1 | ## -*- mode: perl; -*-
2 | # Windows HybridCRT targets.
3 | #
4 | # https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/blob/77761e244289fda6b3d5f14c7bded189fed4fb89/docs/Coding-Guidelines/HybridCRT.md
5 | # Link statically against the runtime and STL, but link dynamically against the CRT by ignoring the static CRT
6 | # lib and instead linking against the Universal CRT DLL import library. This "Hybrid" linking mechanism is
7 | # supported according to the CRT maintainer. Dynamic linking against the CRT makes the binaries a bit smaller
8 | # than they would otherwise be if the CRT, runtime, and STL were all statically linked in.
9 |
10 |
11 | sub remove_from_flags {
12 | my ($toRemove, $flags) = @_;
13 |
14 | $flags =~ s/$toRemove//;
15 | return $flags;
16 | }
17 |
18 | my %targets = (
19 | "VC-WIN32-HYBRIDCRT" => {
20 | inherit_from => [ "VC-WIN32" ],
21 | cflags => sub {
22 | remove_from_flags(qr/\/MDd?\s/, add(picker(debug => "/MTd",
23 | release => "/MT"))->(@_))
24 | },
25 | lflags => add(picker(debug => "/NODEFAULTLIB:libucrtd.lib /DEFAULTLIB:ucrtd.lib",
26 | release => "/NODEFAULTLIB:libucrt.lib /DEFAULTLIB:ucrt.lib")),
27 | },
28 | "VC-WIN64A-HYBRIDCRT" => {
29 | inherit_from => [ "VC-WIN64A" ],
30 | cflags => sub {
31 | remove_from_flags(qr/\/MDd?\s/, add(picker(debug => "/MTd",
32 | release => "/MT"))->(@_))
33 | },
34 | lflags => add(picker(debug => "/NODEFAULTLIB:libucrtd.lib /DEFAULTLIB:ucrtd.lib",
35 | release => "/NODEFAULTLIB:libucrt.lib /DEFAULTLIB:ucrt.lib")),
36 | },
37 | );