1 | Notes for Android platforms
2 | ===========================
3 |
4 | Requirement details
5 | -------------------
6 |
7 | Beside basic tools like perl and make, you'll need to download the Android
8 | NDK. It's available for Linux, macOS and Windows, but only Linux
9 | version was actually tested. There is no reason to believe that macOS
10 | wouldn't work. And as for Windows, it's unclear which "shell" would be
11 | suitable, MSYS2 might have best chances. NDK version should play lesser
12 | role, the goal is to support a range of most recent versions.
13 |
14 | Configuration
15 | -------------
16 |
17 | Android is a cross-compiled target and you can't rely on `./Configure`
18 | to find out the configuration target for you. You have to name your
19 | target explicitly; there are `android-arm`, `android-arm64`, `android-mips`,
20 | `android-mip64`, `android-x86`, `android-x86_64` and `android-riscv64`
21 | (`*MIPS` targets are no longer supported with NDK R20+).
22 |
23 | Do not pass --cross-compile-prefix (as you might be tempted), as it
24 | will be "calculated" automatically based on chosen platform. However,
25 | you still need to know the prefix to extend your PATH, in order to
26 | invoke `$(CROSS_COMPILE)clang` [`*gcc` on NDK 19 and lower] and company.
27 | (`./Configure` will fail and give you a hint if you get it wrong.)
28 |
29 | Apart from `PATH` adjustment, you need to set `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT` environment
30 | to point at the `NDK` directory. If you're using a side-by-side NDK the path
31 | will look something like `/some/where/android-sdk/ndk/<ver>`, and for a
32 | standalone NDK the path will be something like `/some/where/android-ndk-<ver>`.
33 | Both variables are significant at both configuration and compilation times.
34 | The NDK customarily supports multiple Android API levels, e.g. `android-14`,
35 | `android-21`, etc. By default, latest API level is chosen. If you need to target
36 | an older platform pass the argument `-D__ANDROID_API__=N` to `Configure`,
37 | with `N` being the numerical value of the target platform version. For example,
38 | to compile for Android 10 arm64 with a side-by-side NDK r20.0.5594570
39 |
40 | export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/whoever/Android/android-sdk/ndk/20.0.5594570
41 | PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH
42 | ./Configure android-arm64 -D__ANDROID_API__=29
43 | make
44 |
45 | Older versions of the NDK have GCC under their common prebuilt tools
46 | directory, so the bin path will be slightly different. EG: to compile
47 | for ICS on ARM with NDK 10d:
48 |
49 | export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/some/where/android-ndk-10d
50 | PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH
51 | ./Configure android-arm -D__ANDROID_API__=14
52 | make
53 |
54 | Caveat lector! Earlier OpenSSL versions relied on additional `CROSS_SYSROOT`
55 | variable set to `$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/platforms/android-<api>/arch-<arch>` to
56 | appoint headers-n-libraries' location. It's still recognized in order
57 | to facilitate migration from older projects. However, since API level
58 | appears in `CROSS_SYSROOT` value, passing `-D__ANDROID_API__=N` can be in
59 | conflict, and mixing the two is therefore not supported. Migration to
60 | `CROSS_SYSROOT`-less setup is recommended.
61 |
62 | One can engage clang by adjusting PATH to cover the same NDK's clang. Just
63 | keep in mind that if you miss it, Configure will try to use gcc...
64 | Also, PATH would need even further adjustment to cover unprefixed, yet
65 | target-specific, ar and ranlib. It's possible that you don't need to
66 | bother, if binutils-multiarch is installed on your Linux system.
67 |
68 | Another option is to create so called "standalone toolchain" tailored
69 | for single specific platform including Android API level, and assign its
70 | location to `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT`. In such case, you have to pass matching
71 | target name to Configure and shouldn't use `-D__ANDROID_API__=N`. `PATH`
72 | adjustment becomes simpler, `$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/bin:$PATH` suffices.
73 |
74 | Running tests (on Linux)
75 | ------------------------
76 |
77 | This is not actually supported. Notes are meant rather as inspiration.
78 |
79 | Even though build output targets alien system, it's possible to execute
80 | test suite on Linux system by employing qemu-user. The trick is static
81 | linking. Pass -static to Configure, then edit generated Makefile and
82 | remove occurrences of -ldl and -pie flags. You would also need to pick
83 | API version that comes with usable static libraries, 42/2=21 used to
84 | work. Once built, you should be able to
85 |
86 | env EXE_SHELL=qemu-<arch> make test
87 |
88 | If you need to pass additional flag to qemu, quotes are your friend, e.g.
89 |
90 | env EXE_SHELL="qemu-mips64el -cpu MIPS64R6-generic" make test