1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | provider-cipher - The cipher library E<lt>-E<gt> provider functions
6 |
7 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
8 |
9 | =for openssl multiple includes
10 |
11 | #include <openssl/core_dispatch.h>
12 | #include <openssl/core_names.h>
13 |
14 | /*
15 | * None of these are actual functions, but are displayed like this for
16 | * the function signatures for functions that are offered as function
17 | * pointers in OSSL_DISPATCH arrays.
18 | */
19 |
20 | /* Context management */
21 | void *OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx(void *provctx);
22 | void OSSL_FUNC_cipher_freectx(void *cctx);
23 | void *OSSL_FUNC_cipher_dupctx(void *cctx);
24 |
25 | /* Encryption/decryption */
26 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init(void *cctx, const unsigned char *key,
27 | size_t keylen, const unsigned char *iv,
28 | size_t ivlen, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
29 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_decrypt_init(void *cctx, const unsigned char *key,
30 | size_t keylen, const unsigned char *iv,
31 | size_t ivlen, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
32 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update(void *cctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outl,
33 | size_t outsize, const unsigned char *in, size_t inl);
34 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_final(void *cctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outl,
35 | size_t outsize);
36 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_cipher(void *cctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outl,
37 | size_t outsize, const unsigned char *in, size_t inl);
38 |
39 | /* Cipher parameter descriptors */
40 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_params(void *provctx);
41 |
42 | /* Cipher operation parameter descriptors */
43 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_ctx_params(void *cctx,
44 | void *provctx);
45 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_FUNC_cipher_settable_ctx_params(void *cctx,
46 | void *provctx);
47 |
48 | /* Cipher parameters */
49 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_params(OSSL_PARAM params[]);
50 |
51 | /* Cipher operation parameters */
52 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_ctx_params(void *cctx, OSSL_PARAM params[]);
53 | int OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params(void *cctx, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
54 |
55 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
56 |
57 | This documentation is primarily aimed at provider authors. See L<provider(7)>
58 | for further information.
59 |
60 | The CIPHER operation enables providers to implement cipher algorithms and make
61 | them available to applications via the API functions L<EVP_EncryptInit_ex(3)>,
62 | L<EVP_EncryptUpdate(3)> and L<EVP_EncryptFinal(3)> (as well as the decrypt
63 | equivalents and other related functions).
64 |
65 | All "functions" mentioned here are passed as function pointers between
66 | F<libcrypto> and the provider in L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> arrays via
67 | L<OSSL_ALGORITHM(3)> arrays that are returned by the provider's
68 | provider_query_operation() function
69 | (see L<provider-base(7)/Provider Functions>).
70 |
71 | All these "functions" have a corresponding function type definition
72 | named B<OSSL_FUNC_{name}_fn>, and a helper function to retrieve the
73 | function pointer from an L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> element named
74 | B<OSSL_FUNC_{name}>.
75 | For example, the "function" OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx() has these:
76 |
77 | typedef void *(OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx_fn)(void *provctx);
78 | static ossl_inline OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx_fn
79 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf);
80 |
81 | L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> arrays are indexed by numbers that are provided as
82 | macros in L<openssl-core_dispatch.h(7)>, as follows:
83 |
87 |
93 |
95 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_CIPHER_GET_CTX_PARAMS
96 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_CIPHER_SET_CTX_PARAMS
97 |
99 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_CIPHER_GETTABLE_CTX_PARAMS
100 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_settable_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_CIPHER_SETTABLE_CTX_PARAMS
101 |
102 | A cipher algorithm implementation may not implement all of these functions.
103 | In order to be a consistent set of functions there must at least be a complete
104 | set of "encrypt" functions, or a complete set of "decrypt" functions, or a
105 | single "cipher" function.
106 | In all cases both the OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_freectx functions must be
107 | present.
108 | All other functions are optional.
109 |
110 | =head2 Context Management Functions
111 |
112 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx() should create and return a pointer to a provider side
113 | structure for holding context information during a cipher operation.
114 | A pointer to this context will be passed back in a number of the other cipher
115 | operation function calls.
116 | The parameter I<provctx> is the provider context generated during provider
117 | initialisation (see L<provider(7)>).
118 |
119 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_freectx() is passed a pointer to the provider side cipher context in
120 | the I<cctx> parameter.
121 | This function should free any resources associated with that context.
122 |
123 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_dupctx() should duplicate the provider side cipher context in the
124 | I<cctx> parameter and return the duplicate copy.
125 |
126 | =head2 Encryption/Decryption Functions
127 |
128 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init() initialises a cipher operation for encryption given a
129 | newly created provider side cipher context in the I<cctx> parameter.
130 | The key to be used is given in I<key> which is I<keylen> bytes long.
131 | The IV to be used is given in I<iv> which is I<ivlen> bytes long.
132 | The I<params>, if not NULL, should be set on the context in a manner similar to
133 | using OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params().
134 |
135 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_decrypt_init() is the same as OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init() except that it
136 | initialises the context for a decryption operation.
137 |
138 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update() is called to supply data to be encrypted/decrypted as part of
139 | a previously initialised cipher operation.
140 | The I<cctx> parameter contains a pointer to a previously initialised provider
141 | side context.
142 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update() should encrypt/decrypt I<inl> bytes of data at the location
143 | pointed to by I<in>.
144 | The encrypted data should be stored in I<out> and the amount of data written to
145 | I<*outl> which should not exceed I<outsize> bytes.
146 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update() may be called multiple times for a single cipher operation.
147 | It is the responsibility of the cipher implementation to handle input lengths
148 | that are not multiples of the block length.
149 | In such cases a cipher implementation will typically cache partial blocks of
150 | input data until a complete block is obtained.
151 | The pointers I<out> and I<in> may point to the same location, in which
152 | case the encryption must be done in-place. If I<out> and I<in> point to different
153 | locations, the requirements of L<EVP_EncryptUpdate(3)> and L<EVP_DecryptUpdate(3)>
154 | guarantee that the two buffers are disjoint.
155 | Similarly, the requirements of L<EVP_EncryptUpdate(3)> and L<EVP_DecryptUpdate(3)>
156 | ensure that the buffer pointed to by I<out> contains sufficient room for the
157 | operation being performed.
158 |
159 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_final() completes an encryption or decryption started through previous
160 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init() or OSSL_FUNC_cipher_decrypt_init(), and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update()
161 | calls.
162 | The I<cctx> parameter contains a pointer to the provider side context.
163 | Any final encryption/decryption output should be written to I<out> and the
164 | amount of data written to I<*outl> which should not exceed I<outsize> bytes.
165 | The same expectations apply to I<outsize> as documented for
166 | L<EVP_EncryptFinal(3)> and L<EVP_DecryptFinal(3)>.
167 |
168 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_cipher() performs encryption/decryption using the provider side cipher
169 | context in the I<cctx> parameter that should have been previously initialised via
170 | a call to OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init() or OSSL_FUNC_cipher_decrypt_init().
171 | This should call the raw underlying cipher function without any padding.
172 | This will be invoked in the provider as a result of the application calling
173 | L<EVP_Cipher(3)>.
174 | The application is responsible for ensuring that the input is a multiple of the
175 | block length.
176 | The data to be encrypted/decrypted will be in I<in>, and it will be I<inl> bytes
177 | in length.
178 | The output from the encryption/decryption should be stored in I<out> and the
179 | amount of data stored should be put in I<*outl> which should be no more than
180 | I<outsize> bytes.
181 |
182 | =head2 Cipher Parameters
183 |
184 | See L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> for further details on the parameters structure used by
185 | these functions.
186 |
187 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_params() gets details of the algorithm implementation
188 | and stores them in I<params>.
189 |
190 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params() sets cipher operation parameters for the
191 | provider side cipher context I<cctx> to I<params>.
192 | Any parameter settings are additional to any that were previously set.
193 | Passing NULL for I<params> should return true.
194 |
195 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_ctx_params() gets cipher operation details details from
196 | the given provider side cipher context I<cctx> and stores them in I<params>.
197 | Passing NULL for I<params> should return true.
198 |
199 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_params(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_ctx_params(),
200 | and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_settable_ctx_params() all return constant L<OSSL_PARAM(3)>
201 | arrays as descriptors of the parameters that OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_params(),
202 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_ctx_params(), and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params()
203 | can handle, respectively. OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_ctx_params() and
204 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_settable_ctx_params() will return the parameters associated
205 | with the provider side context I<cctx> in its current state if it is
206 | not NULL. Otherwise, they return the parameters associated with the
207 | provider side algorithm I<provctx>.
208 |
209 | Parameters currently recognised by built-in ciphers are listed in
210 | L<EVP_EncryptInit(3)/PARAMETERS>.
211 | Not all parameters are relevant to, or are understood by all ciphers.
212 |
213 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
214 |
215 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_newctx() and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_dupctx() should return the newly created
216 | provider side cipher context, or NULL on failure.
217 |
218 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_encrypt_init(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_decrypt_init(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_update(),
219 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_final(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_cipher(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_params(),
220 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_get_ctx_params() and OSSL_FUNC_cipher_set_ctx_params() should return 1 for
221 | success or 0 on error.
222 |
223 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_params(), OSSL_FUNC_cipher_gettable_ctx_params() and
224 | OSSL_FUNC_cipher_settable_ctx_params() should return a constant L<OSSL_PARAM(3)>
225 | array, or NULL if none is offered.
226 |
227 | =head1 SEE ALSO
228 |
229 | L<provider(7)>, L<OSSL_PROVIDER-FIPS(7)>, L<OSSL_PROVIDER-default(7)>,
230 | L<OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy(7)>,
236 | L<life_cycle-cipher(7)>, L<EVP_EncryptInit(3)>
237 |
238 | =head1 HISTORY
239 |
240 | The provider CIPHER interface was introduced in OpenSSL 3.0.
241 |
242 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
243 |
244 | Copyright 2019-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
245 |
246 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
247 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
248 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
249 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
250 |
251 | =cut