1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | provider-decoder - The OSSL_DECODER library E<lt>-E<gt> provider functions
6 |
7 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
8 |
9 | #include <openssl/core_dispatch.h>
10 |
11 | /*
12 | * None of these are actual functions, but are displayed like this for
13 | * the function signatures for functions that are offered as function
14 | * pointers in OSSL_DISPATCH arrays.
15 | */
16 |
17 | /* Decoder parameter accessor and descriptor */
18 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_FUNC_decoder_gettable_params(void *provctx);
19 | int OSSL_FUNC_decoder_get_params(OSSL_PARAM params[]);
20 |
21 | /* Functions to construct / destruct / manipulate the decoder context */
22 | void *OSSL_FUNC_decoder_newctx(void *provctx);
23 | void OSSL_FUNC_decoder_freectx(void *ctx);
24 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_FUNC_decoder_settable_ctx_params(void *provctx);
25 | int OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params(void *ctx, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
26 |
27 | /* Functions to check selection support */
28 | int OSSL_FUNC_decoder_does_selection(void *provctx, int selection);
29 |
30 | /* Functions to decode object data */
31 | int OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode(void *ctx, OSSL_CORE_BIO *in,
32 | int selection,
33 | OSSL_CALLBACK *data_cb, void *data_cbarg,
34 | OSSL_PASSPHRASE_CALLBACK *cb, void *cbarg);
35 |
36 | /* Functions to export a decoded object */
37 | void *OSSL_FUNC_decoder_export_object(void *ctx,
38 | const void *objref, size_t objref_sz,
39 | OSSL_CALLBACK *export_cb,
40 | void *export_cbarg);
41 |
42 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
43 |
44 | I<The term "decode" is used throughout this manual. This includes but is
45 | not limited to deserialization as individual decoders can also do
46 | decoding into intermediate data formats.>
47 |
48 | The DECODER operation is a generic method to create a provider-native
49 | object reference or intermediate decoded data from an encoded form
50 | read from the given B<OSSL_CORE_BIO>. If the caller wants to decode
51 | data from memory, it should provide a L<BIO_s_mem(3)> B<BIO>. The decoded
52 | data or object reference is passed along with eventual metadata
53 | to the I<metadata_cb> as L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> parameters.
54 |
55 | The decoder doesn't need to know more about the B<OSSL_CORE_BIO>
56 | pointer than being able to pass it to the appropriate BIO upcalls (see
57 | L<provider-base(7)/Core functions>).
58 |
59 | The DECODER implementation may be part of a chain, where data is
60 | passed from one to the next. For example, there may be an
61 | implementation to decode an object from PEM to DER, and another one
62 | that decodes DER to a provider-native object.
63 |
64 | The last decoding step in the decoding chain is usually supposed to create
65 | a provider-native object referenced by an object reference. To import
66 | that object into a different provider the OSSL_FUNC_decoder_export_object()
67 | can be called as the final step of the decoding process.
68 |
69 | All "functions" mentioned here are passed as function pointers between
70 | F<libcrypto> and the provider in L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> arrays via
71 | L<OSSL_ALGORITHM(3)> arrays that are returned by the provider's
72 | provider_query_operation() function
73 | (see L<provider-base(7)/Provider Functions>).
74 |
75 | All these "functions" have a corresponding function type definition
76 | named B<OSSL_FUNC_{name}_fn>, and a helper function to retrieve the
77 | function pointer from an L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> element named
78 | B<OSSL_FUNC_{name}>.
79 | For example, the "function" OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode() has these:
80 |
81 | typedef int
82 | (OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode_fn)(void *ctx, OSSL_CORE_BIO *in,
83 | int selection,
84 | OSSL_CALLBACK *data_cb, void *data_cbarg,
85 | OSSL_PASSPHRASE_CALLBACK *cb, void *cbarg);
86 | static ossl_inline OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode_fn
87 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf);
88 |
89 | L<OSSL_DISPATCH(3)> arrays are indexed by numbers that are provided as
90 | macros in L<openssl-core_dispatch.h(7)>, as follows:
91 |
94 |
97 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_DECODER_SET_CTX_PARAMS
98 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_settable_ctx_params OSSL_FUNC_DECODER_SETTABLE_CTX_PARAMS
99 |
101 |
103 |
105 |
106 | =head2 Names and properties
107 |
108 | The name of an implementation should match the target type of object
109 | it decodes. For example, an implementation that decodes an RSA key
110 | should be named "RSA". Likewise, an implementation that decodes DER data
111 | from PEM input should be named "DER".
112 |
113 | Properties can be used to further specify details about an implementation:
114 |
115 | =over 4
116 |
117 | =item input
118 |
119 | This property is used to specify what format of input the implementation
120 | can decode.
121 |
122 | This property is I<mandatory>.
123 |
124 | OpenSSL providers recognize the following input types:
125 |
126 | =over 4
127 |
128 | =item pem
129 |
130 | An implementation with that input type decodes PEM formatted data.
131 |
132 | =item der
133 |
134 | An implementation with that input type decodes DER formatted data.
135 |
136 | =item msblob
137 |
138 | An implementation with that input type decodes MSBLOB formatted data.
139 |
140 | =item pvk
141 |
142 | An implementation with that input type decodes PVK formatted data.
143 |
144 | =back
145 |
146 | =item structure
147 |
148 | This property is used to specify the structure that the decoded data is
149 | expected to have.
150 |
151 | This property is I<optional>.
152 |
153 | Structures currently recognised by built-in decoders:
154 |
155 | =over 4
156 |
157 | =item "type-specific"
158 |
159 | Type specific structure.
160 |
161 | =item "pkcs8"
162 |
163 | Structure according to the PKCS#8 specification.
164 |
165 | =item "SubjectPublicKeyInfo"
166 |
167 | Encoding of public keys according to the Subject Public Key Info of RFC 5280.
168 |
169 | =back
170 |
171 | =back
172 |
173 | The possible values of both these properties is open ended. A provider may
174 | very well specify input types and structures that libcrypto doesn't know
175 | anything about.
176 |
177 | =head2 Subset selections
178 |
179 | Sometimes, an object has more than one subset of data that is interesting to
180 | treat separately or together. It's possible to specify what subsets are to
181 | be decoded, with a set of bits I<selection> that are passed in an B<int>.
182 |
183 | This set of bits depend entirely on what kind of provider-side object is
184 | to be decoded. For example, those bits are assumed to be the same as those
185 | used with L<provider-keymgmt(7)> (see L<provider-keymgmt(7)/Key Objects>) when
186 | the object is an asymmetric keypair - e.g., B<OSSL_KEYMGMT_SELECT_PRIVATE_KEY>
187 | if the object to be decoded is supposed to contain private key components.
188 |
189 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_does_selection() should tell if a particular implementation
190 | supports any of the combinations given by I<selection>.
191 |
192 | =head2 Context functions
193 |
194 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_newctx() returns a context to be used with the rest of
195 | the functions.
196 |
197 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_freectx() frees the given I<ctx> as created by
198 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_newctx().
199 |
200 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params() sets context data according to parameters
201 | from I<params> that it recognises. Unrecognised parameters should be
202 | ignored.
203 | Passing NULL for I<params> should return true.
204 |
205 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_settable_ctx_params() returns a constant L<OSSL_PARAM(3)>
206 | array describing the parameters that OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params()
207 | can handle.
208 |
209 | See L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> for further details on the parameters structure used by
210 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params() and OSSL_FUNC_decoder_settable_ctx_params().
211 |
212 | =head2 Export function
213 |
214 | When a provider-native object is created by a decoder it would be unsuitable
215 | for direct use with a foreign provider. The export function allows for
216 | exporting the object into that foreign provider if the foreign provider
217 | supports the type of the object and provides an import function.
218 |
219 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_export_object() should export the object of size I<objref_sz>
220 | referenced by I<objref> as an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array and pass that into the
221 | I<export_cb> as well as the given I<export_cbarg>.
222 |
223 | =head2 Decoding functions
224 |
225 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode() should decode the data as read from
226 | the B<OSSL_CORE_BIO> I<in> to produce decoded data or an object to be
227 | passed as reference in an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array along with possible other
228 | metadata that was decoded from the input. This L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array is
229 | then passed to the I<data_cb> callback. The I<selection> bits,
230 | if relevant, should determine what the input data should contain.
231 | The decoding functions also take an L<OSSL_PASSPHRASE_CALLBACK(3)> function
232 | pointer along with a pointer to application data I<cbarg>, which should be
233 | used when a pass phrase prompt is needed.
234 |
235 | It's important to understand that the return value from this function is
236 | interpreted as follows:
237 |
238 | =over 4
239 |
240 | =item True (1)
241 |
242 | This means "carry on the decoding process", and is meaningful even though
243 | this function couldn't decode the input into anything, because there may be
244 | another decoder implementation that can decode it into something.
245 |
246 | The I<data_cb> callback should never be called when this function can't
247 | decode the input into anything.
248 |
249 | =item False (0)
250 |
251 | This means "stop the decoding process", and is meaningful when the input
252 | could be decoded into some sort of object that this function understands,
253 | but further treatment of that object results into errors that won't be
254 | possible for some other decoder implementation to get a different result.
255 |
256 | =back
257 |
258 | The conditions to stop the decoding process are at the discretion of the
259 | implementation.
260 |
261 | =head2 Decoder operation parameters
262 |
263 | There are currently no operation parameters currently recognised by the
264 | built-in decoders.
265 |
266 | Parameters currently recognised by the built-in pass phrase callback:
267 |
268 | =over 4
269 |
270 | =item "info" (B<OSSL_PASSPHRASE_PARAM_INFO>) <UTF8 string>
271 |
272 | A string of information that will become part of the pass phrase
273 | prompt. This could be used to give the user information on what kind
274 | of object it's being prompted for.
275 |
276 | =back
277 |
278 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
279 |
280 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_newctx() returns a pointer to a context, or NULL on
281 | failure.
282 |
283 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_set_ctx_params() returns 1, unless a recognised
284 | parameter was invalid or caused an error, for which 0 is returned.
285 |
286 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_settable_ctx_params() returns a pointer to an array of
287 | constant L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> elements.
288 |
289 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_does_selection() returns 1 if the decoder implementation
290 | supports any of the I<selection> bits, otherwise 0.
291 |
292 | OSSL_FUNC_decoder_decode() returns 1 to signal that the decoding process
293 | should continue, or 0 to signal that it should stop.
294 |
295 | =head1 SEE ALSO
296 |
297 | L<provider(7)>
298 |
299 | =head1 HISTORY
300 |
301 | The DECODER interface was introduced in OpenSSL 3.0.
302 |
303 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
304 |
305 | Copyright 2019-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
306 |
307 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
308 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
309 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
310 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
311 |
312 | =cut