1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2017-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | * Copyright 2015-2016 Cryptography Research, Inc.
4 | *
5 | * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
6 | * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
7 | * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
8 | * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
9 | *
10 | * Originally written by Mike Hamburg
11 | */
12 |
13 | #ifndef OSSL_CRYPTO_EC_CURVE448_POINT_448_H
14 | # define OSSL_CRYPTO_EC_CURVE448_POINT_448_H
15 |
16 | # include "curve448utils.h"
17 | # include "field.h"
18 |
19 | /* Comb config: number of combs, n, t, s. */
20 | #define COMBS_N 5
21 | #define COMBS_T 5
22 | #define COMBS_S 18
23 |
24 | /* Projective Niels coordinates */
25 | typedef struct {
26 | gf a, b, c;
27 | } niels_s, niels_t[1];
28 | typedef struct {
29 | niels_t n;
30 | gf z;
31 | } pniels_t[1];
32 |
33 | /* Precomputed base */
34 | struct curve448_precomputed_s {
35 | niels_t table[COMBS_N << (COMBS_T - 1)];
36 | };
37 |
38 | # define C448_SCALAR_LIMBS ((446-1)/C448_WORD_BITS+1)
39 |
40 | /* The number of bits in a scalar */
41 | # define C448_SCALAR_BITS 446
42 |
43 | /* Number of bytes in a serialized scalar. */
44 | # define C448_SCALAR_BYTES 56
45 |
46 | /* X448 encoding ratio. */
47 | # define X448_ENCODE_RATIO 2
48 |
49 | /* Number of bytes in an x448 public key */
50 | # define X448_PUBLIC_BYTES 56
51 |
52 | /* Number of bytes in an x448 private key */
53 | # define X448_PRIVATE_BYTES 56
54 |
55 | /* Twisted Edwards extended homogeneous coordinates */
56 | typedef struct curve448_point_s {
57 | gf x, y, z, t;
58 | } curve448_point_t[1];
59 |
60 | /* Precomputed table based on a point. Can be trivial implementation. */
61 | struct curve448_precomputed_s;
62 |
63 | /* Precomputed table based on a point. Can be trivial implementation. */
64 | typedef struct curve448_precomputed_s curve448_precomputed_s;
65 |
66 | /* Scalar is stored packed, because we don't need the speed. */
67 | typedef struct curve448_scalar_s {
68 | c448_word_t limb[C448_SCALAR_LIMBS];
69 | } curve448_scalar_t[1];
70 |
71 | /* A scalar equal to 1. */
72 | extern const curve448_scalar_t ossl_curve448_scalar_one;
73 |
74 | /* A scalar equal to 0. */
75 | extern const curve448_scalar_t ossl_curve448_scalar_zero;
76 |
77 | /* The identity point on the curve. */
78 | extern const curve448_point_t ossl_curve448_point_identity;
79 |
80 | /* Precomputed table for the base point on the curve. */
81 | extern const struct curve448_precomputed_s *ossl_curve448_precomputed_base;
82 | extern const niels_t *ossl_curve448_wnaf_base;
83 |
84 | /*
85 | * Read a scalar from wire format or from bytes.
86 | *
87 | * ser (in): Serialized form of a scalar.
88 | * out (out): Deserialized form.
89 | *
90 | * Returns:
91 | * C448_SUCCESS: The scalar was correctly encoded.
92 | * C448_FAILURE: The scalar was greater than the modulus, and has been reduced
93 | * modulo that modulus.
94 | */
95 | c448_error_t
96 | ossl_curve448_scalar_decode(curve448_scalar_t out,
97 | const unsigned char ser[C448_SCALAR_BYTES]);
98 |
99 | /*
100 | * Read a scalar from wire format or from bytes. Reduces mod scalar prime.
101 | *
102 | * ser (in): Serialized form of a scalar.
103 | * ser_len (in): Length of serialized form.
104 | * out (out): Deserialized form.
105 | */
106 | void
107 | ossl_curve448_scalar_decode_long(curve448_scalar_t out,
108 | const unsigned char *ser, size_t ser_len);
109 |
110 | /*
111 | * Serialize a scalar to wire format.
112 | *
113 | * ser (out): Serialized form of a scalar.
114 | * s (in): Deserialized scalar.
115 | */
116 | void
117 | ossl_curve448_scalar_encode(unsigned char ser[C448_SCALAR_BYTES],
118 | const curve448_scalar_t s);
119 |
120 | /*
121 | * Add two scalars. |a|, |b| and |out| may alias each other.
122 | *
123 | * a (in): One scalar.
124 | * b (in): Another scalar.
125 | * out (out): a+b.
126 | */
127 | void
128 | ossl_curve448_scalar_add(curve448_scalar_t out,
129 | const curve448_scalar_t a, const curve448_scalar_t b);
130 |
131 | /*
132 | * Subtract two scalars. |a|, |b| and |out| may alias each other.
133 | * a (in): One scalar.
134 | * b (in): Another scalar.
135 | * out (out): a-b.
136 | */
137 | void
138 | ossl_curve448_scalar_sub(curve448_scalar_t out,
139 | const curve448_scalar_t a, const curve448_scalar_t b);
140 |
141 | /*
142 | * Multiply two scalars. |a|, |b| and |out| may alias each other.
143 | *
144 | * a (in): One scalar.
145 | * b (in): Another scalar.
146 | * out (out): a*b.
147 | */
148 | void
149 | ossl_curve448_scalar_mul(curve448_scalar_t out,
150 | const curve448_scalar_t a, const curve448_scalar_t b);
151 |
152 | /*
153 | * Halve a scalar. |a| and |out| may alias each other.
154 | *
155 | * a (in): A scalar.
156 | * out (out): a/2.
157 | */
158 | void
159 | ossl_curve448_scalar_halve(curve448_scalar_t out, const curve448_scalar_t a);
160 |
161 | /*
162 | * Copy a scalar. The scalars may alias each other, in which case this
163 | * function does nothing.
164 | *
165 | * a (in): A scalar.
166 | * out (out): Will become a copy of a.
167 | */
168 | static ossl_inline void curve448_scalar_copy(curve448_scalar_t out,
169 | const curve448_scalar_t a)
170 | {
171 | *out = *a;
172 | }
173 |
174 | /*
175 | * Copy a point. The input and output may alias, in which case this function
176 | * does nothing.
177 | *
178 | * a (out): A copy of the point.
179 | * b (in): Any point.
180 | */
181 | static ossl_inline void curve448_point_copy(curve448_point_t a,
182 | const curve448_point_t b)
183 | {
184 | *a = *b;
185 | }
186 |
187 | /*
188 | * Test whether two points are equal. If yes, return C448_TRUE, else return
189 | * C448_FALSE.
190 | *
191 | * a (in): A point.
192 | * b (in): Another point.
193 | *
194 | * Returns:
195 | * C448_TRUE: The points are equal.
196 | * C448_FALSE: The points are not equal.
197 | */
198 | __owur c448_bool_t
199 | ossl_curve448_point_eq(const curve448_point_t a,
200 | const curve448_point_t b);
201 |
202 | /*
203 | * Double a point. Equivalent to curve448_point_add(two_a,a,a), but potentially
204 | * faster.
205 | *
206 | * two_a (out): The sum a+a.
207 | * a (in): A point.
208 | */
209 | void
210 | ossl_curve448_point_double(curve448_point_t two_a, const curve448_point_t a);
211 |
212 | /*
213 | * RFC 7748 Diffie-Hellman scalarmul. This function uses a different
214 | * (non-Decaf) encoding.
215 | *
216 | * out (out): The scaled point base*scalar
217 | * base (in): The point to be scaled.
218 | * scalar (in): The scalar to multiply by.
219 | *
220 | * Returns:
221 | * C448_SUCCESS: The scalarmul succeeded.
222 | * C448_FAILURE: The scalarmul didn't succeed, because the base point is in a
223 | * small subgroup.
224 | */
225 | __owur c448_error_t
226 | ossl_x448_int(uint8_t out[X448_PUBLIC_BYTES],
227 | const uint8_t base[X448_PUBLIC_BYTES],
228 | const uint8_t scalar[X448_PRIVATE_BYTES]);
229 |
230 | /*
231 | * Multiply a point by X448_ENCODE_RATIO, then encode it like RFC 7748.
232 | *
233 | * This function is mainly used internally, but is exported in case
234 | * it will be useful.
235 | *
236 | * The ratio is necessary because the internal representation doesn't
237 | * track the cofactor information, so on output we must clear the cofactor.
238 | * This would multiply by the cofactor, but in fact internally points are always
239 | * even, so it multiplies by half the cofactor instead.
240 | *
241 | * As it happens, this aligns with the base point definitions; that is,
242 | * if you pass the Decaf/Ristretto base point to this function, the result
243 | * will be X448_ENCODE_RATIO times the X448
244 | * base point.
245 | *
246 | * out (out): The scaled and encoded point.
247 | * p (in): The point to be scaled and encoded.
248 | */
249 | void
250 | ossl_curve448_point_mul_by_ratio_and_encode_like_x448(
251 | uint8_t out[X448_PUBLIC_BYTES],
252 | const curve448_point_t p);
253 |
254 | /*
255 | * RFC 7748 Diffie-Hellman base point scalarmul. This function uses a different
256 | * (non-Decaf) encoding.
257 | *
258 | * out (out): The scaled point base*scalar
259 | * scalar (in): The scalar to multiply by.
260 | */
261 | void
262 | ossl_x448_derive_public_key(uint8_t out[X448_PUBLIC_BYTES],
263 | const uint8_t scalar[X448_PRIVATE_BYTES]);
264 |
265 | /*
266 | * Multiply a precomputed base point by a scalar: out = scalar*base.
267 | *
268 | * scaled (out): The scaled point base*scalar
269 | * base (in): The point to be scaled.
270 | * scalar (in): The scalar to multiply by.
271 | */
272 | void
273 | ossl_curve448_precomputed_scalarmul(curve448_point_t scaled,
274 | const curve448_precomputed_s * base,
275 | const curve448_scalar_t scalar);
276 |
277 | /*
278 | * Multiply two base points by two scalars:
279 | * combo = scalar1*curve448_point_base + scalar2*base2.
280 | *
281 | * Otherwise equivalent to curve448_point_double_scalarmul, but may be
282 | * faster at the expense of being variable time.
283 | *
284 | * combo (out): The linear combination scalar1*base + scalar2*base2.
285 | * scalar1 (in): A first scalar to multiply by.
286 | * base2 (in): A second point to be scaled.
287 | * scalar2 (in) A second scalar to multiply by.
288 | *
289 | * Warning: This function takes variable time, and may leak the scalars used.
290 | * It is designed for signature verification.
291 | */
292 | void
293 | ossl_curve448_base_double_scalarmul_non_secret(curve448_point_t combo,
294 | const curve448_scalar_t scalar1,
295 | const curve448_point_t base2,
296 | const curve448_scalar_t scalar2);
297 |
298 | /*
299 | * Test that a point is valid, for debugging purposes.
300 | *
301 | * to_test (in): The point to test.
302 | *
303 | * Returns:
304 | * C448_TRUE The point is valid.
305 | * C448_FALSE The point is invalid.
306 | */
307 | __owur c448_bool_t
308 | ossl_curve448_point_valid(const curve448_point_t to_test);
309 |
310 | /* Overwrite scalar with zeros. */
311 | void ossl_curve448_scalar_destroy(curve448_scalar_t scalar);
312 |
313 | /* Overwrite point with zeros. */
314 | void ossl_curve448_point_destroy(curve448_point_t point);
315 |
316 | #endif /* OSSL_CRYPTO_EC_CURVE448_POINT_448_H */