1 | #! /usr/bin/env perl
2 | # Copyright 1995-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | #
4 | # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 | # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 |
9 | # Generate progs.h file by looking for command mains in list of C files
10 | # passed on the command line.
11 |
12 | use strict;
13 | use warnings;
14 | use lib '.';
15 | use configdata qw/@disablables %unified_info/;
16 |
17 | my $opt = shift @ARGV;
18 | die "Unrecognised option, must be -C or -H\n"
19 | unless ($opt eq '-H' || $opt eq '-C');
20 |
21 | my %commands = ();
22 | my $cmdre = qr/^\s*int\s+([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)_main\(\s*int\s+argc\s*,/;
23 | my $apps_openssl = shift @ARGV;
24 | my $YEAR = [gmtime($ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} || time())]->[5] + 1900;
25 |
26 | # because the program apps/openssl has object files as sources, and
27 | # they then have the corresponding C files as source, we need to chain
28 | # the lookups in %unified_info
29 | my @openssl_source =
30 | map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} }
31 | grep { /\.o$/
32 | && !$unified_info{attributes}->{sources}->{$apps_openssl}->{$_}->{nocheck} }
33 | @{$unified_info{sources}->{$apps_openssl}};
34 |
35 | foreach my $filename (@openssl_source) {
36 | open F, $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!\n";
37 | foreach ( grep /$cmdre/, <F> ) {
38 | my @foo = /$cmdre/;
39 | $commands{$1} = 1;
40 | }
41 | close F;
42 | }
43 |
44 | @ARGV = sort keys %commands;
45 |
46 | if ($opt eq '-H') {
47 | print <<"EOF";
48 | /*
49 | * WARNING: do not edit!
50 | * Generated by apps/progs.pl
51 | *
52 | * Copyright 1995-$YEAR The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
53 | *
54 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
55 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
56 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
57 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
58 | */
59 |
60 | #include "function.h"
61 |
62 | EOF
63 |
64 | foreach (@ARGV) {
65 | printf "extern int %s_main(int argc, char *argv[]);\n", $_;
66 | }
67 | print "\n";
68 |
69 | foreach (@ARGV) {
70 | printf "extern const OPTIONS %s_options[];\n", $_;
71 | }
72 | print "\n";
73 | print "extern FUNCTION functions[];\n";
74 | }
75 |
76 | if ($opt eq '-C') {
77 | print <<"EOF";
78 | /*
79 | * WARNING: do not edit!
80 | * Generated by apps/progs.pl
81 | *
82 | * Copyright 1995-$YEAR The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
83 | *
84 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
85 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
86 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
87 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
88 | */
89 |
90 | #include "progs.h"
91 |
92 | EOF
93 |
94 | my %cmd_disabler = (
95 | ciphers => "sock",
96 | genrsa => "rsa",
97 | gendsa => "dsa",
98 | dsaparam => "dsa",
99 | gendh => "dh",
100 | dhparam => "dh",
101 | ecparam => "ec",
102 | );
103 | my %cmd_deprecated = (
104 | # The format of this table is:
105 | # [0] = alternative command to use instead
106 | # [1] = deprecented in this version
107 | # [2] = preprocessor conditional for excluding irrespective of deprecation
108 | # rsa => [ "pkey", "3_0", "rsa" ],
109 | # genrsa => [ "genpkey", "3_0", "rsa" ],
110 | rsautl => [ "pkeyutl", "3_0", "rsa" ],
111 | # dhparam => [ "pkeyparam", "3_0", "dh" ],
112 | # dsaparam => [ "pkeyparam", "3_0", "dsa" ],
113 | # dsa => [ "pkey", "3_0", "dsa" ],
114 | # gendsa => [ "genpkey", "3_0", "dsa" ],
115 | # ec => [ "pkey", "3_0", "ec" ],
116 | # ecparam => [ "pkeyparam", "3_0", "ec" ],
117 | );
118 |
119 | print "FUNCTION functions[] = {\n";
120 | foreach my $cmd ( @ARGV ) {
121 | my $str =
122 | " {FT_general, \"$cmd\", ${cmd}_main, ${cmd}_options, NULL, NULL},\n";
123 | if ($cmd =~ /^s_/) {
124 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SOCK\n${str}#endif\n";
125 | } elsif (my $deprecated = $cmd_deprecated{$cmd}) {
126 | my @dep = @{$deprecated};
127 | my $daltprg = $dep[0];
128 | my $dver = $dep[1];
129 | my $dsys = $dep[2];
130 | print "#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_" . $dver . ")";
131 | if ($dsys) {
132 | print " && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($dsys) . ")";
133 | }
134 | $dver =~ s/_/./g;
135 | my $dalt = "\"" . $daltprg . "\", \"" . $dver . "\"";
136 | $str =~ s/NULL, NULL/$dalt/;
137 | print "\n${str}#endif\n";
138 | } elsif (grep { $cmd eq $_ } @disablables) {
139 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($cmd) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
140 | } elsif (my $disabler = $cmd_disabler{$cmd}) {
141 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($disabler) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
142 | } else {
143 | print $str;
144 | }
145 | }
146 |
147 | my %md_disabler = (
148 | blake2b512 => "blake2",
149 | blake2s256 => "blake2",
150 | );
151 | foreach my $cmd (
152 | "md2", "md4", "md5",
153 | "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384",
154 | "sha512", "sha512-224", "sha512-256",
155 | "sha3-224", "sha3-256", "sha3-384", "sha3-512",
156 | "shake128", "shake256",
157 | "mdc2", "rmd160", "blake2b512", "blake2s256",
158 | "sm3"
159 | ) {
160 | my $str = " {FT_md, \"$cmd\", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},\n";
161 | if (grep { $cmd eq $_ } @disablables) {
162 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($cmd) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
163 | } elsif (my $disabler = $md_disabler{$cmd}) {
164 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($disabler) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
165 | } else {
166 | print $str;
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | my %cipher_disabler = (
171 | des3 => "des",
172 | desx => "des",
173 | cast5 => "cast",
174 | );
175 | foreach my $cmd (
176 | "aes-128-cbc", "aes-128-ecb",
177 | "aes-192-cbc", "aes-192-ecb",
178 | "aes-256-cbc", "aes-256-ecb",
179 | "aria-128-cbc", "aria-128-cfb",
180 | "aria-128-ctr", "aria-128-ecb", "aria-128-ofb",
181 | "aria-128-cfb1", "aria-128-cfb8",
182 | "aria-192-cbc", "aria-192-cfb",
183 | "aria-192-ctr", "aria-192-ecb", "aria-192-ofb",
184 | "aria-192-cfb1", "aria-192-cfb8",
185 | "aria-256-cbc", "aria-256-cfb",
186 | "aria-256-ctr", "aria-256-ecb", "aria-256-ofb",
187 | "aria-256-cfb1", "aria-256-cfb8",
188 | "camellia-128-cbc", "camellia-128-ecb",
189 | "camellia-192-cbc", "camellia-192-ecb",
190 | "camellia-256-cbc", "camellia-256-ecb",
191 | "base64", "zlib", "brotli", "zstd",
192 | "des", "des3", "desx", "idea", "seed", "rc4", "rc4-40",
193 | "rc2", "bf", "cast", "rc5",
194 | "des-ecb", "des-ede", "des-ede3",
195 | "des-cbc", "des-ede-cbc","des-ede3-cbc",
196 | "des-cfb", "des-ede-cfb","des-ede3-cfb",
197 | "des-ofb", "des-ede-ofb","des-ede3-ofb",
198 | "idea-cbc","idea-ecb", "idea-cfb", "idea-ofb",
199 | "seed-cbc","seed-ecb", "seed-cfb", "seed-ofb",
200 | "rc2-cbc", "rc2-ecb", "rc2-cfb","rc2-ofb", "rc2-64-cbc", "rc2-40-cbc",
201 | "bf-cbc", "bf-ecb", "bf-cfb", "bf-ofb",
202 | "cast5-cbc","cast5-ecb", "cast5-cfb","cast5-ofb",
203 | "cast-cbc", "rc5-cbc", "rc5-ecb", "rc5-cfb", "rc5-ofb",
204 | "sm4-cbc", "sm4-ecb", "sm4-cfb", "sm4-ofb", "sm4-ctr"
205 | ) {
206 | my $str = " {FT_cipher, \"$cmd\", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},\n";
207 | (my $algo = $cmd) =~ s/-.*//g;
208 | if (grep { $algo eq $_ } @disablables) {
209 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($algo) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
210 | } elsif (my $disabler = $cipher_disabler{$algo}) {
211 | print "#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_" . uc($disabler) . "\n${str}#endif\n";
212 | } else {
213 | print $str;
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | print " {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}\n};\n";
218 | }