can be run in exactly the same way. Just replace
49 | "tls-client-block" in the above example commands with "tls-client-non-block".
50 |
51 | Running the QUIC Demos
52 | ----------------------
53 |
54 | The QUIC demos can be run in a very similar way to the TLS demos. However, a
55 | different server implementation will need to be used.
56 |
57 | The OpenSSL source distribution includes a test QUIC server implementation for
58 | use with the demos. Note that, although this server does get built when building
59 | OpenSSL from source, it does not get installed via "make install". After
60 | building OpenSSL from source you will find the "quicserver" utility in the
61 | "util" sub-directory of the top of the build tree. This server utility is not
62 | suitable for production use and exists for test purposes only. It will be
63 | removed from a future version of OpenSSL.
64 |
65 | While in the demos directory the quic server can be run like this:
66 |
67 | ./../util/quicserver localhost 4443 servercert.pem serverkey.pem
68 |
69 | The QUIC demos can then be run in the same was as the TLS demos. For example
70 | to run the quic-client-block demo:
71 |
72 | SSL_CERT_FILE=rootcert.pem LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../.. ./quic-client-block localhost 4443
73 |
74 | <!-- Links -->
75 |
76 | [guide]: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man7/ossl-guide-introduction.html
77 | [TLS Introduction]: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man7/ossl-guide-tls-introduction.html