1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
7 | OSSL_DECODER_settable_ctx_params,
8 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_params,
10 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_selection,
11 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_type,
12 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_structure,
13 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_decoder,
14 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_extra,
15 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_num_decoders,
19 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct,
20 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct_data,
21 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_cleanup,
22 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct,
23 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct_data,
24 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_cleanup,
25 | OSSL_DECODER_export,
26 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder,
27 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder_ctx,
28 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_type,
29 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_structure
30 | - Decoder context routines
31 |
32 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
33 |
34 | #include <openssl/decoder.h>
35 |
36 | typedef struct ossl_decoder_ctx_st OSSL_DECODER_CTX;
37 |
39 | const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_DECODER_settable_ctx_params(OSSL_DECODER *decoder);
40 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_params(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
41 | const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
43 |
44 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_selection(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx, int selection);
45 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_type(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
46 | const char *input_type);
47 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_structure(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
48 | const char *input_structure);
49 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_decoder(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx, OSSL_DECODER *decoder);
50 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_extra(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
51 | OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx,
52 | const char *propq);
53 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_num_decoders(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx);
54 |
55 | typedef struct ossl_decoder_instance_st OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE;
57 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder(OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE *decoder_inst);
58 | void *
59 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder_ctx(OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE *decoder_inst);
60 | const char *
61 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_type(OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE *decoder_inst);
62 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_structure(OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE *decoder_inst,
63 | int *was_set);
64 |
66 | const OSSL_PARAM *object,
67 | void *construct_data);
68 | typedef void OSSL_DECODER_CLEANUP(void *construct_data);
69 |
70 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
71 | OSSL_DECODER_CONSTRUCT *construct);
72 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct_data(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
73 | void *construct_data);
74 | int OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_cleanup(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx,
75 | OSSL_DECODER_CLEANUP *cleanup);
77 | void *OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct_data(OSSL_DECODER_CTX *ctx);
79 |
80 | int OSSL_DECODER_export(OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE *decoder_inst,
81 | void *reference, size_t reference_sz,
82 | OSSL_CALLBACK *export_cb, void *export_cbarg);
83 |
84 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
85 |
86 | The B<OSSL_DECODER_CTX> holds data about multiple decoders, as needed to
87 | figure out what the input data is and to attempt to unpack it into one of
88 | several possible related results. This also includes chaining decoders, so
89 | the output from one can become the input for another. This allows having
90 | generic format decoders such as PEM to DER, as well as more specialized
91 | decoders like DER to RSA.
92 |
93 | The chains may be limited by specifying an input type, which is considered a
94 | starting point. This is both considered by OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_extra(),
95 | which will stop adding one more decoder implementations when it has already
96 | added those that take the specified input type, and functions like
97 | L<OSSL_DECODER_from_bio(3)>, which will only start the decoding process with
98 | the decoder implementations that take that input type. For example, if the
99 | input type is set to C<DER>, a PEM to DER decoder will be ignored.
100 |
101 | The input type can also be NULL, which means that the caller doesn't know
102 | what type of input they have. In this case, OSSL_DECODER_from_bio() will
103 | simply try with one decoder implementation after the other, and thereby
104 | discover what kind of input the caller gave it.
105 |
106 | For every decoding done, even an intermediary one, a constructor provided by
107 | the caller is called to attempt to construct an appropriate type / structure
108 | that the caller knows how to handle from the current decoding result.
109 | The constructor is set with OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct().
110 |
111 | B<OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE> is an opaque structure that contains data about the
112 | decoder that was just used, and that may be useful for the constructor.
113 | There are some functions to extract data from this type, described further
114 | down.
115 |
116 | =head2 Functions
117 |
118 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new() creates a new empty B<OSSL_DECODER_CTX>.
119 |
120 | OSSL_DECODER_settable_ctx_params() returns an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array of
121 | parameter descriptors.
122 |
123 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_params() attempts to set parameters specified with an
124 | L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array I<params>. These parameters are passed to all
125 | decoders that have been added to the I<ctx> so far. Parameters that an
126 | implementation doesn't recognise should be ignored by it.
127 |
128 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_free() frees the given context I<ctx>.
129 |
130 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_decoder() populates the B<OSSL_DECODER_CTX> I<ctx> with
131 | a decoder, to be used to attempt to decode some encoded input.
132 |
133 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_extra() finds decoders that generate input for already
134 | added decoders, and adds them as well. This is used to build decoder
135 | chains.
136 |
137 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_type() sets the starting input type. This limits
138 | the decoder chains to be considered, as explained in the general description
139 | above.
140 |
141 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_input_structure() sets the name of the structure that
142 | the input is expected to have. This may be used to determines what decoder
143 | implementations may be used. NULL is a valid input structure, when it's not
144 | relevant, or when the decoder implementations are expected to figure it out.
145 |
146 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_num_decoders() gets the number of decoders currently
147 | added to the context I<ctx>.
148 |
149 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct() sets the constructor I<construct>.
150 |
151 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct_data() sets the constructor data that is
152 | passed to the constructor every time it's called.
153 |
154 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_cleanup() sets the constructor data I<cleanup>
155 | function. This is called by L<OSSL_DECODER_CTX_free(3)>.
156 |
157 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct(), OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct_data() and
158 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_cleanup() return the values that have been set by
159 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct(), OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct_data() and
160 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_cleanup() respectively.
161 |
162 | OSSL_DECODER_export() is a fallback function for constructors that cannot
163 | use the data they get directly for diverse reasons. It takes the same
164 | decode instance I<decoder_inst> that the constructor got and an object
165 | I<reference>, unpacks the object which it refers to, and exports it by
166 | creating an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array that it then passes to I<export_cb>,
167 | along with I<export_arg>.
168 |
169 | =head2 Constructor
170 |
171 | A B<OSSL_DECODER_CONSTRUCT> gets the following arguments:
172 |
173 | =over 4
174 |
175 | =item I<decoder_inst>
176 |
177 | The B<OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE> for the decoder from which the constructor gets
178 | its data.
179 |
180 | =item I<object>
181 |
182 | A provider-native object abstraction produced by the decoder. Further
183 | information on the provider-native object abstraction can be found in
184 | L<provider-object(7)>.
185 |
186 | =item I<construct_data>
187 |
188 | The pointer that was set with OSSL_DECODE_CTX_set_construct_data().
189 |
190 | =back
191 |
192 | The constructor is expected to return 1 when the data it receives can be
193 | constructed, otherwise 0.
194 |
195 | These utility functions may be used by a constructor:
196 |
197 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder() can be used to get the decoder
198 | implementation from a decoder instance I<decoder_inst>.
199 |
200 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_decoder_ctx() can be used to get the decoder
201 | implementation's provider context from a decoder instance I<decoder_inst>.
202 |
203 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_type() can be used to get the decoder
204 | implementation's input type from a decoder instance I<decoder_inst>.
205 |
206 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_get_input_structure() can be used to get the input
207 | structure for the decoder implementation from a decoder instance
208 | I<decoder_inst>.
209 | This may be NULL.
210 |
211 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
212 |
213 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new() returns a pointer to a B<OSSL_DECODER_CTX>, or NULL
214 | if the context structure couldn't be allocated.
215 |
216 | OSSL_DECODER_settable_ctx_params() returns an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array, or
217 | NULL if none is available.
218 |
219 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_params() returns 1 if all recognised parameters were
220 | valid, or 0 if one of them was invalid or caused some other failure in the
221 | implementation.
222 |
223 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_decoder(), OSSL_DECODER_CTX_add_extra(),
224 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct(), OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_construct_data() and
225 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_cleanup() return 1 on success, or 0 on failure.
226 |
227 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct(), OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_construct_data() and
228 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_get_cleanup() return the current pointers to the
229 | constructor, the constructor data and the cleanup functions, respectively.
230 |
231 | OSSL_DECODER_CTX_num_decoders() returns the current number of decoders. It
232 | returns 0 if I<ctx> is NULL.
233 |
234 | OSSL_DECODER_export() returns 1 on success, or 0 on failure.
235 |
236 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_decoder() returns an B<OSSL_DECODER> pointer on
237 | success, or NULL on failure.
238 |
239 | OSSL_DECODER_INSTANCE_decoder_ctx() returns a provider context pointer on
240 | success, or NULL on failure.
241 |
242 | =head1 SEE ALSO
243 |
244 | L<provider(7)>, L<OSSL_DECODER(3)>, L<OSSL_DECODER_from_bio(3)>
245 |
246 | =head1 HISTORY
247 |
248 | The functions described here were added in OpenSSL 3.0.
249 |
250 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
251 |
252 | Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
253 |
254 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
255 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
256 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
257 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
258 |
259 | =cut