1 | OpenSSL FIPS support
2 | ====================
3 |
4 | This release of OpenSSL includes a cryptographic module that can be
5 | FIPS validated. The module is implemented as an OpenSSL provider.
6 | A provider is essentially a dynamically loadable module which implements
7 | cryptographic algorithms, see the [README-PROVIDERS](README-PROVIDERS.md) file
8 | for further details.
9 |
10 | A cryptographic module is only FIPS validated after it has gone through the complex
11 | FIPS 140 validation process. As this process takes a very long time, it is not
12 | possible to validate every minor release of OpenSSL.
13 | If you need a FIPS validated module then you must ONLY generate a FIPS provider
14 | using OpenSSL versions that have valid FIPS certificates. A FIPS certificate
15 | contains a link to a Security Policy, and you MUST follow the instructions
16 | in the Security Policy in order to be FIPS compliant.
17 | See <https://www.openssl.org/source/> for information related to OpenSSL
18 | FIPS certificates and Security Policies.
19 |
20 | Newer OpenSSL Releases that include security or bug fixes can be used to build
21 | all other components (such as the core API's, TLS and the default, base and
22 | legacy providers) without any restrictions, but the FIPS provider must be built
23 | as specified in the Security Policy (normally with a different version of the
24 | source code).
25 |
26 | The OpenSSL FIPS provider is a shared library called `fips.so` (on Unix), or
27 | resp. `fips.dll` (on Windows). The FIPS provider does not get built and
28 | installed automatically. To enable it, you need to configure OpenSSL using
29 | the `enable-fips` option.
30 |
31 | Installing the FIPS provider
32 | ============================
33 |
34 | In order to be FIPS compliant you must only use FIPS validated source code.
35 | Refer to <https://www.openssl.org/source/> for information related to
36 | which versions are FIPS validated. The instructions given below build OpenSSL
37 | just using the FIPS validated source code.
38 |
39 | If you want to use a validated FIPS provider, but also want to use the latest
40 | OpenSSL release to build everything else, then refer to the next section.
41 |
42 | The following is only a guide.
43 | Please read the Security Policy for up to date installation instructions.
44 |
45 | If the FIPS provider is enabled, it gets installed automatically during the
46 | normal installation process. Simply follow the normal procedure (configure,
47 | make, make test, make install) as described in the [INSTALL](INSTALL.md) file.
48 |
49 | For example, on Unix the final command
50 |
51 | $ make install
52 |
53 | effectively executes the following install targets
54 |
55 | $ make install_sw
56 | $ make install_ssldirs
57 | $ make install_docs
58 | $ make install_fips # for `enable-fips` only
59 |
60 | The `install_fips` make target can also be invoked explicitly to install
61 | the FIPS provider independently, without installing the rest of OpenSSL.
62 |
63 | The Installation of the FIPS provider consists of two steps. In the first step,
64 | the shared library is copied to its installed location, which by default is
65 |
66 | /usr/local/lib/ossl-modules/fips.so on Unix, and
67 | C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\lib\ossl-modules\fips.dll on Windows.
68 |
69 | In the second step, the `openssl fipsinstall` command is executed, which completes
70 | the installation by doing the following two things:
71 |
72 | - Runs the FIPS module self tests
73 | - Generates the so-called FIPS module configuration file containing information
74 | about the module such as the module checksum (and for OpenSSL 3.0 the
75 | self test status).
76 |
77 | The FIPS module must have the self tests run, and the FIPS module config file
78 | output generated on every machine that it is to be used on. For OpenSSL 3.0,
79 | you must not copy the FIPS module config file output data from one machine to another.
80 |
81 | On Unix, the `openssl fipsinstall` command will be invoked as follows by default:
82 |
83 | $ openssl fipsinstall -out /usr/local/ssl/fipsmodule.cnf -module /usr/local/lib/ossl-modules/fips.so
84 |
85 | If you configured OpenSSL to be installed to a different location, the paths will
86 | vary accordingly. In the rare case that you need to install the fipsmodule.cnf
87 | to a non-standard location, you can execute the `openssl fipsinstall` command manually.
88 |
89 | Installing the FIPS provider and using it with the latest release
90 | =================================================================
91 |
92 | This normally requires you to download 2 copies of the OpenSSL source code.
93 |
94 | Download and build a validated FIPS provider
95 | --------------------------------------------
96 |
97 | Refer to <https://www.openssl.org/source/> for information related to
98 | which versions are FIPS validated. For this example we use OpenSSL 3.0.0.
99 |
100 | $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.0.0.tar.gz
101 | $ tar -xf openssl-3.0.0.tar.gz
102 | $ cd openssl-3.0.0
103 | $ ./Configure enable-fips
104 | $ make
105 | $ cd ..
106 |
107 | Download and build the latest release of OpenSSL
108 | ------------------------------------------------
109 |
110 | We use OpenSSL 3.1.0 here, (but you could also use the latest 3.0.X)
111 |
112 | $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.1.0.tar.gz
113 | $ tar -xf openssl-3.1.0.tar.gz
114 | $ cd openssl-3.1.0
115 | $ ./Configure enable-fips
116 | $ make
117 |
118 | Use the OpenSSL FIPS provider for testing
119 | -----------------------------------------
120 |
121 | We do this by replacing the artifact for the OpenSSL 3.1.0 FIPS provider.
122 | Note that the OpenSSL 3.1.0 FIPS provider has not been validated
123 | so it must not be used for FIPS purposes.
124 |
125 | $ cp ../openssl-3.0.0/providers/fips.so providers/.
126 | $ cp ../openssl-3.0.0/providers/fipsmodule.cnf providers/.
127 | // Note that for OpenSSL 3.0 that the `fipsmodule.cnf` file should not
128 | // be copied across multiple machines if it contains an entry for
129 | // `install-status`. (Otherwise the self tests would be skipped).
130 |
131 | // Validate the output of the following to make sure we are using the
132 | // OpenSSL 3.0.0 FIPS provider
133 | $ ./util/wrap.pl -fips apps/openssl list -provider-path providers \
134 | -provider fips -providers
135 |
136 | // Now run the current tests using the OpenSSL 3.0 FIPS provider.
137 | $ make tests
138 |
139 | Copy the FIPS provider artifacts (`fips.so` & `fipsmodule.cnf`) to known locations
140 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 |
142 | $ cd ../openssl-3.0.0
143 | $ sudo make install_fips
144 |
145 | Check that the correct FIPS provider is being used
146 | --------------------------------------------------
147 |
148 | $./util/wrap.pl -fips apps/openssl list -provider-path providers \
149 | -provider fips -providers
150 |
151 | // This should produce the following output
152 | Providers:
153 | base
154 | name: OpenSSL Base Provider
155 | version: 3.1.0
156 | status: active
157 | fips
158 | name: OpenSSL FIPS Provider
159 | version: 3.0.0
160 | status: active
161 |
162 | Using the FIPS Module in applications
163 | =====================================
164 |
165 | Documentation about using the FIPS module is available on the [fips_module(7)]
166 | manual page.
167 |
168 | [fips_module(7)]: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man7/fips_module.html